• Published 14th Nov 2020
  • 6,947 Views, 573 Comments

Two Nymphs, One Pony - CitreneSkys

While running errands, Fluttershy finds two abandoned nymphs deep within the Everfree Forest. She quickly decides to take them under her wing.

  • ...

Night and Velvet

The sun had crept further into the sky, almost directly overhead. Fluttershy sighed when she finally heard the train intercom go off.

“We have arrived on the Canterlot Station, I repeat, we have arrived on the Canterlot Station,” a stallion called over the mic. Fluttershy vigorously shook out her mane, rubbing her tired eyes.

She gave a grateful smile to her lavender friend as Twilight levitated her saddlebag off the train seat. Sighing, she stretched her cramped wings. The satisfying pop and crack that sound that was heard from her joints were music to her ears.

Shuffling off of the semi-crowded train, Fluttershy made sure to keep close to the unicorn. Twilight had much more experience in Canterlot than she would ever have, and getting lost was the last thing she wanted to do. Hooves clicked against the pristine surface of the station, the floors so shiny that Fluttershy could see her reflection in it.

“We will have to go through the city to get to my parents’ house,” Twilight murmured, looking trotting towards the side of the platform. “My mom and dad have been working on their book series for the past few months so they’re probably home right now...”

Fluttershy slowly trudged after her, looking around the bright city. Tall structures loomed over them, making the pegasus feel small. Keeping her head low, she followed Twilight into the city, keeping her wings pressed against her sides.

It was quiet on the streets, only a few ponies seem to be out. Most of them seem to be upper-class unicorns, seeming to enjoy their late lunch. Tourists seem to make the other half, plenty of them having cameras strung around their neck.

She winced when flashes of light assaulted her eyes.

“Um, Twilight?” She whispered, her eyes glued to the paved roads. “Where do your parents live?”

“Just down Sunrise Street, unless they moved without telling me which would be weird and out of character for them.”

“You talk about them like book characters,” Fluttershy commented, giggling into one of her hooves.

The unicorn snorted, smiling awkwardly. “Ok...maybe being the child of two writers has rubbed off on me...”

“Well, I don’t see anything wrong with that, just found it interesting.”

The mares laughed, trotting down the road. Fluttershy felt her nerves beginning to calm down, the serenity of Canterlot streets easing her mind from a panic attack.

It wasn’t long before they reached their destination.

The winged mare didn’t realize it at first, but Twilight tapped against her side excitedly. Turning her teal eyes towards the structure in front of her, her jaw gaped.

The house was taller than she had imagined, stretching about three stories high. The walls were made of cement, painted to have a navy star-filled sky on the very top, slowly creeping down the sides. She followed Twilight up the patio, which leads to the dark grey door that separated them.

Twilight brought a lavender hoof to the door, knocking loudly. “Mom? Dad? Are you home?”

“Twilight?” A muffled voice of a stallion answered through the door. A pair of hooves clacked, becoming louder. It swung open, revealing an azure stallion behind the door. He smiled wildly when his eyes set on the purple unicorn.

“Twilight!” He cried, bringing his daughter in a tight embrace. “How have you been, sugar plum?”

“It’s been fine, dad,” she giggled, stepping forth. The stallion let her come through the door, realizing another pony was on his doorstep.

“And who are you?” He inquired, giving a soft smile.

Fluttershy smiled back, her timid demeanor back at its highest point. “Um...m-my name is Fluttershy...”

“I take it you are friends with Twilight?”

She nodded. Her unicorn friend was practically bouncing on her hooves as she turned back towards her dad. “Where’s mom? Is she here?”

The blue unicorn nodded, smiling. “She’s upstairs, sweetie. Hasn’t been able to get her head out of her work,” he chuckled as Twilight squealed up the stairs. Then he turned back towards the winged mare.

“Pardon me, I haven’t even introduced myself!” He laughed. Fluttershy came through the doorway fully, shutting the grey door behind her with a click. “The name is Night Light.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” she nodded, the nervous fluttering of her wings apparent as she wiggled under her saddlebag. Night Light levitated her bag off her back, placing it beside Twilight’s discarded bag.

“I’m...going to see what Twilight is up to,” she murmured, trotting up the ascending staircase. The blue unicorn hummed in acknowledgment, waving as she disappeared up the stairs.

The spiral of stairs ended at the very top floor. This room, unlike the others, seemed to be less decorated. Instead of paintings and striped wallpaper, there were two desks adjacent to each other. The walls were littered with papers and calendars, and at the very end was a bulletin board filled with pinned lists and drawings. In the middle of it all, Fluttershy saw two ponies standing in the middle of the room, hugging.

