• Published 16th Apr 2022
  • 357 Views, 34 Comments

Dragonhearted - Slendy

The world of Equestria has evolved, in order to combat dangerous monsters a Guild producing hunters has expanded in the years. Now, Akira, a bat-pony wishing to do the same, takes risky steps toward her dream of finding the lost legend of Fatalis.

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Chp. 11 - Silence and Screams

Under the cover of an early night, myself, Garu, and Argo sat around a large round table off to the far side of the canteen, hunters came and went, completely ignoring us and our newest guest to our group of misfits. I stared at the white unicorn with light brown hair tied back into a small ponytail, leaving those deep blue eyes watching me in particular but she did pass them over the others. Myst Cut, a hunter that was considered a prodigy in her own right.

"As I said, I need your help," She repeated now that Garu was here scarfing down a new meal before him, his mask tilted up slightly to eat. "It's a simple objective, I require a certain resource to upgrade my equipment with materials from my last hunt, however, the location is a complete unknown to me."

"So you wish to cover more ground with a competent team, correct?" Argo cut straight to the point as Myst nodded. Closing his reddish-orange eyes, he made a low noise. "I see, well, we'll aid you, but what is it you're looking for?" He opened his eyes again.

"Dragonite Ore," Myst revealed, eyes glancing in the general direction of the dorms where her longsword was likely stored. "I intend to branch out my elemental capabilities but until that time I tend to use a simple metal-based longsword, however, in order to refine it I require this ore that's located in a place called the 'Dark Below,"

"Eh?" I made a small sound, causing them to look at me. "W-well, I've heard of it - m-more like I've seen maps of the place dozens of times - I can lead you there," I really need to learn to stop opening my mouth, especially now.

"That's great," Myst smiled a bit, and that sinking feeling only grew at the expectation.

"Given that, perhaps we can map out the area ourselves?" Argo glanced at Garu who licked his lips clean with a sharp smile before hiding it beneath that golden mask. "Up for an expedition while they handle their part?"

"Hahaha, I've always wanted to explore the Dark Below!" There was a pause as he looked between us. "What's that?"

"A network of caverns, tunnel, ravines, they all run beneath the mountains just east of the Forgotten Oak," Myst explained, shaking her head. "As I've said, none of my quests have led to that location before so I'm hoping to not walk in blindly."

"Oh." Garu nodded.

"T-then I guess we have a game plan," I coughed up.

"Yes... I... guess I'll meet you all in the morning?" Myst was unsure how to leave us, giving an awkward look at me for confirmation. We never really had a set system.

"S-sure, bright and early!" I grinned as Myst gave us one last bow of her head.

"Again, thank you for hearing me out, I'll repay you all as soon as possible," She thanked and slowly left our table as I chuckled.

"S-sure, seeya then, haha... ehehe..." Once she was gone, I felt my heart plummet into my stomach. "I'm so screwed..." Grabbing my temples, I whined and pressed my head to the table in defeat.

I'm having second thoughts. Was that a bad thing? Probably. But staring at the literal edge of life and death ought to do that to you. What was it that had me on... well, edge? Simple. I have an irrational fear of caves. Not like ones where you walk a feet meters and you can still see the outside world. But deep, dark, nearly endless, winding tunnel underground made my heart race uncontrollably, my fur all clammy, and my wings tight to my sides.

'But Akira', I can hear you asking, 'Bat Ponies live under a mountain in Blackrock Hollow'. And yes, you're correct. But I never grew up there, and it was the only place within a massive cavern that I could feel relatively calm in, but everything else? No. Also, bad to assume all Bat Ponies like caves and dark spaces, that's like thinking all Earth Ponies think with their hooves and not their heads.

The main camp was located at the entry point for the Dark Below. It was a literal gash in the mountain that had opened up into a large network of caves below, some were still unexplored. All you had to do was jump and there would be either landing pads or just use the rope net tossed over the lip I faced. The camp sat just outside the Forgotten Oak, a bonfire unlit as the sun crept over the horizon.

"I'm ready," Behind me, I heard Myst call out as she left the large yellow tent in place for the camp grounds. She wore platemetal over some form of black hide, the metal's texture was a blue pigment and covered her legs with a breastplate and a few segments woven into the sides of her tunic and back to added protection while maintaining as much flexibility as possible. Myst also wore a purple bandana with the seal of the Guild on the buckle over her forehead. "Where are the others?"

