• Published 22nd Jun 2021
  • 745 Views, 47 Comments

Investigations: The Chess Master's Turnabouts - Rosestory

A prosecutor and A pegasus uncovers the truth behind a series of magical mysteries

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Answers after the Turnabout (2-1)

Amber Lights Apartment- Room 619- Living Room

June 26-7:30 p.m.

Sebastian walked back into the unfamiliar apartment room he was now living in. And with recent developments, it was about to feel even more unfamiliar.

After it was revealed that his father was a criminal, and he used his power to manipulated cases and hide the truth , replacing it with his own "truth" and verdicts he created, it cause just as much emotional conflict and term oil in Sebastian as it had cause chaos in the prosecutors office and police force.

He couldn't stay in his old home, not anymore. Not after the amount of pain it caused by reminding him of Po- of Blaise. So ,for a couple months, Justine had taken him in, just as a temporary place to stay. It was nice and all, she and John were welcoming, but it never really felt like... home. That was to be expected, of course, he knew it was temporary and he'd lived with Po- with Blaise his entire life. But it was still hard.

Then Kay announced that she had gotten her own apartment, and she'd be moving in soon. Sebastian had gotten a call from Mr. Edgeworth, who informed him that he'd already spoken with Kay and that she'd be willing to have him as a roommate, if he wanted - Edgeworth knew about his housing situation and had been helping Sebastian look for a solution.

It was really nice of them to help him, and he really appreciated it. He could have stayed with Kay as her roommate, but then Kay soon started a romantic relationship with a detective named Ema Skye, and Sebastian soon started felling either guilty he was in the way of their relationship, or left out when they had something planned together and he either stayed back at the apartment or had him third wheel the whole day.

He especially felt something inside him . It was a feeling he had when he stayed at Justine house. Ever since Blaise arrest, he wanted to prove he was capable and independent, and staying with Justine, while she and John didn't mind, he felt a guilty feeling of freeloading. And now that Kay was more focus on Ema, he soon felt as if Kay wanted to be left alone with Ema, and that same guilty feeling came back.

Once he got his badge, he now became a prosecutor and now had a source of income. He moved out of Kay's apartment and bought his own room in a different apartment complex building. He had just finished unpacking all his stuff into his room a few days ago, and he just starting to get use to it.

And now he was going to have to get used to another new thing in his life, living with a magic pony as a roommate.

It was a few hours after he had caught and arrested Aaron for his crimes. All that was left to do was to tie all loose ends and the case would be close. He expected these loose ends to be proving his point in a trial or wrapping up an investigation. He didn't expect that one of these loose ends was dealing with a magic Pegasus freed from stone.

Sebastian wasn't sure what he should do with Cozy. She was essentially an alien from another world that was once a statue owned by a park. He actually wasn't sure what he could even do about her. However, after thinking and hesitating a bit, he decided to let her stay with him.

Yes, it was a weird choice for him to make. But he thought about it and talked with Cozy a bit. He looked at the situation from Cozy's perspective, and he decided to imagine a reverse situation, where he was the one who one day suddenly found himself in a world to magic talking ponies, and realize that Cozy was essentially a lost girl in a whole new world, and decided he should help her . And that the best way he could help was by giving her a place to stay.

Cozy decided to take Sebastian's offer. It wasn't like she had any other choice. She was in another world with no way back home, not like she wanted to go back anyways. She had no where else to go, and she didn't know anything about this world or it's inhabitants. This was the only choice she had.

Sebastian immediately hid Cozy in his coat, he needed to return to the prosecutors office first to do his work. He and cozy went to the office, which luckily, since it was about to close soon , not a lot of prosecutors were there in the building, let alone in the hallways where they could see him with a pony. He got to his office, locked the door, and got to work on some papers. All the while Cozy was observing the office she was in . There were many thing around her that she knew what they were and others which see had never seen before, she would have asked about them, but looking at Sebastian sorting papers on his desk, she decided he was too busy to ask. So she just sort of, flew around the office until it was time to return home.

The walk to the prosecutor office from the park, and later to the apartment was as insightful to Cozy as it was awkward for Sebastian. Sebastian was worried that people would have freaked out over her, as he did, and there would be chaos , panic and trouble. So he was trying to keep Cozy hidden behind her coat as much as possible, which was hard as Cozy kept poking her head out to see and observe the new environment she ended up in. She was fascinated by the neon lights of Japanifornia streets, the unusual sight of high tech technology she never seen in Equestria such as cars and smart phones, walking on two legs wearing all sorts of stylish clothing, it made her feel even more like an outsider to this new world.

