• Published 16th Apr 2022
  • 358 Views, 34 Comments

Dragonhearted - Slendy

The world of Equestria has evolved, in order to combat dangerous monsters a Guild producing hunters has expanded in the years. Now, Akira, a bat-pony wishing to do the same, takes risky steps toward her dream of finding the lost legend of Fatalis.

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Chp. 8 - Rage

Another day in Kalao was going by swimmingly. Sure, still stuck at one star, but it wouldn't be long before me and Argo were soaring into the second rank, really, the quest board for us had been nearly completed, and with a few bonus points fighting large monsters that got in our way. This was annoying but I was really starting to get into the groove. I hummed happily as I returned to Argo standing by the board again, a few other hunters coming and going as I slid up to his side.

"So, what's on the docket this afternoon?" I asked chipperly when he made a short noise.

"...the Frost Peaks," His magic tugged off a new gathering quest. "We've gotten used to quests within the Forgotten Oak, and one down at the Roaring Marsh, I feel a change of location is paramount."

"Hm, good call," I nodded, taking the quest. "Ahem, 'Hunt and gather Six Popo tounges', okay, gross, how is this a delicacy again?" It was for the head chef Palico, he was a strange, if not very eccentric, person who could turn even the most unappealing items into an edible dish. My eyes flattened with an unnerved smile, "Y'know, doesn't mean he should use ingredients like this..."

"I shall wait then," With a wave, I left Argo for the front desk to sign off the quest.

I didn't wait long before I was seen by one of the Guild Mares, placing the notice before her with the 150 Bits fee, a bit pricey for a gathering quest but my wallet wasn't drying up anytime soon. The mare nodded to me with a smile, "Okay, let me just get this approved, please wait a moment," She left her desk to do whatever it is they did in terms of paperwork, I don't have the IQ for their job anyhow.

"Well-well, here I thought you'd have run off by now, Aki-" I think the universe hates me specifically. Unavoidable, I stomached a sigh and met with both Silver and Blue, oh great, snake eyes for this mare. "-color me impressed," That spiteful look fit the odd emotion I saw swimming around in that aura of his, is he... ugh, oh Gods just no!

"What is it now, Silver?" I didn't even try to hide my scorn for the guy. Since day one, which was roughly two weeks ago, he's been constantly biting at me, commenting about my equipment, which was a reinforced Izuchi armor still, my looks, and just about the way I breathed in his general direction. It's funny really, if he actually managed to put two and two together that my dad was the Guild Leader, he'd practically die of a heart attack the second I looked at him funny. But, against my wishes, I bit my tongue, my dad's position wouldn't solve my problems.

"Hey, Silver, check it-" Blue prodded a hoof behind me at the desk, his eyes had caught my quest notice. "-she's still a one star!" The large stallion's stone-like armor, Barroth armor to be accurate, shook with his throaty laugh.

"And here I heard you fought an Elder Dragon-" My eyes flinched when Silver's condescending tone appeared, then he laughed in my face, ruffling my mane uncomfortably. "-no, wait, sorry! Somepony else took care of that for you, and get this, wasn't even an Elder Dragon! Hah, how pathetic is that!?" His two other companions stood nearby, one of them laughed too, the other just looked the other way, clearly unimpressed herself.

My cheeks burned from the constant insults, and I swear, one punch would knock his jaw off and I could leave. I just... shaking a breath from my lips, I turned to the counter after hearing the Guild Mare return. "Thanks," I offered, taking the quest form and leaving with my head down. Then I yelped as a sharp lash struck my flank, and another roar of laughter escaped Silver and Blue when the latter's magic dissipated. "..." I stomached my lunch, face completely scarlet as I stomped past their companions, not sparing them a second to check their auras, it was all the same rotten texture.

I just wanted to do my job.

What else was I supposed to do?

No Go on the Popo ⭐
Main Objective
*Hunt and gather 6 Popo Tongues

Frost Peaks| Reward 350 Bits | Fee 150 Bits

The Frost Peaks were a sudden shift from the norm for me, what with snow two inches thick for the most part along the various trails between the mountains, and the abundance of new plants and animals to see it was a relaxing change of pace. Well, if I wasn't so heated I could melt the snow with just my hooves, my eyes felt itchy so I did my best to shovel my feelings down to avoid any issues. Behind me, wrapped up in a white winter coat, was Argo, the studious unicorn following me into the mountains on a search for Popo.

