• Published 22nd Dec 2021
  • 4,773 Views, 117 Comments

Equestria Girls: Plus Ultra!!! - TriforceAndroid

Izuku Midoriya, aka Deku, finds himself in Camp Everfree and starts a series of adventures where he shows his heroic nature by being hero physically and emotionally.

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Chapter 8: Scars of the Past

The first day of school had gone by quite smoothly for Izuku. He nailed it in math class; he was very understanding when it came to history class; he even showed that he was pretty good at science. However, there was only one thing that he didn’t like: Everyone kept glancing at his scarred arm.

I wonder how the girls will react to how I got my scars, he wondered. I just hope that they don’t yell at me for being so reckless. On the one hand, I did save Kota. On the other hand, I nearly died and gave mom a heart attack.

“Hey, Izuku,” said a voice. The boy looked down and saw a familiar purple puppy looking up at him with concern. “Are you okay? You look a little nervous.”

“Oh, hi Spike,” said Izuku, kneeling down to pet him with a smile. “I’m okay. There’s just something I need to talk to the girls about later.”

Spike smiled at him. “Well, I’d like to hear it, too. What’s it all about?”

Izuku glanced at his arm once again. “It’s about how I got this scar on my arm.”

Spike looked at it and touched it with his paw. “Whoa,” he said. “Why do you feel like you need to talk about it?”

Izuku glanced at him before answering. “Because I think they might be able to help me. The thing is… the scar on my arm was because of me being reckless during a fight with a villain.” He glanced at it shamefully. “I was so desperate to save someone that I… Well, you’ll see what I mean later.”

Spike glanced at him with a concerned expression. “Well, okay then,” he said. “So, when do you plan to tell them?”

“I was gonna wait till after school,” Izuku answered. “Where do they usually meet up?”

“You’ll be able to meet up with them at Sugarcube Corner,” Spike answered. “I hope you like ice cream!”


Izuku was smiling widely as he was enjoying a vanilla ice cream sundae. The Rainbooms couldn’t help but giggle at his big smile. To them, it was the most adorable thing they had ever seen him do.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying the sundae, Izuku,” said Pinkie Pie with her usual cheerful grin.

“Yeah,” said the green-haired boy with a smile. “I haven’t had a sundae in a long time.”

“Okay, as adorable as you look right now with ice cream on your cheeks, we still wanna hear what you wanted to talk to us about,” said Rainbow.

“Rainbow, don’t be rude,” said Rarity as she gently wiped the ice cream off of Izuku’s face. “We should let him be ready to tell us.”

“I-it’s okay, Rarity,” said Izuku as he shook away the blush that had formed from Rarity’s sweet gesture. “I think I’m ready to talk to you all about this.” He pointed to his scarred arm.

Fluttershy stared at it with concern in her soft aquamarine eyes. “How did this happen?” She asked nervously.

Izuku took a deep breath. “Well, first of all, I should explain a little bit about myself,” he began. “I’m not from around here. I’m from…”

“Another world where a lot of people have very special super powers. Some of them become heroes while others become villains. You’re a hero in training, trying to fully master a power that you received,” Pinkie Pie said suddenly.

Izuku stared in shock with his jaw dropped. “How did you…?”

“Just a hunch,” said Pinkie with a cute squee.

Sunset giggled and closed the boy’s jaw while rolling her eyes. “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “That’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.”

“Well… um… okay, then,” said Izuku. “That makes things a little easier for me.”

“Wait,” said Twilight curiously. “You’re actually from another world?” Izuku gave her a nod in response. “Wow! What’s your world like? I want to hear details!!” She suddenly got close to his face with an eager smile.

Izuku blushed heavily. “Um… T-twilight?” He said. “A little too close.” Twilight saw how red his face was and backed away, embarrassed. Izuku smiled and patted her head before speaking again. “In my world, 80% of all humans have a unique power known as a Quirk. A Quirk can be something like making explosions in your hands, hardening your skin, making objects you touch float, and other things. They are so common in my world that Quirkless people are often frowned upon.” His smile vanished. “I was among the 20% who were Quirkless.”

“Seriously?” Rainbow asked incredulously. “Then how come you’re so powerful?”

“I was given a Quirk by the #1 Pro Hero at the time,” Izuku answered. “His name was All Might. He was very powerful and amazing, defeating villains and saving people with a smile on his face. Even when things got scary, he still managed to smile." He gave the girls yet another bright smile. "Ever since I saw his debut video as a child, I decided that I wanted to be like him. Saving people with a smile."

Applejack smiled at him. "Well, well, that's a big heart you've got there, sugar cube," she said. "I can already tell that you'll be an amazing hero!"

Izuku smiled at the farmer and smiled. "Thank you, Applejack," he said. "With my Quirk, I have super strength and these back tendrils that I can use to pick stuff up from a distance." Then his smile disappeared. "I wish I was able to use those tendrils before I got the scar on my arm. That night is still fresh on my mind." He soon began to explain one of the most intense fights he had ever been in.


