• Published 29th Oct 2021
  • 762 Views, 7 Comments

Masked Justice - aggressive cornelius

Apple Bloom was a filly just like any other. But that all will change when she finds a peculiar ruby. Palaces? Shadows? Personas? Just what has she gotten herself into? At least she has friends, old and new, that will have her back.

  • ...

Endless Forest

Date: Friday, March 12th

Apple Bloom's eyes fluttered open, and she sat up from her bed. She pouted in annoyance “What's his problem, can't he just give me a straight answer once in a while.” she complained to no one. She shook her head before slipping out of bed and getting ready for the day. When she was ready, she found her sister reading a letter by the kitchen table. Her expression was difficult to read “Howdy sis. Whatcha readin'? It good news?” she asked with hope.

Applejack laid the letter on the table and sighed “Not sure Bloom. It's from Filthy. Apparently he wants us to meet him later today at the marketplace. Since today is the deadline he gave, ah think he wants that ridiculous order.” she started walking away from the table “Ah better start gatherin' everythin' fer him. Ah hadn't done it yet 'cause ah was hopin' that he'd come to his senses 'bout this.” she muttered.

Apple Bloom stopped her by grabbing a hold of one of her hind legs “Wait, don't do it.” she said.

Applejack raised a confused eyebrow at her little sister “Now why wouldn't ah?” she questioned.

She froze for a second when she realized she couldn't tell her sister that she knew that Filthy was better now...or at least she hoped. She shook that thought away “Ya should keep havin' faith. Maybe he did change his mind. Give him a chance.” she said.

Applejack hummed thoughtfully before turning to her sister with a small smile “Alright, we'll go see him later. Meet us there after school. Now get yer flank goin' before yer late.” she said.

Apple Bloom glanced back at the letter that was left at the table with a smile. That was proof that the stallion was still alive so that lifted a weight from her mind.

She found it difficult to focus on class since after school she would find out if all her work this past week would be for nothing. Cheerilee turned to her students “Now, can anypony tell me the I before E rule?” she asked.

Scootaloo shot up from her seat “It's three o'clock! Class is over! Come on girls!” she headed towards the door “Bye Cheerilee, thanks for the history lesson!” she threw in before dashing out with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle close behind.

Cheerilee rubbed her temple to nurse her upcoming headache “That was obviously a language lesson.” she muttered in annoyance as the other students took that as a sign to start filing out.

Spike who was waiting outside of the Schoolhouse saw his friends dashing out. They gestured for him to follow. He joined them in running “So you said Filthy sent your family a letter? What did it say?” he asked.

Apple Bloom shrugged “Ah didn't read it but mah sister said he called mah family ta the marketplace. He didn't say why but ah'm hopeful.” she said.

Sweetie tilted her head in thought “Do you really think we changed his heart?” she wondered.

Spike sighed “I hope so otherwise all of our hard work would be down the drain.” he said.

Scootaloo hummed skeptically “It does seem hard to believe. All we did was steal from him and lecture him about being a good pony, that doesn't seem very helpful.” she said.

“It was a good lecture though.” Sweetie pointed out.

“Ah thought so. Thanks Sweetie, at least somepony has some faith.” Apple Bloom said.

They started to slow to a walk when they were coming up on the marketplace. They were surprised to see almost all of the stalls empty but a mass of ponies gathering together. The gave each other questioning glances before silently agreeing to check it out. Once they got closer, they saw that Filthy Rich was what they were crowding around. Apple Bloom was surprised at the state of the stallion. He was usually so put together and oozed power. Now he hung his head in what looked like shame. His mane was unkempt and the bags under his eyes hinted that he didn't get a lot of sleep the previous night. His tie was also loose.

Scootaloo cringed a bit “Dang, did we do that?” she wondered.

Apple Bloom was about to respond but was cut off with her sister's voice “What's all this? Did Filthy ask these folk here?” she wondered.

The filly turned to see her sister accompanied by Granny Smith and Big Mac. Applejack then turned to the rest of the CMC along with Spike “What brings ya here Spike? Did mah sis an' her friends tell ya 'bout what we were goin' though with Filthy?” she asked.