So far, we had one Popo tongue, the rest of the herd had run off as I collected the piece I needed, and some extra materials for another winter venture, my hooves are freezing right now. My scoutflies tracked them deeper into the mountains, the peaks further up through a thick layer of dark clouds, the howling wind arching through the valleys as we wandered through an icy cavern toward the next plateau that overlooked the world far below.

Through the echoes of water dripping from stalactites, Argo cleared his throat. "Akira, are you... okay?" His concerned tone forced my hooves to slow their ascent. "It's just... you've been quiet, and much more aggressive on this quest," He pressed further, looking around the cave systems over the lip to our left. "Even while gathering resources, I... you're okay, right?"

Turning to him, I brought a smile to my muzzle. "Never better!" Then I brushed it off with a wing. "That clown's been on my case for years, at this point it's all reused insults and tricks, nothing a body of steel bones can't handle, hehe!" Folding my wing, I offered him a gentler look. "Thanks for worrying, but I just want to get out of this place, I can't feel my hooves.

Argo nodded, "Very well," He bought it, for now. Turning back to the mouth of the cave, we came out to the sunlight, what little could break the ceiling of grey, and there were several other paths to take, one leading toward the peak to the far side of the plateau. And two valleys leading down the mountain again with a wide cliff facing the world afar. If only it was sunny, this would make for an amazing sight in the afternoon. "There they are." His observations were correct.

Popo have especially thick hair covering their eyes. Large hooved feet, large curved tusks though the females are smaller. In the herd, only four remained, and I only needed two to complete our request. Drawing my sword, I took to the sky, masking my glide with the wind so as to not alert them. Steadily, my dark energy was applied to the blade's edge, shrouding it in dark purple light. Diving down, my body spun into an arc, sweeping the thick napes of two Popo with one fell swoop, frightening the others away as I smirked, sheathing my blade to carve what we needed.

"Mission accomplished," I chimed at Argo's approach, himself documenting a few notes on Popo as I chopped out the slimy tongues, swallowed my lunch again, and packed them away. It was awfully easy compared to a hunt against carnivorous monsters, plus the Popo are really nice creatures so I always ensure to go after the elder ones, which is probably why my hooves might fall off soon. Curse my kindness for adorable creatures. Teeth chattering, I turned to my friend. "Let's go home, I need a hot bath."

"You and me both," He concurred, then paused, causing me to stumble into his backside. "Where did the Popo go?"

"Huh?" Shaking my head, I scanned the area for their auras but... there was nothing. Furrowing my brow, I tried to expand my aura sense further. "Maybe down the mountain? They do know when to make an exit..."

"Perhaps, but before, they ran only because you pursued them, typically, they'd have stopped running before vacating the area by now," Argo had analyzed their behavior furrowly, and that worried me. Not about his extensive research, but what that meant for us right now. "Unless something was chasing them too."

"But... what was chasing them?" My words fell on death's ears when my scoutflies flashed cherry red, retreating into the lamp on my belt, a few remained, flying away from above us on the mountain walls surrounding most sides of the plateau. Fear rolled up my back like winter's glare, and my body's core temperature fell into the minuses. Argo was the same, stumbling back behind me with frightened eyes as his breath hitched at what we followed up to the top of the ridge.

Two large claws dug against the ice and snow, balancing the large body over the edge to stalk us. A large, quadrupedal wyvern with a massive head and jaws, powerful limbs, and striking yellow/blue striped coloration stood out in the white and grey haze. The top of its head was tipped with a pair of horn-like ears, and its segmented tail ends with a spiny protrusion. Toxic, potent bloodlust dripped from its dark aura, flooding my aura sense with enough negativity to overpower my own. I recoiled, this monster...

It leapt down onto the snow, a small plume shrouding its towering figure and bulging muscles. With a deep growl, it raised its head, the membrane attached to the front legs expanding as a deep, thunderous roar threatened to burst our eardrums, dispelling the cloud of snow. The Roaring Wyvern, Tigrex.

