• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 11,193 Views, 1,881 Comments

The One True King - JDPrime22

Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

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Chapter 35 – Queen of the Monsters

Chapter 35

“Beauty! Terrible Beauty! A deathless Goddess—so she strikes our eyes!”

Homer, The Iliad

Ponyville, Equestria

Stepping free out of the hold of the Radiance, down the ramp and into the muddy streets of Ponyville, Bon Bon and Lyra were met with a rainstorm that was unrelenting, furious, and never knew when to quit. A cold washed across them from the chilling, whispering winds. They actually felt a darkness creeping up in the clouds and slowly infecting the skies above Ponyville.

But those evils never lasted. Instead, the rain was beginning to die down. It was finally relenting. The cold was beginning to warm, the screaming winds filled with delicate sounds, sounds nopony had ever heard before. They were soft. They were warm. Comforting and peaceful. The darkness was fading away and an ethereal glow cascaded all across the town. Across the entire crowd gaping in awe and wonderment to the skies.

But the light did not come from the shield Starlight and Sunburst had crafted. The two ponies were present themselves, confusion and curiosity gripping their features as they, too, gazed to outside of their shield. It came from beyond. Twilight was the last one off the Radiance, the last one to join the crowds in the street and the last one to rest her eyes on the oncoming ray of lights.

Deep on the horizon, a bright light was breaking free from the storm clouds, but it did not seem natural. The light was moving too fast, becoming far too close. It was as if the sun was awakening, but that did not seem to be the case. Twilight had already known who it was the second she heard her cry. Not only through memory, but by the cry itself. The roar seemed to delve deeper than a mere mind could comprehend. It reached her differently, spoke to her in a way that not even Twilight could understand. Though… Twilight felt she didn’t need to. Not fully.

It was comforting. It was reassuring. It was a call that gave her peace. She couldn’t speak it like Fluttershy could, but she felt it all the same. Somehow, someway, Twilight believed they all did.

And from her calls, so came her light. Arising to full glory and hanging high over Ponyville. In the company of hundreds, the light slowly began to break the storm, and everypony watched and marveled. Some felt slightly cautious, some were afraid, some were excited and some were amazed. Soon, they all felt the same. They all experienced the same peace that Twilight felt when her soft calls cascaded across the town and filled their hearts with an assuring promise.

She called to them. Cried to them. Sang

Lyra’s hoof slowly found its way around Bon Bon’s. Bon Bon felt her and smiled, her joy only growing by the second as another wave of otherworldly emotions flooded her senses. It happened all at once. Lyra gasped, she yelped, but she held her ground. She held her wife close and stared on into the brightening presence she did not know, but did not fear.

There was no reason to fear. Not now… and never again.

Just then, right then and there, something else happened. Something that stripped every last beating heart of their breath and left them utterly shaken. Not in any way in which they quaked in terror, but instead filled them with a reborn warmth that likes of which they had never felt before, and thus would never wish to surrender. It came, it showered over them, and they faced it fully.

Then, the sky exploded. The storm had dispersed. The darkness had died and light remained.

With Mothra shrieking in the heart of her astonishing, brilliant god rays.

The explosion was so powerful that every building and every rooftop trembled by the shock wave, but nothing was destroyed. All rain had ceased and not a single drop of cold wetness struck the ponies caught under her light. It was so bright that practically everypony had to avert their eyes or shield themselves. Everyone, from the Council of Friendship, the Alicorn sisters, the Crystal Empire royalty, the Dragon Lord, the Changeling King, the soldiers of T.I.T.A.N., and the entirety of Ponyville.

From the greatest to the smallest, strongest to the weakest, all were momentarily blinded and deafened by her screaming calls, by her brilliant lights that rivaled the sun. It never lasted, and soon they were all sharing under the gleaming lights she brought forth upon them all. With the slow but steady and strong flap of her wings, particles of light showered over the town instead, filling it with a warmth instead of a cold. A warmth that every life basked in, breathed in, and found peace within. There was no fear present in anypony any longer. All tears of worry and dread had been forgotten long ago.

“Oh… my… gosh,” Lyra breathed. She leaned closer onto Bon Bon’s shoulder, the lights of Mothra’s flapping wings reflecting from her widened eyes. “Is that… one of the monsters you…?”

“Yeah,” Bon Bon whispered, daring not to speak over the Titan’s wails. As if she ever could. “… She’s one of them…”

Mothra cried. Bon Bon smiled even wider.