Spike rubbed the back of his neck with a chuckle “Uh yeah. I hope you don't mind me coming to see what this is all about.” he said.

She smiled to show her answer “It's not a problem. Ah know ah'd be more curious than a raccoon near a trash can if ah were you.” she assured.

Their attention was attracted by Filthy speaking up. His tone almost sounded scared “I...I think that's everypony I asked out here, and then some.” he said. He took a breath for confidence before continuing “I'm sure you all know me, I do business with most of you.” he said. That earned a few scowls and glares from the audience.

He tried his hardest to ignore them, but their stares dug deep into him “I know that many of you aren't very happy to be reminded of that. I've been terrible to you. I've taken more than I should while paying much less than fair. I overworked my employees to the point of sickness. I only did it because...” he sighed “No, that's no excuse.” he muttered.

He then bowed his head low “I'm sorry. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. I understand if you want nothing more to do with me.” he said.

Apple Bloom felt a tug on her heartstrings. Without thinking she pushed through the crowd to the front “Ah forgive ya!” she shouted, getting everyone's attention.

“Re-really?” he asked out of surprise.

“Ya ain't a bad pony, ah know that fer a fact. Ya were always a nice an' fair business pony up till recently. Ah'm sure a lot of ponies here can vouch fer that.” she said. A couple of ponies muttered light agreements. She walked up closer to him with a smile “As long as ya go back ta bein' that pony, ah don't see why anypony would stay mad at ya.” she finished.

She heard the hoofsteps of her family behind her “Ah couldn't have said it better mahself.” Granny Smith said with pride.

Applejack nodded in agreement “She took the words right outta mah mouth.” she turned her attention to Filthy “No harm no fowl. Ya always done right by us, ah wouldn't fault ya for a slip up or two.” she said.

“Eeyup” Big Mac threw in.

Tears threatened Filthy's eyes, but he fought them back “Thank you, so much. And it goes without saying but your usual order will be more than enough. And going forward I'll make sure that I never fall into such greed again.” he promised.

Feeling the forgiveness in the air, the rest of the ponies in the crowd started offering their own acceptance, some being more reluctant than others. After a couple of minutes the ponies started to clear out. Apple Bloom returned to her friends and Spike greeted her with a grin “I'm surprised you were so quick to forgive him, you seemed so angry at him.” he said.

Apple Bloom placed a hoof to her heart “Ah was, but ah just couldn't stand watchin' him beat himself up so bad.” a wide grin grew on her face “But in other news, we did it!” she celebrated.

Scootaloo raised a hoof to the air “Yeah! I knew we would!” she shouted.

“We should celebrate somehow.” Sweetie suggested.

An idea came to Apple Bloom “Yer right an' ah know just how ta celebrate.” she said.

“To the Phantom Thieves!” the four cheered followed by glass cups clinking together. They sat in a circle in the clubhouse, a milkshake in front of each of them. They shared a laugh before enjoying their treats.

Scootaloo let out a celebratory laugh “We did it! We're heroes! I wonder if this is how Rainbow Dash feels when she does her hero stuff.” she said.

Spike chuckled at her antics “You're getting a pretty big head.” he said.

Sweetie giggled “I think we all deserve to be proud, we worked really hard for this.” she let out a long sigh “It still doesn't feel real. I almost expect to wake up soon to find out it was all a dream.” she said.

A mischievous grin grew on Scootaloo's face “Want me to pinch you?” she asked.

She responded by flinching back “Don't you dare!” she shouted.

Before they could get into an argument, Spike held his glass up again “I also want to thank our leader.” he said. The three fillies gave him questioning glances since they never talked about leadership. He turned to Apple Bloom “Apple Bloom, we never could've got though it without you there to lead us.” he said.

Apple Bloom blushed out of shock “W-what? Leader?” she asked.

Sweetie recovered from her confusion quickly and smiled “That's a great idea Spike, Apple Bloom would make a great leader for the Phantom Thieves!” she said.

Scootaloo hummed in thought before shrugging “I mean I would've liked to be the leader but she would be my next choice so I'm fine with it.” she said.

