• Published 16th Oct 2021
  • 356 Views, 5 Comments

Gameshow Celestia - DakariKingMykan

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Round 1: Five-Card Draw

Author's Note:

Made these vids way back with what little resources I had...


The show started off with the stage all dark, and an intro fanfare, followed by Jen’s voice called out…

“It’s the television card game that everyone can play… It’s “Super Pay Cards!”

The audience cheered and applauded, the girls and the sisters did as well, and Spike howled as the stage began to light up.

“…And here’s your host, D.K. Mykan!”

The young man leapt out onto the set with excitement and glee.

Seeing him on stage made Rarity and Celestia swoon.

That’s when the camera changed to Celestia and her opponent applauding as well, which made the girls gawk in astounding awe.

Celestia was cringing with glee, finally seeing herself on the big screen. Luna was giddy for her as well.

Rather than ask any questions or be concerned, the girls just watched the show in hopes their questions would answer themselves.

The host called out to the audience, “Thank you! Thank you very much, everybody, and welcome to Super Pay Cards.

Well, we have two players ready to go at it today. At the end of the show, one of them will have a shot to go at Ten-Thousand Dollars cash.”

He then turned to his Co-Hostess and asked her kindly to introduce the players, and Celestia was introduced first.

“Meet a High-School Principal, a former champion horse-rider, and a devoted wife and mother in-search of the perfect night’s sleep: Celestia Sunrise.”

Celestia smiled on TV, and the host greeted her, while in the living room, the girls turned and gawked at her going “EEE…!!” making her blush and giggle.

Then it was over to the other player, who was rather unusual-looking-- green hair, green skin, pointed ears.

“Hey, I think I know that guy…” said Rainbow, and her wonders were confirmed as Jen made the introduction.

“Celestia’s opponent is one of the Teen Titans, and also a devoted spouse and parent, and a very fine actor, singer, dancer, and comedian. This is Garfield Logan; better known as “Beast Boy.”

The crowd cheered again, and then, like most shows, the host would then have a short chat with each player and get to know them a little.

Celestia on TV, talked about her hobbies, her work, and her kids…

This made Celestia, in real life; look over at her little ones in the playpen with a loving smile.

After the little round of chitchat, it was game time!

The host took his place behind his own podium, wishing the players luck.

“It’s Five-Card-Draw, this first round.

Here’s your basic set of sixteen cards coming up on the game-board.”

With a combination of electronics and cute sound effects, cards appeared on the big blackboard with the numbers 1 to16 on their faces

“In this deck there are some pairs, threes-of-a-kind, fours-of-a-kind, some single cards.

The object of the game is to build a better hand than your opponent.”

Mykan and Jen then proceeded to go over the rules and pay-values upon complete card hands for the players.

Each player would receive…

$20 for every pair…

$50 for Three-of-a- Kind…

$100 for a Full House…

$200 for Four-of-a-Kind…

Straights and Flushes were not playable options, but the player who built the higher hand would be award a bonus of $50 extra; a great way to avoid tie-ups in scoring.

Whichever player assimilated the most money after four rounds would go to the Bonus Round to win Ten-Grand more to add to their total.

“Now, Celestia…” said Mykan “You won the toss of the coin before the show, so you will get to go first, but before you do… I will quickly show for you and Beast Boy four cards in the deck to help you get started.”

With that, one-by-one, four random cards were turned over on the board revealing what they were and where they were.

Card Number 1: Jack of Clubs.

Card Number 6: Five of Hearts.

Card Number 10: Nine of Diamonds

Card Number 13: Queen of Spades.

Then they all flipped back over for the players to try and remember where they were.

The host then called to Celestia, “Pick three cards, and if you find a pair among those first three, you will keep them.”

Celestia looked through the cards and made her first choice. “Number 4 please.”

The card revealed itself as the Jack of Diamonds.

The girls already felt excited, having remembered something from earlier.

Celestia’s second choice was, “Number 11 please.”

It was the 7 of Hearts, but that’s when Celestia began to smile, as if she remembered something as well, and her final choice was, “Lucky Number 1 please.”

Just as was remembered, she found the Jack of Clubs that was earlier revealed.

The audience cheered, and so did the girls.

“What a way to start off.” said Sunset.

Celestia, in real life, nodded proudly, but she couldn’t stop staring at herself one the TV.

The three cards vanished from the board, and reappeared on the big score card behind her podium.

She still required two more cards to complete her hand.

There were thirteen cards remaining on the board, but Mykan cautioned her, “It is one card at a time now Celestia, so what would you like to see now?”

Celestia looked them over and chose, “Number 12 please…”

This card turned out to be the 5 of Diamonds. “Do you want it?” asked Mykan.

