• Published 29th Oct 2021
  • 761 Views, 7 Comments

Masked Justice - aggressive cornelius

Apple Bloom was a filly just like any other. But that all will change when she finds a peculiar ruby. Palaces? Shadows? Personas? Just what has she gotten herself into? At least she has friends, old and new, that will have her back.

  • ...

A Team Awakens

Date: Unknown

Apple Bloom slowly opened her eyes to see that she was not in her bed. She looked around to see that she was in some kind of cage. The room around her cage was a mix of different shades of blue. In the middle of the room was a white unicorn stallion with a mane of black and gray. His cutie mark was of a quill in a black hole.

“Who are ya? Where am ah? Ah thought ah was in mah bed.” she said.

The stallion looked towards her with a neutral expression “You were in your bed, or more specifically you still are. My name is Mystery Index, although you may call me Index.” he said.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow “Ah'm still in bed? Do ya mean this is a dream?” she asked.

Index nodded “In a way, yes. Although unlike most dreams this is very real. This place is called the velvet room” he said.

Apple Bloom started feeling uncomfortable under his gaze “So why am ah here?” she asked.

“I brought you here to give you fair warning. I am a being who is only interested in stories and the ends of those stories. But recently I've started to wonder. Can somepony with a bad ending avoid or change their fate.” he said.

Apple Bloom backed up slightly “Bad ending...What does that mean, are ya trying ta help me?” she asked.

Index shook his head “No, I am no character in this story. I am but an observer. I've told you what I must and will do no more. Whether your story changes or not will be up to you. We will talk again in the future, but for now this is goodbye.” he said.

Apple Bloom tried to stop him but before she knew it, she was waking up in her bed. She looked around to see that everything was normal. She put a hoof to her head and sighed “What a strange dream.” she said

Date: Thursday, March 4th

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo walked to school together again. Scootaloo turned to Apple Bloom in excitement “Spike's gonna meet us in front of Sweet Apple Acres after school. This is gonna be so cool.” she said.

Apple Bloom smiled and raised an eyebrow “Ya know this is gonna be really dangerous right?” she asked

“That's what makes it so cool” she said.

As they arrived at school they were greeted by Sweetie Belle again “Hi girls, what did you do yesterday” she asked.

Scootaloo lit up and spoke “You wouldn't believe it we-” Apple Bloom covered her mouth

“Sorry, me and Scoots have ta talk in private” she said then pulled Scootaloo away.

Scootaloo frowned at her “What's the big idea? I was just gonna tell her what happened. We can trust Sweetie Belle.” she said.

“Ah know that we can trust her but ah think we should keep this ta ourselves fer now.” she said.

Scootaloo thought about it but eventually agreed “Alright but we will tell her eventually.” she said.

The two walked back to Sweetie Belle “So? Are you gonna tell me what you did yesterday?” she asked.

Scootaloo opened her mouth to speak but no excuses came to her mind. She closed her mouth and thought for a moment. She then opened her mouth to speak again “Nothing.” she said simply.

Sweetie Belle narrowed her eyes “Are you sure nothing happened? Cause it really sounded like something happened.” she said.

Scootaloo started to sweat “No, nothing happened. Just a regular boring day.” she said. She saw Cheerilee coming out of the schoolhouse to greet the students “Hey look, school is starting. We wouldn't want to miss that.” she said. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo walked past Sweetie and into the school. Sweetie watched the two with suspicion.

After school Apple Bloom and Scootaloo started walking back to the farm “So any plans for when we get back to the palace?” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom looked to her friend “Well ah guess we sh-” she bumped into something and fell on her back. She looked up to see Filthy Rich standing above her. She was frozen in fear.

Filthy reached down to her with a hoof “My apologies Apple Bloom. I was not focusing on where I was walking.” he said.

After a few seconds Apple Bloom took his hoof and let him help her up “Y-you're not mad at us?” she asked.

Filthy looked confused for a second then chuckled “You must mean about the deal with your family. That's just business, no reason to be angry at anypony.” he said.

Apple Bloom blinked a couple times before collecting herself “Ah guess you're right. Well we gotta get goin'.” she said.

