• Published 21st Nov 2020
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The One True King - JDPrime22

Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

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Chapter 48 – The One True King

Chapter 48

“The children of the nuclear age, I think, were weakened in their capacity to love. Hard to love, when you’re bracing yourself for impact. Hard to love, when the loved one, and the lover, might at any instant become blood and flames, along with everybody else.”

Martin Amis

Crystal Empire

Devastation rained.

Ashes and remaining snow particles drifted aimlessly to pockmark the earth for the Crystal Empire’s final rest. A petrifying white aura filled the atmosphere as the cold meshed with the heat, as the fires and the embers floated high while the ashes and the snow fell so softly. Wind washed over the Empire, haunting whispers of an ancient song forgotten so long ago. The embers danced.

Skeletal structures of crystal buildings and homes lay scattered in a twisted state of obliteration, frozen in time as the cold of the north slowly consumed the battleground. The streets were quiet, filled with numberless mounds of debris and blackened carcasses of T.I.T.A.N. machines. Buildings hung shattered and slanted over the roads, fires somehow still surviving upon numerous structures despite the dropping temperatures.

Yet the warmth slowly started to return. The sun began to rise, began to break through the fading storm clouds for a new day to awaken. In that soft, alluring yellow glow meshed within the pale white atmosphere, the heroes began to gather in somber silence.

Many were slow; none were rushing their predicament. But all of them came together as a means to find one another, to assure themselves that they had made it. The ash and snow fell around them, but they were still breathing. Bon Bon limped her way up a great mound of rubble with Lyra leaning against her for support. They were trailed by Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and the remaining members of the Council of Friendship. They had all made it out together. Twilight’s quick thinking saved their lives.

Standing together on top of the great mound, the heroes overlooked the devastation.

T.I.T.A.N. was beginning to stir from the ruins. As agents and soldiers of the organization moved about in packs to scour the land and search the debris for survivors, the armies of the world also returned. They rose almost breathless, standing in soot and frost-covered armor as their agape expressions gazed to everything around them. Yaks, griffons, dragons, changelings, they all shared the same fate. They all lost people, all lost good warriors, but they came out of it. They survived.

The war was over.

They won.

So why did victory sound so quiet?

Why was victory anything but victorious? Perhaps that was a question that would linger with them all for days, weeks, maybe even months or longer to come. But the heroes had a hunch as to why that feeling of emptiness clouded their emotions, shrouded their hearts and left them silent. Because across the vast landscape of destruction and turmoil, in the aftermath of the single greatest conflict seen on Equus, they saw the one who saved them all.

From afar, they stared at Godzilla. He laid unmoving in the debris, in the blackened heart of his eruption that left all the Crystal Empire in a state of frozen silence. His eyes were closed. His breaths… almost too quiet. Almost not even there. Almost…

Fluttershy took a single step forward. Her hoof crackled the broken crystals beneath her, but she never took her eyes off of Godzilla. Staring, studying, waiting with halted breath to find any indication of life. She was so focused that she failed to acknowledge the presence of the Alicorns emerging behind her. Behind all of them.

Twilight’s ears flicked back at the sound of approaching hooves breaking the rubble beneath them. Turning to it, her expression lightened almost instantly to see the friendly and familiar faces of Celestia, Luna, and her sister-in-law Cadance. Even Discord was with them. They all limped together, covered in bruises and scrapes and everything that would heal. When they reached the top of the mound, Twilight greeted them all with a strong and reassuring hug each. The Council joined her. The Alicorns returned each one, especially Discord.

A new sound emerged, the soft roaring of engines high over everypony’s heads. Airships descended from the clouds, washing away the white fog and making way for the golden sunlight. Countless other creatures descended and landed on the earth, with Thorax and Ember being two of them. They were surrounded by their dragons and changelings, turning to one another with soft smiles and subtle nods. Turning to Bon Bon, Celestia, and Twilight with those same smiles.

The royal airships remained airborne with the other fleets, with Tempest Shadow’s own and the remainder of T.I.T.A.N.’s. The Radiance, however, surveyed the area, scanning it from the bridge, before softly landing upon the earth behind the mound where the heroes stood. Nearly all of them turned to see what would come from the Radiance, waiting in that same silence.

Finally, the ramp fell and Shining Armor stumbled out into the rubble and ashes. He paused momentarily, gazing out onto the mound, before increasing his movements and rushing to meet them. He instantly met his wife with a crushing hug, minding her wounds and giving her a soft kiss instead. Cadance gratefully returned it, the two sharing a silent conversation… and one that turned Cadance’s smile into a look of dread.

Shining Armor turned to face Bon Bon, and nopony else. The special agent met his stare, stood with Lyra beside her as the prince made his approach. He leaned in close, whispering to inform her of what the Radiance had managed to scan. What they discovered. What made Bon Bon’s heart fall.

Fluttershy spread her wings, standing on the edge of the mound to fly over and meet Godzilla. The lack of movements, of sounds, of even breaths from the Titan made her heart weary, and she needed to know. She needed to find out for herself if he was okay, so she spread her wings to fly.

