• Published 22nd Dec 2021
  • 4,805 Views, 117 Comments

Equestria Girls: Plus Ultra!!! - TriforceAndroid

Izuku Midoriya, aka Deku, finds himself in Camp Everfree and starts a series of adventures where he shows his heroic nature by being hero physically and emotionally.

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Chapter 5: We've Got This

Author's Note:

Once again, this chapter wrote itself. I hope you enjoy this chapter. So, what happens here? Let's just say that... Our beloved cinnamon roll gets a whole lot of thanks from some of the girls he helped out! :raritywink:

Izuku and the Rainbooms looked around the camp and saw how much of a mess it was. Izuku saw that the dock had been destroyed. "Oh, dear," he muttered. "I'll have to give them a hand with that later. First, the camp!"

Timber ran to Gloriosa and hugged her tightly. "You okay, sis?" He asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Gloriosa said before looking around with guilt in her face. “I’m so sorry about what happened here. I shouldn’t have let power go to my head.” She hung her head in shame.

Timber simply responded by hugging her tightly. “Hey, don’t worry about it,” he said. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

Izuku smiled at the interaction between the two siblings before walking to them. “If it makes you feel any better,” he said. “Then I believe that you can still be a good person. You just need help from people who love and care about you.” He held his hand out to her. “If you want, I would like to help you in any way I can.”

Gloriosa saw him stretching out his hand to her. She stared at his hand for a moment, then she smiled and took it as he helped her stand up. “My word," she said. "Even when you're not fighting, you're still trying to be a hero. Thank you for helping me."

"Don't thank just me," said Izuku before gesturing to the Rainbooms. "Thank my friends as well!"

Gloriosa turned to the Rainbooms, who were smiling at her. "Thank you for freeing me," she said before a sad look formed on her face. "But, my camp is still in danger. How can we save it?"

"Don't worry," said Twilight.

"WE'VE got this," the Rainbooms said all together.

Izuku gave her a smile. "You don't have to worry," he said. "Why? Because WE are here!"

Gloriosa gave them a grateful smile as Izuku and the Rainbooms huddled together to form a plan. Meanwhile, a lot of the students came out from the cabin as they saw that everything had calmed down. The three girls that Izuku had saved were all staring at him while blushing.

"My goodness," whispered Octavia. "Did anyone see the way he saved us from getting hurt?"

Vinyl nodded while blushing deeply. The blue-skinned girl was blushing at first before a grin formed on her.

"He's very strong," she said. "The Great and Powerful Trixie should give him a sign of gratitude!"

Vinyl glanced at her and nodded with a grin while giving her a thumbs up. Octavia rolled her eyes.

"You just want to give him a thank you kiss, don't you?" She asked.

Trixie smirked and nodded. "Of course I do," she said. "Surely you two want to give him the same thing." She giggled slyly as Octavia and Vinyl blushed. "I thought so. Though, I can't blame you! From what I've heard, he's quite an adorable cinnamon roll!"

And so, the three girls decided to wait for the right time to give their hero a thank you gift.


"How are you doin' there, sugar cube?" Asked Applejack as she and Izuku worked together to move the boulders from in front of the cave.

"I'm doing all right, Applejack," said Izuku. "So, I see you and the others are wearing those geodes around your necks. Do those give you your magic?"

"It sure looks like that," said Applejack. "I'm actually likin' mah super strength." She smiled as she lifted up a boulder. "I bet this will help mah family and I with our farm work!"

"Oh, you own a farm?" Asked Izuku.

"You bet yer boots, I do," said Applejack cheerfully. "I'd love to introduce ya to the family. Ah'm sure they'd love to meet ya!"

Izuku gave her a smile. "I think I'd like that," he said. "Well, I better check with the others and see if they need help too."

"All right, honey," said Applejack. As Izuku walked away, she smiled with a blush. "He sure is a very cute feller," she whispered.


Izuku walked into the cave and saw Rarity using her magic to create a crystal chandelier. "Hello, Rarity," he said politely. "Do you need any help?"

