• Published 29th Oct 2021
  • 761 Views, 7 Comments

Masked Justice - aggressive cornelius

Apple Bloom was a filly just like any other. But that all will change when she finds a peculiar ruby. Palaces? Shadows? Personas? Just what has she gotten herself into? At least she has friends, old and new, that will have her back.

  • ...

I Am Thou, Thou Art I

Date: Unknown

Princess Twilight Sparkle walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle's dungeon. In her magic was a stack of files, a notepad, and a large brown book. She came to a door that was being guarded by two royal guards. One of them saw her approach and stepped aside “The prisoner is ready for you. Let us know if you need anything.” he said in a stern voice.

Twilight gave him a quick nod and looked towards the door. She took a deep breath before walking through it. She looked around the small room to see nothing but a small metal table, two chairs, and another pony in one of the chairs.

Twilight took a seat silently and laid her items on the table. She stared at the pony across from her and tried to hide her sadness. The pony was just a filly, yellow coat with a red mane and a pink bow “Apple Bloom, part of me hoped that Celestia was wrong when she told me about this.” she said.

She waited for Apple Bloom to respond but nothing came so she continued “I guess we should just get down to business then.” she said in a professional voice. She opened one of her files and looked it over “You are being suspected of being a part of a criminal group called the Phantom Thieves.” she said.

That seemed to get Apple Bloom's attention “We ain't criminals.” she said with a low tone.

Twilight felt her heart hurt but she continued on “You're facing a lot of serious charges Apple Bloom. Thievery, vandalism, unlawful use of magic.” she gulped before reading the last charge “And murder.” she finished. She looked up at Apple Bloom who just gave a slight glare back. Twilight sighed and put the file down “With charges like these it's certain that you will be tried as an adult and banished or worse. But there is a way to lessen the punishment.” she said.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer to her “And what would that be?” she asked.

Twilight felt slightly relieved that she was interested “If you give me the names of your accomplices then I can convince Princess Celestia to go easier on you.” she said as she grabbed a note pad and quill in her magic.

Apple Bloom sat back in her chair and frowned “Ah ain't just gonna give up mah friends.” she said.

Twilight's ears flattened against her skull “Please Apple Bloom, I don't want to see a filly banished. It will be better for everypony if you gave me their names.” she said.

Apple Bloom was about to deny her again when she suddenly got an idea. She leaned closer to Twilight again “Alright, how about this? Ah will give ya their names but ah'll do it by tellin' ya mah story. And ya have ta promise ta listen ta the whole thing. Do we have a deal?” she asked.

Twilight lit up slightly and readied her quill “That will be perfect, but I only want the truth okay? I don't have time for pony tales.” she said.

Apple Bloom relaxed a bit “Okay, buckle up. This will be a doozy of a story.” she said.

Twilight opened another file and put it in front of Apple Bloom “Let's start with the first pony to receive one of your calling cards.” Apple Bloom saw a picture in the file of an older brown stallion with a black mane “Tell me why you chose Filthy Rich as your first target.” Twilight said.

Date: Wednesday, march 3rd

Apple Bloom woke up to a bright morning. She jumped out of bed, quickly put her bow in her mane and walked downstairs to the dining room. She saw her sister Applejack waiting for her “Mornin' sis, come here and get yerself some breakfast.” she greeted.

Apple Bloom walked over and grabbed an apple “Ah'm not too hungry so ah'll just have an apple on the way ta school.” she said.

She started walking towards the door but was stopped by Applejack's hoof on her shoulder “Hold up there. I'll walk ya ta school today.” she said.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow “Why? Ah know the way ta the school house.” she asked in confusion.

Applejack's face turned serious “Ah don't want ya walkin' around alone after what happened last night.” she said.

Apple Bloom felt her interest growing “Ah don't remember anythin' happenin' last night. What are ya talkin' about?” she asked.

Applejack started looking around the room as if searching for the right words. After thinking for a few seconds she faced her little sister again “Last night some stallion was pullin' a carriage through town at a dangerous speed. Ah don't know how but he lost control. He got into an accident which took the lives of five ponies, includin' his own. Ah wouldn't feel comfortable leavin' my kin alone after somethin' like that.” she explained grimly.