When they finally got to the apartment, Cozy glow immediately flew onto his couch and lay down to rest. Sebastian close and locked the door before looking at Cozy, who simply looked back. He decided to ask if she would like to eat, he himself was a bit hungry .

"Sure, what do you have to eat?" Cozy glow looked curious as to what these creatures had for their meals.

" Well... " Sebastian looked into his fridge to find a few apples and some instant noodles. " I've got apples and instant noodles, if that interest you?"

"I'll have an apple, please." Cozy glow said. She was actually decently surprise to hear he had apples, the fact she was in a whole new and different world, yet the inhabitants ate the same food she did. Then again, there were also just as many familiar things in the office she was in as there were things she never seen before. She didn't know what instant noodles were, and given the situation she was in, she didn't feel like taking the risk of trying something new .

Sebastian immediately went to the kitchen and pulled some apples from the fridge and washed it, before he used a knife and cut it very carefully. He didn't want to accidentally cut his hand like last time. He immediately place all the apple slices onto a plate and went back to the living room. He saw Cozy Glow there flying around the place, exploring her new environment. Sebastian placed the plate of apples and Cozy immediately flew over and picked up an apple slice.

Sebastian was surprise when Cozy picked it up using just her hooves. It was as if the slice stuck onto her hooves as if it was metal and magnets. Then again, she was a magic talking pony. Maybe picking things up using her hooves and them sticking onto them is normal?


"Um, so..." Sebastian wanted to talk with Cozy , he sat down onto the nearby chair, watching Cozy eat her apple slice.

"Yeah?" Cozy asked, chewing in her apple slice.

"Um... Are the apples ok?"

"Well, they aren't as good as the apples they've serve back at Sweet Apple Acres , but it's ok enough for me."

" Sweet Apple Arches?" Sebastian questions.

"Golly! you don't- oh right." Cozy glow realize " Sorry, for a moment I actually forgot I'm in another world, heh.

"It's ok. Why don't you tell me what this "Sweet Apple Acres" is?"

" Golly, sure! Basically Sweet Apple Acres is an apple farm owned by the apple family, a family of earth ponies well known for making the BEST apples in Equestria."

"Um..." Sebastian said "Like I said before, I don't know anything about your world, I have a few questions, so I hope you don't mind I-"

"Golly, Of course not" Cozy gave Sebastian an innocent look. " Go ahead, ask away."

"Ok, Cozy," the prosecutor asked his first question to the flying filly " One of the things I immediately noticed was the weird Chess Rook mark you have over there."

"Hmm? " Cozy immediately realise what he was talking about. "OH! You mean my cutie mark." Cozy looked over to her Cutie mark.

"Um, yeah... I was wondering what is it. I mean, the rest of your skin is peachy pink and yet there a rook mark there and It just, ya know, stands out."

" Whelp, I guess I'll tell you. A cutie mark is basically a magic mark that appears on your flank when you discover your special talent. Every pony had a different special talent and it shows in your cutie mark."

"OH! I get it!" Sebastian then looked over to Cozy's flank "So, since your fruity mark is a rook, does that mean your special talent is playing chess and using strategies that utilize the rook piece like castling ?"

"Um, I said it's called a cutie mark, not a fruity mark."

"AH! Sorry, a habit of mine, sometimes I mix up words." He gave Cozy an apologetic look, Cozy simply smile, as if holding back an amused laugh before she said

"It's ok, and also, yes you're right. I happen to be a really good chess player."

"R-really," Cozy nodded " W-well, maybe you would like to play chess with me someday ?"

"Hmm," Cozy asked "You actually play chess?"

"Y-yes, I learned how to play chess from Miles, and I've been learning a few tactics myself."

"Miles?" Cozy was curious who he is.

"Ah right, Miles Edgeworth, he's my mentor , who taught me everything I knew about prosecuting, and sort of my ... dad"

"You're dad? "

"Um, sorry, I don't kind to talk about it..."

"Um, ok..."




"Anyways! " Sebastian changed the topic quickly "I noticed you describe the Apple family as "a family of Earth Ponies" and you called yourself "A Pegasus Pony" Earlier at the park. I also remember you called Equestria the "Land of the three pony tribes" Are there different types of ponies?"