Apple Bloom was a bit embarrassed by all their praise, but she gave a thankful smile “Thank y'all. If ah'm goin' ta be leader, then ah'll make sure not ta let ya down.” she said.

That made a thought cross Sweetie's mind “That reminds me, what do we do now? Do we look for some other bad pony to change?” she asked.

Apple Bloom shook her head “It might be better if we took a bit of a break, this work is tirin' an' we don't wanna get hurt.” she said.

Scootaloo didn't seem too pleased with that but nodded anyway “I guess you have a point but let me know if you hear about anypony that needs their hearts changed, I'm always in the mood for more of that.” she said.

Spike covered his mouth as a yawn escaped him “Speaking of being tired, I'm going to get some sleep. You all should do the same.” he said.

Date: Unknown

Twilight hummed in thought “So that's the story you want to go with?” she questioned.

Apple Bloom nodded “Since it's the truth, yes.” she said.

Twilight rubbed her face in annoyance “I admit that your story is interesting but even if I believed you, which I don't, Princess Celestia and Luna wouldn't accept something so out there.” she sighed “At least if I give them the rest of the Phantom Thieves names, I still might be able to help you.” she said. She took out her note pad “So is it just the four of you?” she asked.

Apple Bloom shook her head “Nope, ah'll have ta continue mah story for ya ta learn the other's names.” she said.

Twilight nodded and levitated another file in the air “Alright we'll move on to your next target, which was much more ambitious than Filthy Rich.” she said. She dropped the file on the table causing a picture to slip out. The picture depicted a white stallion with a blonde mane “Prince Blueblood. Tell me about what happened with him.” she said.

Apple Bloom waved a hoof in the air “Ah'll get ta him. Important stuff happened before we went ta Canterlot, ah gotta talk 'bout that.” she said.

Twilight gave an exasperated sigh but decided that she might get some useful information out of this “Fine, as long as it's important. Just don't take too long.” she said.

Date: Saturday, March 13th

Apple Bloom laid in bed lazily. She was really regretting taking time off of Phantom Thief work. Surprisingly there were little to no work to do on the farm so she was extremely bored “Maybe I should visit one of my friends.” she suggested to herself. She liked that idea, but the only question was which one to pay a visit. She mentally decided and hopped out of bed.

She knocked on the door to the to the library, confidant that Spike would be home. Instead of the dragon, Twilight was the one to answer. Apple Bloom assumed she was on her way out anyway since she wore saddlebags on her back “Oh hello Apple Bloom.” she greeted with a smile “Did you need something?” she asked.

“No, ah was just here ta see Spike.” she said.

Twilight stepped aside to invite her in “Go right in, he's just organizing the library right now. I was just about to go grocery shopping, so I'll be back later.” she said before walking away.

Apple Bloom entered the library to see a stack of five large tomes levitating across the room. Upon closer inspection she noticed shaky purple legs visible from behind the books “Spike?” she asked.

At her sudden voice, Spike yelped and toppled along with the stack. He luckily emerged from the pile alive, though rubbing his head in pain “Ow.” he said with a wince before noticing Apple Bloom “Oh, hey. What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Ah was just bored an' wanted ta see a friend.” she said.

Spike picked himself off the floor and dusted himself off “It's good to see you too but I'm probably not gonna be much fun to hang out with for the moment. I have to reorganize the library after one of Twilight's late night research sprees. It'll probably take all day.” he complained.

Apple Bloom didn't like the thought of this trip being for nothing, neither did she like the thought of leaving Spike to take on this job alone. She smiled before taking three of the books Spike dropped and stacking them on her back “Ah'll help. Ya seems like ya need it.” she said.

Spike sighed in relief “Thanks Apple Bloom I was-” he suddenly stopped and crossed his arms “Wait, what's that supposed to mean? I could easily do this alone, I am Twilight's number one assistant for a reason.” he said.

Apple Bloom smirked as a sly idea entered her mind. She slid the books off of her back before turning to the door, acting nonchalant “Alright, ah guess ah'll just go see Sweetie Belle, maybe she needs mah help with something.” she said.

