• Published 22nd Jun 2021
  • 745 Views, 47 Comments

Investigations: The Chess Master's Turnabouts - Rosestory

A prosecutor and A pegasus uncovers the truth behind a series of magical mysteries

  • ...

The Turnabout She Deserved (3-1)

Amber Lights Apartment- Room 619- Bedroom

June 29 - 9:30 a.m.

Cozy felt herself falling further and further into the void, all around her were the same painful words echoing through the void. Soon, she landed, and jolted awake right at that moment.

She gasped awake and found herself on the floor. It looks like her nightmares were so vivid that in her desperate scramble to escape the voices she ended up falling out of the table with a loud crash, tears already beading up in the corner of her eyes, the nightmare was vivid enough that the details of it were burned into her. The crying Pegasus sniffled and scrubbed at her face with her hooves , every time she blinked he would see that scene replay over and over again.


She had those nightmares before, but back then , she didn't know what those nightmares were. So the feeling of anxious and the tears of sadness were something she just brush off and forget.

But not now, not when the memory of THEM were coming back to her.

The pink Pegasus was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't register the surprised yells when she had fallen out of her makeshift bed nor did she hear the footsteps thundering their way to the room. Swallowing dryly , Cozy's head shot up when his door slammed open with so much force that the door bounced against the wall, a cries of alarm finally piercing through her hazy thoughts.

"Cozy glow!" Sebastian screamed " Are you okay?"

Standing in the doorway was Sebastian himself, the prosecutor staring at her with clear concern.

Cozy glow immediately backed away and closed her eyes in fear. The rook was in varying stages of panic. The memory of the nightmare was still fresh, and now that Sebastian knew what she did, he would have surely gotten some kind of punishment. She knew that there was a window and a door she could fly through, but she had backed herself into a corner, and so her only option was to silently panic as she worry about what the human was going to do with her.

"P-please, don't hit me " Her voice cracked and tears began dripping down on the floor below her.

Cozy Glow's inner thoughts were interrupted by sudden and tender touch and tapping on her forehead and soon something going across her mane. At first, she tensed up at the touch, but then after a solid minute of comfortable and calming touches, she realise this wasn't any kind of physical punishment. If anything, it was the opposite. Sebastian had crouched down and gave her as tight of a hug as she dared. "Cozy Glow, listen to me, You need to calm down, " he whispered and began stroking her back.

Soft, gentle strokes and pats on the head with sweetie gentle cuddles instead of strikes or punches.

She slowly opened her eyes to see Sebastian looking there with a look of him clearly trying to comfort her instead of hurt her.

"Shhh, Cozy. Everything's fine, don't worry!" He soothed. "I'm not going to hurt you."

She took a few deep breaths to calm herself from her panicking state before she gave a simple nod. It took her a while to calm down enough to start processing her new situation. "W-what are you... " she finally managed to croak out.

"It's ok, " He reassured "There's nothing to be afraid of."

Cozy glow slowly began to calm down. taking her chance, she began to fly until she was at Sebastian's eye level. The rook then asked the knight a question she had in her mind.

"What happened last night?" She addressed her confusion.

"I'm not sure how it happened," He stated "But we had a shared dream, or in this case, a shared nightmare."

"A s-shared nightmare? So, you saw..."

"Yes, everything . The gardens with your statue, your confession of what you did back at Equestria, everything."

Oh... so he knows now.

Well, since he'd already know the things she'd done to get sent here. That meant there was no need to get nice with him anymore .

"Ok, Cozy," Sebastian said " Today is going to be different from the usual routine we had for the past few days. For starters, it's the weekend now, so I won't be working at the prosecutor's office. Secondly, I hope you don't mind, but I need you to wear this from now on."

Sebastian then proceeded to pull out a collar . It was a simple red velvet color with what looked like a strong strips of leather attached to it. It looked like a leash. Cozy glow looked at it, she knew what he was asking him to do.

"You want me to wear this leash so i don't fly away?"

"Yes," He explained "the reason why I gave you a disguise was because if people saw you, a magic talking Pegasus, they might get worried and panic, and after what happened at the Mansion, I decided to not allow you to wander off alone ."

(Obviously to make sure I don't get the chance to take over the world.) Whelp there goes that plan , now that there was something stopping her from leaving, she couldn't just go ahead and fly away now. Cozy looked at the leash and sighed. Sebastian took the initiative to put the leash on her.