Filthy started walking away “Remind Applejack to think about our deal. I can't wait forever.” he said as he left.

Apple Bloom turned to Scootaloo “Did ya see that? He didn't remember seein' us in the palace.” she said.

Scootaloo shrugged “I guess he doesn't know what's going on in his own palace. That's good news for us though.” she said.

The two continued until they met Spike in front of the farm “Hey, so are you sure that you want to go back there.” he said.

Apple Bloom nodded “Ah have ta find some way ta help mah family, and ah think this will work.” she said.

Spike nodded and brought out Apple Bloom's hammer and shield “Alright, here I brought your things. Do you have the ruby?” he asked.

Apple Bloom fished the ruby out of her bow and held it out “Ah got it right here.” she said.

“Good, do you remember the keywords?” he asked.

She nodded and looked down at the ruby “Filthy Rich, Sweet Apple Acres, factory.” she said. The ruby lit up three times and the dizzying feeling washed over them again. When the feeling wore off they saw the factory in front of them.

Scootaloo looked to Spike and Apple Bloom to see that they were wearing their costumes again “Alright let's get in there.” she said

Spike stopped them before they could start walking “Wait there's something we have to talk about.” he said.

“What about?” Apple Bloom asked.

“The book said that referring to ourselves by our real names might have some effects on the palace and the palace owner. Just to be safe, we should have code names. At least me and Apple Bloom.” he said.

Apple Bloom started thinking “Code names huh? What should mine be?” she asked.

Spike rubbed his chin in thought “Maybe we should go with something simple like Paladin.” he said.

“Alright, ah like that. Now what should yours be.” she asked.

Scootaloo raised her hoof “Oh I got it. You will be Drake.” she said.

Spike smiled “That's not bad.” he said.

Scootaloo looked prideful for a second before turning back to the factory “Now let's go.” she said and started walking.

Apple Bloom got in front of her “Stay behind us just in case we face more shadows” she said. Scootaloo frowned but let them lead the way.

They entered the building but found no shadows in the lobby. They walked through a hallway then found themselves in a factory floor. They saw many conveyor belts with apples on them. The apples would enter a machine and come out as bits.

Apple Bloom looked over the room in shock “Is this really how he sees the farm? As some kind of money machine. This is crazy.” she said.

“Crazy is subjective really.” said a voice behind them. They turned around to see shadow Filthy. He took an apple off of a conveyor belt and took a bite “To me, not taking advantage of a business opportunity is crazy.” he said.

Apple Bloom was sure to stay on guard “What do ya want?” she asked with suspicion.

“What do I want?” he asked back to her. His expression turned into a scowl “I want all of you out of my factory. Although if you'd rather stay, then I could get somepony to entertain you.” he said. He tapped the floor twice and a shadow appeared before them “The choice is yours.” he said.

Apple Bloom readied her weapons “Ah can't just leave, this is too important ta me.” she said.

Filthy Rich took a step back to allow his shadow space “Fine then, have it your way.” he said. The shadow took form and it turned into a zombified stallion carrying a great sword in his mouth.

Spike took out his daggers “That sword looks dangerous, watch out Paladin.” he said.

Apple Bloom nodded and looked back at Scootaloo “Keep yourself safe, while we handle this” she said.

Scootaloo reluctantly took a couple steps back. Spike pulled out a revolver and fired but the zompony was able to block with it's sword. It ran in and swung the heavy sword at him. He jumped back just in time to avoid it. Apple Bloom came behind it and swung her hammer into it's side. It recovered quickly and bucked her a few feet away. Spike gasped and ran towards her.

He didn't see the zompony swing the sword at him again. It slashed him across the chest and he flew into a nearby wall. Apple Bloom got in front of him defensively “Are you okay Drake? Are you bleeding?” she asked.

Spike looked down at his chest to see no gash or blood “That hurt but it didn't cut through me. Maybe that has something to do with us being in the metaverse.” he said.

“Well that's good ta know.” she said. She pulled her mask off and summoned Galahad. He fired a spark at the zompony but it shook the electricity off fairly easily. It charged her and she held her shield in front of her. With a swing of it's sword she was thrown a few feet away from it's sheer power.

