• Published 22nd Jun 2021
  • 745 Views, 47 Comments

Investigations: The Chess Master's Turnabouts - Rosestory

A prosecutor and A pegasus uncovers the truth behind a series of magical mysteries

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Sebastian's First Turnabout (1-1)

Author's Note:

Spoilers: Post Ace attorney investigations 2 and Post the end of the end (Series Finale) [This story will be written assuming you already seen these two]

Content warning: Pony on Earth, Murder mystery (Only random background character death, nothing too gruesome, don't mind the death tag) , Mentions of Abuse , Phycological Trauma and Trauma Recovery, head canon where cozy glow had a tragic backstory that explains why she was evil, Cozy glow redemption , Sebastian Debeste sympathy

Sakurai Garden Park-Statue Center

6:30 a.m. 26 June

A security officer is now seen walking down a path in a large park, filled with all sorts of beautiful sights , but he isn't interested, as he had seen these thing before. Besides, there really was no time for sightseeing, he was on his shift.

As he walked towards the statue center of the park, he heard some noise from the trees nearby, wanting to make sure no one broke in, he walked towards the source of the noise.

There, standing next to a tree, was a man carrying something in his hands.

Suddenly, the security officer , wanting to get a better look, suddenly stepped on a twig, making a snapping sound that cut through the silence.

The man turns around and sees him, in his officer's uniform, and panics. he suddenly screams and rushes forward towards him.

Meanwhile, in the same park, just nearby where the two young men spotted each other, is a statue of a pegasus. This pegasus is seen in a position of mid flight with a worried expression on her face.

Expect this wasn't actually just a stone statue, but an actual living, breathing magic Pegasus, with a magic spell cast on her that turned her to stone.

She was Cozy Glow, and she was absolutely confused .

If you were to ask her what being turned to stone was like, she describe it like some sort of limbo state. While physically speaking she was immobile , frozen and unable to move, Mentally she was somewhat aware of her surroundings.

It's like being tied down with rope. While you can't move, you can still see, smell, feel and all that. In Cozy's case, she was stuck in a cycle of waking up, being aware of her surrounding and falling back to a sleep like unconscious state.

Something were different each time she was awake, sometimes her allies who were petrified with her, Tirek and Chrysalis, would be awake along side with her, though their conversations were usually short . Sometimes she would see another pony walk by, or come tend to the nearby plants, which were always green , like the trees and hedges .

But one thing always stay the same, she would wake up in the same place with the same trees and the same building nearby. The Canterlot Gardens, with Twilight Sparkle's Castle always nearby.

So you can imagine the initial shock and panic follow by the calm down and confusion that she experienced when she woke up to find herself surrounded by trees that don't have green leaves but instead pink flowers blooming on their tops, and statues rather than grass surrounding her. Said statues depicting some weird thing that not even Cozy had seen before. She realized that Tirek and Chrysalis weren't nearby either, making her even more confused.

"Where am I? Where are Tirek and Chrysalis? Did Twilight decided to move me to another place? If so, why go through the trouble of separating her from the others? What is with these trees? And what in the name of Celestia are these other statues depicting?" Were some of the many questions floating in her head .

Suddenly, snapping her out of her thought process was a loud scream followed by the noise that sounded like something hard had hit something just as hard. In front of her, she can see somepony emerge from the pink trees and falling down the ledge . Expect she looked closer and saw it wasn't a pony at all, but some weird hairless ape creature .

Looking down onto the ape creature was another ape creature , and that was all Cozy glow saw before she faded back out of consciousness. All the while the man panics before he pauses and then smiles, remembering someone was coming and hatching an evil plan in his mind.


Sakurai Garden Park-Main Gate

3:45 p.m.- 26 June

To say Sebastian Debeste was nervous would be an understatement.

It of course make sense why he would be nervous considering this would be his first actual investigation, with a real crime mystery, a murder no less, and no one to guide him. He would have to find the truth being this himself.

It's been 4 years since that terrible incident because his father, it was nothing but pain, regret and self reflection for Sebastian. Learning that your life was a complete lie, that all this time you were manipulated like a pawn , controlled and betrayed by those who you thought loved you , and being left trapped, lost and scared in the dark, figuratively and literally.