"Anyways, I want to go to a few places first . So put on your disguise, we're going outside for a moment."

"*Sigh* Sure."

As Cozy glow flew to the living room, Sebastian murmured something to himself.

"I hope this shows you the true meaning of friendship , just like how Edgeworth showed me what being a prosecutor meant."


Streets of Japanifornia

June 29 - 11 : 00 a.m.

Cozy glow had tried to fly away from Sebastian, but the leash was too strong, and Sebastian wasn't letting go of her easily, which basically made escape impossible, as she can't fly far from the prosecutor.

As soon as they stepped out the apartment, she had tried and failed at lease 11 times , after which she was so tired she gave up and opted to sit on Sebastian's shoulder. She tried to thing of some ways to escape, but decided to bide her time for now.

As they walked down the streets of Japanifornia, however, Sebastian asked something Cozy did not expect.

"So, I hope you don't mind asking," He asked after a few minutes of walking. "What's it like being a Pegasus?"

"W-what? I-" Cozy was confused. "Why do you want to know?"

"Just curious, I guess," He admitted "It's actually surprising how we talked about Princess Celestia and Luna, and twilight's school and all the creature in Equestria, yet i never asked about you ."

"Probably because you were never interested in me."

"Oh, no," He corrected "I am interested in you, It's just we never got around to that part yet. Must have been nice to be able to fly wherever you wanted," Sebastian continued, "Soaring through the sky and looking down on the landscape below you."

"I guess," Cozy replied. "Not that I'll ever get to do that again..."

The prosecutor quickly changed the subject. He tried his best to keep up the conversation the whole way, telling her a little about himself and just trying his best to talk with the Pegasus.

Cozy stayed silent for most of the time, sometimes giving few-worded replies. She just didn't know why he still bothered with this getting-to-know-each-other charade. He knew what she did, if anything, he should care less about what she felt .


Gourd Lake Nature Park

June 29 - 11 : 45 a.m.

"We're here!"

Sebastian stopped in front of what appear to be the entrance to a park. The sign on the stone brick read "Gourd lake nature park."

"Gourd lake?" She was confused by the odd name.

"Yeah," Sebastian explained "From what Kay told me, the name is because this lake use to be a place people grew gourds, also the lake is in the shape of a gourd. "

"What's a gourd?"

"It's a type of fruit."

"Oh, ok," With one question out her mind, she asked the next question that she had "And why did you bring me here?"

"I'll tell you when we get there."

"Um... Ok," She was wary of this.

Soon, the two walked down the road lined with trees, until they reached an opening where there were a few benches and tables, and a few food stands to the side. The most notable thing was the large lake in front of them . Cozy glow looked at the beautiful sight of the lake with awe.

"Golly," She murmured

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is."

Sebastian turned to Cozy, "Gourd lake is a beautiful place to visit, but the sight loses it's charm after a few visits. " He took Cozy and turned "Besides, you can enjoy the view later, there's somewhere just as beautiful I want to visit."

"Golly, somewhere just as beautiful?"

"You'll see..."


Gourd Lake Nature Park- Hidden Opening

June 29 - 11 : 50 a.m.

"Woah," was all that came out of cozy's mouth.

"I know, my reaction as well," The prosecutor admitted. "I guess being a 'great thief' also includes being able to find all the hidden beauty in the world, and then taking them, of course..."

"Wait, Sebastian, why did you bring me here? I know there's no way it's just to view some pretty sights with you."

"Well," Sebastian answer "The reason why I brought you here is because it's a perfect place for us to play."


" it's an open area with fresh air , surrounded by dozens of trees. No one will find us here , we can do anything here that we couldn't do in a closed space like the apartment, all without someone finding us and panicking over a magic talking filly ."

"Oh, I see, " She sighed "So , what games are we playing? I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun," She sarcastically trailed off.

"Well, if you think frisbee is fun, then sure, " Sebastian pulled out a frisbee disk from his bag.


"You don't have frisbee in your world?"

"Oh, no, we do have that, it's just..." She asked "Why are we playing frisbee?"

"Well, so far we always been confined in a building, and the only time we've been outside is moving to another building , so I felt like we could have some fun under the sun for a moment and just relax and weave some flesh air."