It advanced on Spike who was still struggling to get back up. Apple Bloom took her crossbow in her mouth and fired. Two shots made it into his side. It turned back to her and held a hoof up covered in black and red energy. The same energy appeared under Apple Bloom and shot up. It didn't feel hot but it burned at her skin.

Once the attack ended, her legs gave out and she fell to her stomach. She attempted getting to her hooves but the pain prevented her “W-we can't give up.” she said.

Scootaloo watched as her two friends were in pain and still in danger. She gritted her teeth and ran into the battlefield “Stay away from them!” she shouted.

Filthy turned to her and chuckled “Or what? What could you do? These two actually have some fighting capability, however mediocre they may be. You're just a disabled pegasus.” he said.

Scootaloo's face twisted in anger “I'm not disabled! And I don't care if I stand a chance or not, I'm gonna help!”

Filthy disregarded her words “You're less than worthless. Not even worth killing. I hate wasting time so scram, me and your friends still have business to take care of.” he said turning away from her.

Scootaloo got his attention again with a stomp “I'm not worthless! I'm tired of hearing that just because I can't fly! If anypony is worthless it's you! You lost your worth when you thought you could ruin an innocent family for money! I won't let you have your way!” she yelled.

Suddenly Scootaloo started getting a splitting headache “It seems that my time has finally come” said a stern feminine voice. Scootaloo started screaming in pain and holding her head in her hooves as the voice continues “I feel the rebellion in your soul growing. You want to rebel against everypony who put you down. You want to rebel against gravity itself. Show me, show me you have the will to fly.” she said.

In a flash of blue energy a pair of goggles appeared on her face. She pulled at it with all her strength until it ripped off. The blue energy covered her body. When it left her, she had a leather aviator pilot jacket and a white scarf around her neck. Her persona took form behind her. She was a green eagle wearing a flight helmet sitting inside a tornado. Scootaloo smirked “It's time to turn this around, show them what you can do Earheart.” she said.

Earheart flapped her wings, causing razor sharp winds to pass through the zompony causing it to back up from the pain. Scootaloo ran to Spike and Apple Bloom “Are you ready for round two.” she asked.

Spike got back up and summoned Butch “Help me out Butch” he said. Butch summoned a green energy that covered Spike and the pain started fading away. He pointed to Apple Bloom “Now for Paladin.” he said.

The same energy healed Apple Bloom and she got to her hooves “Thanks Drake. Ah didn't know you could do that.” she said.

Spike noticed the zompony again and took his daggers back in his claws “We can talk later, we need to finish this.” he said.

“No problem.” Scootaloo said as she took out a combat knife and held it in her mouth. She ran under the zompony and slashed at it's legs. It tried to kick her but she was fast enough to dodge it.

Spike summoned Butch and sent fire it's way. It wailed in pain but shook the fire off.

It ran towards him but Apple Bloom slammed her hammer into it's hoof causing it to fall onto it's stomach. Scootaloo summoned Earheart and used her sharp winds to knock it onto it's side. She then ran past it, cutting along it's side with her knife. The zompony let out one last wail before going limp and dissipating.

The three sighed in relief and faced Filthy. To their surprise he didn't seem angry or even disappointed “It seems that I've underestimated you. No matter, nothing has changed. If you continue to sully my factory with your presence then you will surely fall to the dangers within. Leave now and don't come back. If you do, I promise I won't underestimate you again” he said. He disappeared into the shadows leaving the three alone.

Apple Bloom wiped some sweat from her forehead “Maybe we should leave and come back tomorrow. I'm beat.” she said.

Spike nodded and turned to Scootaloo “Maybe we shouldn't have told you to stay back, we couldn't have done that without you.” he said.

Scootaloo put on a prideful smile “That was so awesome. I wish Rainbow Dash could have seen me.” she said.

Apple Bloom giggled “Come on, we can pat ourselves on the back later.” she said. She stopped when she looked back and saw small brown bag sitting where the shadow was “Wait what's that?” she asked.

Spike picked it up and peeked inside it “It's a bag of bits. Did that shadow drop this?” he asked.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow “Do ya think they'll be real bits when we leave the metaverse?” she wondered.

