• Published 16th Jun 2021
  • 1,618 Views, 53 Comments

Logic vs Emotion - A HiE Tale - MetalGenocide

After falling asleep in the garden, you end up in Equestria. A chance encounter sets your course, but will it lead you home?

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Chapter 12 - Rainy Visitor

Author's Note:

I wasn't actually gonna have anything here, but while working on the next few chapters, it felt like this bit was needed. Also, I may have been intoxicated when writing this chapter :twilightsheepish:

The fires consumed the shadowy figures, fadeing away as you reach out for them. The growing blaze crackles all around you, buildings collapse in its fiery wrath. Each way you turn, the all-consuming flames devour silhouette of humans and ponies alike. The spitting embers obscure your vision, scorching heat licking at your face. An almighty crash alerts you to the collapse of a nearby building.

You jerk your head round as another loud crash shakes you to the core. The flames vanish and the heat subsides as you gaze into your dimly lit room, the usually morning sunlight replaced with a dull grey glow. The crackling shifts and transforms into a strong pattering against the window, where the heavy rain continues its assault. You groan, wiping your sleep away. Recalling today’s forecast, you get ready to face the day.


With a cup of tea warming your hand, you stare out onto the wet world. You sigh, taking a sip and move to the couch, planting yourself on the cushions. The heavy patter of the rain induces a calming sensation as you settle into a comfortable position. You look around aimlessly, catching sight of the red book as it shimmers in the dull ambient light.

“Might as well finish this.” You mutter, grabbing the book.

Chapter 6 – Colour Acquisition

With standard projects, one can simply paint the metallic creations after they have been assembled. The initial application can look good, but will chip and fade fast with regular usage and weathering. A more practical alternative is to dye the metal itself during the smelting phase. This is possible by crushing gems from the Equestrian mainland and adding them to the smelting process after the flux has removed the ores impurities. It is important to note that-

“Whatcha reading?” You jump as a high-pitched voice shatters your concentration. The book falls out of your grasp and to the floor as you turn towards the source. Over the back of the couch hangs the bright pink form of Pinkie Pie, grinning ear to ear.

“Dammit Pinkie! You could have given me a heart attack!” You scold her, regaining your composure. “How did you get in anyway?”

“Door was open.” Pinkie Pie rolls over the back of the couch and flops onto the cushions.

“Door was…?! Pinkie! You’re soaking!” You give an annoyed cry as the pink mare bounces softly next to you, her mane and coat dripping with rainwater. Pinkie twists her head round and looks herself up and down.

“Woopsie!” she gives a surprised cry and starts to shake herself off.

“No wait!” But it’s too late. Like a wet dog, Pinkie Pie rapidly twits her body, spraying water everywhere. All you can do is close your eyes and wait for the onslaught to be over. Peeking out from between soaking eyelids, you glance annoyingly around the soaking room. “Gah! It’s everywhere! Pinkie!”

“Oops! Hang on a sec!” She disappears in a flash, leaving you to wipe the spray from your face. She appears once again, brandishing a towel in her mouth. “Ah’ll ha few dry in a jishffy.”

“Where did…?” Before you can even finish, Pinkie latched onto the towel with her hooves and very violently started scrubbing the room dry. Her speed increasing exponentially as she zooms across the wet area, picking up every drop. You watch her dart and weave around the place with cartoonish dexterity, until everything is completely dry. Everything, except you. You realise all to late as Pinkie Pie leaps at you with the towel, wiping you down with exaggerated vigour. You splutter and wave your arms as the towel fibres enter your mouth. The assault continues without remorse, enthusiastically rubbing dry your chest, your stomach, your-

“Woah! Ok that’s-” But Pinkie doesn’t stop. Her hooves continue to work as she dries your waist, then your legs and finally your feet.

“Aaaaaand done!” The towel vanishes into her mane as she hops back up onto the couch. She grins, releasing a *squeee*. “That was fun!”