Apple Bloom felt her heart drop. An accidental death was rare in ponyville but an accident causing multiple deaths was almost unheard of. Apple Bloom calmed herself down before speaking “Alright, ah don't think ah want to be alone after hearin' that.” she said.

Before either of them could say anything else, they heard knocking at the front door. Apple Bloom walked over and opened it to reveal Scootaloo on the other side “Hey scoots, what are ya doin' here so early?” she asked.

“My aunts told me not to walk to school alone because of some accident that happened last night, so I thought I would walk with you.” she explained.

Apple Bloom was about to agree but she remembered what Applejack was telling her. She turned around to face her sister “Uh do ya think ah could just walk with Scootaloo instead?” she asked.

Applejack's eyes looked between the two smiling fillies for a few seconds before she sighed “Alright, just be careful and keep an eye out.” she said.

The two fillies quickly thanked her and headed out the door. Applejack watched as they walked down the path out of Sweet Apple Acres. She turned away and took a breath “Well those chores ain't gonna do themselves.” she said as she walked away.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo walked down the path in silence until Apple Bloom broke it “Did yer aunts tell ya the specifics about the accident?” she asked.

“Yeah, they did.” Scootaloo answered.

“Did the news scare ya?” she asked.

Scootaloo waved a hoof in the air dismissively “Of course not. I mean, it was kinda shocking but I'm not scared. It was just one accident. Besides I'm too aware of my surroundings to fall victim to something like that.” she said with a cocky grin. After walking a few more steps she tripped and fell on her face.

Apple Bloom tried to hold in her laughter “Ya sure about that?” she asked.

Scootaloo got up and looked back at what tripped her. She saw what looked like a bright red ruby “Stupid rock.” she said as she lightly kicked it.

Apple Bloom took the gem in her hooves and smiled at it “What a pretty gem.” she said.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes “It's just a rock, and I think it's pretty ugly looking.” she said in a grumpy tone.

Apple Bloom put it in her bow for safe keeping “You're just mad that this stupid rock kicked your flank.” she said.

Scootaloo started walking away “Whatever let's just get to school already.” she said. Apple Bloom caught up to her and they walked the rest of the way with no more interruptions.

When they reached the schoolhouse they saw many foals playing out front before class started. After scanning a bit they spotted Sweetie Belle waiting for them. They ran up to greet her “Howdy Sweetie Belle.” Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo smiled in excitement “I can't wait until after school. We're definitely gonna get our cutie marks in blindfolded archery.” she said.

Sweetie Belle rubbed the back of her neck with a nervous smile “Sorry girls but I can't today. I got grounded.” she said.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow “Grounded? What did ya do?” she asked.

Sweetie Belle's cheeks reddened in embarrassment “I wanted to make dinner for Rarity last night because she was really busy and I may have caused a small fire.” she admitted.

Scootaloo pouted “I guess we can try for those cutie marks after your grounding.” she said.

Sweetie Belle nodded “Thanks, it will just be today and tomorrow. After that I can crusade with you girls all you want.” she said.

Before they could talk more, Cheerilee walked out of the schoolhouse and got their attention “Alright children, you can come in now.” she said before the students filed into the building.

After class Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said their goodbyes to Sweetie Belle and parted. The two fillies started walking towards Sweet Apple Acres “I'll drop you off at your place, then I'll head home.” Scootaloo said.

“Are ya sure ya want ta head home alone?” Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo put a hoof to her chest and smiled “I told you that I'm not scared of runaway carriages.” she said.

Apple Bloom looked past Scootaloo and a look of fear crossed her face “Watch out!” she warned.

Scootaloo ducked and covered her head with her fore hooves. After a few seconds of nothing happening she looked up to see Apple Bloom holding in laughter. She got back to her hooves and dusted herself off “That's not funny.” she grumbled.

Apple Bloom successfully fought back her laughter and cleared her throat “Ah'm sorry, ah know you'll be fine on yer own.” she said.

Scootaloo was about to speak but noticed something up ahead “What's your sister doing talking to Filthy Rich?” she asked. Apple Bloom looked to see that Applejack was indeed conversing with Filthy Rich and she didn't look happy.