Scootaloo's expression lit up “If we get bits for this, maybe we can do this as a job. Maybe we can even get our cutie marks in...” she frowned “What would you call what we're doing?” she asked.

Apple Bloom thought for a moment “Since we're trying ta steal Filthy's treasure we'd technically be thieves.” she said.

Scootaloo smiled again “We could get our cutie marks in thievery!” she said happily.

Spike face palmed “That's not a cutie mark anypony would want.” he said. Shortly after that they decided to leave Filthy's palace. Once back in the real world, Spike looked in the brown bag again and saw that the bits were real “Hey, these are real bits.” he closed the bag and held it out to Apple Bloom “Maybe you should hang on to them for us.” he said.

Apple Bloom looked a bit shocked “Huh? Why me?” she asked.

“These might be able to help us with buying supplies and I don't know if I trust Scootaloo not to spend them immediately.” he said.

Scootaloo pouted “Hey! I'm responsible!” she shouted.

Spike rolled his eyes and handed the bits to Apple Bloom “Anyway, let's meet here again tomorrow okay?” he asked. The two agreed and they went their separate ways again.

Date: Friday, March 5th

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were once again walking together. Scootaloo was buzzing her little wings excitedly “I can't wait until after school so I can do more with my persona.” she said.

Apple Bloom shook her head and sighed “Remember that we ain't doin' this fer fun.” she said.

“Doing what for fun?” asked a familiar voice behind them.

They yelped in shock and whipped around to see their friend Sweetie Belle “O-oh nothin'. We weren't talkin' about nothin'.” Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie looked confused “Doesn't that mean that you were talking about something?” she asked.

Apple Bloom mentally face hoofed “Whatever, how are ya doing sweetie?” she asked.

Sweetie Belle smiled brightly “Much better now that I'm not grounded anymore. Now I can go crusading with you girls again. Wanna hang out after school?” she asked.

Scootaloo's mind raced to think of some excuse “Um well...I don't know because...” she turned to Apple Bloom and whispered “Apple Bloom help.” she said,

Apple Bloom smiled after thinking “Chores! That's it! Ah have so many chores ta do today...and Scootaloo was goin' ta help me.” she said with what she hoped was a convincing smile.

Sweetie Belle frowned at the obvious lie “Okay? Well maybe I can come and help too.” she suggested.

Scootaloo started to panic “No you can't b-because...Apple Bloom's family hates unicorns!” she said.

Apple Bloom glared at her “Scootaloo!” she growled.

“I-I meant that it will be tiring work so you might just want to stay home.” she said.

Sweetie Belle narrowed her eyes at her two friends but decided to give up “Alright well maybe we could hang out tomorrow.” she said.

Apple Bloom sighed in relief “Yeah that sounds good.” she said.

The three continued to school in silence. After school Apple Bloom and Scootaloo waved back to Sweetie Belle before walking off together. She watched the two as they walked “Those two are up to something and I'm gonna find out what.” she said before tailing them.

Sweetie Belle followed behind them while hiding behind bushes, carriages, and other ponies. She noticed that they were walking towards Sweet Apple Acres where Spike was waiting. Sweetie Belle ran into a nearby bush to eavesdrop on them.

Spike greeted them with a smile “Hey girls, are you ready.” he asked.

Scootaloo nodded “Yeah, Sweetie Belle was getting suspicious but we came up with an excuse not to hang out with her today.” she said.

Sweetie Belle felt hurt listening to that but decided to listen further.

“Alright Apple Bloom, take us in.” Spike said.

Apple Bloom nodded and pulled out the ruby and spoke to it “Filthy Rich, Sweet Apple Acres, factory.” after three blinks from the ruby Sweetie Belle's vision went blurry. When her vision came back she saw the three in their metaverse outfits with the factory behind them.

Sweetie rubbed her eyes just in case what she was seeing wasn't real. Unfortunately nothing changed. The three were about to walk towards the factory when Spike stopped them “Wait, Scootaloo doesn't have a code name yet. What should it be.” he asked.

Scootaloo smirked “I thought about that last night, just call me Aviator. Sounds awesome right?” she asked.