“Ye-yeah, fun.” You shift uncomfortably. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Well, we don’t get many customers when it’s raining. And todays gonna be a doozy of a shower. So, I have some free time today.” She plonks herself down, scootching up to you until her head presses into your shoulder, her bouncy mane tickling your face. “And since you were sad when you left last night, I thought you might want some company. Oh! We can bake some cookies! Or cake! That’ll be fun.”

You look down at Pinkie, meeting the gaze of her large blue eyes. “I know what you’re doing. And it would be better if you stopped.” You slide her away from you.

“Huh?” Pinkie tilts her head in confusion.

“I don’t need any friends.” You state flatly, picking the book up off the floor and placing it on the table.

“Everypony needs a friend!” Pinkie gasps as she leaps at you, her hoofs landing on your chest. “Otherwise, the world would be a sad and lonely place!”

“And when that friend ends up leaving, what then?” You strike back, avoiding her large blue eyes. “It’s just better if you’re not too friendly with them.”

“Well, that’s a dumb thing to say. Who thought of that?”

“I did. And it’s not dumb!” You retort, turning to face the mare holding onto your chest.

“Not if you’re some sort of unfeeling machine, sure. But you aren’t that!” She moves her face closer to yours and peers at you with one large eye. “Are you?”

“Course not.” You huff, dismissing her intrusive allegations.

“Exactly! So instead of listening to that noggin’, listen to ‘in hear’ instead.” She moves away from your face, resting her weight on one forehoof while taping the other on your chest. “What does this tell you?”

“In… here?” You question, mirroring her tapping motions on your chest.

“Your heart, silly. What’s it telling you to do?” Pinkies high pitched voice shifts to a more subtle level, a deep sadness resonating from within. “Because I think you’ve been ignoring it. I bet if you listen, you will hear how sad it is.”

Pinkie Pie suddenly drops down into your lap and smooshes her face into your chest, her ears aligning themselves to better hear inside. Her disregard for personal boundaries causing you to shift uncomfortably.

“Instead of laughing with your new friends, having fun, and making memories, you only let in the sad stuff. But I bet your heart wants some happy stuff too! And you can find that with your friends!” Pinkie Pie’s tail swishes about as she rests her head on your chest. “It's true that some days are dark and lonely. And maybe you do end up feeling sad. But that’s why friends are so important! They will be there to show you it isn’t all bad.”

A defeated sigh escapes your lips as you slowly raise your hand and place it on Pinkie’s head, stroking her bouncy mane. You roll your eyes as the pony shifts in your lap. Continuing to stroke her mane, you glimpse her tail playfully thrashing from side to side.

This wasn’t exactly part of my plan today. Can’t say I hate it though. A weary smile creeps across your face as you watch Pinkie Pie breath gently in your lap. Maybe…

After a few minutes of silently stroking the pink mane, her voice breaks the silence. “I can see why Fluttershy liked this. I could get used to it.” She giggles, adjusting her head slightly to press it further into your chest.

“Pinkie… Were you worried about me?” You ask, your hand passing over her head.

“Of course, you silly human!” Pinkie propels herself off your chest, offering you a large smile. “We’re friends! And friends help each other out when their sad!”


“But I guess you wanted to be alone today. It’s ok, I understand. Sometimes we need to be alone with our thoughts.” She averts her gaze, staring at the floor for a moment. “I should get back to the shop anyway, lots to do even with no customers."

With that, she leaps over you and heads for the door, stopping just shy of it. Taking in a deep breath, her voice regains its cheery, high-pitched tone. She calls over her shoulder. “If you ever wanna bake something or just chat, drop by Sugar Cube Corner, ok?”

“Ok. Thanks Pinkie.” You say with a half-hearted smile.

“Okay Doki Loki!” She cries out in joy and darts out the door. “See ya later, Human-gator!”

“See ya Pi… The hell is a human-gator?!”