• Published 22nd Dec 2021
  • 4,804 Views, 117 Comments

Equestria Girls: Plus Ultra!!! - TriforceAndroid

Izuku Midoriya, aka Deku, finds himself in Camp Everfree and starts a series of adventures where he shows his heroic nature by being hero physically and emotionally.

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Chapter 11: Dance Magic Part 2

Author's Note:

Well, guys, here it is! My version of Dance Magic part 2. I'm a little nervous because I feel as if I could've done better. Let me know what you think of this one.

"Is everyone ready?" Asked Izuku as he held the camera on a stand. He, the Rainbooms, and Photo Finish were now in the gym. He blushed at how elegant and lovely the Rainbooms looked in their new outfits.

Sunset wore a long red-and-gold dress with red-and-gold high heels. Her hair was tied in a ponytail with a purple flower tucked into it.

Twilight's outfit was mostly golden with a purple skirt bottom. On her waist was a pink star, and on her feet were a pair of gold high heels. Just like Sunset, her hair was tied in a ponytail. Instead of her normal glasses, she now wore purple shades.

Applejack's outfit certainly matched her farmer appearance: a jean skirt, a white shirt underneath a vest, cowgirl boots on her feet, and a stetson on her head with an apple jewel.

Fluttershy wore a purple shirt with a butterfly design, a jean shirt and pants put together, a gray-and-pink tutu, and green straps over ballet slippers. She had the appearance of a lovely ballerina.

Rainbow's outfit made her look like a hip hop dancer from the 80s. She wore a dark blue sweater with three stripes of red, yellow, and blue. She also wore puffy pink pants, blue sneakers with lightning bolts, a golden necklace, and a pink hat.

Finally, Pinkie wore a yellow dress with a feather boa, blue pants, and pink high heel shoes. Around her waist was a bow. To really top off her adorableness, she wore her usual big smile.

Rarity noticed his blushing face and giggled. "It looks like the outfits that I made for my friends have won you over," she said. "What do you think of them?"

"Th-they look really n-nice," Izuku answered.

"I'm glad you approve of them," said Rarity. She then turned her attention to the girls and started to give them instructions for their dancing. Izuku held the camera as best he could, making sure to not rock it.


The next day, Izuku was getting ready to shoot for the music video when he noticed Rarity looking rather traumatized. Feeling concern, he approached the fashionista. As soon as he got close enough, he saw that there were tear stains on her cheeks. Quickly, he knelt down next to her.

“Rarity, what’s wrong?” He asked.

Rarity glanced up at the young hero with a very sad face. “The Shadowbolts,” she cried. “They… they stole my idea! They’re using my idea for the music video to make their own.”

Izuku looked shocked by this revelation. “Why?” He asked.

“I don’t know,” she answered. “I was too shocked to ask them.”

Izuku placed a hand on his chin and began his deep thought muttering: “Let’s see here. Last time I heard from the Shadowbolts, they needed to raise some money for a dance on a yacht. That must be their motive. Spike did mention that they were very mean, but they were more friendly when I met them. Could it be that they need some help in being better people? I know that some habits are hard to break.” He glanced at Rarity. “Rarity, have you tried talking to them?”

Rarity shook her head. “No,” she answered. “I’m not sure if they would listen.”

Izuku stood up and helped her up. “Well, why not give it a try? I’ll be with you the whole time.” He smiled at her gently.

Rarity sniffed and wiped away her tears. “Okay, darling,” she said. “You haven’t let me down before. I trust you.”

Izuku smiled and nodded. “So, where is Crystal Prep?”


The hero and the fashionista stood in front of a school whose structure made it look like it was made of crystals. Izuku had never seen a building like it before. He was impressed by the design.

"The building looks very nice," he said.

"It may look nice," said Rarity. "But for a long time, the inside was quite toxic. You can ask Twilight about it later."

Izuku shrugged. "Okay, then," he said. Soon they stepped inside. Izuku was impressed by the interior. "Can't deny that it looks nice here."

"Izuku, I need you to focus," she said. "This is no time for admiration, darling."

"Right, sorry," he said. Just then, he heard a new voice.

"Oh, hello," said the voice. "I recognize you, Rarity."

They looked up and saw a very lovely lady with pink skin, purple eyes, and curled up hair with purple, pink, and gold stripes. She wore a dark blue overcoat over a light blue shirt, golden high heels, and an aquamarine skirt. She looked to be very kind.

Rarity smiled at the lady. “Oh, hello, Dean Cadence,” she said before correcting herself. “I mean, Principal Cadence. I don’t mean to intrude. Izuku and I are just looking for some friends of ours here.”

Cadence took a look at Izuku before smiling warmly and placing a hand on his cheek. “So you’re Izuku Midoriya?” She asked. “Hmm. Twilight was right. You are very adorable.”

Izuku blushed at her compliment. Before he could say anything, Cadence giggled and ruffled his hair. “Twilight has told me and Shining all about you,” she said. She pulled him into a hug. “Thank you for helping her out.”

There was something very calm and relaxing about the way she was hugging him. It was like… the hug of a mother. Izukue felt tears forming in his eyes at the thought of his own mother. He shook away his tears and allowed Cadence to hold him for a while.

Soon, Cadence broke the hug and smiled at them. “So, which students are you looking for?” She asked.

“We’re looking for Sour Sweet and the others,” answered Rarity.

Cadence tilted her head. “Maybe try the music room,” she said. She pointed down the hall. “It’s the fifth door on the right.”