Apple Bloom and Spike looked at each other then back to Scootaloo “Alright ah guess we can call ya Aviator.” Apple Bloom said.

They continued walking to the factory and Sweetie shook off the shock of what she was seeing “This wasn't what I was expecting. I just thought Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were dating in secret. I have to get to the bottom of this.” she said before sneaking behind them.

They walked back to the factory floor to see two shadows guarding the next room. Apple Bloom made sure that it was just the two of them before turning to her teammates “Looks like it's just the two of them.” she said.

Scootaloo took her knife out “no problem, we'll make easy work of them” she said before clutching the knife in her teeth.

Apple Bloom nodded and took her hammer and shield out “Alright, just remember to watch your backs.” she said. The all jumped out of their hiding place and ran towards the two shadows. The shadows immediately showed their true forms. One turned into another firefly while the other one turned into a yellow alligator who's maw sparked with electricity.

Scootaloo dodged the firefly who tried to ram her. She swapped her knife with a mauser pistol. She missed two shots before hitting it causing it to lower to be in range. She summoned Earheart who sent her winds towards the firefly. It's fire went out and it fell to the floor. Before it could recover, Scootaloo sliced through it causing it to dissipate.

Apple Bloom and Spike faced down the alligator. It tried to chomp down on Spike but he sidestepped and slashed at it's side twice before it backed out of range. It turned to Apple Bloom and opened it's mouth and electricity flew out towards her. It struck her in the chest but hardly affected her. She smirked and took her cross bow in her mouth and fired a few bolts into it. While it was distracted, Spike summoned Butch and burned it with his fire. It flailed in pain and Apple Bloom finished it with a hammer to it's head.

While they celebrated, Sweetie Belle watched in shock “Have I been friends with secret super heroes...or maybe they're super villains. I have to make sure.” she said and followed as they walked into the next hallway.

She peeked around the corner to see them looking at multiple doors in the hallway, looking slightly lost. She suddenly heard hoof steps behind her. She turned to see a shadow staring down at her “You're not suppose to be here” it said threateningly. Sweetie screamed and ran out into the hallway.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Spike turned to the sound and saw a shadow chase Sweetie Belle into a room “Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom called in shock. They ran into the room after them. When they entered they saw Sweetie Belle was caught by the shadow. Apple Bloom took her weapons in her hooves “Put her down.” she commanded.

Behind them Shadow Filthy walked in “Well well well, what have we here.” he said.

Spike turned to him and growled “Not you again.” he said.

Filthy glared back at him “I'm the one who should be saying that! I let you go and how do you repay my kindness? By trespassing on my property again!” he shouted with a stomp “And I told you that I wouldn't underestimate you again. Unluckily for you, I'm a stallion of my word.” she said. He knocked on the metal floor twice and four shadows appeared beside him “I'm going to deal with our new intruder while you four kill these three nuisances. Don't disappoint me.” he said.

He and the shadow carrying Sweetie Belle started walking towards the door. Sweetie started struggling against the shadow “What's going on?” she asked.

Apple Bloom ran towards them “Don't worry Sweetie, we'll save ya” she said. The four shadows blocked her way and took form. Before her stood a firefly, icy turtle, and two zomponies. Apple Bloom growled as she backed up into a defensive stance “We'll have ta get through these shadows first” she said.

Scootaloo readied her knife “They'll be done in no time at all.” she said.

As they started the fight, Filthy and the shadow brought Sweetie to another room where there were shackles attached to the wall. Filthy pointed to the wall “Lock her up there.” he said. The shadow did as it was told and shackled her hooves to the wall.

Sweetie backed up as close to the wall as she could “P-please I don't want to die. Rarity please save me.” she pleaded.

Filthy walked up to her “Calling for your sister to save you from yet another mess huh? How many times do you think it will take for her to tire of helping you out of every little situation you get yourself into? In the real world you can't just expect sompony to save you. You have to have a strong will, and get things done yourself. As I do.” he said.

Sweetie Belle lowered her head as tears started falling from her eyes “...You're right. My sister can't help me. My parents can't help me. Nopony can help me.” she said sadly.