With only two steps towards the door Spike jumped in front of her “Wait, I do want help! Please!” he pleaded.

Apple Bloom giggled and patted his head “Ah thought so, let's get ta it.” she said.

As she started to work Spike pouted “That was mean.” he muttered.

Scootaloo stood in front of Sweetie Belle in the middle of ponyville. She started pacing back and forth like a drill Sargent “So you want to get stronger, is that it Private Belle?” she questioned.

Sweetie shook her head in regret “I knew I shouldn't have asked you to help me exercise.” she said.

“Too late. You're gonna be stronger than a pro hoofball player by the time I'm done with you.” she said.

Sweetie sighed “I just wanted to get better at running.” she muttered.

Scootaloo dismissed her words with a wave of her hoof “We'll run later. For now we do push ups. One hundred push ups now!” she ordered.

Sweetie stepped back in surprise by the ludicrous order “H-hundred? I can't do that many, you can't even do that many.” she complained.

Scootaloo frowned at her lack of faith “I'm a Phantom Thief, I can do anything. Watch.” she said before assuming the position. She started doing push ups at a great pace “One, two, three...”

Her fore legs started to burn and the grass under her were being drowned in sweat “F-forty seven. For...forty e-” she collapsed before being able to finish the forty eighth push up.

She wheezed on the ground for a few seconds before hearing applause from Sweetie “That was amazing, not a hundred, but still really impressive.” she said.

Scootaloo felt a bit better from the praise, or maybe that was her body going numb “Now that that's over with, let's cool down with a lap around Ponyville. Ready? Go!” she shouted before preceding to continue laying still.

Sweetie gave her a questioning glance “I kind of expected you to start running.” she said.

“I'll be honest, I can't move my body.” she said before clearing her throat “Change of plans! Your exercise will be carrying me home and putting me in bed.” she ordered.

Sweetie giggled but complied by laying the pegasus across her back and trotting away.

Date: Sunday, March 14th

Apple Bloom met up with her friends and they walked around town to pass time. Scootaloo sighed in annoyance “Do we have to take a break from Phantom Thief work? I'm so bored.” she complained.

“Ah'm bored too but we can't change somepony's heart without a target.” Apple Bloom said.

Spike rubbed his chin in thought “Maybe we could just ask around and-ack!” he was cut off by a stallion ramming into him. The stallion was a green coated unicorn with a short darker green mane. He quickly got back to his hooves “S-sorry.” his head darted around frantically “Is she coming?” he questioned no one in particular.

“Is who coming?” Apple Bloom wondered.

The stallion's irises shrunk in fear as he noticed something approaching “She's here! I need to hide!” he panicked before hopping into a nearby barrel.

By his reaction, the kids started looking around to find the monster that had him so frightened. They saw no monster, but they did see a mare skipping towards them while humming happily. She was an earth pony with a pink coat and a red mane pulled into a ponytail. She stopped in front of them and smiled sweetly “Hello children! Have you seen a handsome green stallion roaming around these parts?” she asked.

They looked to each other and silently agreed. They looked back to the mare and shook their heads. The mare patted their heads “That's okay, I'll keep looking then.” she said before heading away.

Once she was out of view, the stallion popped his head out of his hiding spot with a relived sigh “Thanks kids, I owe you one.” he said.

Sweetie looked worried “Who was that and why didn't you want her to find you?” she asked.

The stallion hummed in thought “I guess an explanation is the least I can do for you.” he crawled out of the barrel and held a hoof out “My name is Sturdy Oak, and that mare is Heartshine. She's my ex-marefriend as of last month, but that didn't seem to make it through her skull.” he said.

Apple Bloom tilted her head “Why did ya break up with her?” she questioned.

Sturdy Oak rubbed the back of his neck “She got really clingy. She hated when I spent time with anypony else. It got so bad that she would sometimes follow me when I went somewhere alone just to make sure I wasn't meeting up with somepony.” he said while glancing around to make sure she wasn't coming back.

Spike raised an eyebrow “Then why is she going around looking for you so happily?” he asked.