Apple Bloom frowned with suspicion “Come on, let's get closer and listen in.” she said before running into a bush close to the two ponies.

Applejack stomped a hoof “Ya know that's not fair. Be reasonable.” she said.

Filthy put a hoof up to try and calm the mare “Please my dear Applejack, you have to understand. Last year barnyard bargains sold out of your apple products and they are only getting more popular. I need double the order from last year to keep my stores stocked. It's basic business practice.” he explained.

Applejack shook her head “Our harvest ain't as good as last year. Ah can match last year's order but double is crazy. We need those apples too.” she said.

Filthy Rich thought for a few moments before speaking “Since we are good friends, I'll give you some time to think about my deal. If you come up with an acceptable counter offer, you know where to find me.” he said before walking away.

Applejack growled before walking back towards the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo emerged from the bush with annoyed expressions “He's just as greedy and inconsiderate as his daughter.” she said.

Apple Bloom glared at the retreating stallion “Yeah, Filthy Rich thinks he can treat Sweet Apple Acres like one of his factories.” she said.

Suddenly a dizzy feeling came over Apple Bloom and her vision began to blur. She put a hoof to her temple until the feeling went away “Ah just got the strangest headache.” she complained.

Once her vision came back to normal she saw Scootaloo shaking her head as if to rid it from something “Yeah me too. I w-” she stopped and looked past Apple Bloom with a shocked expression “Um, isn't that supposed to be Sweet Apple Acres.” she said while pointing.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow and started turning “What's that supposed to m-” she stopped when she saw the land that was supposed to house her family's farm. All the trees were gone, replaced with stumps. Even though it was midday, the sky was dark and stars were visible. But the most shocking sight was the large metal building in the middle of the land “What the hay! When we left this mornin' everythin' was fine!” she said.

Scootaloo started running towards the entrance “Come on, I'll bet we'll find our answers in that building” she called back.

Apple Bloom wanted to protest but her curiosity got the better of her and she ran after her.

The two fillies ran through the decimated farm land but stopped when they saw two figures in front of them. They looked to be ponies but instead of fur they looked to be covered in a shadowy substance. They wore clothes that made them look like factory workers and had metal masks covering their faces. Apple Bloom took a few steps back “What are those? Ah can't even tell if they're mares or stallions.” she said.

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes at them “I can't tell if they're even ponies.” she said.

Suddenly the figures turned and noticed to duo “Intruders!” one said in an androgynous voice.

“Seize them!” the other said as they ran towards the fillies.

Scootaloo jumped in front of Apple Bloom and took a defensive stance “You're not seizing anypony as long as I'm here” she said. The figure grabbed a hold of her tail and lifted her off her hooves. She started waving her hooves around wildly “Let go of my tail you jerk!” she yelled.

Apple Bloom ran towards them “I'll save ya.” she said but was quickly caught by the tail by the other monster. As Apple Bloom hung upside down she felt the bright red gem fall from her bow. Luckily she was able to grab it again out of the air.

The two monsters looked at each other with their prizes held up “We should take them to the basement. The boss can decide what to do with them.” it said and they headed off towards the massive building.

Once inside they were taken down a flight of stairs. They found themselves being carried through many rooms filled with boxes and rusty tools. They finally came to a small room and were dropped onto the ground. Apple Bloom recovered first and glared up at the monsters “What do ya want with us?” she asked while hiding her fear.

The two monsters stayed silent but a voice came from behind them “I heard that you needed me. This had better be good, I'm a very busy pony.” said a masculine voice.

The two monsters turned to face the voice allowing the fillies to see who came in. Apple Bloom gasped when she saw Filthy Rich walk in. He wore a black suit with a design that looked like it was covered with bits but the strangest thing about him was his glowing yellow eyes. Filthy gave a smirk “Ah Apple Bloom it's so nice of you to visit my factory.” he said.

Apple Bloom growled at him “This ain't yer factory. It's mah family's farm. What did ya do ta it?” she demanded.

Filthy's expression turned darker “That's none of your business little filly. This land belongs to me and so does your family.” he said.