"Um, Sebby , I think it's inside a building , not confined in a building (At lease for you, for me that choice of wording would be apt) Also, I think you meant breath some fresh air."

"Ah! S-sorry, You , see I-" Cozy didn't listen to what he said, instead lost in thought as she begins to think to herself.

(There's no way he just wants to have fun with me. There's obviously some kind of catch somewhere. )


"Oh! Sorry, I guess I was dozing off... "

"It's ok," He said, before he went over to a random pole that was sticking out of the ground for some reason. Her movement was now limited to the whole opening, as the leash stopped her just shy of the trees.

Sebastian shouted, "Get ready!" Just as she turned to face him, Cozy saw the frisbee flying towards her, reacting quickly, she grabbed the frisbee in her hooves.

"Nice Catch, that was really amazing Coz- AHH!' Sebastian felt the frisbee hid his face .

"Hey, what was that about!?"

"Well, that's how frisbee works, maybe you should pay more attention to-" Sebastian immediately through the frisbee back, only for Cozy to catch and throw it back, only for Sebastian to be ready this time and catch it.

"Oh it's on!"


40 minutes later

The feeling of playing a fun little friendly game had given Cozy a happy feeling as the fresh air rushed through her. Even with the leash, It was arguably the most fun and happiness for Cozy, and just as much to Sebastian. But soon they started getting tired, and they both decided to take a break and rest up .

"Golly, i never had that much fun in a long time..."

"Yeah, hopefully you enjoyed that as much as i have."

A silence follow, which gave Cozy some time to calm down from the rush and think slowly, but before a thought popped in her head, a loud bang shot through the sky.


A bright flash of light , a loud thunder, and a downpour. It had started to rain heavily.

"Golly," Cozy said.

"D-darn it!" Sebastian immediately untied Cozy, "Looks like were going to cut our time here short, we need to leave, now."

They began to run , out the opening , through the trees, to the exit of the park, all while the rain began to increase in intensity, more raindrops began to downpour onto them. they soon get to a street where they have to cross the road to get back to the apartment, but the rain is literally poring on the streets.

"O holy mother, this storm is terrible."

Cozy Glow shook her head and sighed. "Hey , is it ok if I can try something,"

"Um, sure..."

"Alright, let's see what I can do..." She said, and began to stare intently ahead and up into the sky. Within moments a area of lessened rain formed in front of them.

"Woah, Cozy, are you doing this?" He asked.

"Pegasus weather control. Of course, I'm not that good at it yet. This tiny little area is all I can manage, and I can't even make it stop, just lighten up." Cozy explained "I have more control if I'm directly touching the cloud, but you wouldn't allow that, would you?"

"Nope." He said, before he ran to the other side of the road. "It's still pretty amazing, though. "

Cozy glow didn't think it was amazing, all Pegasi could do it with enough practice. She did felt an odd feeling when Sebastian complemented her, though.

She suddenly realized that he wasn't walking back to the apartment building, he took a different turn.

"Um, where are we going?"

"I want to buy something first before we head back to the apartment. If you don't mind."


Amber Lights Apartment- Room 619- Living Room

June 29 - 1:00 p.m.

They had just gotten back from the apartment. Sebastian had made a quick stop to what appears to be a bakery and placed the box he got from there on the table. He quickly placed the box onto the table and went over to Cozy, taking off her wet cloak , before he quickly went to the bedroom.

Cozy, out of curiosity, went over to the box, she still didn't know what was inside, but the smell must meant the food was delicious.

Suddenly, Sebastian came back wearing a new set of clothes, and giving Cozy glow a towel.

"Here," He said and handed her the towel.

"And why did you give me this?"

"So you can dry yourself off," Sebastian said "I don't want you to get sick from any of the rain."

"You... really have no idea what you're doing, are you?"

"Hey! I'm trying, ok!" He was starting to cry a bit.

"*Sigh* Thanks I guess," Cozy took the towel and wiped off all the cold raindrops off her.

Sebastian clapped his hands. "Now, before anything else happens , I'd like to ask if you're hungry."

Cozy shrugged and mumbled something non-committing. It was true that she was hungry. She hadn't eaten anything since this morning, and even then, it hadn't been much. But she wouldn't admit that to Sebastian . He'd probably force her to make her own food.

"Well, if you ever get hungry, then you can go ahead and eat the Swiss rolls I brought for you over there," He gestured to the box he brought on the table.