Instead, she felt a hoof press against her chest, and saw Bon Bon step in front of her.

“Fluttershy, wait!” Bon Bon warned, easing the Pegasus. She did, turning to Bon Bon for an explanation. She had one, muttering, “It’s too dangerous to get too close. Radiation levels are spiking around him, Shining Armor just told me. Our scientists in the Radiance just scanned it; it’s all true.”

Meeting the Earth pony’s eyes, Fluttershy searched for any signs of deceit. There were none.

Bon Bon shakily breathed, gusts of frozen air leaving her lips. “Plus… that wasn’t all the Radiance scanned…”

Her brow furrowed, and Fluttershy turned to fully face her.

“They searched for a pulse and… there was nothing. They heard nothing,” Bon Bon said, watching and feeling her heart break to see Fluttershy gasp. She turned to face the unmoving Godzilla, a wave of sadness washing over her features. “The Elements of Harmony mixed with his own nuclear power… the concoction was too much for Godzilla to handle. But he did it… It’s over… We won because of him.”

And there was the answer. There was the truth as to why their victory felt anything but victorious. The Council reacted the only way they could imagine to such bittersweet news. Soon, all of their eyes were turned to settle on their silent savior. Every last one of them quietly mourned, with Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Discord dipping their heads in respect, closing their eyes.

Hearing nothing but the trembling cries from Fluttershy.

The news hit her dead in the heart, leaving its mark to remain and fester and wound her deeply. Breaking down because of it, Fluttershy let her hind legs slip out from under her, falling on her rear as tears slipped freely down her face. She whimpered and cried, Bon Bon sitting down and laying her foreleg across her withers, bringing her close in a comforting embrace.

The Council—though not sharing Fluttershy’s feelings perfectly—could still mourn the same, understanding the sacrifice Godzilla achieved so that their world could live on. Just as the Alicorns, as Discord, as Shining Armor and the countless others surrounding the mound could mourn the same. They all let that stillness suffocate them, the only sounds being the winds crying alongside Fluttershy’s woe.

Until they ceased. And they heard her speak.

Fluttershy lifted her tear-streaked face, holding her cries and whispering, “Look…”

The awestruck breath in her voice prompted many heads to rise, earned many stares dead ahead to where Fluttershy gazed. And there, several hundred yards to where Godzilla remained, they witnessed it just as she did. It was if their world had come to a standstill and nothing else mattered, for what they saw simply took their breath away and left them in a bewildered state of uncertainty.

And yet, in that bewilderment, they were not scared. They were not worried. A warming sense of peace filled each of their spirits when they watched Mothra crawl to Godzilla.

She reached her king, planting her trembling limbs upon his body until her own was nestled up against his. Despite the wounds that inflicted her body, despite the state she was in, Mothra still would not leave him be. Even in that desperate hour when so many others around gave in to what they knew, and not what they believed, she never gave up. Because she believed.

There was no heartbeat that she could sense within him, and Mothra cried.

Then, she did something that left everypony utterly shocked. Frozen in a state of pure awe, beholding her majesty with their own eyes. Mothra extended her wings, as damaged as they were, and draped them over Godzilla’s body like a comforting blanket. In a warm embrace. She nestled her head against his and laid there, pressed herself against her king and allowed that stillness to consume her.

The pain was so immense that she couldn’t take it anymore.

Mothra sighed, wilting her head and letting that breath take her away.

Basking in the glow of the coming sunlight, for all the Crystal Empire to witness and pay heed, Mothra was laid down as an accomplished being. She had fulfilled her duty to her world and her king. To all of ponykind and all those who lived upon Equus. Because of her efforts, the Great Rebalance had come. Nature was restored. She had finally done it.

She had found peace.

And so, Mothra gave in to that idea. She surrendered to the peace and let the light take her.

Her eyes darkened, but her body erupted. Her body vanished into an array of golden energy, disintegrating slowly and deliberately into Godzilla’s own body. The masses were in awe, standing tall and ceasing their actions. Every last beating heart facing to the eruption and feeling their hearts bound with unyielding joy. That warmth was spread and shared across the vastness of the desolation, filling it with her peace. With her power. One that everyone was able to feel.

Fluttershy felt another tear slip down her cheek. For once she blinked, Mothra was gone, and she was fused with her king as a final offering. She was gone and Fluttershy felt like crying again. Not out of heartache. Not out of woe. The feeling she felt radiating within her was the same she felt when her song was sung through the clouds over Ponyville, when she had first laid eyes on her back in her temple. This was what Mothra wanted. This was her destiny, and what needed to be accomplished.

This was the Great Rebalance. This was peace, and one they could all enjoy.

Fluttershy’s expression softly twitched into a smile.

Godzilla snorting and taking in a deep breath made her beam. Made her gasp out a giggle, where joyous tears fell down her cheeks and struck her grin.