Had she chosen to keep the card, Celestia would not be allowed to put it back ever. It would stay in her hand permanently, and since the 5 was no good for her hand, she decided to Pass.

The card flipped back over, and thus her turn was finished.

“Ooh! This is getting scary.” whimpered Fluttershy.

“Take it easy, the round only just begun.” whispered Applejack

Mykan then addressed Beast Boy, “Good luck with your first three cards.”

Beast Boy looked at the board carefully. “I’d like to see Number 5 please.”

The card was revealed to BE a 5… of Spades, which made Beast Boy grin softly.

“I’d like to see Number 6 please.”

He found the 5 of Hearts which had been revealed earlier, giving him a pair.

“And I’d like what’s under Number 12 please.”

With that, he uncovered the 5 that Celestia revealed on her turn, giving him Three-of-a-Kind just like that and putting him ahead of Celestia’s hand.

The girls were starting to fret softly, while Celestia on TV was only chuckling.

Mykan wwas chuckling too and cautioned, “You better watch your step, Celestia. Looks like a strong player at work.”

Then he called to Beast Boy, “What do you want to see for your fourth card?”

Beast Boy looked the board over. “I’d like to try Number 8 please.”

The card revealed itself to be the Queen of Clubs. “Do you want it?” asked Mykan.

Beast Boy refused and sent the card back, which passed control back to Celestia, who had serious work to do.

“I would like to see Number 15 please.”

That card turned out to be the Queen of Hearts; another card that would not do her hand any good. So she sent it back.

“Alright, Beast Boy, what’ll it be?” asked Mykan.

Beast Boy answered “Mykan, I’d like to have a look at Number 16 please.”

The card flipped over and everyone in the TV audience awed and oohed at the Jack of Spades. “…A card that Celestia can use.” Mykan pointed out.

The girls grew tense at the sight of the card too. Rarity even wiped her sweaty brow with a clean napkin.

Mykan then asked to Beast Boy, “Do you want to keep away it from her? It doesn’t do much for your hand.”

Without too much hesitation, Beast Boy decided, “I’d like to take the Jack please.”

The audience oohed again, and Celestia on TV, her features had hardened a bit.

Pinkie gawked in disgust with her mouth hanging open, which she then stuffed with a handful of popcorn.

“Low blow!” groaned Rainbow. “Celestia could’ve used that!”

“It’s the way of the game, Rainbow.” said Sunset.

“Just keep watching…” said Celestia.

It was still Beast Boy’s turn. Now he had three 5s and a Jack.

“Pick another card.” instructed Mykan.

“I would like to see Number 9 please.”

The card flipped showing the Queen of Diamonds; a card that neither player could really use. So Beast Boy sent it back.

“Hey, wait a minute here!” said Applejack. She had been keeping track of cards that had been revealed. “Oh, my…!”

It was Celestia’s turn again.

She decided to go with “…Number 3 please.”

That card also did not help her; it was the 9 of Hearts. So it was sent back, going back to Beast Boy once more.

“I feel that Number 14 will be lucky.” he said.

Wouldn’t you know it, the card turned out to be the 5 of Clubs, exactly what he needed.

The audience cheered and Beast Boy was grinning with glee.

“Oh, no!” cried Pinkie “He’s got four of them now.”

Celestia, in real life, nodded in slight shame. “Again… that’s the game for you.”

No one else had to be Twilight to see that Celestia on TV couldn’t possibly top the opposing hand now. Even Mykan pointed this out…

“Well Celestia… he put together Four-of-a-Kind. He kept a card away from you.

You must keep the next two cards you call, but let’s see what happens.”

With that in mind, Celestia decided to press her luck and try the only remaining cards that hadn’t been touched.

“…Number 7 please.”

The card revealed to be the 7 of Diamonds, giving her two pairs, and a chance for a Full House.

“And Number 2 please…”

The final card was exactly what she hoped for; a 7 of Spades.

Both players had completed their hands, and Mykan tallied up the scores.

“At the end of the first round of play…

Celestia, you get $100 for your Full House, just like that…

But look at this; Beast Boy is off to a perfect start. Four-of-a-Kind… $200 plus $50 for High Hand, and he takes the early lead with $250!”

The audience cheered, but the girls couldn’t help but Boo and Hiss.

“Oh, really girls…” sneered Luna.

While Celestia did admire the girls rooting for her, she didn’t really like their poor sportsmanship either. “The game isn’t over yet…” she pointed out.

“She’s right.” said Twilight “There’s still a chance she can make a comeback.”

Spike agreed, but there was nothing left for the moment.

The remaining cards on the board then revealed themselves, showing there were still two unused 9s, and four Queens on the board.

“Oh, if only Celestia had gotten those…” said Spike.

Twilight patted his head, as the show went for commercial break.