Cozy looked wary, he brought the food for her? And what is a Swiss roll anyways?

As if to answer her mental though, he answer, "Oh yeah, you probably don't have it in your world, a swiss roll is a type of sponge cake filled with cream in a spiral shape."

The prosecutor opened the box, Cozy was a bunch of bread logs of different color , slice up into different pieces, he picked up a swiss roll , before he wolfed it down in seconds.

Cozy awkwardly picked up one of the smaller slices from the same slice as Sebastian. Taking a small bite of it, she couldn't stop her eyes from widening. It actually tasted really good!

"See?" Sebastian smiled. "Eat as much as you like, but try not to make yourself sick. There's no shame in leaving some for later." She got started on the next roll . "In fact, I brought 8 different logs with 5 rolls because I didn't know which one was your favorite.

Cozy carefully took another bite. There's no way he would give her something nice. There had to be a catch somewhere...

Maybe she was about to get poisoned? Something that only started working after you've ingested enough.

"But if you're still hungry afterwards, I can get some ice cream in the freezer."

Yep. It's poison alright.

Why else would you ever give a prisoner ice cream?


Amber Lights Apartment- Room 619- Living Room

June 29 - 4:00 p.m.

Later that afternoon , both of them sat in the sofa watching the somehow-not-magic box, while sharing the swiss rolls.

Sebastian wanted to try and bond with Cozy, while Cozy tried to stay as passive towards him as possible. Since things like Chess and food were off the table, he tried was looking for something that they can both enjoy, without much input from either of them.

And thus, Cozy Glow was introduced to the wonderful action cartoon that was The Steel Samurai. It had everything that interested and entertained her. The story, the action scenes, the characters, both good and evil , and even the random comedy scenes, even if sometimes she didn't really understand what was going on . Cozy found herself chuckling every time one of the humans on the screen did something entertaining.

She was about to reach for another swiss roll when she stopped and realized something.

She was actually enjoying herself!

Something was wrong here...

"What is going on...?" She asked out loud.

Sebastian responded "Well, at this point in the story, the steel, Nickle and silver samurai found out that the golden shogun was --"

"No, I meant this! Why do you keep acting like this? Why are you being so nice to me?"

Sebastian didn't say anything as her expression changed to dead serious. He muted the sound on the television and moved to sit down on the table, in front of her.

"I'm being nice to you because you deserve it, Cozy Glow."


For once in her life, Cozy was completely speechless.

She had always had a response to everything anyone had ever said to her and yet now she didn't know what to say.

"Wha... What...?"

She desperately racked her brain for anything that could possibly explain what Sebastian's motivation were, but no answer came to her.

"Because you deserve it," the prosecutor repeated, as if it was the surest thing in the world.

Cozy couldn't believe what she was hearing!

Why was he saying that? What reasoning could he possibly have?

"You... You don't know what you're saying! Do you have any idea what I've done...? I'm evil!" A though hit her "O-or maybe you somehow forgot what you learned last night."

"Cozy," Sebastian placed a hand on her," Last night , I learned the whole truth, not just what you did , but why you did it." He made his point " You've done some terrible things, stealing magic from Equestria twice, manipulating others, and maybe even more i haven't learned yet, " He made his point, "I'm not going to deny the fact that you committed some serious crimes, but I also know for a fact that you're not evil, Cozy. You're just misguided."

"What!?" Cozy Glow rose from the couch in fury. "No I'm not!" she screamed. "I'm the villain , I deserve a punishment, The Princess of Friendship said so herself!"

Sebastian was actually shocked and took a few inches back , but he stood his ground , "And where is the princess of friendship?" He gestured around the room, before he made his point "Exactly, no where, This isn't about what Twilight, or what any of the Equestrians think of, Cozy. This is about what i think of you! And I'm telling you, I think you're not evil! Just lost."

Cozy just couldn't understand what was happening.

Was this her true punishment all along? To be patronized by this other worldly creature for the rest of her life?

She looked up when she felt a hand on the back of her head. The prosecutor looked at her with the same warm expression he'd given her ever since they met.

"The real reason why you did all this... It has something to do with this, doesn't it?"

Present Profile of nightmare entities.


"It's about your mother, and your old friends, isn't it?"


Cozy frowned, but didn't answer.