The grey mare was the first to notice her. “Oh, hello dear!” She smiled, her mane flicking out. It was similar to Twilight’s in style, but with purple and white streaks instead of blue and pink. The older mare gazed back at her daughter. “Is this your friend?”

“Mhm!” Twilight bounced to her hooves. “This is Fluttershy!”

“Well, hello Fluttershy!” The mare held out her hoof, and the pegasus tentatively took it. “My name is Twilight Velvet, but everyone calls me Velvet. I’ve heard plenty of great things about you and your group of friends!”

Fluttershy’s blushed, bashfully flicking her mane with her hoof. “Um...thanks?”

Velvet giggled, placing her glasses down on the table. Turning towards her daughter, she beckoned them down the stairs. “I’m sure you must be hungry, I’ll see if Night made any extra hay burgers.”

“Hay burgers?” Twilight repeated, clapping her hooves excitedly. Fluttershy held in her giggle whereas Velvet chuckled loudly.

“C’mon, Chomper, let’s us assault your dad for food,” the grey mare smirked, and Twilight's blood rushed to her cheeks.

Mom. Not that nickname!” She whined chasing her mother down the stairs. Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle softly, following her friend down the stairs.

“Thank you for your lovely offer,” Fluttershy smiled, taking a bite into the hay burger. It was sweet and savory, much like the fast-food versions back in Ponyville.

Besides her, Twilight dug into her meal. Sloppy sounds of munching maybe Fluttershy grimaced, but she stayed quiet for her friend’s sake.

Night Light and Velvet chuckled at their daughter antics. “Twi...” her dad held in his laughs. “I know you like my cooking but...manners? Heard of that?”

The lavender fur at her cheeks began to redden, and she coughed awkwardly. She brought a napkin close to her, wiping her messy face. “Sorry,” she grimaced, tapping her hooves. “I guess I got a little carried away...”

A rowdy laugh filled the room. “Oh, Twilight,” Velvet cooed, tugging her daughter’s cheek with her magic. “We love you all the same.”

The lavender unicorn became even redder. “Mom!” She cried, pulling away with a giggle.

“Aww...” Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile at the scene in front of her. This caught the attention of the unicorn family, who seem to realize that a newcomer was at the table. Squeaking, the winged mare hid behind her hair.

“Heh, it’s alright,” Night quickly assured the timid pegasus. “I guess since we haven’t seen Twilight in a while that we started doting on her again.”

“I think it’s wonderful,” she sighed, detangling her long mane. “It’s great to see happy faces again...it’s been a stressful few weeks...”

“Oh?” Velvet piped up, her joyful smile turned into a concerned frown. “Is something bothering you?”

Fluttershy looked away. She remembered how Thorax had acted after Rainbow finding out he existed...and she remembered how defensive Pharynx got...

“Well...let’s just say I took in a few creatures a few weeks ago...and there are a little difficult to handle at times...”

Not a lie per se...just a half-truth.

This seemed to ease the worried tension in the air, as both of Twilight’s parents grinned and laughed. Velvet tapped her hoof against the table, giving Fluttershy a knowing look. “Much like taking in a newborn foal, isn’t it?” She asked, to which the pegasus smiled slightly. “I remember the first night after I had Shining Armor...it was so loud and stressful! I got the hang of it after a few months, but the first few days were like a living nightmare,” she chuckled.

Fluttershy giggled. The nymphs were already starting to feel like kids to her...it’s only appropriate for the analogy to come up sooner or later.

If the nymphs felt the same way, she couldn’t tell.

Twilight piped up from her hay burger, turning towards her parents. “Oh, me and Fluttershy are planning on staying in Canterlot for the week, is that okay?”

“Of course!” Night Light grinned. “You know you can stay here as long as you need, too.”

“Thanks, dad!” Purple eyes turned suddenly towards the pegasus, and suddenly Fluttershy herself felt lifted into the air. Magenta magic surrounded her as Twilight dragged her up the stairs. “We can make arrangements in my room! Do you want a hammock or my bed?”

Helpless, pleading eyes turned towards the blue and grey coats of the hosts. Night and Velvet grinned, waving.

“Just know if anything happens, we are just downstairs!”

Author's Note:

Boy was it fun writing Twi’s parents. Also (if you can’t tell) I’m letting Shining to be mentioned in the story, because his appearance in his debut episode was very jarring.