• Published 16th Apr 2022
  • 358 Views, 34 Comments

Dragonhearted - Slendy

The world of Equestria has evolved, in order to combat dangerous monsters a Guild producing hunters has expanded in the years. Now, Akira, a bat-pony wishing to do the same, takes risky steps toward her dream of finding the lost legend of Fatalis.

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Chp. 7 - Dazed and Confused

Nightfall descended upon the Forgotten Oak, basking the tranquil forest in a deep shade of blue and white, the wildlife was tame, and distant growls of nocturnal monsters spanned the trees and darkest overpasses. I wish I could take it all in, I really did...

"Aw crap, I'm so lost..." My ears flattened against my head as I spun around slowly in the air, my journal out to detail my map in the moonlight, a few fireflies dancing with my stray scoutflies that, like me, didn't know where the camp was. Scratching my head, I turned to an opening that led to higher ground, leading out of an old wide river that had become a lush flatland with terraces of rock scaling the walls of the forest. "Was the camp to the south or east?"

Flying above the forest wouldn't help, the camps that dotted the forest were meant to be hidden to avoid flying wyverns swooping in, but maybe... Taking flight, I shot through the trees to the sea of green stretched far and wide, if I squinted, the tip of the red temple of Kalao was visible along the horizon's mountain range. Then I spotted it, a faint smoke trail leaving the trees, it was northeast of me, perfect. Landing on the forest floor, I brushed off my wings and trotted in that direction, using the natural pathways the forest provided.

Who needs a map anyway when you have night vision? My smug train of thought stopped at the station abruptly when I slid down a bundle of roots into the next open pocket within the forest, the shadow of the massive tree above obscuring the light. Vibrant plants and fauna came to life, returning the forest to an ambient glow of cyan, magenta, and white. Pretty as it was, it wasn't what stopped me dead in my tracks.

A few wayward Jaggi were stumbling about like drunks from the cafeteria, yellow sparks buzzed around their heads as they tried to walk in a straight line. Suddenly, the lowest branches of the large tree above me tore wide open, and a pair of talons swept down to maim the beasts. The lizards had no self-awareness and were sent flying into the ground or smaller trees, one unfortunately crushed beneath the weight of the assassin.

A giant owl with a body covered in blue plumage with a grayish belly, a yellow collar, and a white face with a small beak and red eyes. On its head are long tufts that point back and are tipped with yellow. There are hints of yellow on its legs that end in scaly feet that have two talons and one small vestigial toe. Its wings have bright blue membranes. Along its wings are long blade-like claws. Its flattened tail ends in a three-pointed shape. The Nocturnal Bird, Malfestio - conclusion? I should've taken a day job.

"I cannot fight this thing!" I like to think I'm pretty good at my job despite being a low-rank, but while my abilities could take this thing, my gear and lovely grey coat? Well, ever seen what a hungry dragon does to a slab of meat? Yeah, ugly picture. With a nervous smile, I slooooowly turned around, carefully spreading my wings to run with my tail between my legs, I can just take the long way back.


"Oh, you've got to be kidding me?" I stepped on a rouge twig. My shoulders slumped and immediately snapped forward with my wings as something slammed to the ground behind me. Turning, I found myself being charged down by the mad owl as it pecked toward me, swiping at my tail with its talons. "Okay, Hedwig, let's see you keep up with this speed!" Tucking my wings closer I shot through the oval-shaped clearing like a bullet, doubling back to bring my shield to bear, colliding with the Malfestio's left wing with enough force to break a few scales as it tumbled from the sky, rising to face me with a cry.

It threshed its wings, scattering those yellow scales as I gasped and dove away when it slammed the ground with a quick stomp, the pollen creating a dome around its body. Then, to my surprise, it just blew the whole field of powder toward me! Twisting my hips, I spiraled upward, narrowly evading the confusion bubble in time to dive down and slash across its head as it followed me without moving its body. The monster spun around, clawing at the air, pushing me back for another shedding of pollen that I dropped from the air to evade.

"Ngh!" My bones groaned to hold my shield upright, tanking the sweep of a sharp wing before a gust of wind threw me back. I swung my blade wide, striking with a combined ferocity of Night Slash as the whole sword vibrated off the shielding wing, sending an awful sensation through my leg to my ribs that left me shivering. Malfestio dove back, scattering the pollen-infused scales around me. "I can't fight it with what I have now!" Tapping out of this battle, I spread my wings and took flight when Malfestio slammed down, obscuring itself in a golden shroud of dust.

That's when it hit me, a warm wind brushed through my mane and armor, and a stinging scent overpowered my nostrils, causing my flight pattern to completely invert like my motor functions were all the opposite. The pollen was swept up and caught me, I stumbled into the tree only to feel pain erupt from my left flank, a sharp line of dark blue feathers splitting my barding like a hot knife. Collapsing against the fallen tree, I wheezed, trying to shake off the confusion with my wing fiddling with my bag.

Malfestio wasn't through, however, performing an odd dance with both wings spread upright to reveal the circular patterns on the neon blue underside of its wings. There was a shimmer and distortion before a wave of sonic vibrations rattled my skull with unpleasant but oddly alluring signals. Then it happened, my body was starting to feel very sluggish and heavy, like an anvil was placed on my back. I was... starting to... fall... asleep...






"Dark Pulse!" My hooves swung upward in time to usher a volley of negative light into the descending talons of the enlarged owl. It howled in pain, flinched from the negative force while flying haphazardly in the air above me. I licked my lips, tasting the sweet nectar of my energy drink I snuck down my throat before the effects of the soundwave could knock me out. Swishing my sword back to my hoof, I shot straight between the monster's wings, diving out of the forest before I arched slowly in the moonlight, casting a crimson glow over my fur during my nose-dive. "My turn... Night Slash - Arc!"

Branches and leaves fell around us, and by the time Malfestio recovered from my own disorienting attack, its eyes dialed at its own reflection against my shield. Bringing my sword down in two vertical arcs, the crescent force brought the beast down hard onto a bundle of vines and roots that gave out from underneath Malfestio, ensnaring its wings in a natural vine trap, the very one it set off when it slammed me into the tree. I broke a few scales and a talon, so in a small whip, I gathered the rare parts and quickly took off far away from the bird wyvern.

When the warmth of a crackling campfire rushed over my aching body, I just finished clotting my wounded flank with a mega potion, tossing the empty jar aside. Argo was fast asleep so I won't bother him with the details. Instead, I threw my weapons aside, and promptly faceplanted my pillow, not bothering with the blanket as I quickly wished to fall asleep. Instead, I stared at my pillow, whimpering in defeat. The energy drink is still pumping through my veins, and I swear I could hear that stupid owl laughing at my misfortune.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Not all fights involve winning, sometimes it's best to live to fight another day. Akira wasn't prepared weapon-wise to confront a Malfestio, but someday shortly, just one of many outcomes for her battles. Since it's short one week early upload. I hope you enjoyed, I appreciate the support as always; seeya in the next chapter, Hunters!

Chp. 8 - Rage
Akira's social life is a sore spot for the young mare, and in her haste to forget she stumbles into a fight she cannot win alone...