Sturdy Oak continued to get more distressed as he told the story “She refuses to accept the fact that we broke up. She keeps acting like we're still together. I'm...” his tone shifted to a terrified whisper “I'm worried she might do something drastic sooner or later.” he said.

Scootaloo shrugged “Why don't you call the cops or something?” she asked.

He shook his head “I'm afraid that might make things worse.” he turned away from them “I have to go, it's rare when she loses sight of me and I don't want to waste it.” he said before disappearing behind a corner.

Apple Bloom turned to the others with a smirk “Are y'all thinkin' what ah'm thinkin'?” she asked.

Scootaloo mirrored her smirk “New target.” she said.

Sweetie Belle hummed in thought “I'm not against it but wouldn't we have to find the other two keywords before doing anything?” she asked.

Spike gasped as he remembered something “Maybe we don't.” he said.

“What's that mean?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Just take the ruby out and say her name, then say Mementos.” he said.

Apple Bloom thought the order was strange but she complied. She held the ruby out in front of her and spoke the two keywords “Heartshine, Mementos.” she said. After two blinks of the ruby, to their surprise they started being pulled into the metaverse. Once the dizzy feeling finished, Apple Bloom looked around to see that her friends were all in their Phantom Thief outfits. The moon was high in the sky like it usually was in the metaverse. The thing that caught their attention was the Everfree Forest which was waiting a couple feet from them.

Scootaloo Stared at the forest and blinked a couple times in disbelief “Is that the Everfree Forest? But we were just in the middle of Ponyville. What is this?” she questioned.

“Mementos.” Spike said “It's a palace but not for one specific pony. It's everypony's palace.” he said.

Sweetie raised an eyebrow “Everypony's? Why did we come here? We wanted to change Heartshine's heart.” she said.

“We will. A pony whose distortion is more mild won't make a palace, those can be taken care of here.” he explained.

Scootaloo nodded in understanding “So will it be just like other palaces, finding a treasure and all?” she asked.

Spike scratched his head in thought “Uh, no not really. But we can worry about that later. First we have to find our target.” he said.

Apple Bloom nodded with determination “Then let's get in there!” she commanded. The others agreed before they entered the forest. Once inside they saw that the path split up ahead and the trees surrounding the path were growing too close together for them to stray from the path. The leaves glowed red slightly. Scattered around the ground and trees were what looked like veins with a glowing red liquid flowing through them. Apple Bloom poked one of the veins in curiosity and shuttered at the squishy nature of it. She turned back to Spike “So uh, how do we find our target?” she asked.

Spike chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck “We just have to...look.” he said.

Scootaloo's eyes widened “You mean we have to search the whole forest? That'll take an eternity.” she complained.

Apple Bloom wasn't happy about that answer either, but she wasn't about to argue “Well ah guess we have no choice.” she pointed a hoof towards the left path “Let's start with that left path.” she said.

With that they started down the path. As they walked, they looked around at their surroundings. Even though they were in a forest, they couldn't shake the feeling they were inside a massive beast. Apple Bloom stopped when she saw two figures ahead “Wait! Look there.” she said. The two figures resembled timber wolves but they were made up of the same material as shadows. Instead of just having a mask on their faces, they had masks scattered around their bodies.

Sweetie seemed slight worried “Are those timber wolves?” she asked.

Spike took his daggers in his claws “No, they're shadows.” he said.

Apple Bloom smirked “At least they haven't noticed us yet. We can get the jump on them.” she said.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow “But which mask do we rip off?” she wondered.

Sweetie Belle gave her an unamused look “Obviously the one on their faces.” she said.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle volunteered to sneak up on them. Apple Bloom was just about close enough to jump on its back before it suddenly turned and saw her. She gasped before it threw a claw at her which knocked her to the ground. Sweetie gasped and turned to her downed friend “Paladin!” she shouted with worry. She turned back to the second shadow only to see the claw swiping at her.

Spike and Scootaloo panicked, seeing their teammates laying uselessly in front of the shadows. She ran to the two as one of the shadows transformed into a zompony. The other shadow ran to the other side of the group before transforming. It turned into a floating pony skull with fire in its eye sockets.

Spike turned back to the skull and took his daggers out “We're surrounded.” he said.

