• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 11,188 Views, 1,881 Comments

The One True King - JDPrime22

Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

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Chapter 30 – To Where it All Began

Chapter 30

“A king is only as strong as his kingdom. A king is only as strong as his allies. A king is only as strong as his army.”

Soman Chainani, Quests for Glory

Foal Mountain, Equestria

Sombra heard the cry just as well as the Titans that followed him.

The darkness of the night was not an uncommon shadow for Sombra to entrench himself in. The devastation left behind from the fall of the King of the Monsters was but another battlefield left in the king’s wake. The devastated forest lay in ruin as a stark reminder to all who dared to rise against Sombra and his rule, the graveyard of trees and shattered mountains acting solely for the purpose to elevate Sombra so much higher.

But his elevation and ascension did not come on glorious tidings like Sombra had wished. Instead, a darker and far more foreboding presence instilled itself within the atmosphere the very second the silence was severed. In that silence Sombra yearned for now more than anything else, he and his followers stood aghast, pale, breathless. Even the T.I.T.A.N. fleet Sombra had threatened no more than a minute ago froze in their retreat. For Sombra and his Titans were not alone when they heard it. Even his enemies heard it.

Which meant all the world heard it.

Deep in the heart of Equestria, a cry was heard that washed over all the inhabited earth. To every frozen mountain, every crevice in the deep, blue seas, every jungle and every forest, to every last desert wasteland and distant island… it was heard. It was felt. And all the inhabited earth responded. Some in fear. Some in anguish.

But the most powerful responses of all being the resounding roars echoing back.

More and more, they just kept awakening, kept rising. There was no end to them because they would not stay silent. After so many years of imprisonment, of hibernation, of rest, it had all finally come to an end when he called to them. His reach was greater than Sombra’s, his influence mightier. Not as controlling, but he did not need such control. Sombra had the minds of the Titans at his will, but the usurper king had something else. Something more. Something darker.

Ghidorah gave the Titans freedom. That undeniable, almost unreachable lust was given to them, and the Titans wanted nothing more than to claim it. To acquire just a sliver of freedom, to live upon the world they once reigned supreme was the highest of all gifts, and something Sombra should have foreseen. For in Sombra’s kingdom, in his world, there would be no freedom. All would kneel before him and surrender all to his glory.

And yet the great serpent offered them something more. To follow him, yes, but not to blindly obey. Not to foolishly surrender all. He gave them the greatest gift of all and they responded with their loyalty. They sought their own lusts in the destruction they caused to their oppressors, utilizing the damned, twisted idea of freedom Ghidorah gave them to fuel their rage. What was left was a planet in flames, where beasts and gods of the old ways had risen at last. Taking what they could, destroying what they wanted, and seeking their new king.

It was freedom in its darkest form. And it was something Sombra could not allow.

Turning appropriately to the three Titans that had come to him, Sombra ordered them not to listen with several, reverberating roars and growls. He yearned for their loyalty solely to him, and not to Ghidorah or any other usurper. Though seemingly sounding like nothing but noise, Sombra’s power burrowed itself deeper into the thoughts and hearts of the Titans he controlled. From the three upon the mainland and the two who had yet to reach him.

Amhuluk tore himself from the mountain he climbed, landing in the devastated forest and absorbing the shattered trees into his feet, through his legs, and morphing with the rest of his body. Lifting his head, his lengthy tendrils slithered slowly across his jagged spine. All ten of his emerald eyes gazed to the MUTO Prime, to the voice that came from his king’s agape jaws that whispered comforting and assuring words into his mind. Claws pressed to the earth, teeth bared, Amhuluk gently dipped his head in submission.

Typhon flapped his wings, spewing ash and dirt across the forest. He roared in response to Ghidorah’s call, but Sombra’s voice in his head brought him back to his true loyalties. The six serpents hissed and cried, snapped at one another before they all came to attention to their center head. Typhon growled softly to his serpents, narrowing his infected eyes before they all eventually turned back to the Prime. To Sombra roaring to him and ordering his obedience be put in check.