Midoriya found himself face-to-face with a scary villain. He was very large with light blonde hair and an artificial eye. But the scariest part of him was the look in his eye that said, "I want to kill!"

Behind him was a small boy with a red hat. This was Kota, a boy who hated Quirks ever since his parents (who were heroes) were killed. The poor boy was terrified.

Midoriya couldn't blame him though. The villain in front of him looked like a monster. What could Midoriya do? He had no way to contact the Pro Heroes for backup now that his phone was broken. Could he save Kota?

He quickly shook away the negative thoughts. No! He couldn't think about whether or not he could! He KNEW that he had to save Kota. So, he called upon the power of One For All, his body covered with green electricity.

"It's okay, Kota," he said reassuringly. "I will save you!"

The villain whose name was Muscular scoffed. "You'll definitely save him, huh?" He said while laughing. "That sounds just like something someone who wants to be a hero would say. Your kind show up everywhere, talking about justice."

Midoriya took a fighting stance as his body glowed.

Muscular continued speaking: "You're the one called Midoriya, right? This is perfect. We were told to take the initiative and kill you." He took off his cloak and revealed powerful muscles bulging through his skin. "I'll make sure to torment you thoroughly, so show me your blood!"

Suddenly, Muscular jumped at Midoriya. Midoriya raised his arm up to block the attack. But as Muscular's attack hit, Midoriya felt pain coursing through his arm as he heard a sickening crunch. He felt himself being flung into a rock wall. His arm was broken!

"Let's play," said Muscular sadistically before giving Midoriya a powerful kick to the stomach.

Midoriya crashed once more and hit the ground. He felt blood trickling down his forehead as he heard Muscular laugh.

"Blood," said the villain. "This is what I wanted to see! This is fun! What'd you say earlier? That you'd definitely save him? Why are you running away?" He started to walk over to Midoriya, who struggled to get up. "You're so weird!"

'That muscle quirk is so fast,' thought Midoriya as he slowly got up. 'So strong! I need to focus on the enemy.'

He quickly charged at his opponent with his fist raised.


Unfortunately, his attack was blocked by Muscular's arm.

"What?" Scoffed Muscular. "That's your Quirk? You're pretty fast, but not nearly strong enough!"

He then shoved the green-haired boy aside as he continued: "My Quirk lets me power-up my muscles! I increase my speed and strength by increasing the amount of muscle fibers so much they can't be contained by my skin! What am I saying? I'm bragging! In other words, you are a completely inferior version of me!"

He attacked again! Midoriya jumped back to avoid the attack. But it was so powerful that rocks were sent flying as one crashed into him!

"Do you understand how I feel?" Asked Muscular as he was next to him in the air. "I can't help but laugh!"

He slammed his fist into the boy's face, causing him to crash.

"You'll definitely save him?" Scoffed Muscular. "How will you do that? Don't just spout up lip service you can't actually pull off! Be honest with yourself!"

He was about to slam his fist on the injured boy when a small rock hit the back of his head. He turned around and saw that Kota had thrown the rock at him with tears in his eyes."

"Water Hose," Kota said tearfully. "Papa… Mama… Did you torment them, too, before you killed them?"

Midoriya glanced at Kota with a shocked expression.

"Huh?" Asked Muscular. "Seriously? Your parents were heroes too? This must be fate! Water Hose… It's thanks to them that my left eye is an artificial eye now."

"It's your fault," cried Kota with angry tears. "It's because of guys like you… that it always, always turns out like this!"

"Kids are always shifting blame like that," said Muscular, causing Kota to glance up in surprise. "That's no good. It's not like I have a grudge about this eye or anything, you know. I just wanted to kill. And those two wanted to stop me. It was the result of all of us doing what we wanted. What's wrong is wanting to do something you are unable to do. Just like your parents!"

He raised his arm up with a murderous look in his eyes, ready to kill Kota. Without hesitation, Midoriya jumped at the villain, ready to save Kota.

Muscular glanced behind him and turned around to face the hero. "Which means you're coming now, aren't you, you piece of trash!"

Midoriya charged at the villain with an angry expression. "You're the one who's wrong!" He shouted as he stuck his broken arm in between Muscular's muscle fibers. "I got you! Now it doesn't matter how fast you are!"

"And then what?" Asked Muscular challengingly. "You gonna punch me with that weak arm of yours?"

"It's not a matter of whether or not I can do it!" Midoriya yelled as he raised his arm up. "A hero's job is to risk his life to make the lip service a reality!"

"One For All 100%! Smash….!"

He punched the monster villain so hard that debris flew all around them! Unfortunately, Kota was flung back by the blast. Luckily, Midoriya was quick enough to grab the boy by the shirt with his teeth.

"Sorry for blowing you away too," he said. He then pulled him onto the ledge.

As Midoriya stood up, Kota turned around to thank him. But then he gasped at the sight of the hero who risked his life. Midoriya's left arm was dangling, broken. His right arm looked like it came out of an oven with a scar on his hand. And half of his shirt was torn up.

"Let's get back to camp," said Midoriya. "It's not far from here…"

He was cut off by the sound of rumbling. He turned around and felt his heart sink at dreadful sight: Muscular was covered in muscle fibers and getting back up!