Rarity glanced at the green-haired boy and smiled at him. "You are such a gentleman, darling," she said. "I appreciate the gesture, sweetness. But I've got this one."

Right when she said that, the chandelier suddenly fell! Izuku reacted quickly! He used his Black Whip to grab the chandelier before it could crash to the ground. Then, he brought it towards him and looked up at the cave ceiling.

"Um, maybe we need to use some hooks to attach it to the ceiling," he suggested.

Rarity didn't say anything. She just stared at him with a deep blush and a dreamy smile. Even when no one wants his help, he still tries to help. He's a real hero!

All that time, Izuku used his Black Whip to attach hooks to the ceiling and the chandelier. Then, he brought the chandelier back to the ceiling and attached it there.

"That should do it," he said before looking at Rarity. He saw her dreamy smile and felt concerned. "Um… Rarity, are you okay?" He asked while touching her forehead.

Rarity snapped out of her daze and blushed. "O-oh, yes," she said before smiling at him sweetly. "Thank you for your concern, sweetness." She leaned close to his face with a flirty smile. "You know, you're my hero, darling. Consider this a thank you gift!"

Izuku blushed heavily as Rarity brought her face close to his. Before he could say anything, Rarity turned his head sideways and planted a kiss on his cheek. Izuku's face turned crimson as he stuttered nervously. Rarity giggled and winked at him.

"Well, I should go and get some lovely dresses ready for my friends," she said. "Ta-tah, darling!" With that, she walked away while Izuku stood there with a deep blush on his freckled cheeks. Then he shook his head and went off to find out if anyone else needed his face.

Holy whoa, he thought. I got kissed by a girl!!!


Izuku was still blushing a little as he walked over to Rainbow Dash who was stretching her legs. Rainbow looked up at him and tilted her head with concern.

"Hey, Izuku," she said. "Are you okay, buddy?" She looked at his cheek and rolled her eyes with a grin. "Let me guess: Rarity kissed your cheek, didn't she?"

"Um… how could you tell?" Asked Izuku with a flustered face.

Rainbow giggled. "You have a purple kiss mark on your cheek," she answered. As Izuku's face turned crimson, she giggled again. "I guess I can't really blame her. You are pretty cute! Come here!"

Before Izuku could say anything, Rainbow pulled him into a hug. He blushed again as Rainbow spoke again: "I'm thankful for all the help you've given us. You really helped us save everyone." She broke the hug. "Don't worry about helping me. I've got some of the invitations for the upcoming Camp Everfree Dance delivered. Though, maybe you could bring me some more? I think Twilight has more ready."

"Um… s-sure," said Izuku. "I'll be right back."

With that, he walked off to grab more invitations for Rainbow to deliver. Meanwhile, Rainbow watched him with a starstruck smile.

I can't deny the fact that he's...SO AWESOME! She thought as she fangirled a little. I'd like to race him sometime!


Twilight was putting some invitations into envelopes when she noticed Izuku approaching her. "Oh, hey, Izuku," she said happily. "How are you?"

"Um… I'm doing well," said Izuku. "I-I'm going around s-seeing if anyone needs my help." He suddenly smiled. "I see that you've gotten used to using your magic!"

"Yup," said Twilight. "Thanks to you and Sunset! You were right! This is my magic! So…" She stood up and gave him a hug. "Thank you so much!"

Izuku blushed a little before hugging back. "A-anytime, Twilight," he said. "Anytime you need me!" They broke the hug. "So, um, Rainbow was wondering if you have any more invitations ready for her to deliver."

Twilight smiled. "Yup," she said. "I just finished them up!" She handed them to him. "Can you bring them to her?"

Izuku nodded as he took them. "No problem," he said. With that, he walked away to give the invitations to Rainbow.

He's so sweet and kind, Twilight thought with a blush.


"Okay, Rainbow," said Izuku as he brought the invitations to the rainbow-haired girl. "Here are the last of the invitations."

Rainbow smiled and took them. "Thanks, buddy," she said. "You're awesome!"