I sighed, "Garu took off the second we got here so Argo's keeping tabs on him while they map out locations for future reference, we may be part of the Guild but mapping is still a pain," We weren't given complete maps to help every hunter familiarize themselves with their hunting grounds. Fortunately, I had remembered this location well. "So... it's just us," I smiled slightly.

"Well, I suppose not much has changed," She approached the edge while I stood there and stared like she was crazy to look over into the only visible cavern.

"You need to tell her,"

"I will, I will, alright!?" I hissed back as I ran a wing through my mane. "It's not that easy to say out loud, okay!?"

Argo breathed through his nose, then nodded. "...I know this isn't easy for you, which is why I was apprehensive about helping her, now, I'm afraid that could make matters worse."

"Thank you for summing that up for me," I grumbled, rubbing my eyes. "Ugh, why did I have to open my mouth...?"

"Because, despite your fear you care," Argo admitted, rubbing my back to soothe my fright. "But if you wish to help her, you need to tell her the truth."

"I will..." I hope.

"-kira?" Myst had been calling me for sometime it seemed. "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, totally, just... going down memory lane, haha, can't get lost if I take a wrong turn!" My sheepish reply didn't rouse any suspicion, for now. "Let's uh... go," I opened my wings to stare down into that pit. Just think bright thoughts, open sky, fresh air, anything but the tons of earth and rock that could collapse around me at any second to suffocate me to death... oh God I'm screwed...

Once we made it to the bottom, I had the unfortunate role of leading the charge. Probably the biggest mercy about the Dark Below was the abundance of glowing crystals. They didn't provide any use, they simply gathered light from the very few holes among the surface to sustain a light source of their own, then they spread that light to their cousins and so forth, now, we had a dimly lit path ahead of us... away from the sunlight.

Thankfully, I had Myst with me to break the silence. "I heard you took down a Tigrex - w-well, I mean, by the armour and weapons, I mean, I did see you before your rank up quest," She cleared her throat as I nervously watched the shadows as I let my memory guide us as my Scoutflies and hers highlighted objects and tracks of interest but I wasn't focused on them.

"Yeah... met Garu when he saved me, I got lucky, honestly, he just let me keep the parts," I always needed someone to bail me out of my mistakes, I still wasn't strong enough alone. "But I can't complain, with all this I'm able to move up a rank and soon, I'll be the same as you and Garu!" My smile was weak but it got the point across. So why was it that Myst's aura felt so damp and guilt-ridden?

"You're always so confident in yourself, I honestly expected you to have be a three-star given what you've done," Her compliment made me laugh, turning a corner to head down a steady slope that passed over a massive, black ravine that I promptly kept my eyes away from, walking a little faster.

"You'd be the first..." I murmured, then quickly shook a wing. "Well, aside from my parents, and Argo, and his Moms, I'm just..." Once we reached the otherside, I looked at the junction presented to us, tapping my chin, I turned to the right lane and motioned for her to follow. "I've had supportive people, it's not common knowledge but my Mom and Dad weren't always super famous themselves, circumstances led to all that we are now. 'Course, I don't like bragging, so almost no one knows the legendary Guild Master is actually my Dad,"

Myst nodded thoughtfully, "I can understand, and don't worry, I figured you didn't want that to be public knowledge," I thanked her with a smile, standing closer to her to keep the ambient dripping, groans, and other sounds from making me tremble. "My family is... alot, the Cut family is as you know, a noble branch, we've been benefactors for the Guild since it was established by my Grandfather in his last few years," She smiled again, they must've been close.

Then she lost her smile, looking down at the ground we travelled. "But my parents aren't what you could call 'supportive'. My eldest sister is a member of the science division in Canterlot, my eldest brother working toward taking Captain Topaz's place when she eventually retires, and me? I..." Myst didn't speak, looking away from me as we entered through a smaller tunnel toward a brighter light at the end of its curve.

I answered for her, "They want you to take my Dad's place, don't they?" I mean, I've never thought of it myself. If and when the day comes that he passes... would I be his successor? Or would that honour go to someone else? I never asked him, but it was an odd thought. Myst, however, held her head low. From her point of view, this made me her greatest rival, the daughter of the Guild Master.