'No way,' he thought. 'It can't be. I was at 100%! It was the same as All Night's power!'

"That punch was too obvious," said Muscular. "But that wasn't bad, Midoriya!"

"G-get back," said Midoriya.

"Naw, I feel like attacking now, all of a sudden," replied Muscular as he walked towards them.

'It's no good,' thought Midoriya. 'What should I do? Think! I need time to think!'

"What are you trying to do?" He asked, trying to buy some time to think. "What's the League if Villains after?"

"How should I know?" Answered Muscular. "I just want to fight! As long as I can stretch my wings and unleash my Quirk, I don't care."

He started to bulge his muscles as he got closer! "Do you remember? Up until just now, we were just playing. I said so, didn't I? 'Let's play'? Right? I said! But I'm done. Playtime's over! 'Cause you're pretty strong. Now I'm gonna take you seriously!"

He replaced his fake eye with another one and attacked.

"Kota, grab on, quickly!" Cried Midoriya.

Kota jumped onto Midoriya's back. Midoriya jumped out of the way just in time!

'It doesn't even compare to earlier,' Midoriya thought. 'His speed and his power… He was just playing! He was really just toying with me as he tried to kill me!'

Muscular jumped into the air and tried to hit them. Luckily, Midoriya dodged out of the way and caused the villain's arm to get stuck!

"Awe, I got too excited," said Muscular as he tried to free himself.

Midoriya and Kota crash landed. As he struggled to get up, he began to have an inner conflict. Could he really beat this monster who was thirsty for blood? He decided that he had no choice but to fight.

'Remember where you came from,' he thought. 'Focus on saving Kota.'

He stood straight up as he spoke to Kota. "Stay back, Kota," he said. "Then, when it hits, run as fast as you can back to camp."

"'When it hits'?" Asked Kota with disbelief. "Don't tell me you're… It won't work! Let's run! Your attack didn't work earlier! Besides, both of your arms are broken!"

"It's okay," said Midoriya as he called upon the power of One For All once again, focusing the power into his right arm.

"One For All, 100%"

Muscular rushed towards the hero shouting one word: "Midoriya!"

"Detroit… Smash!"

Midoriya's powered up arm collided with moving muscle fibers. He stood his ground and pushed as hard as he could, refusing to let the blood-thirsty monster get past him!

"Ow," said Muscular. "What's wrong? That was weaker than before!"

Midoriya felt tears form in his eyes and blood coming out of his arm as scars started to form, but he pushed on. "It's fine… it's fine!" He yelled. "I will not let him past me! So run! RUN!!!"

Muscular had a sadistic look in his eye. "This kid," he yelled in excitement. "Oh, man! You're the best!"

He pushed Midoriya down into the ground a little. Midoriya held his ground and kept pushing despite the pain he was in.

"SHUT UP…..!" He yelled.

Kota watched with tears in his eyes, not understanding why this boy was trying to protect him.

Muscular now bulged his leg muscles and pushed even harder! "Show me YOUR BLOOD!"

Midoriya was now pinned to the ground, struggling as hard as he could. He was losing the fight! Even All Might's words didn't do any good for him!

I'm sorry, mom,' he thought tearfully. 'I'm so sorry All Might!'

"I'M GONNA CRUSH YOU!!!" Yelled Muscular as he pinned the green-haired hero down.

Midoriya slowly started to slip into unconsciousness as the energy around him vanished.


A splash of water hit Muscular, causing him to stop.

"What the? Is that water?" He asked in disbelief.

Midoriya slowly opened his eyes as he heard Kota's voice shouting at the villain: "STOP IT!!!!"

The hero felt his energy returning.

"Hold on there, 'kay?" Said Muscular. "I'll kill you after I'm done with…"

He was cut off by Midoriya pushing his fist against. Harder and harder, Midoriya pushed against the villain.

"I won't let you hurt Kota!" He shouted.


"YOU WON'T LAY A HAND ON HIM!!!" Midoriya yelled boldly as One For All coursed through his body.


Midoriya delivered one final punch! It was so powerful that it tore through all the muscle fibers and didn't stop until it hit the villain in the face! Muscular crashed into the rock wall and stopped moving.

It was finally over! Despite all the pain he felt, Midoriya let out a triumphant scream! He had done it! He won!!!

Flashback end…

The Rainbooms stared at their friend in awe. They were all very impressed at the fact that he managed to save a little boy from a villain. On the other hand, they all felt like crying as they realized that he had almost died. Twilight approached him and placed a hand on his scar.

"Does it… still hurt?" She asked with concern.

Izuku shook his head. "No," he said. "But I can't get that fight out of my head. It helped me realize that I needed to get even stronger."

Suddenly, Fluttershy hugged him tightly with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Izuku, please try not to do something like that," she said. "You mean so much to us. If you die, we would all be devastated."

Izuku slowly hugged back and nodded. "I'll try my best," he said. Soon, the rest of the girls joined the hug, making the green-haired boy determined to be a hero that they wouldn't have to worry about.