• Published 16th Jun 2021
  • 1,618 Views, 53 Comments

Logic vs Emotion - A HiE Tale - MetalGenocide

After falling asleep in the garden, you end up in Equestria. A chance encounter sets your course, but will it lead you home?

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Chapter 7 - ...

The main street is packed, just like every weekend. People are moving back and forth across the street, going in and out of the shops, all the while avoiding collisions with each other as they go about their busy lives.

You take a deep breath and give yourself a moment. Gazing up at the cloudy sky, you let a smile cross your face as the cool breeze caresses your features. The clouds twist and collide in the air as if to warn of an oncoming storm. The sound of movement coalesces around as the people go about their business. The jostling of their clothes, the rustling of shopping bags. None of them bother to even acknowledge at you as they move around your presence to their next destination.

“Come on, hurry up.” Your wife yells over the stream of people. “We still need to get dinner for tonight.”

“Yeah, I’m coming.” You call back.

You gaze up the street of your home. Buildings on either side of the road, ones you thought you’d never see again, stand tall and imposing, casting a shadow over the people. You glance around at the crowds, their faces hidden under hats and open umbrellas in anticipation of the oncoming downpour.

You start to move up towards your wife, brushing past the people as you try to avoid them. They stubbornly refuse to avoid you, knocking your shoulder and threatening to tip you off balance. Their footprints getting louder with each step you take. The hustle and bustle of the street increasing in volume as more and more people get in your way. You keep pushing forward. Past the black suits, past the hats and umbrellas. Getting closer and closer, you reach your hand out to your wife, trying desperately to grab hers as you push through the increasing torrent of people threatening to drag you away. The noise around you gets louder and louder, until it becomes a deafening blast ringing in your ears.

The noise is overpowering…

The noise is ear-shattering…

… Silence.

You stop. A shiver running up your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck stand to attention. Something is wrong, you know it. You feel it.

The people are gone. The street is all but deserted. Only you and your wife remain. She stands just out of reach of you. A roar echoes above you as the clouds slam and crash into each other like an ocean amidst a violent storm. A brilliant and terrifying display of power and ferocity, threatening to swallow the town whole.


You blink.

The town is bathed in flames, a smouldering heat assaulting your senses. Buildings start to collapse around you, firing debris in all directions.

“Help me!”

You panic, glancing around for your wife. You spot her trapped on the other side of the road, flames approaching her like a beast from the deep, slithering towards her body. You try to move but your body refuses.

“Where did you go?!” She cries out in panic. “Why did you leave me alone?!”

“It wasn’t my choice!” You answer, desperately trying to reach her before the flames.


Another cry grabs your attention. You whip your head round to the voice behind you. The structures continue to shift and burn, no longer resembling those of your home. The hardened dirt road splits open, foundations crumble and wooden supports snap. The buildings shatter, expelling debris all over the street.

“Help! Please!” The voice calls again.

You gaze into the ruins that scatter across the road, the inferno twisting and dancing upon them, creeping towards three shadows on the other side. As your eyes adjust to the shimmering heat and blazing fire, the shapes begin to solidify.

“Please help us!” Apple Bloom cries as the flames encircle the fillies, creeping ever closer.

“I thought you were our friend!” Sweetie Belle gasps as her hoof slips, trying to push herself away from the encroaching flare.

“I thought you cared!” Scootaloo yells, backing into her two friends as they try to get away from the blaze.

“I do care!” You try to reach for the girls. “I am your friend!”

Try as you might, your legs refuse to move. Flames start to lick at your feet as the heat begins to burn and sear your clothing. You frantically look around. Your wife has her back up against a wall, the fire leaping at her clothes as she tries to shield herself from it. The ponies drastically keep kicking at the flames in a vain attempt to keep it at bay. No matter how hard you try, you cannot move.

All around you, the buildings start to collapse, getting absorbed by the firestorm that grows ever larger with each landmass that it feeds upon. The world collapses inward on itself, the brink of destruction getting closer and closer as the blazing inferno approaches you from all sides, leaving nought but void in its wake.

In the blink of your eyes, all the buildings are devoured. Only your wife and the three fillies are left, looking for you, calling to you, pleading with you. Terror encapsulated in their eyes as the flames inch closer.

“Aaaahhhhhhh!” Their final cries fade as the flames erupt, consuming them and reducing the area to nothingness.

You yell in anguish, grabbing your head in a distraught frenzy. The image of their disappearance engraved in your mind as the inferno blazes skywards around you. The flames sear your head, heat razing your body as the void takes you.

Your eyes shoot open. Your body shakes as you gasp for air. Your heart pounds in your chest, blood throbbing in your ears. Cold sweat drips down your face, soaking into the pillow. After what feels like an eternity, you manage to muster the will power to slowly you pull yourself up.

“Was it... Did I...” Your words are disjointed as your thoughts struggle to manifest. You ease yourself onto the edge of the bed, your head resting in your hands as you try to calm your rapid breathing. A gentle orange light slowly enters the room through the window.

“No.” You panic, jumping to your feet before collapsing to the floor. Struggling, you gather what strength you can and, upon trembling legs, you dash for the window.

Gazing out, your body tense in anticipation as your eyes take in the sight. A feeling of relief washes over you and your body starts to loosen. The town lies sleeping, bathed in the orange glow of a new dawn. You rub your face with your hand, drenching it in sweat before glancing up once more, just to make sure it’s still there. Certain that it was only a nightmare; you look back towards the bed.

“No point trying to go back to sleep, the sun is coming up. I might as well get ready.” You shake your head, clearing the cobwebs from your eyes before slowly getting ready to face the new day.

Author's Note:

Shorter chapter this time. It was going to be added onto a previous chapter but I felt like it would be better on it's own.
I also didn't want to spoilers within the title so I left it blank, hopefully it read ok though. Not really something I'm used to writing :twilightsheepish: