• Published 16th Jun 2021
  • 1,618 Views, 53 Comments

Logic vs Emotion - A HiE Tale - MetalGenocide

After falling asleep in the garden, you end up in Equestria. A chance encounter sets your course, but will it lead you home?

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Chapter 16 - Dreamwalker

Author's Note:

I apologise for the delay, life has been ridiculously brutal the last two months.
I'm hoping this matches up with my previous work, and can only offer my sincerest apologies if the quality is not as good.


No, not even darkness. This was absence, an empty place.

There are many theories about what happens when you die. Bright lights, heaven, hell. But this is just a void.

Floating along, your body lighter than air, you gaze into the empty abyss. No up. No down. No Heaven or Hell. Nothing.

“Guess I didn’t make it.” You sigh, closing your eyes. A smile crosses your face as you recall your last moments. “At least I went down swinging. That was pretty cool.”

You settle in and start to relax as the void drifts you along.


How long has it been? Hours? Days? You ponder as you float endlessly. It’s all so vague, in a place without anything.

A stiff breeze suddenly hits your face causing your eyes shoot open.

Canterlot Castle stands before you. Tall and majestic, it’s gold roof shimmering in the moonlight. Your legs twitch on the rocky floor, causing a falling sensation to course through your body. Catching your balance, you turn around, taking in your surroundings. The city of Canterlot fades into the night, your little tunnel where you met the princess, concealed in the hedge. The main stairs sit unguarded. And the maze, complete with its statues lays dormant under the moon. A sleeping world. If not for the gentle breeze, it could almost be mistaken for dead.

“Well... This is wei-”


A loud explosion erupts overhead. You stumble back, covering your head as pieces of the castle fall, the ground around you illuminated by a bright orange glow. Cautiously, you remove your arm and look up, just in time for something large and white to crash into you, forcing you to the ground.

You shake your head, “Ow, what was that?”

The object shudders and groans. You lift your head off the ground and look over the object. The white body struggles to move, singed black in several places, feathers crumpled over.

“Celestia?!” You cry in surprise, moving your hands to her body, trying to help her as best you can.

“Wha...” Her head slowly turns towards you. Her face is burnt in several places, her horn stained black. “What are you doing here? You have to-”

Another blast comes from above. Your heads turn skywards towards the wrecked castle. From the gaping hole in the wall emerges a large, flamed monstrosity. The blazing heat reaching even you, far below. With four flaming legs, an inferno for a mane and a sharp, blazing horn protruding from its head, it gazes down at the two of you.

You gasp as the fiery beast leaps at you, the rush of air against its body revealing a shadowy core beneath the flames. Princess Celestia tries to ignite her magic, but there is no response. You close your eyes as, in a last-ditch effort, she covers you with her wings.

Nothing happens. You cautiously open your eyes and see the creature has stopped, frozen in the air. And not just the creature, but the Princess has stopped moving too.

“BEGONE!” A powerful voice echoes around the area.

Strong winds rush in, threatening to blow you away. Shielding your face, you look through squinting eyes, watching the flamed creature start to melt away into dust. Opening your eyes further, you realise it’s not just the creature, but the castle too starts to crumble under the wind’s wrath. Slowly, the whole landscape vanishes. Even Princess Celestia fades away into nothing.

The nightmare in Canterlot has shifted completely. You find yourself sitting quietly on top of a hill, overlooking a distant world below. You can just make out Canterlot mountain in the distance, illuminated by a large, sparkling moon. This place is peaceful, quiet. As though you had been transported to another world. You look down at your lap, still feeling the sun princess’s weight.

“You are a hard creature to reach, Human.”

You twist round. A large navy pony slow walks out from under a lone tree, wings folded with a horn matching her coat. Adorning her head is a small black crown and across her chest hangs a black plate decorated with a crescent moon.

Watching her closely, you gather yourself and cautiously get to your feet.

“Who are you?”

“We are Luna, Princess of the Night.” She addresses herself, staring off into the distance. “And it is our duty to traverse the realm of dreams and aid those in need.”

“Luna… Luna…” You mumble, “Wait! Celestias sister!?”

Your surprised cry draws her attention, her head turning away from the horizon and towards you.

“That is correct.” Her expression remains calm and distant. “We have been trying to reach you for a while now. It is good we managed to do so before your anxiety became something more serious.”

“Anxiety? ANXIETY!?” You shout, anger beginning to bubble to the surface. Point towards the castle, you continue, “THAT was not anxiety!”

The Princesses eyes widen as she is taken aback by your outburst. She quickly recovers her stance however and peers at you.

“If you are such an expert yourself, tell us what it was then.”

“I…I don’t know!” You stammer as the air around her changes, becoming slightly oppressive not dissimilar to her sisters. You rub the back of your head in thought, “Wait... Am I dreaming?”

“Correct. This is your dreamscape. And it would appear as though you are troubled.” Princess Luna reiterates. “Such nightmares are common with troubled souls.”

“But… This was so different. Unlike any dream or nightmare before. It’s like… Like the dreams changing. Evolving, you know? My other dreams were different...”

As you begin to explain your dreams, the air around her settles as she listens intently, focusing on you.


“Interesting.” The princess mutters once you finish. “So, the previous dreams where we could not enter were set mainly in Ponyville.”

“Wait, could not enter?... You mean you were trying to reach me for a while? Before this?”

“That is correct.” She sighed. “It was quite strange. Whenever we tried to enter your dream, it phased away. Almost as though we were not, what is the right word. Compatible. We had never encountered such a phenomenon. Perhaps because you are not of Equestria? If so, then what changed?”

Luna voice trails away as she ponders for a moment.