The zompony raised a hoof to summon curse energy to burst around Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle managed to get back to her hooves and quickly helped Apple Bloom up “Are you alright?” she asked.

Apple Bloom obviously seemed hurt but smiled anyway “Ah'm alright, ah just got too cocky. Let's turn this around.” she said. The zompony tried to interrupt them by swinging its great sword down towards them but they separated fast enough to avoid it. Sweetie Belle pelted it with her AR to distract it to allow Apple Bloom to slip behind it unnoticed. With a jump she brought her hammer down on its back. Sweetie then gave it a flurry of slashes to the chest.

The zompony bucked its back hooves out at Apple Bloom but she managed block it with her shield. Sweetie took her mask off and sent an icicle at it. It pierced its chest before it dissipated.

The floating skull attempted biting Scootaloo but she quickly sped herself up to dodge and counter with her knife. Spike fired at it with his revolver to gain its attention. It worked as the skull faced him and breathed fire towards him. He just smirked as the fire enveloped him barely doing anything. Sharp winds then ripped through it to finish the fight.

Spike and Scootaloo returned to Apple Bloom to check on her. She finished downing a healing potion and wiped her mouth “I'm fine, after one of Zecora's potions.” she said.

Sweetie turned back to the path “We should be more careful.” she said. The others agreed before turning a corner. What they saw shocked them.

“Is that a dead end?” Scootaloo asked with a groan.

Spike walked up to the wall of trees blocking their path “It looks like it. I guess we have to go back, there's no getting through these trees.” he said. After some groaning and complaining, they turned around and tried the other path.

After getting through a few more shadows, they saw something in the trees ahead. The trees looked as if they were forcefully parted and behind it was a swirling black and red portal. Sweetie tilted her head “Do...you think that's what we're looking for?” she asked.

Scootaloo shrugged “It's the only thing here that doesn't look the same so probably.” she said.

Spike gulped “So we just jump in?” he asked nervously.

Apple Bloom hummed with worry “Ah guess. So who's first?” she asked.

Scootaloo nudged the earth pony forward “You're the leader aren't you? Then lead.” she said. As much as she wanted to argue with this, she had to admit that she was right. She took a deep breath before leaping into the portal. The others now felt better about following and weren't far behind her.

They ended up in a forest clearing with Heartshine's shadow sitting in the middle with a gleeful smile on her face. She saw them approach and gave them a wave “Hello you all! Have you seen my soulmate anywhere? It seems like we got separated somehow. I don't know how it happened since we're always so close.” she said.

Spike shook his head “She really is delusional.” he muttered.

Heartshine seemed to have heard and glared at him “What did you call me? What do I have to be delusional about?” she questioned harshly.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes “Obviously the fact that you're obsessed with your EX-coltfriend.” she said with emphasis on the ex.

The mare's face seemed to darken as a scowl appeared “Lies. I love him and he loves me. You are just trying to get between us.” she said with a low growl.

Sweetie tried to calm her down “We aren't trying to to do anything like that. Sturdy Oak just doesn't feel safe with you following him everywhere like that.” she said in an attempt to convince her.

Heartshine covered her ears with her hooves and gritted her teeth “Shut up! You're just trying to keep us apart just like the rest of them! I won't let you, I'll fight for my love!” she screamed. The kids took a couple steps back as Heartshine was engulfed by darkness. The darkness quickly faded to reveal a pink, heart-shaped ghost in her place. The ghost held a lance in one arm and a shield in the other. She gestured to them with the lance threateningly “Just leave us be!” she shouted.

The Phantom Thieves all took their weapons out but didn't attack yet. Apple Bloom glanced to Spike “What do we do Drake? I don't see any treasures.” she said.

“We just have to beat her, that should trigger a change of heart.” he said.

That got a grin out of Scootaloo “Now you're talking. Let's do it.” she said.

Apple Bloom nodded and turned her focus back on to Heartshine “We're doing this for your own good, remember that.” she said before charging forward. She tried to slam her hammer into her, but it was easily blocked by her shield. Heartshine tried to swipe at her with her lance, but she jumped back to avoid it.