“One of the good ones… The Queen of the Monsters…”

Somehow… they all shared the same smile. The same shock and awe. Some even crying the same tears Fluttershy released. The same tears of a newfound hope, one that came to them in their darkest hour to bring forth the light they all needed to see. Fluttershy saw and felt her heart explode. She, more than anypony else, felt the greatest rushing wave of emotion strike her with otherworldly might. Fluttershy had merely flinched to her blinding god rays, but she never looked away from that point onward. Staring fully, smiling brightly, and crying joyously.

The barrier was breached, but not offensively. The magic coating the shield over Ponyville seemed to recede around Mothra, as if welcoming her ethereal and heavenly presence with open arms. As for the storm, it had all but abandoned the town, with the protective presence of the alpha goddess hovering over them to ensure not a single shadow hid their spirits from her. Under her light, she cried and she called.

She spoke to them, but only Fluttershy was the one who could understand her perfectly.

She heard her cries for what they were. While others felt the comforting rays of promise soothe their hearts and mend their broken spirits, Fluttershy felt them and was able to translate the shrieks into a language she was gifted to understand. From every animal, every bird of the sky and creature of the earth… and every Titan that had a mind, a will, and a heart of their own to speak… she heard them.

Fluttershy heard Mothra.

Closing her eyes, letting the light shower over her in particles of glowing, multicolored embers, Fluttershy felt the cries flush through her ears and fuse with her heart. Fill her lungs and her spirit and connect on a deeper, personal level that allowed her to speak with Mothra before. Just as before, she heard her now. Fluttershy’s face brightened, her gasp light and her smile widening, before slowly faltering. Almost like she was confused for a moment, but knew better than to doubt. Mothra’s words were true and just, holding no deceit. Holding no treachery.

Only telling Fluttershy and those who stood with life what needed to be done. What they needed to believe.

Her king needed her…

Fluttershy gasped at that thought, at that voice, listening again.

Her king needed her, and she came. She actually came not only to help him… but to help them. She came to them, knowing full well she alone was not enough to bring about peace and order and justice upon the accursed land that Ghidorah had claimed. Her semi-omniscience had sensed their presence, and she came. She came to Ponyville because it was where they were, where the equines—the New Ones—had come together.

That was what she told her, told all of them, and what Fluttershy heard.

Calling to them, and her king, again and again.

Then, Fluttershy felt it. The light tremble across the earth, the reverberating, echoing moan that responded to Mothra’s cries. Turning to face it, breaking away from Mothra’s brilliance, Fluttershy’s expression widened to the point of disbelief. Only, she had to believe it. It was what Mothra called to, what she had promised them. It was him.

He was alive

Fluttershy managed to smile again. Really, truly smile.

Mothra roared in response. So great and so powerful was the roar, bringing Fluttershy and everypony back to full reverence of her beauty. Of her strength. Of her song.

“What is that thing saying?!” Ember shouted over the Titan’s roars, her arms barely shielding her face from the intense god rays.

Twilight knew where to turn, and who to face. With Mothra’s light exploding over her head, Twilight screamed the name, “Fluttershy!”

She heard her name, and she couldn’t take it any longer. She couldn’t keep the truth hidden. Breaking through what remaining qualms and fears that still plagued her, Fluttershy took the leap of faith. Took a chance to believe and hope once again, and shouted the truth spoken to her.

“She wants to help us!”

Mothra shrieked and tore apart the skies. Ponies managed to turn away, and instead turned to face Fluttershy. They were left aghast, waiting on the Pegasus’ next translated phrase. They saw as Fluttershy’s expression reacted and was molded by Mothra’s continuous roars, a reinvigorating smile shimmering across her lips.

“She wants… wants our help, too! Wants us to join her!” Fluttershy exclaimed, as loudly and proudly as anypony had ever heard her. “Mothra needs all of us to unite for the Great Rebalance! She alone can’t do it, so she needs all of us!”

“Everyone?!” Rainbow Dash questioned, the warm winds whipping at her multicolored mane and tail. Bright, colorful dust particles floating from Mothra’s wings and cascading all across Ponyville. Across the Pegasus and every last living being present around her.

Mothra roared, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Fluttershy beamed, tears in her eyes. “Everyone!” she cried with joy.

