• Published 16th Oct 2021
  • 356 Views, 5 Comments

Gameshow Celestia - DakariKingMykan

  • ...

Round 2: Strategy

Author's Note:

When making the Round 2 vid, I hit the "Breath-Reduction" and the "Notch-Filter" too high, that's why the sound is a little flaky. (It's not easy to edit sound to perfection)


During the commercial break, the girls helped themselves to more food and snacks while Celestia kept an eye on her babies who were starting to fall asleep, and so she and Luna sent them off to bed, in the cribs in the nursery.

They returned just in time as the show returned; giving off promotional items.

“Showtime!” hollered Pinkie.

“Shh… Pinkie! You’ll wake up the babies!” scolded Sunset.

“Oh, no you won’t.” said Celestia “The nursery is way upstairs, and Celesto had the walls padded to avoid loud noises.”

The girls thought that was clever, and it meant they could be as loud as they wanted to be, and Celestia mere used a one-way baby monitor that was on “Listen”, but not “Talk” so it wouldn’t pick up their voices.

“Quiet, it’s starting.” exclaimed Rainbow.

Everyone took their seats and pipped down.

Mykan welcomed the audience back and recapped the scores…

Beast Boy: $250

Celestia: $100

“Now, Celestia has a chance to make up some ground in this next hand, which is called “Strategy” and you’ll see why in a moment.”

A new deal of sixteen cards popped up on the board, and this time things were different this round...

Cards that were revealed would not turn back over and remain face-up all through the round. The players would rotate turns, revealing more cards, and then deciding which to take for their hands, making strategy a key factor, but still more relying on luck.

Mykan addressed the players, “The house will now reveal three cards for the two of you.” and three random card flipped up.

Number 4: 9 of Spades…

Number 7: King of Hearts…

Number 11: Jack of Diamonds…

Celestia was behind in the scores, which entitled to go first. Mykan instructed her, “You turn over two more cards, and from the five then showing take two for yourself.”

Celestia looked over the cards and thought carefully while considering what was already revealed.

“…Number 5 please.”

That card was revealed as the Queen of Clubs.

“And Number 13 please...”

It was revealed as the Queen of Spades-- exactly where it was in the previous round. This made the audience cheer and Celestia grin widely. It was obvious which two cards she wanted to take for her hand…

“I’d like the Queen of Hearts and the Queen of Clubs please.”

“The two Queens for a pair… All right…” said Mykan.

The girls were already giddy with glee.

“Two queens already.” commented Rarity.

“Let’s see Beast Boy top that one.” said Applejack.

“Shh-Shh! Here he goes…” chirped Pinkie.

Beast boy was already looking at the cards to make his selection.

“Since I’m in the lead, I’d like to start with Number 1 please.”

The card was revealed to be the 10 of Hearts.

Some of the girls snickered softly.

“And could I also see Number 16 please.” said Beast Boy, and the card showed itself as the King of Clubs, which made the girls wince in worry!

“Okay, Beast Boy, take two cards now.” said Mykan, and it was no surprise what Beast Boy chose. “I’d like to take the King of Hearts and the King of Clubs please.”

“…For a pair. Beautiful.” commented Mykan.

The audience cheered, but the girls were all shuddering with worry again. Beast Boy was doing better than Celestia once more.

Even Luna felt a bit nervous, but patted her sister’s hand showing her enthusiasm to keep watching.

“Okay, Celestia…” called Mykan. “You have a pair of Queens… There are three cards showing, but reveal two more.”

Celestia pondered at the board before making her next choices.

“I’d like to see Number 6 please.”

That card turned out to be the 10 of Spades, matching the other 10 that was just above it.

“And Number 12 please…”

That was Queen of Hearts, which really made things interesting as Mykan pointed out, “She has a nice choice. Let’s see what her strategy is.”

Celestia looked up and down between cards as she figured what to take.

“I would like the Queen of Hearts.”

“That’s gives you three ladies.” said Mykan, “…And what else would you like?”

“And I will take…” she paused for a second “…The 10 of Hearts, please.”

“The 10 of Hearts… all Right.”

Now Celestia’s hand was really getting strong. With three Queens and one 10, plus another 10 still revealed on the board, she seemed to have a sure-thing happening…

…But now it was Beast Boy’s turn to turn over two cards.

“Mykan, I’d like to see Number 15 please.” he called.

His pick was the Jack of Spades.

“And… could I also see Number 2 please.”

This pick turned out to be the 9 of Hearts.

“Well, you’ve two pairs to pick from.” said Mykan. “Which two cards do you want?”

“I’d like to take the two Jacks there, please.”

“The Jack of Diamonds and the Jack of Spades… all right.”

The girls were all growing tense with excitement. Rarity was sweating bullets, Fluttershy was trembling, and Twilight almost crushed Spike in her arms.

“Twilight… please…!!” he groaned.

“Oh, sorry…” she said while letting him go.

With Beast Boy holding only two pairs, Celestia still held the advantage over him, and she still had a sure thing to happen.

“Well, Celestia…” called Mykan “If you find another Queen, it’s Four-of-a-Kind. If you get another 10, it’s a Full House. There’s already a 10 showing on the board.

But first, before you take a card… turn over one.”

With a sure-thing already in grasp, Celestia made a quick decision. “…Number 10 please.”

It was a no good Ace of Clubs, but it didn’t seem to bother her in a bit, because she took the 10 of Spades giving her a good Full House and earning cheer from the crowds.

The girls cheered for joy too, so did Luna while Celestia grinned.

“Well, Beast Boy…” called Mykan “The only chance you have to top her hand is with another Jack or a King.

You have one chance to do it-- who knows. Turn over a card.”

Though looking a bit tense, Beast Boy called, “Mykan, I’d like to see Number 3 please.”

The card flipped over revealing… the King of Diamonds… much to the girls’ outrage, and Celestia’s disappointment on screen.

“What?!” snapped Sunset.

Rarity keeled over back up against the sofa.

“You have GOT to be kidding me!!” groaned Rainbow.

Even Luna was a little frustrated, but Celestia could only shake her head.

Since Beast Boy took the King he had found, it was time to tally the scores again.

“Well, what can you do about that, Celestia?” teased Mykan. “You have a very nice hand, but it’s not as high his Full House I’m afraid.

Nevertheless, you still get $100, keeping you well within the game…

…But here is Beast Boy with $100 for his Full House, plus $50 High Hand, and he leads with $400!”

The audience cheered, much to the girls’ disappointment, but they tried to keep their good sportsmanship up as Celestia wanted.

The remaining three cards on the board were then revealed to be two 9s and another 10, but no more Queens or Kings.

Then the show went on break again.