Scootaloo stomped closer to him “What did you do to them?” she asked in anger.

Filthy turned away from them “Why would I tell you when you won't live long enough for it to matter.” he said before glancing back at the shadowy monsters “You know what to do.” he said before walking out of the room. The monsters turned to the fillies and started advancing on them.

Apple Bloom started to back up into a corner “What are we gonna do?” she asked Scootaloo.

“Run!” she yelled before attempting to run past the monsters. Unluckily one grabbed her and threw her into a wall. Both of the monsters walked to the fallen Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom wanted to run in to help her but she was frozen from fright. She collected herself when she heard Scootaloo's voice “Run Apple Bloom. I'll distract them and be right behind you. Don't look back” she said.

Apple Bloom watched as a monster picked her friend up again and slammed her against the wall and held her there. Suddenly she heard a deep male voice in her head “Are you okay with watching your friend meet her end?” it asked.

Apple Bloom gulped “N-no.” she said.

“Would you do whatever was needed to change her fate?” it asked.

“Y-yes, whatever it takes.” she said.

After a few seconds the voice responded “That's all I need to hear.” it said. Apple Bloom felt a sharp pain in her head as is something was trying to force it's way through “Place your vow to me.” it said.

Apple Bloom felt a moment of relief from the pain and experienced newfound determination “Let go of her!” she shouted at the monsters.

The monsters released Scootaloo and let her fall to the ground as they turned to face Apple Bloom “It seems that this one wants to die first.” one said

“Let us oblige.” the other said.

They cornered the filly and held up their hooves, preparing to stomp. Before they could do anything, a blast of air knocked them back. When they looked back up they saw that Apple Bloom was now donning a steel mask around her eyes. Apple Bloom felt the mask with her hooves before she was met a overwhelming urge to rip it off.

She attempted to pull it off with her hooves but it remained stuck to her face. She tried again and pulled with all her might. It felt like her skin was being brought with it and her suspicion was confirmed when she started smelling blood. That didn't seem slow her down as her need to get the mask off grew. After a few more moments the mask came off with a sickening rip, leaving her face bloody.

Apple Bloom smirked despite the pain and her eyes glowed yellow. A blue energy started covering her body causing the monsters to back up slightly. The blue energy separated from her leaving her in a new outfit. She wore steel knights armor with some light leather armor underneath. She had a war hammer holstered at her left side and a crossbow on the other side and a shield on her back. She wore no helmet but still had her steel mask in her hoof.

The blue energy materialized into a steel chest plate, two gauntlets, and a helmet, all being connected by nothing but electricity. While the armor had no mouth it proceeded to speak “My name is Galahad, the protector. I am the rebellious force in your soul.” he said.

Scootaloo watched on in awe “W-what?” she asked.

Galahad floated behind Apple Bloom “If you strive to protect those close to you then I will grant you the power to do so.” he said.

Apple Bloom nodded courageously “Do it.” she said.

The monsters righted themselves “It seems that we should stop playing around.” they said. The two of them were engulfed in darkness and when the darkness dissipated they left two fireflies about the size of Apple Bloom. Instead of light behind them they had fire jetting from them.

Galahad looked down at Apple Bloom “Wield your hammer and shield with courage. Call upon me when you have need of my power” he said. Apple Bloom put the mask back onto her face and Galahad disappeared.

She stood on her rear legs while taking the war hammer in her right hoof and the shield in her left. The first firefly flew towards her at high speeds but she bashed it with her shield then hit it across the face with her hammer. The other firefly flew to her side and rammed her. She was knocked to the ground but got up without any problem. It came at her again but she sidestepped the attack and brought her hammer down onto it, slamming it into the floor.

The firefly dissipated into the air and Apple Bloom faced the other. The firefly flew close and spun blowing fire around it. Apple Bloom jumped back and took off her mask again, luckily it came off easily. Galahad immediately appeared and Apple Bloom pointed her hammer at the firefly “Strike it down.” she called. Galahad put it's gauntlets forward and a small spark of lightning came out of him and struck the firefly. It fell the the floor and dissipated like the other. Apple Bloom returned the mask to her face and Galahad disappeared again.