Everyone reacted similarly. They felt the joy, love, and peace that Mothra promised fill the world and breathe free from Godzilla, the same moment he breathed to life and opened his eyes.

He felt her power within him. The life energy of which she had surrendered and given to him fusing with his core and bringing his heart back to her. Though he could not see her, though Godzilla was pained by her disappearance, he could still feel her presence. He heard her call within his heart. She was alive, and Godzilla could feel her. Could hear her.

She told him to get up…

To rise

And reclaim his throne.

Godzilla rose. Dust and snow fell from his body, mounds of debris raining from his dorsal plates and striking the earth as Godzilla continued to rise up. To the survivors’ shock, they all turned and gasped to see not one, not two, not even three, but several Titans rising up in unison. There were those they recognized in the battle, such as Methuselah, Baphomet, Scylla, Yamata no Orochi, and so on.

And then there were those who hadn’t even participated in the battle, finally arriving to the Crystal Empire to answer the call of King Ghidorah. They all congregated toward the heart of an empire, stomping and flying and crawling their way to where Godzilla stood. It was an astonishing sight, heads lifted high from every survivor as they watched the Titans seemingly ignore them, their focus settled beyond them. The Titans defeated broke from their bonds, shattering the ice and frost covering their bodies and following the packs. Following the source of where the call had come from.

Finding the one standing in the place of their king.

“Oh, my gosh…” Twilight marveled.

Godzilla slowly turned around at the sound of their presence. He was surrounded in mere moments. Abaddon took his last step and chittered as his wings settled on his sides, the insect Titan tilting his head curiously. Behemoth stomped closer until he finally ceased, lifting his weary eyes onto Godzilla. Quetzalcoatl crashed against the rooftop of a shattered building, meeting Godzilla’s waning gaze and hissing softly in response. Scylla approached him and stopped, lifting her head all the same in unnerving silence.

Sekhmet growled in his approach, appearing almost hostile to the presence of Godzilla. Almost as if he expected something else. Amhuluk limped in his crawl, his tendrils flowing weakly against his back once his eyes—free from the infection of Sombra—settled on Godzilla. Bunyip hopped on top of a large mountain of destruction, his eyes peering at the colossal Titan in the center of them. Godzilla peered right on back at him. Yamata no Orochi crawled across the earth, lifting his head and keeping his mouths constrained within him, focusing only on the alpha that remained.

Mokele-Mbembe’s stomps shuddered the earth before he finally came to a rest. Baphomet clutched his wounds, but he blinked free with nothing more controlling his mind, and he lifted his head to the one who had freed him from it. Methuselah was slow in his approach, he and the Queen MUTO both were. But when they joined the other Titans and stared down Godzilla, their cries joined a chorus of others waiting for the alpha to respond. Waiting to see what he would do.

Many more arrived at last. Many more without a name, without a history, but being called for something so much bigger than them. But there was a final Titan to land upon the earth, to face Godzilla with resilience still residing within his spirit.

Rodan crashed before him and spread his wings. Opened his beak and let his roar be heard.

Godzilla glared at him, responding with a singular and dominating snort.

Just like that, Rodan’s small but intelligent mind took that intimidating display for what it was. He looked around and saw the remains of Ghidorah as but ash beneath Godzilla’s feet, fading in the wind and never to be seen again. His terror, his treachery, his tyranny was gone from the world. Another had taken Ghidorah’s throne and placed himself in that standing of power, offering one last chance for any one of them to challenge him for the crown.

Rodan, instead, was the first to bow.

He lowered himself in humble submittance, acknowledging Godzilla’s rule with a wilting of his head to the earth and his wings displayed low. Godzilla would not have just that. His burning glare turned to the other Titans, and he released a second snort to them as well.

What followed left the world in a state of utter shock. Left every last beating heart within the Crystal Empire as the witnesses to the shifting of power. The Titans lowered their heads and proceeded to bow beneath the presence of their rightful king. From Abaddon, Behemoth, Quetzalcoatl, Yamata no Orochi, Scylla, Baphomet, until every last one of them dropped their heads, fell to their knees, or planted themselves beneath him. Godzilla gazed at their submittance, seeing them fall one by one before him.

They saw it for what it was, hiding no deceit and revealing to them who now dominated their world, who was the true source of unbeatable strength. The armies of the world saw it. The Council of Friendship saw it. T.I.T.A.N. saw it.

Even Celestia and Luna saw it, witnessing Godzilla’s power not only displayed before them, but all around them. From the destruction he wielded as evident by the ruins of a once great and proud empire, and now to the beasts of the earth submitting one by one to his rule. It told Celestia and Luna there was a new king to be wary of, one that laid his claim upon the world and made a clear statement once and for all.

That Godzilla, the King of the Monsters, was here to stay. He was here to rule. And nothing, no one, was ever going to take that away from him. He told them that. The sun broke through the clouds and shined down upon him, and Celestia and Luna were breathless to the sight.

Godzilla lifted his head and roared to the world, to the heavens, to every life.

And he made them believe that.


Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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