Rarity nodded and walked off, dragging Izuku with her. As they walked, Izuku noticed all of the students looking at him and whispering to each other.

“Whoa, isn’t that Rarity from Canterlot High?”

“Yeah, but why is she here?”

“I hope she doesn’t intend to sabotage the music video.”

“Yeah. I don’t want to have our dance in the boring old gym!”

Izuku felt as if there was more going on among the Shadowbolts than he and Rarity realized. That dance must mean a lot to them, he thought. Hmm… maybe we can all work together. That way everyone can be happy.

Before he could think any further, he heard the female students talking. Their comments made him feel flustered.

“Oh, my gosh! Look at that boy with her!”

“He looks a bit… plain.”

“Hey, he doesn’t look plain to me! He looks really cute!”

“His hair looks so soft and shaggy! I’d like to touch it!”

“Do you see those freckles on his face? So cute!”

He covered his face while blushing heavily. It didn’t help much as he heard all the girls giggling at him. Rarity noticed his flustered state and smiled sweetly. She wrapped an arm around him and held him in a soothing embrace.

“No need to be so flustered, darling,” she said kindly. “They’re simply speaking the truth.” She giggled as Izuku peeked at her. “There you go.”

Suddenly, they heard music coming from down the hallway. They followed it and saw that it was coming from a room with a door decorated by musical notes. The music room!

Izuku opened the door and saw the Shadowbolts that he had met the other day: Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, and Lemon Zest. He blushed at the sight of their dance outfits. But he shook his blush away and regained his focus. He glanced at Rarity who looked like she was ready to explode with anger. He patted her shoulder and whispered to her.

“Calm down,” he said gently. “Just let me do the talking, okay?”

Rarity quietly sighed and nodded. “Okay, darling,” she said. “I trust you.”

Izuku smiled at her and approached the Shadowbolts. “Good afternoon,” he said politely.

The girls stopped dancing. “Hey, what’s the big i-?” Sour Sweet stopped as she saw Izuku looking at them with a polite smile. “Oh, it’s you,” she said while blushing. “What can we do for you?”

Izuku nodded at them before speaking: “I understand that you girls are using Rarity’s ideas for your music video. Could you explain why?”

“Why should we tell you anything?” Asked Lemon Zest with a small scowl.

Sunny lightly bopped the back of her head. “Zesty, don’t be rude,” she said. She turned to Izuku and spoke in a polite voice, “Why should we tell you?”

Izuku glanced at Rarity and took a deep breath. “Rarity and the Rainbooms need to make their video so that way they can raise money for Camp Everfree,” he explained.

Sour Sweet stepped towards him with a frown. “What do you hope to gain from us telling you?” She asked.

Izuku simply smiled and said, “I just want to make sure that everyone is satisfied and happy,” he replied. “I don’t think you’re trying to be mean. I think you have an understandable motive. So, please tell me.”

Lemon Zest approached the boy with a curious stare. “You attend Canterlot High School, right?” She asked. “Surely you’ve heard of how mean we were.” She saw the boy nod once before continuing. “Yet, you still want to help us. What kind of dude are you?”

“Just someone who wants to help people,” Izuku replied. He had a very kind and caring smile on his face, which made the Shadowbolts blush a bit.

Sugarcoat took a deep breath. “You know what?” She said, “You seem trustworthy. I suppose we can explain ourselves.” She glanced at the others and nodded. “You see, we really need the money for our school. We promised everyone that we’d have a dance on a yacht. They got excited and we started to think of ways to raise the money. We heard about the music video and decided to enter the contest. Unfortunately, we had no idea what to do for the video… until we bumped into Rarity.”

Izuku nodded in understanding. “So, you decided to use Rarity’s idea since you were eager to keep your promise,” he said. “You know, I think there’s a better way.” He glanced at Rarity, who had a confused expression. “I think the Shadowbolts and Rainbooms should work together. That way, you can split the money with each other.” he glanced at the Shadowbolts with a kind smile. “The reward money is more than double the amount that my friends need to fix Camp Everfree.”

“Camp Everfree?” Sunny Flare asked. “What happened to Camp Everfree?”

“It’s a long story,” said Izuku. “I think it’s best to explain that later.”

Sour Sweet had her eyes closed as she was deep in thought. Then, she glanced up at the green-haired boy with a soft expression. “We never really considered working with the Wonder Colts,” she admitted. “I guess… we still have some meanness in us. Do… Do you think that your friends will be willing to work with us?”

Before Izuku could answer, Rarity stepped forward with a small smile.”I for one wouldn’t mind working with you,” she said. “Izuku is such a kind soul, that he’s willing to help people. Even when they don’t want it.”

The Shadowbolts stared at the green-haired boy with newfound respect. “Well, then,” said Lemon Zest. “I agree to work with the Rainbooms! It might be fun!”

“I also agree to lend a hand,” said Sunny Flare while smiling at Izuku. “You’re a sweet boy, Izuku. I feel like I could learn some things from you.”

“The whole idea of working with you sounds so much better than stealing Rarity’s idea,” said Sugarcoat with a small smile. “Count me in!”

Sour Sweet was deep in thought at the moment. Then, she looked up as her purple eyes stared at Izuku’s emerald eyes. She could see the kindness and compassion in his gaze, which made her blush as her heart skipped a beat. A small smile formed on her face as she nodded.

“I’m in as well,” she said.

Izuku and Rarity smiled at the Shadowbolts and brought them together. With their heads put together (literally and metaphorically), they began to make a plan for their new music video.