With the room cleared she holstered her weapons and ran to Scootaloo. She helped her up to her hooves “Are you okay?” she asked.

Scootaloo watched her with amazement still on her face “How did you do all that? What was that Galahad thing? Where did that outfit come from?” she asked.

Apple Bloom shrugged with a nervous smile “Ah don't know. Ah was kinda on autopilot but we should get out of here.” she said.

Scootaloo gestured to the doorway “Lead the way. You're the one with the super powers.” she said. Apple Bloom nodded and walked out of the room with Scootaloo close behind.

They slowly walked through the dark basement. Apple Bloom glanced around trying to remember the path back up. They came to a room with two doorways, one leading forwards and one to the left. Apple Bloom turned to her friend “Do ya remember which way we came from?” she asked.

Scootaloo shrugged “I don't know. I was too busy trying not to get foalnapped, but we aren't gonna get anywhere by standing here.” she pointed a hoof to the left path “Let's go left.” she said.

Apple Bloom wanted to argue her logic but after giving it some thought, she couldn't find any fault with the plan “Alright, remember ta stay behind me.” she said before heading down the chosen path.

Scootaloo followed while rolling her eyes “Yes mom.” she said sarcastically.

The two followed the path for a minute until they came to a dead end with many wooden boxes around. Scootaloo looked around for any kind of doorway but gave up and her gaze returned to Apple Bloom “I guess it wasn't this way. At least nothing happened, let's head back.” she said. With nothing in the room for them, they turned to leave.

“Wait, who's there?” said a voice.

Apple Bloom turned back towards the room and took her hammer and shield in hoof. But she didn't see anything “Who said that?” she asked.

After a few seconds the voice spoke up again “Apple Bloom?” it asked in a voice that was starting to sound familiar but she couldn't place it.

After giving it some thought she remembered who's voice that was “Spike?” she asked as she loosened her grip on her weapons.

The voice seemed to light up “Thank Celestia you're here! Let me out of this box.” he said.

Apple Bloom looked around at the multiple types of boxes that filled the room “Can ya give me somethin' a bit more specific?” she asked.

“The metal box in the middle.” he said.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo approached the box. They started lifting the lid with all their strength. With some effort they threw the lid off and looked inside. To their relief Spike climbed out. They looked over him and saw that he was wearing a cobalt colored thief outfit with a cloth mask tied around his head. They also noticed dual daggers attached to his belt.

Spike dusted himself off then turned to the two fillies “Thanks, but what are you two doing here?” he then noticed what Apple Bloom was wearing “Wait, do you have a persona too?” he asked.

Apple Bloom tilted her head in confusion “Persona? What's that?” she asked.

Spike rubbed his chin in thought for a few seconds before shaking the thoughts away “I'll explain later, after we get out of here” he said.

Apple Bloom wanted an answer but she knew that it would have to wait “Alright, we should be close ta the exit” she said. She and Spike took the lead as they walked back to the split in the path and walked though the last doorway. After walking though two more rooms they found a flight of stairs “Bingo! The exit should be right up here.” she said.

They ran up the stairs only to be met by two of the same type of monsters that attacked them before “Intruders! Let's take these ones back down.” one said.

Spike took his daggers into his claws and took a fighting stance “More shadows.” he muttered. He then turned to Apple Bloom “Ready for a fight?” he asked.

Apple Bloom stood on her back hooves and readied her weapons “As ready as Ah'll ever be. Scootaloo stay back!” she said.

Stootaloo took a few steps back and frowned “Alright then, go ahead and be awesome without me” she muttered bitterly.

The two shadows transformed, one into another firefly while the other turned into light blue turtle with icy spikes on it's shell. Spike noticed the ice on the turtle and smiled “Leave the turtle to me.” he said. He ran towards it and slashed it twice causing minimal damage to it's hard shell. It retreated its legs into it's shell and spun towards him. Spike jumped over it, turned and pulled his mask away from his eyes “Butch!” he called.

From behind him appeared a purple three headed hydra with green fire around each of his heads. One of butch's heads spit a small amount of fire at the turtle. Even with the small amount of fire the ice melted and the turtle flipped onto it's back. While it struggled to get up Spike jumped and stabbed both daggers into it's softer belly causing it to dissipate.