"I hate it," She grunted, kicking a rock ahead of us as I jumped slightly but she didn't notice. "I don't want to compete with anypony, I don't want to be the next leader of the Guild," She stopped to look at me as pinks and purples illuminated us from above. I could see the anger and contempt in her eyes. "I chose to become a hunter because I wanted to dictate my own life, then, when I finally turn eighteen... I can forget all about them,"

"Myst..." I had no words to describe her now. She always stood confidently, her strength, character, everything about her was what I expected of a hunter, she was amazing. Now? It was all to escape a legacy she never asked for, she wanted to be free but her family - no, her parents were anchoring her to this stupid ideal image of her future. For a while, I completely forgot we were surrounded by my worst fear, maybe because unlike those awful scenarios in my head I wasn't alone.

Myst shook her head, continuing down the path toward the open chamber ahead, "Sorry, didn't mean to just dump that on you, I just... have a hard time adjusting," I knew that well too.

What came out of my lips next was completely subconscious, "Well, I'm glad you want that," She stopped to look back at me. "Because I like this 'you' alot more than 'Ms. Monotone'," Was that an insult? Please tell me it wasn't?

Thankfully, Myst brought that genuine smile back, shaking her head. "You're too nice to somepony like me, but thank you," Patting her cheeks quickly with two mana hands, she marched forward proudly. "Now then, let's find this Dragonite!"

"I'm with you!" So I can finally get out of this place.

Thankfully, the next cavern over was much larger, meaning I didn't feel as claustrophobic as before. There were several tunnels leading up and down, the whole right side wall was filled with stalactites and mites with a river flowing down from the right where a sloped path led elsewhere alongside it. The area was rounded slightly with a large pile of bones from monsters long forgotten, plants grew near the stream and crystals shimmered and made a twinkling sound near one another.

"Over here," I tapped her shoulder and pointed toward the bones. "Dragonite grows around accumulated monster bones,"

"On it," She ran to inspect the left and I took the right. Within seconds I spotted the murky green ore jutting out at the base of the bone piles, some interesting bones I grabbed for myself and stuffed them into my pouches. With a flick of my pickaxe, I chipped away good chunks for myself and for Myst. Judging by the nicked edges of my pick I had around one use left before it broke. "Hey, Akira?"

I ran around the side to spot Myst staring at another mineral pile with an odd face. She pointed down at it, and I saw why she stopped. It was like the others, ore that jutted from rocks and minerals gathered over time, but the texture was unlike the others that were either greenish or blue, some slate grey for iron. There was a single, pure white crystal sticking upright, the surface slightly reflective as it gave off a dull glow.

"That's... a Lightcrystal!" I awed, holding up my pickaxe. "They're rare this close to the surface, and naturally form under intense pressure and heat like a diamond would, so to find one here makes it a treasure even my Mom would gush over,"

My words gave Myst pause before she shuffled back a bit. "You have it then," Eh?

"Eh?" Echoing my thoughts, I looked at the gemstone, then my pick, then to the hunter next to me. "B-but you found it, so-" Her hoof then moved to press against my lips.

"Akira, let me be frank and say there is no reason a pony like you should've even considered helping me," She began, dropping her hoof as she looked at anything but me. "But here you are, clearly anxious since we got here, helping me with my problems, listening to my issues, and not once have you complained... so go on, take it, consider it part of the favour I owe you,"

She knew this whole time? Oh God, she thinks it's because of her! Now it was my turn to clamp up, I wanted to say it but my lips wouldn't function, I just couldn't admit it because... then that's another secret out there. I know Myst's not like Silver or Blue but a part of me just won't let it slip. I... really can't do it. With a shy nod, I raised my pick and chipped away at it while I felt her aura bubble with gratitude, well, atleast she's still happy.

So why did it feel so sinister?

I broke off the Lightcrystal, it felt warm to the touch as I pocketed it for later, and again, that negative wave rubbed against my soul as I turned to her with a forced smile. "Well, mission accomplish-" My heart leapt into my throat.

"I'd thank you but let's save it for the surface," Myst hadn't noticed the droplets of thick goo that puddled behind her tail as that awful wriggling sound filled my sensitive ears. My greatest fear had spawned something of equal magnitude that every muscle locked up and I felt my breath quicken.

A large, pale wyvern with flabby, rubbery hide. Many of their blood vessels and veins can be seen through its pale skin. The tail featured a specialized orifice that helped it cling onto the cave ceiling. It's mouth featured rows of sharp teeth similar to that of leeches. its feet lacked claws, and instead have suction pad-like toes. It extended its neck, stretching its blind face closer to Myst as terror wrapped around my body. The Blind Stare, Khezu.