But then Miles Edgeworth and Kay Faraday came along and helped him, and soon he slowly began to regain himself. His father purposely made him an idiot so he wouldn't have the common sense to question anything. But with the help of Miles mentoring him he slowly learned . It was fun and torture for him to slowly learn and slowly be independent.

He now wanted to be his own person in life, to be his own prosecutor and to prove to himself he is more than what his father wanted him to be. He believes in himself to truly become the best prosecutor in this district, knowing that to be a prosecutor was all about finding the truth and making sure criminals get punished for their crimes, and where everyone gets a fair trial.

And now he stood in front of Sakurai Garden Park Gates, the scene of the crime where the murder took place last night. He slowly began to worry.

What happens if I mess up? What if I wrongly accuse an innocent person? What if I can't solve it? No! Don't say that! Calm down. Remember what Edgeworth told you. You can do this.

"Excuse me?" Sebastian looked at the source of the voice and saw a police officer looking right back at me. "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. This is a crime scene and we are currently undergoing investigations."

"Ah! Um.. Officer sir! Um.. You see, I can't leave, I need to-" Sebastian was cut off when the officer told him bluntly " Listen, I don't care what a kid like you has to do, you need to leave now."

"K-KID!! Officer! I'm not a kid, I'm a persecutor , ah I mean procrastinator, um I mean-" Sebastian was stuttering , one of the effects of his father's manipulation was that he never got around his vocabulary well. Always mixing up his words and lagging behind in a conversation. While he improved thanks to the help of Miles and Kay, he still had the habit of saying the wrong words when he panic.

"Listen kid, I don't care what you are." The officer told him bluntly "I'm bring you to the police station and calling your parents , right now'

"But, Sir I-" He was cut off again "LISTEN KID, I DON'T CARE!"

"What's going on here?" Both me and the officer turn to see a man wearing a white trench coat, white fedora, white slack jeans and leather boots, his face has the lock of someone who is lay back and chill. Yet Sebastian can't help but feel like something is off, like he's forcing this appearance or something.

"Detective! Sir! Listen I caught this little brat here and-" Sebastian had enough of being push around "HEY! I'm not a-" But was cut off again "Detective? How many times do I have to tell y'all, I'm not just a "Detective" I'm detective Frozen Glare, Ya see"

"Ya see , I don't care. I-" The officer was cut off

"Now I think you should care, you Savant." The man, who Sebastian assume to be a Detective named Frozen Glare , had stated with a hint of irritation.


"I called you a savant, what bout it, mate?"

"Um, guys?" Sebastian tried to get their attention, but they just kept arguing

"Listen, I ain't a Savant, I'm a Jack, and you a punk!"

"A punk better than what you got"

"What are you implying!?"

"DON"T IGNORE ME!" Sebastian cried out, but they did in fact, ignore him.

Ugh, what am I suppose to do right now. I'm suppose to investigate, yet these two are arguing!

Just then , he remember something that Edgeworth had taught him.

Listen Sebastian, as a prosecutor, you must be able to stand up to anything they throw at you. Use hard logic and solid evidence to prove your claim in court .

Sebastian remember he had something to prove he wasn't a kid. He readied his voice before...


Both the detective and the officer looked at Sebastian , who was now presenting a piece of paper in one hand while pressing his other hand against his collar in such a way that both of them could see a shining badge on his collar.

They both instantly recognize the badge as a prosecutors badge.

"I'm Prosecutor Sebastian Debeste!" He proudly exclaimed, "And this an official permit to investigate the murder of Mason Darrenson!"

The officer and detective looked at each other and Sebastian, the officer's previous anger now replaced by shock and fear as he realized how much trouble he was in since he had essentially tried to kick a prosecutor off of his crime scene because he thought he was a child.

The detective calmly took the permit and read through it before saying "Heh, looks like you really are the prosecutor assigned to this case. "

Sebastian looked at the him before saying "So, does this mean I can investigate the crime scene, you know, without being rudely interrupted ?" he glared at the officer, who looked down in what Sebastian thought was shame, but was actually fear as to what he might do to his salary.