"I understand how you feel." Sebastian's voice was filled with sympathy

"N-no, you don't!" The Pegasus filly retorted.

"You wanted the love of your mother, who you looked up to, yet she didn't love you back, worst , she manipulated you for her own gain." Sebastian said.

"Your friends never actually cared for you, they just wanted to use you, pretend to be your friend because of what you gave them, and when you no longer have anything, they turn their backs on you."

"Shut up! You don't know anything about me!" A large sob came from the rook marked filly. "Just shut up..."

"You lie and manipulate everyone you met, and claim that the only reason is for power, but the truth is you did all that was because you believe that power would bring you what you desperately wanted. The love nobody ever showed you..."

Tears began to flow from Cozy's eyes. She hated it. She hated this feeling that Sebastian made her feel.

"All you ever wanted was love and happiness, but all your life you were surrounded by cruel ponies who sought to hurt you for their own gain, you grew mistrustful , worry others will do the same, your afraid of feeling that same pain again, but you also ended up believing that the only way to be happy was to manipulate and be powerful , you only saw the fake mask of friendship , and believed that that's what friendship was, a mask for power. And seeing all the accomplishments Twilight and her friends have, and all the power she earned, even becoming a princess herself, only strengthened your assumption as fact. "

Cozy was silent, Sebastian took a deep breath.

"I know the pain you felt, when someone who you thought loved and cared you was actually using you, or when your own parent who you looked up to never even loved you, no matter how hard you try. The feeling of being betrayed, lost in the dark."

"S-shut up!" Cozy was holding back rivers of tears at this point " Y-you don't know how I feel at all ! Y-you never went through the same thing as I did!"

Sebastian stood up from the couch "I know you're scared, Cozy. You're scared that everyone you meet will betray you, like your friends and your mother, so you try and get even with them before that happens. But you also rebel (Revel) in the attention they give you when you manipulate them. It's the only meaningful interaction with others you've had for a long time."

Slowly, He moved to Cozy and hugged the filly . "I know you think you have to be evil because that is the only way to be happy, but I'm telling you, it doesn't have to be that way..."

She ended the hug and looked straight into Cozy's eyes. "Real friendship exists, yes there are evils who will use you, but there are also good people who genuinely want to be friends . I know you don't trust me yet, but I promise you that no matter what happens or what you've done up to this point, I'll always be there for you."

With one final embrace, Cozy Glow broke down. All the emotions that had been bottled up inside of her came pouring out . She desperately clung to Sebastian and cried until she ran out of tears...


Dream realm- shards of memories

One minute you're sleeping on your makeshift 'bed', the next minute, you find yourself in an endless void filled with floating crystal shards . What would you do?

For Cozy glow, as she stared endlessly at the floating crystal shards. Absolute confusion is a perfect description of what she felt.

"Golly, Where am I?" Was all that came out of her mouth

"Thou see thy deepest depths of the dream realm, the place where all dreams find their origin, the roots of all subconscious thoughts of the night, the shards of memories."

Cozy tensed up and turned to the voice. Every pony in Equestria will recognized the Canterlot royal voice anywhere. There were only two people in the world who had that voice, And given the circumstances, she knew who it was that called out to her.

"Princess Luna?" She asked the voice .

"No," The voice had a hint of irritation and anger, "I am not princess Luna."

"T-then who are you?"

"Thy mare that shall help the with thy problem"

"M-my problem?" She was confused, what was she talking about?

Suddenly, a wooden chair appeared out of thin air, "Take a seat," The voice greeted. Cozy realizes she doesn't have a choice, so she listens to the voice and sits down.

The voice echo's through "So, Cozy Glow, May i ask a few question to you?"

"Golly, as if I have a choice?" She said "What do you want?"

"Well, first i would like to ask, what do you think of Sebastian?"

"I-" Cozy put a hoof on her mouth, she took a moment to think "Well, he's ... confusing, I guess?"

"Oh, in what way, exactly?"

"Well, all ways really," She explained "He's a really competent and smart prosecutor which makes the impression of a genius, but he also has moments of utter stupidity , especially with mixing up his words sometimes, emotionally he's either brave or a coward, but most confusing was how he treated me nicely even after knowing what I did?"

"He gave an explanation , didn't he?"