Out of nowhere, without even thinking, my body moved on its own. "MYST!!" I screamed as my hooves wrapped around her body, my wings flaring from their tight hold on my sides to fly so hard we shot out of range of the head that snapped down seconds later. Khezu bent its head toward me, obviously smelling us as it spat a large lightning ball toward us. My right hoof swung back as all my fear, panic, and anger erupted in a dark aura. "Dark Pulse!" I didn't even think as the wave of negative energy struck the illuminating net of lightning, exploding on contact with one another.

I flew us into the mass of stalagmites to hide as I heard that ear-raking scream as the Khezu sniffed around and soon bashed its head against the rocks in an effort to snatch us up. We had fallen into a shallow pond in the process but we were alive and panting heavily from shock. "What is that...!?"

"Khezu, i-i-it prefers c-caves, a-ambushes f-from ceilings," I stutter, my paranoia fully taken over my thoughts as I pressed my back against the nearest stalagmite. "I hate this, I hate caves, I have caverns, and I especially Hate that monster!" I rubbed my hoof to my coral necklace, trying to coax my own thoughts to whispers but that occasional scream from the Khezu hunting us made it impossible.

I probably look like a complete joke now. I should've have come here...

"Hey," Two damp hooves tugged on my shoulders, and I shakily raised my purple gaze to Myst's blue as she stared at me without a mocking smirk or sardonic tone, she ignored the monster and simply stared at me. "Deep breath, and hold for five seconds," I did as I was told, and Myst did the same. I exhaled, and then we did it three more times, each progressively easing my nerves. "That's it, you're okay,"

"I'm sorry..." I shook my head, "I didn't tell you I-" Again, her hoof tapped my muzzle and she offered a tiny smile.

"You're a good pony, Akira, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't feel reserved about those that have hurt you, myself included," She saw through me again, everything secret I hid she could cut through. "Now, we'll wait until it eventually gives up, even I don't feel confident about fighting that thing just yet, so, what was that thing you did?" She raised her hoof to mimic my earlier action.

I guess it doesn't really matter now. "...I think it's obvious, I-I'm not a normal pony," I still felt shaken but I sat a little straighter to give her my full attention with a soft smile. "Biologically, I'm a chimera," The word rolled off my tongue and Myst's entire face lit up with several emotions that accumulated into shock with wide eyes. "Hehe, yep, everyone that knew the truth made that face, but it's true,"

"In order for that, there has to be several DNA introduced when you were conceived, but for a naturally born chimera among ponykind is - should be - impossible..." Then it clicked, and I nodded again.

"My Dad; He was a human from another Realm, different from Ren's, and when he was sent here, he became a Lucario, a creature known as a Pokemon, combine that with my Mom being a Bat Pony, well, you've probably pieced it together," I laughed hoarsely, staring up at the crystals. "I've had so many health problems as a kid, I needed more Iron because my bones are a form of organic steel, I've had sensory issues because of an energy called 'Aura', top of the list is that there shouldn't have been a way for me to be conceived as you said, not to mention Bat Pony, Human, and Pokemon are so far apart and yet... here I am," I shrugged, my truth revealed in full to the last person I'd ever expect to tell.

"Does Silver know?" Myst asked almost too quietly, her face unreadable.

"I trusted him... and look where that got me," My mood soured, flicking the water with my hoof. "Name calling, physical harassment, the things he's... called my Mom," I felt my anger starting to rise as I shakily let out a breath. "...sorry, that's another issue, my temper; I need to keep it under wraps or I can lose control of myself, like a primal animal,"

"That's amazing," Now it was my turn to look completely bewildered as Myst started to pace back and forth with a smile. "You're a real chimera, sure, with drawbacks but the abilities, the sheer possibilities you have available are astounding! Will you have the same powers as your father? What about the natural senses of a Bat Pony, have they been enhanced? And those odd words you use, that must be part of the human language!" Myst was muttering up a storm by this point. "Akira, you're amazing!"

I gave her a wide stare as heat trickled into my cheeks before a stupid smile washed over me. "Uh, t-thanks," Hearing her say that made my outlook on myself a little less objective. That small spark of confidence helped me to stand. "Okay... how do we beat that Khezu?" Now it was my turn to pace in the water. "It has wide thunder attacks, an extendable tail and head..."

"Look, there's no point in dilly-dallying," Myst objected, pointing to the tunnel we first came through. "We've gotten what we came for, so our best plan is to leave."