Yamata no Orochi crawled slowly across the forest, his multitude of legs stopping just as the Titan lifted his head. His circular jaws stared blankly at Sombra Prime. The teeth slowly opened before shutting to a close, again and again. The green and purple veins pulsating across Yamata’s body only intensified as Sombra’s voice slid wickedly into Yamata’s skull, his mind. He made no other sounds other than the soft chitters that escaped the back of his throat, and from all eight of his mouths moaning within his jaws.

Baphomet stood in the flaming ruins of Trottingham, freezing when his alpha and his king called to him once more. As a whisper in the wind, the voice gently breathing into the Titan’s ears and demanding that he only obey Sombra, and not the call of the false king. His emerald and violet eyes were latched with the mainland, with Equestria just on the horizon. With a great screech into the night sky, Baphomet obeyed. He picked the pace, picked up the fury, and tore through the remaining city in order to swim across one last ocean. Just one more obstacle until he reached the mainland.

Sargon yielded near the entrance to Tartarus, the giant scorpion standing tall on his four front legs while his glowing green gaze centered on the voice of his master. Like the world, Sargon had heard the call of the rival, but he did not obey. Even as Sombra spoke to him, Sargon responded with a ferocious cry of his own, signifying his obedience to the only king he recognized. He pressed on, faster in his movements to reach Sombra at last.

Hearing the resounding cries from the two other Titans, Sombra found some solace in knowing they were still loyal to him. His influence had not been broken with them like it had been with Rodan. Even then, it was a mild comfort, Sombra knowing he was vastly outnumbered and outmatched against Ghidorah’s army that continued to grow by the second. It was only him and five Titans against hundreds more. Though he knew he was powerful, Sombra knew the odds, and they were all stacked against him.

Time was short, and Sombra knew he needed to deal with the opposing army just as he needed to deal with Ghidorah. He imagined taking the fight directly to the great serpent, but Ghidorah would have already surrounded himself with his servants by the time Sombra would eventually find him. Of course, he could always bring Ghidorah to him by giving another alpha call to the world, taunting the false king with the one who opposed his rule. But then Ghidorah would meet him with an army of his own, and then Sombra would have no choice but to take them on all at once.

Perhaps… he didn’t have to.

He could establish a safe haven for his influence and power to flourish, and then lure Ghidorah to him quickly, before his full army could arrive to the mainland. There would undoubtedly be some who would be behind Ghidorah, but it would be better than dealing with hundreds more. All Sombra needed was his army behind him, his powers set to be released, and the death of Ghidorah to begin his glorious empire.

But where to establish the safe haven? Sombra needed to plant his crystals somewhere they could grow strong, in a way so they could infect and impregnate the world with his dark magic. With his influence in the world, in the air itself, and with the death of Ghidorah there would be hundreds of Titans without a master. All of them fresh for the taking. All Sombra needed was a haven. All he needed was a place to begin his reign…

It brightened upon him. Sombra lifted his head, his horn, and turned himself to the north.

His long-forgotten home. A home that kneeled to him once, rejected him, and cast him away in hopes to finally forget about him. Sombra did not accept that. The world may have forgotten where he came from, but not Sombra. It would never be forgotten to him. It was and always will be his true home, his rightful dominion that would be the birth of his new, global empire. It would be where he would begin the spread of his dark influence, using the power of the empire to strengthen his own power, washing that power over the land, across every land, until the world itself was bathed in shadows.

Until his power infected and controlled every last Titan on the planet.

And it all began with the fall of the Crystal Empire. His true home, his true throne… to be returned to him at last.

With a destination set and a journey beginning, King Sombra turned to his Titans and roared at them, ordered them to follow him. All of his Titans obeyed. The ones present and ones yet to come. Across every thundering tremor, every push forward, Sombra led them to the north. To home.

To conquer the Crystal Empire one last time.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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