"Yes you can, though I think the real question is, should you? "

"Huh? " Sebastian looked at him with confusion

"As far as I'm sure, you don't need to investigate this since we pretty much already have the killer caught and in questioning " The detective told the prosecutor, causing him to go wide eyes at him.

"WHAT!?" Sebastian couldn't believe it. Had they already solve this case without his help?

"ya, so i suggest you just leave this place since there isn't anything to investigate anymore ,Here's the case file I'm suppose to give ya, now you can return back to your office ." He handed a case file over to the prosecutor

But then , he had another flashback to a lesson that his Themis Legal academy teacher had taught him.

Listen, one way or another, the truth will always find a way to make itself known. The only thing we can do is fight for the knowledge we hold and everything we have. We must make sure to investigate every single suspicious thing while always be willing to stand up to what is right. Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

Sebastian took a deep breath before telling the officer "I want to make sure you didn't miss anything. Can you please tell me everything you know about the case?"

"Heh sure, why not," The detective said in a calm manner.

Testimony: How it happened.

-The victim, as you know was one Mason Darrenson. He was a security officer who was making his rounds through the park.

(Note: Some error happened so the image might not load properly, you can click on the error message and click the link to see the actual image )

-This park has several different part to it. Here is a drawing of the entrance to the Grounds of Statues, where you can see stairs and a ledge

-At 6:35 p.m. Mason was pushed down the ledge and killed on impact as he landed on the floor.

-A witness called the police, who arrive at the park 10 minutes later, and found one Emmie Blight there.

-Naturally, we arrested her.

"And that's that, Satisficed now, Prosecutor?" The Detective said.

"... Not quite. Can you repeat that one more time?" Sebastian asked, he felt something was off with what the Detective said, so he decided to look at his case file again to make sure.

"Alright, whatever floats your boat." For some reason, his voice sounds forced, like he secretly wants me to leave while trying to sound as polite as possible.


-The victim, as you know was one Mason Darrenson. He was a security officer who was making his rounds through the park.

-This park has several different part to it. Here is a drawing of the entrance to the Grounds of Statues, where you can see stairs and a ledge

-At 6:35 p.m. Mason was pushed down the ledge and killed on impact as he landed on the floor.


Sebastian presented the paper he had decided to bring along with him. He didn't just bring his permit to investigate, he also brought his case file along with him, which included an autopsy report of Mason Darrenson.

"Detective, it appears you might need to take a second look at the facts." Sebastian said

"What you talking about?" The detective was definitely giving off a feeling of I want this to end as fast as possible , just leave please what could you be talking about!?

"I have here a copy of Mason's autopsy report , which clearly states here that the cause of death wasn't from the fall off the ledge... But instead from "Blunt force trauma on the head" with a bruise on his back being describe as a " post mortem injury most likely cause by the already dead body being dropped onto a hard surface"

"In other words," Sebastian Debeste pointed his baton at Frozen Glare before exclaiming his point "The fall was after he died, the real cause of death was the victim being hit in the head by a heavy object!"

The detective reacted to his claim with a yelp of shock. "N-now , hang on just a m-minute. Even if the cause of death was different, it doesn't change the fact that Emmie is the killer." The detective seemed to calm down, but still looked irritated "Y-ya! She was the only one there at the park!"

"Um, Couldn't there have been other people at the park? Maybe someone killed Mason and ran away, leaving Emmie there to find the body?" Sebastian questioned .

To which the Detective shook his head before saying, "Sorry sir, but there's decisive evidence that shows that Emmie killed him"

"HUH! D-Decisive!?"

Testimony: Decisive Evidence

-One look at this photograph should show you this decisive evidence we have.

(Note: There is an error for some reason so I can't upload the image, just imagine the words AMI BLIGHT written in red with a grey background)

-As you can see, just before he died , he wrote a dying message to tell us who his killer was.

- As we can see, he wrote down Emmie's name before death.