"We'll, yes! You see, there were three pony tribes that lived on Galia, the earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi ... " Cozy glow then proceeded to explain to Sebastian what she learned at school. The history of how Equestria was founded, the three different pony tribes , and their different type of magic. When she was talking about pegasi, it made a thought appear in Sebastian's head

" W-wait a moment," Sebastian asked, to which Cozy pause her explanation and looked at him , asking what he wanted to ask .

"You're a pegasus , right?"

Cozy simply nodded "Um, yes. I mean, I have wings .. so-"

"Does that mean you can move clouds and control the weather ?"

"Well, I mean, back in Galia I could do that, but I'm not sure if that works here. I'm not sure if my magic can work in another world. "

"Yeah," Sebastian said "While in your world Pegasi are the one controlling weather and moving clouds, here the clouds move on their own and the weather just random. Maybe your magic wouldn't work here?"

" Wow! Really!? The weather here just does whatever it does!?" Sebastian nodded.

"Wh-WHAT, don't you have any magic here in this world!?"

"Sorry, but no." Cozy glow immediately went wide eye and she took a stalking pose, staring at him from a crouch, her forelegs splayed wide on the table and hindquarters raised like a cat getting ready to pounce. She basically looked at Sebastian with absolute shock

"Wh-WHAT!? A-are you telling me that this is a world without MAGIC!?"

"Well, Sorry but there's no-" Sebastian was going to tell her there was no magic n this world, he himself had never seen magic before in his life, and everything around him was given a scientific explanation. But then he suddenly remember the charm he had found during the park

Before he could think any further, Cozy glow suddenly yelled "Wh- REALLY!? Y-your world has no magic in it, th-then how do you grow plants if you don't have earth magic , or get to one place from another quickly without some kind of spell, or talk to each other if you can't-"

Sebastian interrupted Cozy by stating " As you know, Cozy, you're now in a completely different world. Here, the rules and logic that we follow are different. Here, Magic is seen as completely fictional, while in your world , it is a real and common thing. Surely you must noticed the differences when we were walking down the streets?"

"Um, yeah, I guess that makes sense..." Cozy wasn't sure what to say. Inside she was thinking about the implications of a world without magic. The kind of world she tried to turn Equestria into when she tried to steal all the magic from Equestria and banish it to another realm.




"Um, so..." Sebastian wanted to break this awkward silence , he decided to try and ask Cozy about something else...

"Huh, OH! Golly, sorry about that. Must have dazed off for a while." Cozy glow smiled back at him "What did you say?"

"I was asking something else I had in my mind."

"And that is ?"

"Why were you trapped in a stone statue in the first place?"

"!!!" Cozy glow had to take a moment to think of what she was going to say. She decided that telling him the truth of why she was trapped in stone would cause some trouble, and that was the last thing she wanted. After thinking about it , she decided to lie to him in the most vague way possible.

"Well, some Unicorns cast a spell on me that turned me to stone. I'm not sure why? After all, I'm just an innocent little filly..."

If only Cozy paid lest attention to looking cute, she would have seen Sebastian shock face. As soon as she said she was just an innocent filly, from his point of view, he saw...

*BANG* *Raddle* *Raddle* *Raddle* *Raddle* *Raddle* *Raddle* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK*

Five red locks around her, showing she is hiding something.

"Wh-WHAT!?" Sebastian could believe his eyes , his mind began to wonder if he was hearing this right. As soon as she said she was harmless, locks appear. The same locks that he saw when Emmie was hiding her secrets, could Cozy be hiding something too. Sebastian began to worry about what she could be hiding, given the implication because of when the locks appeared.

But before he can think about it any further


!!! Sebastian was snapped out of his thoughts by the sudden sound of a ringing cell phone. It seems as though the charm had an on/off switch that allowed Sebastian to choose when he saw the locks or not. As soon as he focused on something else, in this case a ringing phone, the blue void chessboard disappeared and he found himself back at his apartment.

He immediately went over to answer the call.

Meanwhile Cozy was absolutely surprise to hear some ringing coming from some weird looking device on the table. She curiously looked at the thing that Sebastian had picked up.


"Hey , Is this a Prosecutor... Sebastian Debeste ?" Cozy was suprise to hear a voice come from the small box thing.