That alone was enough for them, for almost every able-bodied pony and creature to face the light once more and properly respond to it. Knowing now what the Titan wanted, what was needed to be done, and how they could work together to achieve it. Only, there was still more. Fluttershy made that clear.

When she screamed, “She wants us to follow her! She feels her king’s heart! He’s still alive!”

And that was enough for Bon Bon to finally act.

More was placed in her heart now than ever before. Her instincts kicked in the second those words left Fluttershy’s lips, having originated from the Queen of the Monsters, so it had to be true. It had to be right. For all else they had done was so, so wrong, and they failed because of their arrogance. But not anymore. Now, they listened. Now, they understood.

Now, they heeded Mothra’s words and followed her.

In a stampeding rush following Bon Bon’s orders, every last vestige of T.I.T.A.N. stormed back into the Radiance and the remaining airships accompanying it. The Council quickly said their goodbyes to Starlight and Sunburst, Twilight giving them the important task of protecting Ponyville. Starlight promised she would, solidifying her words with a tight hug. One they all gathered around and shared.

Though Twilight and Starlight remained momentarily, both mares gazing up to the great moth before their eyes inevitably found one another. “Are you sure you have everything under control here? Do you need us to leave any reinforcements?” Twilight asked sincerely.

Starlight only smirked. “I thought you trusted me?” she slyly asked.

“I do… especially now, but…”

Sunburst took a step forward, shifting his attention back to the shield over their heads. “As long as Starlight and I keep up the shield, we’ll have a… slightly higher chance of survival. Just… don’t take too long… please?”

The mares found his unease amusing, warm and nervous chuckles shared among them. Starlight lightly punched his shoulder and turned back to Twilight. Offered one last comforting smirk.

“Get out there and save the world.”

They shared one last hug. Then, it was back to business. Back to the oncoming war. Bon Bon led them quickly back into the Radiance, Lyra hot on her hooves and refusing to leave her side. Ember and Thorax joined them, with Celestia and Luna being the last ones back inside the Radiance, the last ones to ensure they had as many allies as possible for the mission ahead. The two sisters—the last souls on the ramp—gazed shortly back to the skies, to the array of heavenly lights radiating brightly from Mothra’s body.

She waited for them. Treasured their unification with loud, pleasuring cries. Both Celestia and Luna smiled sweetly at that, their hearts mended and their spirits once more joined with Mothra’s for one last crusade. One last battle for their home, their way of life. Knowing they wouldn’t fail with a guardian angel protecting them under her wings.

The doors closed behind Celestia and Luna. The Radiance rose forth from the earth with the crowds of Ponyville wishing it safe travels, cheering it on as their leaders went off to go and fight for them. For every life. Soon enough, an army of airships, dragons, changelings, and Wonderbolts filled the air above Ponyville, the mighty warriors and machines all roaring high and soaring even higher.

Soaring right behind Mothra, as the Queen of the Monsters took her position in leading them onwards to Foal Mountain.

Within the bridge, a reinvigorated T.I.T.A.N. were prepping themselves for one last push. Bon Bon was leading her troops, the special agent steering them right behind the stream of light that Mothra left behind her. Never breaking course. Full steam ahead. Lyra was right beside her, smiling to see her taking charge, leading so many ponies. Proud to be standing with her this time.

The Council of Friendship crowded together around the windshield, a newfound sense of joy and excitement having filled their spirts. Pinkie Pie bounced in place, a familiar grin finding its rightful place back on her lips. Rainbow hovered in place, her smirk growing brighter as her eyes reflected the lights shimmering from Mothra’s body. Rarity was left in breathless awe, a tear leaking from her eye and the unicorn wiping it away before anypony noticed. Applejack noticed, the farm pony smiling and facing the darkness and light ahead of them. No longer afraid. Twilight and Spike held one another, both brother and sister finding what they had yearned for in such terrible times. Something they had all yearned for and finally found under the glow and protection of Mothra’s wings.

Something to fight for.

Greatest of all, they had found hope once again. A hope that strengthened them enough to believe that what they did was right.

Fluttershy couldn’t stop smiling. Couldn’t stop shedding tears of awestruck joy at what they were all finally willing to commit to. They were all finally willing to follow Mothra, and she was willing to unite with them as she did so very long ago. But today was for different reasons. Today, they all had a purpose, one that would bring forth the Great Rebalance and save their world. Save their species. Ensure a greater tomorrow where they all won. Where they were unified.

They were actually doing it.

They were going back! They were going back for him! For the unifier!

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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