" 'I'm not going to deny the fact that you committed some serious crimes,' He said." Cozy made her point "He's a prosecutor, his whole job is sending criminals to jail by exposing their crimes in trial. Even if... " Cozy was uncomfortable with the topic, so she took a few seconds before saying "... that... had made an impact on him, I doubt he would just up and be nice to me like that."

"Oh Cozy Glow," The voice said "You have no idea how much it impacted him."

One of the shards were brought in front of her, a memory was playing , the shard soon got absorbed , and Cozy found herself in a large , mostly empty room with a witness stand and a few chairs , and several humans in it.

Cozy was completely stuck in shock as the scene played before her.

She recognized what looked like a younger Sebastian on the far left, and he seems to be crying, the conversation between him and the grizzly bearded man on the large golden throne like chair was what stuck out the most to her.

"N-No way...! But, I tried real hard... I tried my best, Pops! I went to the school you told me to go, reached the top of my class, just like you told me to! Just look at this jacket! Only someone who graduates at the top of his class gets to wear it! I did everything you told me to do! That's how I got to be the best at the academy! I even won all those awards, just so I could be like you, Pops...!"


You really are... such an idiot, y'know. Y'know those gold stars you got on your tests, I made the teachers give them to you. Every speech and debate contest, all of the judges were my friends. Y'know, Sebastian. Even your own friends were just with you cause I told them to. If you weren't even able to notice something like that... ...you're really not worthy of being called my son. Don't you think?

Ah... ah... ah... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! WAAAAaaaaaaaahhh!


"Doesn't that seem familiar to something we've seen before?"


Cozy was standing in shock at what she saw. Sebastian himself... was...

"Do you understand now why he was being kind to you?" The voice asked "Just like you with your mother, all that he ever wanted was to earn his father's approval, he tries his best, but at the end of the day, his dad only saw him as a pawn, while his friends were only with him because of his fathers influence."

"So... " Cozy said back. "That why he- "

"That's right," The voice replied. "He knows what you've been through, in fact, he almost would have went down the same path as you, feeling like everyone betrayed him, locking himself away from everyone, but then he was saved by him..." the scenery around her faded back into white, all expect a single person, with black hair, wearing a red suit and a cravat.

"He helped pulled him out of the darkness, showed him what being a prosecutor truly means, and now, he wants to give you the same light he was given. " The voice too a deep breath "He knows exactly what you felt, nay, are feeling now, and wants to be the same light that Edgeworth was to him. So, let me ask another question, do you believe you deserve it?"

"... To be honest, " Cozy admitted "I still believe that he would just be wasting his time."

"Oh?" The voice asked "And why is that?"

"Because ..." Cozy explained "Even if I wanted to redeem myself for all the crimes I've done, I'm just beyond redemption no matter what."

"Oh? And why is that?" The voice asked

"Because of this," She gestured over to her cutie mark, "You know exactly why "

There was a moment of silence, Cozy stared over at the mark, remembering exactly how she got it. It was days after everyone betrayed her, when she began to be mistrustful of everyone, worrying that they'll betray her , while also wanting to prove she wasn't useless, being influenced by what everyone did, she began to manipulate just as she was being manipulated.

The memory of when she got her cutie mark was a bit blurry . She remember a few bullies who torment her and other kids, she remember using words and controlling situations until she had everyone on a string on her hooves, and how she turned the tide against the bullies. Thinking back, it was no different then what she did back at Twilight's school, she also remember some details she didn't remember before . As she recalled the memory she realized it was when she was while she was in the orphanage .

She was well aware of the significance of her cutie mark, knew all about the rook and how useful it was when used properly in the game of chess. Two rooks working together were even more powerful than a queen, and she knew just how to make her pieces move to weave traps and make her opponents make mistakes. Both in her games against Sebastian and in the game of life.

It was clear. Her only useful talent was to manipulate, there was nothing else for her. It was her destiny to control others. For a while, she was happy with her destiny, believing that the only way to be happy was to be in power and to exploit, she had no problems being the villain of the story, even sing a song with Tirek and Chrysalis about how it was good to be bad. But now, after what Sebastian said, she realise that she was now looking at her mark not in joy , but in hate.

"Thou have made a grave mistake ," The voice echo, interrupting Cozy's thought process. She looked away from her mark and back to the void

"Golly, me, making a grave mistake," Cozy asked "What could that mean."

