• Published 16th Oct 2021
  • 353 Views, 5 Comments

Gameshow Celestia - DakariKingMykan

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Round 3: Four-of-a-Kind

Author's Note:

The Real Super Pay Cards show only played three rounds, and the jackpot prize was $5,000.

This is my version, and a new way.


Some of the girls were still frustrated that Celestia wasn’t doing too well.

“How could this happen?” asked Rainbow. “It’s like a conspiracy against Celestia.”

“Well… not really.” said Fluttershy “There are fifty-two cards in a full deck, and they only use sixteen at a time. So it’s really anybody’s guess.”

Rainbow shrugged.

Rarity was fanning herself in her usual dramatic tendency, and Pinkie asked Celestia again, “Can’t you just tell us if you won or not?”

Celestia acted coy and distracted while humming casually while taking a bite of pizza. She really wasn’t going to tell.

“Come on, Pinkie…” said Applejack “Not knows is what makes this more exciting. Would anyone really want to watch a game or a sport if they already knew the outcome?”

The girls found it hard to argue with that logic, even Rainbow.

“Hey, the show’s back.” called Twilight, and she grabbed Spike, holding him close to her as everyone piped down.

Mykan welcomed everyone back and recapped the score…

“Beast Boy is still in the lead-- $400 to $200, however we are moving into our third round now, which is very interesting-- it is called “Four-of-a-Kind” and here’s how it works…”

The sixteen cards were put up again, and Mykan explained…

“Now in this deck… there are four sets of four of a kind. So, players, remember… that as you take cards from the board to build your hands… remember that Four-of-a-Kind is possible four different ways.”

This made things very intriguing. The girls especially hoped that Celestia would make a huge comeback with this play.

Unfortunately, no cards would be revealed. The players were required to find out for themselves.

Celestia was up first since she was still trailing, and Mykan instructed her, “Pick three cards, and if you find a pair among those first three, all three become yours… Good Luck.”

Celestia had no idea what was there, so she decided merely to try her luck at fishing.

“I would like to try Number 7 please.”

The card was the Jack of Hearts.

“…Number 13 please.”

That was 4 of Spades.

“And let’s go with Number 4 please…”

The last card was the 10 of Clubs.

Since none of the cards matched, Celestia did not have to take them if she chose, and unlike the previous round she couldn’t just take cards she wanted. She either had to take them all or none… and she chose none.

So all the cards flipped over again, but now there was a good revelation of what was there.

Now it was over to Beast Boy, and he was to choose three cards.

“Okay, let’s try Number 15 please.” he called.

His pick turned out to be the 10 of Diamonds.

“Oh, no!” whimpered Fluttershy.

“No, no… not again?!” grumbled Pinkie.

Beast Boy’s next pick was “…Number 5.”

That turned out to be the Ace of Hearts; a very high card.

Quickly, Beast Boy called “…And Number 4 please.” Uncovering the 10 of Clubs Celestia had revealed, giving him both 10s and the Ace.

The girls felt headaches coming on. Now not only did Beast Boy have a plan to find the other two 10s, but because he took away an Ace, now collected four of them was totally impossible, which would make things a little harder for Celestia.

…It was still Beast Boy’s turn, and he wanted those other two 10s.

“What would you like to try now?” asked Mykan.

“I’d like to try 11 please.”

The card was the 4 of Diamonds; completely useless to him, so he sent it back.

Now it was back to Celestia who had to pick another three cards.

“I would like to try Number 14 please.”

The card flipped and revealed the Ace of clubs, and even though collecting four was no longer possible, it was still a good card.

Celestia then chose. “Number 9 please…”

It turned out to be the 4 of Clubs… which made her grin, and she quickly called out, “Number 11 please…” for the 4 of Diamonds, giving her an Ace and two 4s.

Now both players had plans and strategies unfolding, and it was still Celestia’s turn…

…She was still grinning because she remembered something.

“…Number 13 please.”

She found the 4 of Spades she had revealed on her first turn, which now gave her three, much to her delight.

The girls were cringing hard, and Rarity was breathing heavily into her napkin. “Just one more now…!” she muttered.

“Yeah, but what if Beast Boy tops her off again?” asked Applejack.

The tension only rose further.

“Now, Celestia…” called Mykan. “If you can fill in your hand with your next card, you will force Beast Boy to complete his hand immediately.

Turn over another card.”

Celestia looked over the board…

“Let’s try Number 2 please.”

She wanted a 4… and she got it!! The 4 of Hearts… thus giving her all of them, and making her smile with glee and the audience cheered for joy.

The girls were overjoyed, but after what had been happening in the first two rounds, they didn’t bother getting jumpy.

“Watch, he’s going to take it all from her again.” grumbled Spike.

Twilight pondered, “I’d say his odds are 350 to 1, against.”

It was Beast Boy’s turn, and as he was cautioned by Mykan, “Whatever two cards you call now, you must keep, but you still have a chance.”

Beast Boy had no idea where the remaining two 10s he needed were hiding, but he made his choice…

“Let’s try Number 12.”

He wanted a 10, but he got an Ace… of Spades, which dashed his hopes of topping Celestia’s hand, and made the girls gawk with glee.

“Well, not to despair, you can still get a Full House…” said Mykan. “…Turn over one more card.”

“Number 16 please.” called Beast Boy.

His hopes were totally dashed when it turned to be the Jack of Diamonds, which didn’t work for him at all…

…Much to the girls cheering delight as Mykan tallied the scores.

“Well, things have certainly turned around this time.

Beast Boy… you have accumulated two pairs. At $20 a pair, that gives you $40, bringing you to $440…

…But look at this; she’s made a miraculous comeback.

Celestia, you have four 4s, that gives you $200, plus $50 High Hand, and she now takes the lead with $450!”

Luna hugged her giggling sister while the girls were practically leaping for joy.

The remaining cards were flipped over showing that the other 10s Beast Boy needed were in positions 1 and 6, and the rest were all Jacks and one remaining Ace.

The show was ready to go on break again, ready for the final round.

Who was going to win it all?