Before Izuku could say anything, Rainbow gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then, she ran off to deliver the invitations. Poor Izuku was left with a bright red face.

Oh, geez, he thought. I've been kissed by two girls!

"Um… Izuku," said a soft and sweet voice. "Are you okay? You're trembling."

Izuku turned around and felt his heart melt as he met the soft and warm gaze of Fluttershy. The sweet girl approached him and placed the back of her hand on his forehead.

"Oh, dear," she said. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?"

"N-no, I'm okay," said Izuku, his face turning red even more. "Um… d-do you need any help?"

Fluttershy gave him a very sweet smile. "Oh, that would be so nice," she said. "I'm trying to hang up these lights on the cave ceiling. Unfortunately, the birds are a little tired. Can you hang up the last of them?'

Izuku blushed at the very sweet smile and nodded. "S-sure thing," he said. "I can do that!"

"Yay," said Fluttershy in a voice that was so soft and cute that it made Izuku's heart melt even more. With that, she took his hand and led him to the cave.

Soon, they arrived at the cave and Fluttershy pointed to the lights. "Here they are," she said.

Izuku nodded and used his Black Whip to hang up the rest of the lights. As soon as he was done, he smiled at her.

"That should do it," he said. He turned to Fluttershy and smiled. Suddenly, the sweet and timid girl leapt at him and wrapped her arms around him. She held him tightly and nuzzled him.

"Thank you so much," she said. "You're so amazing!"

Before Izuku could respond, Fluttershy leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. Izuku's face turned bright red. Fluttershy looked up at him, smiling cutely. Suddenly, her smile disappeared as her cheeks turned bright red. A look of embarrassment covered her face as she pulled away.

"I'm so sorry," she said. "I don't know what came over me!"

Izuku shook away his blush and patted her head. "I-it's okay," he said kindly. "I-it just threw me off guard, th-that's all!"

The two stared at each other for a moment before smiling timidly. "Um… I'm glad to have given you a hand," said Izuku. "I'll go and see if anyone else needs help."

Fluttershy smiled sweetly. "Okay," she said. As Izuku walked away, she looked away with a deep blush.

Why did I do that?! She thought. I don't know what came over me!


Izuku found Pinkie Pie holding up a bunch of cupcakes on a tray. He watched as she placed some sprinkles on them, resulting in tiny explosions.

"Hi, Pinkie," he said. "Do you need any help?"

Pinkie looked over at the young hero and smiled widely. "Heya, Izu!" She said cheerfully.

"I-izu?!" Izuku asked with a blush.

"Yuppers dippers," said Pinkie with a big grin. "It's my nickname for you! I was originally gonna call you Cinnamon Roll Izuku because of how cute you are, but then I realized that the name would be too long! So I went with the first part of your name! So your nickname is now Izu!" She got really close to his face as her baby blue eyes stared right into his emerald eyes. "Do you like it? Do you? Do you? Huh? Huh?"

Izuku was blushing bright red as the cheerful girl got really close to his face. "Um, yeah," he stuttered. "I r-really like it. D-do you really think I'm c-cute?"

"Of course I do," said Pinkie as she backed away. "I mean, duh! Why wouldn't I find you to be cute? I like those freckles on your face, your green eyes, your shaggy green hair, and your personality! You're very sweet, kind, and very heroic!"

She bounced and giggled cutely as soon as she was done. "Well, can you help me carry these cupcakes?" She asked.

"S-sure," said Izuku with a deep blush. He took the cupcakes and carried them to the dessert table. He couldn't believe that a girl found him to be cute. As soon as he set them down, Pinkie charged at him and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks a bunches," said Pinkie. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek and let out a giggle. "Well, I'm off to set up party decorations. If you wanna help Sunset, she's not very far! Bye bye!" With that, she turned and skipped away cheerfully.

Izuku was a blushing mess. He couldn't believe it! Four! Four girls had kissed him on the cheek! He shook away his blush as best he could before turning to find Sunset.