"And that proves that, now why don't you return back to your office and leave the hard work to us?"

At this point he's not even trying to hide that he wants me gone as soon as possible, but why? Also, there's something off with this picture I'll need to look at the file again just to see.

During rebuttal , Sebastian can present the Case file on either the 2nd or 3rd statement.


"I'm sorry detective," Sebastian Said with a smug look on his face "But you have yet again made another mistake."

"W-what are you talking about now!" He sounds angry , and fumes are flaring out his ears at this point.

" As you can see in this case file I have, I once again direct your pretention- I mean attention to the Autopsy report. " The prosecutor then showed the detective what he was talking about when he pointed at one sentence written on the report. " Victim, while only dead from blood loss in a few minutes, lost consciousness instantly the moment he was hit. This means that there was no way that he could have written this dying message!"

"W-What, but it's his blood and it's the girl's name!!" The Detective was screaming at this point.

"Sorry, but there's another problem!" Sebastian flipped through the file again and landed on another page before pointing at " Suspect Name: Emmie Blight, Look at the spelling, E-M-M-I-E B-L-I-G-H-T, Now lets look at the photo of the "Victim's" message."

"!!!" The detective saw exactly what he was talking about.

"I see you see it too, if this message is written by the victim, then he spelled the girl's name wrong!"

"W-WHAT!!!" Detective Frozen Glare looked stress "B-But I-"

"In fact, I have a question for you detective. "Sebastian was now glaring at Frozen Glare. " Does Emmie even have a motive for committing the crime? is there anything that shows That Mason and Emmie even knows each other? Anything that allow Mason to know her name , or for Emmie to want to kill him?"

"Um, w-well I-" This time , it was Sebastian who cut him off " you don't , do you?"

"Um, W-well , N-no but- "

"Listen Detective" Sebastian sniped at him " As a prosecutor, it's my job to find the truth and bring the real criminals to justice. There's a good chance that Emmie is innocent of this, and I want to investigate to make sure myself that the real killer gets caught."

"B-but , there's a witness to the crime" He blurted out, practically trying to convince Sebastian there isn't anything to investigate and that he should leave. "Y-ya! He saw her at the park!"

"In that case," Sebastian made his request to the detective " I would like to have a word with the witness,"

The Detective looked like he was about to burst out in annoyance, before he suddenly stopped and smirked , a hint of relieve and happiness in his voice as he said "He's in the police station , go ahead."

Sebastian was about to walk away towards the police station, but then he realize , this is exactly what he wants, after some thinking, he decide not to give in to his suggestion. "Very well then , why don't you bring them from the station over here while I investigate?"

The Detective looked at Sebastian with wide eyes and a completely shock expression "Wh-WHAT THE HELL KIND OF DEMAND IS THAT!!?? WHY DON"T YOU JUST LEAVE ALREADY!? "

Because It's obvious that for one reason or another you want me to not investigate the crime scene, You're clearly trying to cover something up. You were willing to arrest the first suspect without looking at the evidence more toughly (*thoroughly) . It's like you want this case close as soon as possible, and I'm not gonna let you arrest someone without a fair trial . was what Sebastian thought , but he didn't say this out loud.

he wanted to make sure the Detective couldn't interfere with his investigation, so he tried something he see Edgeworth do every time he wants a detective to do what he wants.

"Listen, consider this correction for your mistakes, on account of arresting a person without checking everything closely. Unless you want me to cut your salary . " Sebastian just notice the officer from before twitching at the mention of salary. He decides to try to play his cards with the officer as well.

"Officer Sir," The officer perked up towards him "This detective is going to the police station and bringing both the witness and the suspect over here while I investigate this. You should follow him and make sure nothing goes wrong , alright?"

The officer, knowing the potential trouble he could be in, immediately accepted his request. Before the detective could protest, the detective grabbed onto his arm and was practically dragging him out the gate and towards the station.

At that moment , he understood why he was called Frozen Glare, he was giving him the sharpest glare he had ever seen. It felt like a sword sharp enough to cut through titanium.

Once they left, Sebastian immediately went to the crime scene to start his investigation.