"Yes, that's me .Who is it?" Sebastian answered.

" It's Ema Skye, forensic investigator. Just wanna call you that the results are in."


"The silver pawn did in fact come from Aaron's cane, and both of them had some of Mason's blood. The pawn also matches the wound on his head. The chisel also has some splashes of blood along side Aaron's fingerprints. Just thought I let you know."

"Oh thank you very much , " Sebastian thanked the mysterious voice " I should expect them to be ready in court soon?"

"Yes, the evidence is in a locker at the police department. Someone will be there just before the trial to give them to you."

"thanks , Mr's Skye ... " Sebastian then had a look on his face as if he was curious or concerned about something , he asked " By the way, How's Aaron? ... and Emmie?"

"Aaron's in detention right now, contemplating his life choices. As for Emmie, from what I heard, she was sent to 6 months in prison for attempted thief, but she's actually happy there, knowing her family's alright."


"Hey, that was really nice of you to give Emmie's family the financial aid they needed . Though with the extreme bills that the landlord was giving , I imagine this won't last long..."

"Don't worry, that greedy criminal will pay for this, I actually check the law book and apparently the extra bills he's charging Emmie's family along side many others are illegal. I plan a lawsuit and a court trial on him."

"Heh, going the extra mile huh. Alright , that's all I have to say. Bye."




"Um, Sebastian?"

Sebastian turned around to see Cozy Glow , the filly looking at him with a confusing stare. "Yes?"

"Who were you talking to?... And also, what is that?" Cozy glow used her hooves to point at his phone.

"Oh, yeah. You see, since this world is without magic, we humans use technology to help with our tasks. This-" Sebastian pointed at his phone "-Is a phone, it's sort of a communication device that allows people to talk to each other no matter how far they are... You say something into one phone and it comes out on the other."

"R-really?" He nodded " Sebastian, are you sure there is no magic in this world, I don't know about you but a device like that sounds magical to me."

"Trust me..." He told her "This doesn't use magic at all. Just some metal wires and electricity "

"Electricity?" He nodded again. "How could you possibly use electricity if you don't have magic?"

"Oh, simple. We make our own electricity, and not using magic. We have these power stations that produce electricity using turbines and a fuel source."

"I- wh- h-how do, Oh you know what , forget it. " Cozy glow has given up on trying to wrap her head around how this world works and just decided the best way was to just go with it.



" Anyways," Cozy asked " who were you talking to??"

"Oh, I was talking to Ema Skye, she's a detective and forensic investigator , she just called to talk about the case we just tackled. "

"I get that part, she mentioned Aaron and Emmie and the evidence. But what I don't get is the part of Emmie's family."

"Oh, right. While I was in the office I decided to help out and investigate Emmie's family, I finished some paper work that will give her family financial help so they can finally pay off their debts, which I found out were illegal , so I plan to sue the landlord after I prosecuted Aaron.

"Golly, now that real nice of you, but can you actually go to court and do that ?"

"Well, no, " She looked a bit confused. " You see, it's usually a lawyer, not a prosecutor , who sues someone . I can't go to court on behalf of the plaintiff, only a lawyer can. Which is why I contacted a lawyer to look into the landlord. "

"Really? You asked someone else to sue the landlord?"

"H-hey! I was doing all I could do to help out! This is the best way to help her without breaking the law in any way. "

"Alright fine, Sorry. By the way, who did you called ?"

" The brother of my best friend, a lawyer named Kristoph Gavin."

"Um, Ok."

"Anyways, it's getting late, I have a trial to attend to tomorrow so I think it's best if we go to sleep now."

"Um, ya... I guess. One problem though, where am I sleeping?"

"Oh, yeah. Haven't thought that far yet. Hmm..."


Amber Light Apartments-Room 619- Bedroom

June 26- 10:45

In all honesty, while it wasn't great, it was technically the best option they had. Both Cozy and Sebastian didn't feel comfortable with sleeping together so they both agree to sleep on separate beds, the problem was the bedroom only had one bed. So as a compromise, Sebastian took one of the two pillows he had and placed in on a table . Cozy was ok with this, and soon they both drifted off to sleep. They hopes it would be the rest they needed after such a long and eventful day.

They were wrong.


Dream world -Sebastian Debeste's Dream

time is irrelevant here

"W-where am I?" Sebastian asked himself as he found himself walking down a dark hallway that seemed to go on forever.