Sunset was busy checking off everything that was done for setting up the party when she noticed Izuku approaching her. She closed her book and smiled.

"Well, if it isn't the hero himself," she said. "Hey, Izuku! What's up?"

Izuku smiled a little. "Hi, Sunset," he said. "Do you need any help?"

"I'm pretty sure I got th-..." Sunset began. She was caught off guard as a student carrying a cake tripped. The cake went flying up. Izuku quickly caught the layers one by one! However, the cake was now upside down. Everyone laughed, even Izuku.

"Well, that's one to catch a cake," said Sunset as she turned to the student who tripped. "Are you okay, Snips?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," said Snips as he stood up. He turned to the green-haired boy and smiled. "Nice catch," he complimented.

"Thanks," said Izuku shyly. "Um… hang on!" He quickly used Black Whip to carefully restack the cake and place it on the dessert table. "There we go." He knelt down to Snips' level and patted his head. "Maybe try to watch your footing when you're carrying stuff," he suggested.

Snips smiled and nodded. "Got it," he said. "Thanks, dude!" With that, he walked away.

Izuku looked to Sunset, who was grinning at him with lidded eyes. He began to blush. "Um… S-sunset," he said. "W-why are you looking at me like that?"

Sunset slowly approached him. "I just think that you're amazing," she said as she got close to him. "You've done so much for us. I think I should give you a big thanks."

"Um… y-you don't need to do that," said Izuku shyly.

Sunset giggled. "I know," she said. "But, I'm gonna do it anyway." Before Izuku could protest, she planted her lips onto his cheek. Izuku stood stiff as Sunset left her lips on his cheeks for fifteen seconds.

Sunset soon pulled away and giggled at his bright red face. "Well, you just became even cuter," she said. "Well, thanks for the help! I'll see you at the party!" With that, she walked away.

Izuku just stood there, a heavy blush present on his face.


Soon, the cave was filled with people dancing to a song performed by the Rainbooms. Izuku watched their performance with a smile and a small blush. He still couldn't believe that five of them had kissed his cheeks.

Well, I guess they're just that grateful, he thought. He smiled a little more. I'm just glad I was able to help them.

Soon, the song stopped and everyone applauded. Izuku clapped his hands as the Rainbooms bowed and got off the stage.

"Um… excuse me," said a voice. Izuku looked and saw Octavia, Vinyl, and Trixie all smiling at him.

"Hello there," said Octavia. "You're Izuku Midoriya, correct?"

Izuku nodded. "Yes, that's me," he said politely. "I'm glad to meet you. You're Octavia Melody, right?"

Octavia nodded. "Yes, and this is my friend Vinyl Scratch," she said. Vinyl nodded and gave him a thumbs-up.

"Hello, Izuku Midoriya," said Trixie. "I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!" She posed and winked at him, making him blush.

Octavia rolled her eyes before smiling at Izuku. "Anyway, we just wanted to thank you for saving us from those awful vines," she said. "Thank you so much!"

Izuku smiled and nodded. "Not a problem," he said. "I'm glad to help out, any way I can!"

Octavia blushed as she looked at the other girls and nodded. "Well, we hope that you enjoy our gift of thanks," she said.

With that, she stood on her toes and kissed his left cheek while Vinyl kissed his right cheek. Izuku's face exploded with a red color! He stared at them with a flustered expression as they pulled away.

Suddenly, Trixie came up to his face. "And here is a gift from the Great and Powerful Trixie," she said before kissing his forehead.

Poor Izuku was blushing so much that steam poured out of his ears. "Um… N-no problem," he stuttered. "I'm just glad that you're okay!"

The three girls smiled at him and walked away, waving at him. Izuku stood there, blushing heavily. Just then, he heard a voice behind him.

"Um, Izuku," said the voice. Izuku turned around and saw Twilight looking at him with a small blush. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Um… sure," said Izuku. Twilight smiled and took his hand. As he was dragged off, Izuku couldn't help but wonder what it was that Twilight wanted to talk to him about.