She was right once again. "Live to fight another day,"

"Exactly," Myst nodded to me.

"In that case, I have a plan," She smiled back at me.

"That's more like it," Was she happy I was back to my usual self? If so, that only made my assertiveness in this plan solidify.

"Are you sure you're okay? Aren't you afraid your wings might lock up?" Myst was now hugging my neck with her body atop my back as I adjusted my wings that trembled slightly.

It would be really awkward if I said I felt fine because she was hugging me. "If that happens, then use your magic to catch us, if one of us falls short the other covers for them, simple," I felt her nod as I watched the Khezu stalk past the line of stalagmites again. It was persistent but so were we. "Now, hold on tight."

This was a fight itself, we wouldn't be attacking a monster, but rather, I'm to overcome my greatest fear for a short period of time. I was fearful of the caves around me, but flying through them made my heart turn to ice. So, better heat it up, right? Taking in a long breath, I let my power overflow from my Aura. "Swords Dance!" The four blades cast themselves over us, fascinating Myst. "Here we go," "Quick Attack!!"

From between the rocky cove, Khezu screeched as my Tigrex shield collided with its blind face with resounding force. It stumbled, seeing us fly like an arrow as it took to the sky itself, spitting a roaring row of blue lightning toward us. I didn't relent, persisting with Quick Attack as I shot far from the attack, my hooves slammed into the side of the tunnel wall before I sprung forward like a springboard.

My wings felt heavy and my stomach nauseous but I shoved it all down. Myst was counting on me. She accepts my fears, my origins that made me more monster than pony, she... really saw me. Just that thought alone made my velocity skyrocket as I zipped through the winding caves, up the ridge next to the massive ravine, passing by caves in a blur of grey before light expanded and blinded me momentarily.

A cool, refreshing breeze pulled at my mane as I opened my eyes, the sun was nearing its peak, and the warmth from the sunlight made that cold tremor disappear. Unfortunately, my wings had finally stopped listening to me. We fell back toward the pit again but Myst reacted quickly, twisting herself to catch us in a field of purple magic briefly, tossing us into camp with her atop me as we coughed and grumbled from the fall.

I stared up at her as she stared back. Suddenly, rich laughter escaped us as Myst flopped onto the dirt next to me. "I-I'm so freakin' terrified right now!" I laughed, pins and needles in every inch of my body.

"I honestly thought we were going to fall at the ravine, it went down so far!" She giggled.

"Ugh, don't remind me!" I snorted, sitting upright. "You saved us,"

"Well-" She sat next to me, a big smile on her face that was only magnified by the sunlight. "-consider us even for saving me from that Khezu."

"Anytime," I winked before something drew my eyes to the Dark Below entrance. "Huh, so that's who we passed?"

We both watched as a scaly hand pulled itself from the pit, laughing hysterically as both I and Myst shared a wary look, then back to... "What in the Realms happened this time?" Was about all I could muster.

Garu was covered in soot, his white fur trims for his armour now pitch black. And Argo looked the same, coughing up ash and a few cinders as he used his magic to extinguish a small flame burning one of his locks. "Don't. Ask." Argo huffed, rubbing the ash from his muzzle. "If I see one more barrel bomb I think I'll have PTSD,"

"Hahaha! Our battle was triumphant! Those cave-dwelling monsters were no match for my superior strength and skills!" Garu held his fists to his hips, sparkling despite his tattered form.

"What monsters did you fight?" Myst inquired.

"Please don't encourage him," I begged but it was too late.

"A turf war between a Great Jaggi, Wroggi, and Baggi! All of them were laid to waste in the blink of an eye using the discarded gunpowder and barrels left by weaklings that fell to them!" Garu cackled. Well, atleast we know why they're covered in soot. "What happened to you two? You're all wet."

"Nothing, but we got the ore," I replied, shrugging.

For now, we were safe and while I still wasn't ready to jump back into a dark cavern anytime soon, I know it was a small step toward overcoming that fear.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

No big fight this time but lots of character development for Akira and Myst. Akira's condition is a source of alot of her problems, but now she has Myst to confide in as much as Argo, and perhaps Garu when the time comes. Can I just say, Khezu freaks me out, just so eerie.

I hope you enjoyed, I appreciate the support as always; seeya in the next chapter, Hunters!

Chp. 12 - Prepare For Trouble
Argo must survive the Dark Below with a dragon obsessed with arson...