Filthy nodded “At least you will die knowing that you stopped lying to yourself.” he said. He started walking towards the door.

“I'm not done.” she said causing Filthy to stop and turn towards her. She wiped the tears from her face and looked up towards him with determination in her eyes “You're also right that I have to stop being a coward do it myself.” she said.

She started to grunt as a pain shot through her head “Ha ha ha I see that you're in the mood to make a little trouble my dear!” said a high pitched male voice “Come on, take my power and let's have some fun!” he said.

Filthy growled “Not another one” he turned to the shadow “Get off your lazy flank and kill her before it's too late!” he yelled. The shadow ran towards her but was blown back by a blast of air. Sweetie was suddenly wearing a Black mask with bits of pink, blue and yellow paint on it. She pulled at it and ripped it off with a scream of pain.

Blue energy engulfed her and left her wearing a black hoodie with spray paint of multiple colors staining it. The energy formed into a brown stallion with a icy blue mane and blank white eyes that had frost flowing from them. He also wore a old looking brown hat and a necklace that ended in a clock. Sweetie smirked up at them “Let's do it Fagin.” she said.

Fagin held his hooves out causing Sweetie's shackles to be covered in ice. After a few seconds the ice shattered the shackles and freed her.

The shadow turned into an electric alligator. Sweetie stood on her hind legs and ten inch metal claws came from two gauntlets on her forelegs. The alligator charged her with it's jaws open. She sidestepped and scratched twice at it's side. The alligator knocked her away with a swipe of it's tail. She recovered and took her mask off, allowing Fagin to appear. He caused ice to form on the alligator's midsection before it shattered. She then ran and gave it one more slash across the face causing it to dissipate.

Filthy growled and advanced on her. Sweetie ran out of the room and slammed the door closed. She summoned Fagin and he formed ice around the door “That should hold him for some time, now time to find my friends.” she said.

She returned to the previous room and saw that her friends were still fighting. All that was left was one firefly and one zompony. Sweetie Belle took out an automatic rifle emptied it's magazine into the zompony's back. It turned and charged her. Before it could reach her, a spark of electricity struck it's back causing it to fall to the floor and dissipate. Sweetie summoned Fagin and formed ice on the firefly. It shattered hard causing it to dissipate.

Sweetie sighed and wiped some sweat from her forehead before smiling at her friends “I'm happy to see you, but can you explain what just happened?” she asked.

Apple Bloom chuckled “Yeah, let's get out of here for now. We'll explain at the clubhouse.” she said. They all left the factory and to the CMC clubhouse.

When they arrived, they explained everything they knew to Sweetie Belle “Ah think that about covers it. Ah'm still shocked that ya got a persona too Sweetie.” Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie Belle giggled a bit “Yeah, and I would've never guessed that this was what you were hiding from me.” she said.

Scootaloo rubbed the back of her neck “Yeah, sorry about that. We just didn't want information like this getting out.” she said.

Spike nodded “But now that you know the situation, would you like to help us steal Filthy's treasure?” he asked.

Sweetie Belle smiled and pulled the three into a hug “Of course, I wouldn't miss out on a chance to help my friends.” she said.

The four separated and Apple Bloom yawned “We should head home fer now but let's meet here tomorrow, okay?” she asked. The other agreed and they all went their separate ways.

Date: Unknown

Twilight took her quill and notepad in her magic again “So Sweetie Belle was also a member of the Phantom Thieves?” she asked.

Apple Bloom frowned “Not was. She is a Phantom Thief. All of us are. Nothing happened to the Phantom Thieves.” she said.

Twilight wrote Sweetie Belle's name and dropped the notepad “You're wrong. Even if what you're saying is the truth, the Phantom Thieves are done.” she said. Her horn lit up again and a red ruby floated up beside her “You said that this gem is the only way to reach the metaverse and now that we have it, you can't do Phantom Thief work.” she said. She stared at the gem and sighed “Of course that's only true if what you're telling me is the truth and I'm still not sure about that.” she said.

Apple Bloom sighed sadly “Believe what ya want. Ah'm gonna stick ta mah story.” she said.

Twilight wanted to comfort the sad filly but she restrained herself “Go ahead and continue your story.” she said.