"Run..." My voice croaked, and eventually, seeing the large forearms sink through the snow, I found my ability to scream. "RUN NOW!"

Argo, thankfully, heard me this time as I dove into a roll underneath the Tigrex as it tore across the snow, biting down on air before turning to face me with a snarl. I shifted through the snow, diving at its large head to snag its horn with my clutch claw, pulled away from its claw swipe in time to dig my blade through the outer scales, slicing downward to weaken its body, but my blade barely made a dent as pain erupted in my right side, the other forearm shoving me backward through the snow in a heap.

Tigrex slammed its heel into the snow, dislodging a mixture of rock and ice that tumbled toward me. Flying over the mounds, I almost froze up again, drawing forth Swords Dance to give me as much power as possible. Sweeping sideways to evade another rock barrage, I dipped over the snapping jaws, bringing my blade across its back in a sweeping pattern, bashing the tail with my shield though my muscles nearly tore themselves apart when the tail swung around in a spin, swatting my through the snow again.

The brute charged toward me, jaws wide to bite me in half. Thinking on my toes, I hopped to the side, evading the chop to slam my shield against the underside of its teeth, then again to see its eyes flinch. Running up its face, I leapt and spun around to descend with my shield, cracking the surface off its scalp with a piercing ring. Then Tigrex roared in my face, and I physically felt my smaller cuts widen from the sheer force, not to mention my sensitive hearing left me deaf momentarily.

I stumbled off its head, my clutch claw's wire snapped as it brought its head around to slam against my chest, and I swore something cracked as my wail was cut dry, burying me deep into the snowbank against the mountain. This was just like with Gore Magala, I couldn't even make a dent in this thing. My purple gaze focused again on the beast barreling toward me, and all I could sense was anger. Okay then... anger it is... sorry Mom, Dad.

Digging up my own wounds brought forth a considerable amount of hatred within me. It did bother me, every hurtful word, against me, my parents. The harassment borderline assault made my skin crawl and my heart rate nearly explode. All of it made my blood boil and my head filled with nothing but spite. I glared back at Tigrex, and my eyes were blood red.

Shifting through the snow, I adjusted my posture and flew like an arrow, spearing the side of its head with enough force behind my shield to bend the metal plating, but it worked, Tigrex toppled over like a sack of bricks. It immediately clawed its way back on all fours, shoveling another barrage of snow my way that my blade tore through with ease, twirling into a corkscrew with my wings, drilling the tip of my blade against its right arm, slamming the blade down with my back hooves like a cleaver, leaving a gash in its scales. Flicking myself and my sword over its side bite, I swung around, a dark arc of purple light staining the sky and across its cheekbone, followed by a jump slant through the head again while I flew past the tail, slashing at its stomach and armpit.

Heaving a sigh, I watched as Tigrex fell over, growling in pain. Blood dripped down my chin and my armor was falling apart, even my clutch claw was useless say for the slinger. I felt the heat from my eyes fade and pain return to my bones while I desperately drank down a mega potion to relieve the stress on my body but I couldn't win, my sword was nicked all over, and my shield was about to split in half. I'm totally screwed.

"Coming through... coming through...!" Someone was heading toward me? No, toward Tigrex? It didn't even notice, neither did I until now. Caught up in my own emotions, someone kicked up a wall of snow behind them, heading in a straight line for the brute wyvern without remorse. Were they insane? I... really shouldn't be thinking that. "Coming... Through!!"

Before Tigrex would deafen me once more, something small and face collided with its head, breaking the left horn like a twig with two, silver scaled swords in each scaly hand. The shockwave flung Tigrex across the plateau away from me, burying it in snow. The new hunter landed with pride, the sunlight catching their body as my eyes widened considerably at both the heroics and sheer stupidity.

The person was a wingless drake of average height to my Dad with an extremely toned and muscular build, possessing large, defined muscles most notably over his stomach and arms. His scales were dark grey-blue with a peachy stomach and under his arms. What was most defining of all was his equipment. No chestplate, only a pair of bracers made with whitish-blue fur and matching scales, a belt too with white animal fur wrapped around his waist. Scale leg wraps with furry hide which exposes his heels and toes, which also appear to be what fastens the sandal bases he wears on his feet.