"Hello, is anyone there!" He asked hoping someone would answer. He then looked to the ground.

"What do I do now?" He thought to herself. Just then he saw a light in the distance. He immediately decided to approach the light. Soon, He found himself In front of a mysterious door that was dark blue, with star like sparkle covering it and a glowing crescent moon . It made the door look like a piece of the night sky itself was cut out and used to make this door. With no other options, he decided to open it.

Soon, he found himself inside some sort of fancy looking room. After looking around and taking in his surroundings, he realizes he is in a castle throne room of some kind. A large fancy hall with windows that had sunlight shine through it. he also notices that the room seemed to be cut in half, one half having a nighttime style design while another had some sort of daytime aesthetic To it. Two thrones on each half , and banners , one side showing a crescent moon shining with the stars in a dark blue background, another side had the sun shimmering with the clouds on a yellow-orange background. He also realized that the large carpet had the insignia of a crescent moon with the sun inside of it.

"Wow, now this is a castle throne room," he said, mesmerized by the sight before him, "but where is this place?"

"Thou find thyself in the castle of the two sisters, Sebastian"

"!!! H-huh !" Sebastian immediately turned to the voice and came face-to-face with...

Another magic pony, except unlike Cozy, who was about as small as a cat, this one met him at eye level. Her mane was flying majestically as if some kind of wind was blowing on it. The mane itself looked like someone turned the night sky and stars into hair and glued it onto the pony. She was wearing some kind of armor that looked like it was made form a magic blue metal. Sebastian also realized she had both a unicorn's horn and Pegasus feathers. Her eyes looked directly at him and Sebastian had some sort of fearful feeling inside of him, like a villager coming face to face with the royal monarch of the kingdom.

"W-Who and What are you!?" Sebastian was caught off guard again.

"Now, that's no way to talk to a friend who helped you with finding the truth. You still have my magic charm after all."

"Magic Charm! What are you-" Sebastian immediately realize what she was talking about "y-you're the bishop!"

" 'The Bishop' is merely a nickname, but it is what you shall refer to me as until you learn of my true name. " The bishop simply stated.

Sebastian looked at her with confusion. He noticed among the skin she had as dark as night was a weird spot. As if blue ink was spilled onto a black background and a white crescent moon was painted over. He realized it was essentially in the same spot as Cozy's rook cutie mark.

" You know, It's rude to simply stare at a princesses flank like that."

"ACK! Sorry, I just noticed your-" Sebastian realize what she had said. "Wait, did you said you were a princess !?"

" Cozy glow would have told you this but she was interrupted, " Bishop immediately explained herself " You see, I am an Alicorn. Alicorns were the perfect combination of all three pony tribes. They had the magic of earth ponies, pegasus and unicorn combined. Because of that, they were essentially the perfect choice to rule Equestria."

Sebastian had a look of understanding, "Oh! I get it, so since you have all three pony magic including wings and a horn then that makes you- Wait, You're royalty !?" As soon as Sebastian realize he was essentially speaking with a monarch he proceeded to bow down.

Bishop chuckle amused at what he was doing, "Rise, Sebastain, while it is true that I am a princess, here I am a mere guardian."

"G-guardian? But this is your palace, is it not?" Sebastian questioned after he rose back up , to which she explained...

" This is a mere illusion of my palace," His confused look made her continue "You see, This is a dream"


"Perhaps it is best if I start from the beginning" Sebastian nodded to her request.

" Imagine two glass tanks, each tank having an ant farm. One farm is full of yellow ants and one is full of red ants. One is full of dirt and one full of sand. Now imagine a crack in the glass of the tanks , as first only small enough that sand and dirt crossed over to the other farm, but sometimes being big enough allowing the ants to cross from one farm to another."

Sebastian didn't know where Bishop was going with this, but nodded anyways to show he understood so far.

"Now imagine the glass tanks as different worlds, one named Earth and one named Galia, the yellow ants as Earth's creatures such as human, the red ants as Galia creatures such as ponies, the dirt as technology, the sand as magic, the glass as a magical barrier, and the crack as a portal that opens and closes at random points on both worlds and can be of any shape or size. That's what is happening"

Sebastian now understood what she was saying.