"Just like how Sebastian needed someone to show him the true meaning of being a prosecutor, he will soon show you the true meaning of your mark."

"Golly, so it isn't manipulation?"

At that moment , everything began to fade away, the crystals, the chair, everything. A white light emerged and began to absorb Cozy, who cover her eyes with her hooves in response

"W- what's going on?" Cozy asked in a worried tone.

"Calm down Cozy , you're just waking up. I'll speak with you soon ." The voice said before vanishing. The room around Cozy also vanished and she began to wake up.


Amber Lights Apartment- Room 619- Bedroom

June 30 - 9:49 a.m.

Cozy slowly opened her eyes and began to get up.

"Ugh, weird dream." Cozy said rubbing her eyes. She heard Sebastian's voice behind the door, and took a few second before she flew over to him.

"Oh, good morning Cozy," Sebastian greeted with a smile

"Good morning, Sebastian" She smiled back, she had no idea why, but she had a feeling it really would be a good morning today.



" Chat name: Sebastian is acting weird "

Detective Gumshoe: I didn't say anything until now because it was 1:00 a.m. at the time and I didn't want to disturb anyone sleeping , but Sebastian was at the police station being interrogated.

Detective Gumshoe: I could explain why, but the case file summarizes everything well enough.

Detective Gumshoe sent case_file_ML-16.pdf

Ema Skye : Ok, pardon my language, but what the actual f

Miles Edgeworth : Excuse me, what is 'Mikado Marvelous Moonstones' and what is this anniversary party that Sebastian was at?

Klavier Gavin: It's a multi billion dollar jewelry company run by generations of the Mikado family, the party is celebrating the day their company was founded.

Ema Skye: And your telling me he was invited there, not even as a minor guest or a +1, but the honorary guest of the party!

Miles Edgeworth: And on the day the family heirloom was stolen, and he just went ahead and investigated the crime scene while the police were still on their way.

Justine Courtney: And he solved the case, bringing not one, but two thieves to be punished for their crimes, all while finding where the Ruby was.

Ema Skye: And they he almost gets murdered by one of them.

Justine Courtney: That is not unlike something that you would do, Edgeworth.

Miles Edgeworth: W-what!?

Detective Gumshoe: Sorry sir, but I'm going to have to agree with her, that does sound like the kind of situation you would end up in.

Ema Skye: not gonna lie, that's true.

Miles Edgeworth : I- show me proof of that !?

Detective Gumshoe: The Hasakura Temple incident with 'that man'

Ema Skye : The there was the whole thing with Ernesst Amano and the embassies of Allebahst and babahl.

Justine Courtney: Then there was Blaise, followed by the whole Di-Jun Huang thing.

Miles Edgeworth: Ok! so Sebastian's decision during the party might be out of the question!

Miles Edgeworth : But I think were ignoring the fact that he was invited there at all!

Ema Skye : And as an honorary guest too.

Detective Gumshoe: And that's the weirdest thing so far?

John Marsh: No, it isn't

John Marsh: The weirdest thing is him buying 8 flavors of swiss rolls from the local bakery.

Justine Courtney: ...

Klavier Gavin: ...

Miles Edgeworth : ...

Detective Gumshoe: ...

Ema Skye: ...

John Marsh: What?

Justine Courtney: John, how did you ...

John Marsh: Mom, you know how I said I was hanging out with my friends today?

Justine Courtney: ...

Justine Courtney : So that were you decided to hang out

John Marsh: Yeah.

Miles Edgeworth: What flavor did he buy?

John Marsh: Velvet, Apple, chocolate, vanilla, hazel, lemon and green tea

Ema Skye: Yup , definitely the weirdest.

Klavier Gavin: And Herr Debeste buying some swiss rolls is SUS, why?

Klavier Gavin: It's his favorite food.

Ema Skye: First off, STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! You're being even more annoying that usual now!

Klavier Gavin: Hey, if my fans mostly consisted of fans of the game, then what can you do?

Ema Skye: Anyways, secondly, he hates apple and lemon rolls,

Ema Skye: said to me one time that they would stop existing and he wouldn't care.

Detective Gumshoe : Ok , what is even going on with him? it's getting confusing.

Miles Edgeworth : I have an idea.

Justine Courtney: I'm listening

Miles Edgeworth: What if Sebastian is hanging out with someone else...