Lastly, a beautiful helmet of a hollowed-out dragon's head made of golden scales, the eyes clear white with two short crystal-white horns jutting from the scalp. I've never seen a monster with a head like that but it looked vaguely similar to an Elder Dragon I read about. The dragon wearing a dragon's head swung his right rectangular sword forward, the matching machetes to his armor crackling with yellow sparks. "My name is Garu Daora, son of the greatest Elder Dragon in history, Garuba Daora! Die for me, become my springboard toward the strongest Elder Dragons of all!!"

"What the heck's a 'Garuba Daora'? A subspecies?" I've read up on almost every type of monster my Dad's ever known but that was definitely not one of them.

Whatever the case may be, a cloud of snow rose above the mountain wall, and through the haze, Tigrex lunged into a frenzied charge, eyes glowing red. I wanted to yell for the guy to dodge but he just bent both arms back, muscles clenched in preparation. And the air... it was starting to circulate around him? What is he? "First Form-" Garu swung both arms into a cross chop, sliding underneath Tigrex's bite to slash two wide arcs through its chin, releasing a harsh wind that knocked the brute backward. "-Air Cutter!"

Garu leapt to block one of Tigrex's forearms with his sword, sparks crackling as he threw the leg back to striking in a series of slashes that Tigrex had trouble evading. It spun around, swiping at the ground with its tail only to miss the drake now landing on its back. Garu brought both swords to his upper right. "Second Form - Saw!" With a whirlwind of frigid wind, he shredded through Tigrex's back, splitting the membrane on the left arm into tattered rags with a flurry of cuts.

Landing before me, Garu marveled at his strength, he radiated with overconfidence but an instinct, unlike any other hunter I've seen. "What the hell are you doing?" I flinched when those blank white eyes on the golden helmet burrowed into my sockets. "I thought you were strong, hmph, instead you're just sitting there waiting for it to kill you!"

"Huh, I'm not..." Looking down at my sword, it really was about to break, so what could I -- no! Shaking my head, I cast my weapon aside, flying next to Garu. "Screw it... can you beat it?"

"Hahahaha, easily!" He brandished his cleavers, well, good enough I suppose.

"Right, I'll give you an opening, 'kay!?" Flying above the battle, Garu waved one blade up angrily.

"I didn't ask for your help! I can beat this thing with my eyes closed!" He yelled a lot, but that's what I'm hoping for.

"Well, suck it up, princess!" That made him freeze, then narrowly avoid a boulder sent flying over the cliff. "Just wait, you'll see the opening!"

Not wanting to stick around for him to yell at me again, I had to take this opportunity while I could. Naturally, it made sense to just pack things in and leave, I have the Popo tongues so why stay when this guy's out for Tigrex blood? I honestly don't know what's compelling me forward, why I'm bothering to fight an unwinnable battle in my case. Maybe I really just wanted to prove a point, yeah, I guess that would be selfish of me. Enhancing my body with Swords Dance, I flew wide and fast, furthering my agility with Quick Attack with Tigrex switching its focus onto me, slamming the ground for a series of ice boulders.

"Night Slash - Pentagram!" Overwhelming my forelegs with darkness, I brought the astral blades through the chunks of ice, clearing my path forward with five streaks of dark light when the snapping jaws of the brute were within inches from my muzzle. I braced, throwing my hooves wide to grab the insides of the Tigrex's jaws. Like a vice, I held them apart as the beast uncomfortably thrashed, my bones feeling like they could bend and break at any moment. "Come on, just a little more..." A hot breath seethed between my teeth. I didn't just put all this effort to die on some random mountain top!

I wanted to be stronger.

I want to be proud of myself.

I... I will find the Black Dragon!

"No matter what it takes, so will you SHUT UP ALREADY!?!" My scream tore at my throat, and a streak of silver tore through Tigrex's mouth, leaving it gagging and wailing with blood dripping down onto the pristine snow. Protruding from my forehooves I brandished a pair of long silver claws. "Metal Claw...!" Fueled by hatred, I skewered the weakened scales atop its head, throwing myself over its bloodied jaws to hack and slash down the nape, flinging scale fragments through the air. "Now!"