Spike looked over to Apple Bloom who seemed to be struggling. The firefly kept high until it attacked then flew back out of reach. Apple Bloom growled “Get down here ya varmint!” she shouted. It granted her wish by swooping down and bashed into her, knocking her back slightly.

“Do you have any type of ranged weapon?” Spike asked.

Apple Bloom nodded “Ah have a crossbow but no bolts” she said.

“Use it.”

“Did ya hear me? Ah have nothin' ta shoot.”

“Trust me just use it.”

Apple Bloom reluctantly grabbed the empty crossbow and bit onto the mouth trigger. She aimed at the flying nuisance and bit harder. To her surprise a glowing blue bolt appeared and flew towards the firefly. It hit it's target causing it to fall to the floor. Apple Bloom shook off the surprise and took off her mask “Galahad!” she called. He appeared and cast another small spark to finish it off.

She put her weapons away and turned to Spike “How did ya know that would work?” she asked.

“I'll tell you later, let's hurry before more come” he said.

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes “You'd better have answers to all these questions” she said as she followed them out of the building. They continued running until they left what used to be Sweet Apple Acres.

Scootaloo started turning back to the factory “Alright it's time to explain. First, what happened to swe-” she stopped when she fully turned and saw the farm just how it was and the factory was nowhere to be seen. “Wha- bu- what the hay!” she shouted. She turned back to the others to see that they no longer were wearing those strange outfits “Now what happened to your costumes?” she asked.

Apple Bloom looked down at herself to see that Scootaloo was right. She reached for her hammer and shield and felt them “Ah still have mah weapons” she said as she grabbed them. She then noticed something off about them “Wait why are they made of plastic now?” she asked.

Spike tried to calm them down “I can explain but you'll have to follow me back to the library.” he said. With no arguments the three left for the library.

As soon as they entered the library Spike looked around “Twilight are you here?” he asked. After a few seconds no response came “Good.” he said. He ran over to a bookcase and started looking under the fantasy section.

Apple Bloom walked up next to him “What's all this about, and why's it good that Twilight ain't here?” she asked.

Spike found what he wanted and pulled out a large brown book “Because she doesn't believe in what's in this book.” he said.

Spike held the cover out to Apple Bloom and she read it out loud “Research findings of the metaverse? How's this book gonna explain anythin'?” she asked.

Spike opened the book and cleared his throat “This book talks about a place called the metaverse, that's where we just were. As far as I know there's only one way to enter the metaverse, and that's the ruby. That's how I got there, but I dropped it when I got captured. Now that I think of it how did you enter?” he asked.

Apple Bloom thought for a second but then remembered something. She reached into her pink bow and held out the bright red ruby “Is this the ruby ya were talkin' about?” she asked.

Spike lit up and took it in his claws “This is the one! I found it a few weeks ago. I tried to eat it but somehow I couldn't bite through it. After researching I found out it was magical.” he explained.

Scootaloo only seemed more confused “Okay so even if that ruby took us to that place, how? It's not like we were trying to go to that freaky place.” she said.

Spike flipped through a few pages of his book “To understand that, first you have to understand where you were exactly. That place was called a palace, it was Filthy Rich's palace to be exact.” he said.

“Oh yeah Filthy Rich was there, but somethin' felt...off about him.” Apple Bloom said.

“That's because it was his shadow. In a way it is him but at the same time it's kinda not.” he said.

Scootaloo face hoofed “I'm tired of these riddles.” she said.

Spike chuckled “I'm explaining as fast as I can. There's a lot to get to.” he cleared his throat “There are some ponies that have a distorted view of the world. If that view is distorted enough then a palace is created in their heart. Filthy Rich must think that he owns Sweet Apple Acres and the apple family.” he said.

Apple Bloom frowned “That's why he thinks he can just double his usual order out of the blue.” she growled. She then looked to Spike with a pleading expression “There has to be someway to stop him.” she said.