“Still, while your description of this ‘evolving dream’ is interesting. We would have sensed if there was any interference from the outside.”

“So, it’s all in my head? This nightmare that keeps changing is just a figment of my imagination?”

“We hope so. The alternative is, dangerous. Your best course right now would be to face whatever is causing your anxiety and hopefully it will quell whatever nightmare has arisen. Failing to face it will only cause your nightmares to get worse.”

Your eyes narrow. “What’s the alternative?”

“That you are infected.”

You take a step back. Her stoic statement catching you off guard. “What do you mean ‘infected’?”

“Exactly as it sounds, Human. Something is affecting you and your dreams reflect that. However, we do not sense any interference to you, neither from outside nor within. That is why we do not believe it is anything more than anxiety.”

“And what if you’re wrong?” You burst out. “What happens to me if you’re wrong?”

Princess Luna observes you, her expression stern, but her eyes betray concern.

“We are not wrong, Human.” Her voice reverberates, power manifesting from it as though to remind you of your position. But as quickly as it came, it disappeared again. “If it worries you so, we can look into alternative sources for your nightmares.”

“That... would be appreciated.” You mumble, shaking slightly from her sudden power shift. Your gaze turns back to the view.

“Tell us, has anything been troubling you?” She asks, walking up to your side.

“Not really…” You sigh. “I guess, I sometimes wonder if I will ever go back to earth.”

“That could be a reason for this happening. If nothing else, it is a start.” The Princess infroms you in a calm tone. “When you wake up, we suggest pursuing that thought and see where it leads you.”

“Will it help?” You reply, not turning away from the scenery. “What if I can’t find the answers?”

“Acknowledging the problem will ease your dreams, even if the answer is not found right away.”

Finally turning away from the scene, you face Princess Luna, “I don’t suppose you can stop me dreaming, can you?”

Princess Luna shakes her head. “Your dreams come from your subconscious. We do not have the power to affect that.”

“Oh.” You reply, disheartened.

*Clang! Clang! Clang!*

“We believe it wise for you to procure some dreamless drought for future rests. Perhaps you can find somepony to create some for you.” The Princess smiles. “For now, while we cannot stop your dreams from arising, we can remove them so that the rest of your sleep is uneventful.”

Princess Luna’s horn begins to glow.

*Clang! Clang! Clang!*

“Hey, do you hear that?” You enquire.

Princess Luna’s ears twitch. “We do not hear-”

“-Shhhhh” Your finger shoots up to her muzzle as you try to hear. Her face unimpressed with the intrusion.

She backs away from your finger, “Really now. You would dare to-”

*Clang! Clang! Clang!*

You whirl around. Your mouth opens slightly as you gaze upon your Equestrian home. The Princess walks slowly up beside you, looking at the building as well. A warm light escapes the workshop.

“What’s happening?” You ask the princess.

“This is your dream; we are simply guests.”

*Clang! Clang! Clang!*

The loud banging continues from inside. You cautiously enter, followed by Princess Luna.

Inside, the forge is lit. Tools lay strewn across the benches. And behind the anvil stands a large human. Standing at least two heads above you, a grizzled face marked with several scars and sporting a large white beard. His thick arm holding in place a piece of metal, the other raising a hammer above his head.


The hammer raises high again, but as you inch closer, he stops mid swing. His burly face turns towards you, small piercing eyes staring into your own.

“Is that another human?” Princess Luna asks, but you fail to give a response as you watch the large man.

After a few moments of staring at each other, his arm lowers, and he offers the hammer to you. The world starts to blur around you. You watch, as though through the eyes of another, as your legs begin move towards the large man. Your hand raises, gingerly taking the hammer. Slowly turning around, you face the metal on the anvil. With the large man guiding your movements, your arm raises up.


The sound of the metal rings out. The whole workshop reverberates from the sound. Again, your hand raises.


You can make out the blurry presence of Princess Luna as she watches on in silence. A grunt from above shakes you to your core as the hammer is raised once more.


You blink, the dream returning to focus as you find yourself standing on the hill, under the moonlit sky once more.

“What just..?” you begin, before a large pain rocks through your skull. Your hand shoots up to your head to try and counter it. Princess Luna rushes to your side, comforting you with her wing.

“What happened?” you ask as the pain slowly subsides.

“We are not sure. This is your dream after all. Did you recognise the other human?”

“No.” You lift yourself up. The workshop has vanished.

Princess Luna steps back from you. “Perhaps we should put these events on hold until you wake up. If you are ready, we can cast our spell to ensure the rest of your time is dreamless.”.

You nod in agreement as the princess’s horn ignites once more. She surrounds you in a soft glow that quickly dissipates, and you immediately start to feel its effects as your eyelids grow heavy.

Gazing over the horizon once more, you smile. “The night truly is beautiful here.” You utter, as your consciousness drifts away.

“Till our paths cross again, Human.”

Comments ( 3 )

Welcome back! Was getting a bit worried but I'm glad to see you're still writing. Chapter was interesting to read but it felt like it was a bit out of place. If felt like the new dream changes plot going on was a bit forced and while it kept me reading to see what happened, ultimately I just felt like nothing substantial occurred. I'm sure it'll be expanded upon in the next few chapters so for now I'm really just glad to see updates to this story!

My apologies for the delay, alot has happened in the last 2 months and none of it good, probably why the chapter ended up feeling out of place. I knew what I was going for in my mind, but ultimately failed on conveying it.

Thank you for reading it though.

Not exactly a fan of the "summoned for a reason" trope unless they're well written, and no offense to the author, but this isn't impressive enough to have me wanting for more.

Still, a fairly good read.

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