Diving away, a shadow passed over me, using my chest like a stepping stone to launch himself over the spinning Tigrex. I landed in the snow again, facing the snarling beast as its claws pinned against my claws while drool pooled from its teeth with a mixture of crimson. But from above, the sunlight bathing his glimmering headpiece, Garu spun down with that move of his, dragging wind and thunder alongside his arms. "Second Form - Saw!" A silver whiplash cleaved through Tigrex's nape, spraying blood with a strained roar that shook my skull.

Tigrex stumbled off my body, trying to stand up straight had blood now guzzled from its nape like a fountain, eventually dropping the beast of raw muscle and strength in a heap on the snow, the chest growing still within seconds. Doesn't matter how strong the monster may be, if you damage a vital point enough it'll topple, guess the same went for a Tigrex. A pair of grey-blue legs kicked the snow next to me, and when I stared up at the drake with blood-soaked swords I swore I was next, paling considerably.

"You..." He growled.

"M-me?" I squeaked.

"That was so freakin' cool!!" He pumped his fists with a twinkle around his head. "Those claws of yours... are you a chimera! I wanna fight you next! Come on!"

"Eh? Wait what? Now?" I looked around. My armor, weapons, and body were all totaled for today, I needed a two-day nap after this. "Dude, I nearly died out there!"

"Your welcome," He huffed with a sense of pride, hands on his hips. "It's thanks to me you got to see the glorious Garu Daora in action! But you... you dived right into the jaws of that beast like it was nothing! It was so cool!" Then the blank eyes of his mask narrowed, red ticks appearing as he stomped. "And for some reason, that pisses me off!" He threw a finger down to boop my nose. "So I want to fight you and claim that I am the strongest between us!"

"Can I get a second opinion? I wanna sleep," I raised a wing but he clenched his fist down at me.

"No, we fight right now, Bat Lady!" He refused, and now I was glaring irritably up at him.

"I have a name, it's Akira Amadeus," I recited.

"Okay then-" He pointed at me. "-prepare yourself, Kiki Madra, I'm taking you down today!"

"Who... who the hell are you talking about!?" This guy... is a complete moron!

"You, obviously!"

"That's not even close to my name, you Scale Brain!" I swung my totally fractured right hoof wide, barking up at him. "Can you even spell it!?"

"Huh!?" He retracted hesitantly. "I... I don't know how to read and write!"

Are you kidding me? "How did you even survive this long!? You need a written form to apply for weapon and armor upkeep!" This guy is impossible. Forget it, he's not a hero, he's just a nutjob.

"Why does that matter!?"

"In your case? It does!"

For the next hour, I got to know Garu before I passed out from fatigue alongside him.

"You're okay, that's-" Argo didn't even get to finish his sentence as I plugged my ears with my wings.

"Alright, fine, I get it, you can stick around, Gods above!!" I screamed, huffing and puffing my way to the tent to sleep and forget about my pounding head.

"Hahaha, just you wait, I'll blow through every monster that comes our way, then we'll see who's on top!" Garu declared, then shot his head back and forth as I glowered from behind the tarp, throwing it shut with a huff. Well, I have a new friend now... lovely...

"I... wouldn't recommend going in there," I heard Argo speak up, forcing the shadow away from the edge of the tent. "Not unless you wish to find a fate worse than death behind that tarp."

"I can still hear you!!" I hissed, then whined. "Ugh... my head hurts...~"

This quest stinks worse than Popo Tounges.

<><><>Quest Complete!<><><>

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

The next to our main group has arrived, Garu Daora. His inspiration is... much more noticeable than others. And I think everyone had that sinking feeling when I mentioned collecting Popo tongues. This isn't the last we've seen of a Tigrex, that's for sure.

And big surprise, Akira learned a new move, Metal Claw! I hope you enjoyed, I appreciate the support as always; seeya in the next chapter, Hunters!

Chp. 9 - Emerald of the Forest
It was finally time to put her work to the test. Akira sets out on a Special Assignment for her rank-up quest. Her opponent? The Queen of the Land, Rathian...