Spike looked slightly worried “Uh maybe but we'll get to that. First I have to explain how to enter somepony's palace.” he held out the red ruby “There are three keywords the ruby needs to access a palace. It needs the pony's name, their distortion, and a location. Only when you say all three keywords will you enter a palace.” he said.

Scootaloo nodded in understanding “So we entered because we said that Filthy Rich treated Sweet Apple Acres like a fa-” Apple Bloom stuck her hoof into her mouth

“Stop, we don't want to go again.” she said

Spike laughed “Don't worry, we'd also have to be close to the location to be pulled into the metaverse.” he said.

Scootaloo pushed Apple Bloom's hoof out of her mouth “Okay but I think it's time to talk about Galahad and Butch.” she said.

Spike nodded “Right. They are called personas. They are the rebellious feeling inside of our hearts. I think that everypony has one but only some can access them. They are similar to the shadows in the metaverse but more tamed.” he said.

Apple Bloom rubbed her chin in thought “So they're a part of us? That explains why ah know what Galahad can do.” she said. She then thought of something else “But what happened to our weapons, why did they turn to plastic?” she asked.

“The palace is part of a pony's subconscious, if they think that the weapons are real then they will work like real weapons.” he answered.

After a few seconds of silence Apple Bloom spoke up “So you said there might be a way to stop Filthy's distorted view of the world right? What is that?” she asked.

Spike seemed visibly worried “Uh well yes i-i think so, but I think it's too dangerous.” he said.

Apple Bloom looked at Spike with wide pleading eyes “Please tell us. If we don't do somethin' mah family could be ruined.” she said.

Spike sighed “Okay, deep in every palace there is a treasure. Something that means a lot to the pony. If we were to steal that then the pony might have a change of heart.” he said.

Apple Bloom smiled wide “That's perfect, all we nee-” she stopped and frowned “Wait, did ya say might?” she asked.

Spike looked through the book until he reached a certain page “The pony who wrote this book tested this by stealing the treasures of ten ponies. Only two ponies survived and the writer had no idea why.” he said.

At this news Apple Bloom and Scootaloo froze in shock. Scootaloo recovered first “Well there's no way we can do that. Filthy doesn't deserve to die.” she said. She turned to Apple Bloom and saw that she was deep in thought “You're not actually thinking about doing this are you” she asked.

Apple Bloom was brought out of her thought “Ah don't want Filthy dead but maybe we can figure out how ta steal the treasure safely. Mah family is in trouble.” she said.

Spike put a comforting claw on her shoulder “If you want to try, I'll help you.” he offered.

After a few seconds Scootaloo stepped closer to them “Alright, count me in too. I might not have one of those persona things but I'll still help in any way I can.” she said.

“Thanks y'all, it means a lot ta me.” she said.

Spike gazed out a window and saw that the sun was about to go down “It's getting late, let's talk about this more tomorrow.” he said. The others agreed and they separated for the night.

Date: Unknown

Twilight shook her head and sighed “I told you not to lie to me. This isn't a game, it's serious business.” she said.

“But it's all true. All of it is in that book.” Apple Bloom said.

Twilight levitated a large brown book onto the table “Yes I know. Research findings of the metaverse by Dr. Cognition Conundrum. I've already read it and there is no evidence that these experiments were even conducted. Dr. Conundrum made it all up, that's why I keep it in the fantasy section.” she said.

“Me, Spike and Scootaloo experienced it first hoof.” Apple Bloom said.

“That's another thing I have a problem with. Spike wouldn't have anything to do with this. I've known him since I was a filly, he wouldn't hide this from me.” she said.

“He had to keep it from ya.” she said gently.

Twilight got up from the chair “This is over. It's obvious that you have no intention of telling me the truth of your story or your accomplices.” she turned around towards the door “I'm sorry Apple Bloom but I can't help you.” she said.

“Wait! Listen to mah whole story before ya write it off as a lie. What do ya got ta lose?” she asked.

Twilight stopped in her tracks before walking back to her chair “Alright, I don't believe you but I guess the least I can do is hear you out.” she said. She took out her notepad and wrote Scootaloo's name and Spike's name with a question mark.

Author's Note:

I really don't know how this story will do but I just had the hunger to write and this idea was fun so let's see where this goes.