Heartshine quickly turned to block a few bullets from Spike's revolver. She then sent a ball of light at him. It connected with his chest causing it to burst. He grit his teeth slightly from the pain but stayed on his feet “That shield's getting in the way.” he said.

Scootaloo ripped her mask off with a smirk “I'll just blow it away!” she shouted before Earheart sent a powerful gust of wind at her. She tried to block the wind, but her shield was blown out of the way. Wasting no time, Sweetie Belle gave her an uppercut with her claw. Heartshine was thrown into the air.

Apple Bloom took her mask off, and Galahad flew up to bash into her. She recovered in midair and dove down towards Sweetie with her lance aimed at her. She was suddenly filled by a green aura that gave her the speed she needed to dodge. She sighed and smiled towards Scootaloo “Thanks Aviator!” she called.

Scootaloo gave her a nod before focusing back on the fight. She leaped into the air and slashed across Heartshine's back with her combat knife. While she was distracted, Sweetie took the chance to give her a devastating strike with her claws that sent her to the ground. Sweetie gasped happily and turned to the others “This is our chance! All together!” she called out. The others nodded and all charged at once. They dashed past her at blinding speed over and over again, a strike every dash. The all stopped suddenly and Sweetie put a hoof to her mouth with a smile “Sorry if we hurt you.” she said with a giggle as Heartshine collapsed from the damage she sustained.

The shadow reverted back to Heartshine and she tried to get back to her hooves but failed. Apple Bloom stepped in front of her which caused her to flinch and cover her eyes with her fore hooves “I'm...sorry. I-i just... couldn't lose him.” she tried to say through quite sobs.

Scootaloo shrugged “Why is he so important to you? Aren't there other stallion you could date?” she suggested.

Heartshine shook her head without uncovering her eyes “No, there's nopony else. He's the only one who ever gave me a chance. Before him, I had nopony. No friends, and barely a family. I didn't mean to make Oaky uncomfortable, I swear. I just...didn't want to be alone” her sobs increased in volume “But I just made everything worse, again! I ruined the only good thing I had!” she cried.

Apple Bloom laid a hoof softly on her head which caused her to cautiously peek from behind her hooves. Apple Bloom gave her a sympathetic smile “Nothin's ruined. Ah'll bet he'll forgive ya in a second if ya explained an' said yer sorry.” she said.

This caused the sobbing mare to raise her head slightly “You really think so?” she asked.

Spike smiled and crossed his arms “Couldn't hurt to try.” he said.

Sweetie nodded “And give him some space if he wants it.” she said.

Heartshine managed a sad smile and slowly got up “I'll do it. It's the least I can do for everything I put him through. And before I go, I wanted to thank you for setting me straight.” she said before disappearing.

Scootaloo turned to Spike “So that was it? Is her heart changed now?” she asked.

Spike nodded “Yeah, but we should make sure tomorrow. Just in case.” he covered a yawn with his mouth “But first, let's get out of here. I'm beat.” he said. The others nodded and they turned to exit.

The sun had gone down and the moon was high in the night sky. Sturdy Oak was almost home after a full day of running and hiding from his ex-marefriend. He froze once he got close to his home. Standing in front of it was Heartshine. He took a frightened step back.

“No wait! If you give me five minutes, I swear you'll never have to see me again!” she cried desperately.

Sturdy calmed down due to the genuine sound in her voice. He gulped and walked slightly closer, still keeping some distance between them “O-okay. What d-did you want to talk about?” he asked.

She quickly bowed her head “I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! For everything I did in our relationship!” her voice started to waver “And for all of the crazy things I did after you broke up with me.” she said quieter.

Sturdy was speechless from shock. He didn't know what to expect from this conversation, but this was the last thing he expected “Wh-what?” he asked.

Heartshine wiped away the tears that started to flow “You were the only one who ever showed me kindness and I was afraid that you'd leave me once you found somepony better.” she lifted her head and cleared her throat “Well, that's all I had to say. I'll...go. I'll try my best to make sure you don't have to see me anymore.” she said before turning and walking away.

He suddenly felt he heart start to ache “Wait!” he called out.