"Yes, I once ended up here 4 years ago, I have since adapted to life here in Japanifornia, and now Another one of my kind has ended up here, you can see my intention with Cozy Glow. "

"Yes, as a princess, you would understandable care for the well being of your subjects as well as another one of your kind. "

"And especially concerning she is a young filly, unlike a full grown Alicorn such as myself. I wish her the best chance of survival here, which is why I have entered your dreams to ask of you a favor."

" Yeah, sorry princess but I still don't get the dream part..."

"You are now sleeping now, and I am using a spell to communicate with use through your dreams."

"........... OH! So this is a dream, I'm sleeping , and your using magic to talk to me in my dreams. and also to... ask me a favor?"

" Yes, I ask of you, Sebastian Debeste, to take care of Cozy Glow and become her guardian of sorts."




"Excuse me Princess, WHAT!?"

" Is there a problem?"

"Um, YEAH! No pretense but she's a magic talking pony with wings and weather parole! And essentially an alien from another world! that can cause a lot of problems and the last thing I want is to put either one of us in any danger or double!"

" I believe when you said pretense you mean offence, when you said parole the correct word was control and when you said double, it should have been trouble."

"ACK! Sorry your highness, I-"

"I am fully aware of your habit of mixing up words, thou shall not worry about it. But back to the main point, you claim to be incapable of taking care of her yet you choose to let her live with you in your apartment."

"I planned it to be temporary, until I find a way to sent her back. I can't take care of her forever. What about her family and friends! "

"You might have to give up on any hope of sending Cozy Back to Galia."

"W-What do you mean? She was brought here by a portal, can't we sent her back through another portal?"

After a few seconds of silence, Bishop spoke.

" the thing is, this isn't a new thing. These portals have been opening up for a long time now, and many things from Earth have been poring into Galia, and vise versa. The Kura'in channeling technique actually originated as lost Equestrian magic before slowly transforming into what Kura'in has today, and many of the technological devices Equestrians have used were modified Human devices. Though the portals were small enough that only items have ended up in the other world. The odds of a portal large enough to bring a creature into the portals is very rare..."

Sebastian finished her sentence " But if you and Cozy are any indication, very rare and impossible are entirely different things..."

"The chances of finding a portal when they could appear anywhere on earth, let alone one big enough to take Cozy back home, is nigh impossible. Trust me , I learned that the hard way."

Sebastian had to take another second of silence to take in the fact that Cozy was essentially trapped here for the rest of her live.

"And besides, Cozy herself might not want to go back home."

"?? What do you mean by that?"

"You'll find out eventually..."




"Honestly, I'm not sure if I should even be with Cozy Glow right now. I mean, I randomly found her while I was investigating a murder, and only let her stay until she can go back home, which is apparently never gonna happen. I finally came around with becoming a prosecutor and now I have to deal with taking care of a Pegasus when I don't even know the basics of taking care of a young girl, let alone a filly with flying powers."

" There is a reason why I gave you the magic charm. It allows you to see the locks a person heart. Showing the secrets they hide. What was the one thing she said that made you see locks on her heart?"

"When she told me she was an innocent filly who never harmed anyone..."

"Listen Sebastian, There is a piece of advise I must give you , and remember this close to your heart. "

Sebastian nodded and listened closely to what Bishop had to say.

"There is always a motive behind the mask of manipulation..."

Sebastian looked at her with confusion, to which she explained further. " People don't do things just for no reason. There is always a reason behind every action. Now is not the time, but soon you will be able to question Cozy about her secret. When you break her locks, I want you to remember that whatever she tells you isn't the whole story, that there is more behind what she says. There is always a motive behind everything, and once you find the whole truth, you might see... "

"... That you might just be the best person to take care of her."

Sebastian still had some questions about this, but before he could ask, suddenly he heard an alarm clock ringing in the distance as the room began to fade and Bishop along with it.


"Calm down Sebastian, you are only waking up from your slumber, I'll speak with you soon when the time is right. Farewell for now, Sebastian" She said before vanishing. The room around Sebastian also vanished and he began to wake up.


Amber Lights Apartment- Room 619- Bedroom

June 27- 7:00 a.m.

Sebastian slowly opened her eyes and began to get up.

"Well, that just happened." He said rubbing his eyes. He then looked down and saw Cozy Glow still sleeping.

He sighed, knowing full well that it was going to be a long day today.

Author's Note:

So yeah, Nightmare moon, under the nickname of The bishop, is now here. More characters will be added and will appear in the story soon.