• Published 14th Nov 2020
  • 6,922 Views, 573 Comments

Two Nymphs, One Pony - CitreneSkys

While running errands, Fluttershy finds two abandoned nymphs deep within the Everfree Forest. She quickly decides to take them under her wing.

  • ...

The Golden Oak Library

“Um...is there a way to go through...town...without been seen?” Thorax asked tentatively as Fluttershy began to pack her saddlebag. Even though he had agreed to be watched by this ‘Spike’, he was still terrified. Questions began to circle his head as the cyan changeling paced, each ‘what if’ becoming more and more nerve-racking.

Fluttershy hummed, looking up at him. “Well, we can either take a long way...or you can hang on my back while we fly. You mentioned you can’t shapeshift yet...”

“Mhm,” Thorax sighed, hating that he couldn’t do such a simple task. For the Queen’s sake, he didn’t want to be caught out in public, even if ponies had no idea what a changeling was. He just wasn’t going to risk it!

Pharynx sighed from behind him, looking up from the paper he was doodling on. The pencil, as Fluttershy calls it, stuck out of his mouth as he chewed the rubber on top. “I’d like to get there as fast as possible,” he commented, before turning back to his drawing.

Fluttershy stifled a giggle, closing up her saddlebag’s clasps and throwing it onto her back. “I guess that means you are riding my back, okay?”

“...a-as long as no one sees me...I guess it’s okay...” he muttered, shuffling his hooves against the ground. Chitin rubbed against the wood, making a slight squeaking as he rose from his sitting position.

Fluttershy gave him a comforting smile, nuzzling the top of his head. She was warm, her love pouring onto Thorax. It reminded him of Pharynx’s old bedcave, the one he had moved into after realizing he couldn’t stay by himself.

The one good thing to happen while at the hive...

Fluttershy brought Thorax close with one hoof, hugging him close to her feathered body. The cyan changeling felt his nerve calm down as he pressed against her feathered chest, before looking over towards his older brother.

“Pharynx what about-“

“If you are going to ask what I’m going to do, I already got that covered,” Pharynx cut him off, sighing. He dissipated into green flames, leaving behind a small magpie amongst the papers.

Fluttershy smiled, plucking Thorax up by the back of his neck. Carefully, she made sure he was secured onto her back, before turning to an impatient bunny stomping on the floor. She frowned, picking up the rabbit.

“You too, Angel,” she said sternly, placing him in her open saddlebag. “No causing trouble, okay?”

Thorax wrapped his hooves around the mare’s neck as she stood up, adjusting his weight so it wouldn’t strain her in any way. Cyan eyes watched his brother-now-turned-bird flutter next to the door, waiting for it to be opened.

The pegasus chuckled, pushing the door open. Early morning breeze brushed against Thorax’s face, a calming sensation filling his body. The sun had barely risen, the sky still blackened. Only streaks of orange had painted the sky as Fluttershy spread her wings.

With one flap, she was up in the air. Thorax had flown before, but never like this. When he needed to, he’d just buzz his wings to hover slightly off the ground.

Here, though, he watched the ground become smaller and smaller, quickly becoming a blur as they rushed by. It was beautiful in a way, seeing the silhouette of streams and trees running the ground below.

The flapping wings of the pegasus quickly became a slow glide, keeping herself afloat on the wind. Thorax dug himself deeper into her pink mane, silently watching the shining stars.

It wasn’t long before they meet their desired location. A tall oak tree that seemed to tower any nearby homes. Its leaves were a pretty shade of forest green, shimmering in the golden light of the rising sun.

The pegasus brought a yellow hoof to the wooden door, knocking on it gently. “Twilight? Spike?” She called, waiting patiently. Muffled hoof steps could be heard approaching the doorway, and before long a lavender unicorn opened the door.

“Hello, Fluttershy!” She smiled closing a scroll she was reading. Twilight placed the rolled parchment into her white saddlebag, her tail moving side to side. Her purple eyes landed on the little nymph on her back, and Thorax squeaked. “Aww, hello to you too, Thorax!”

Fluttershy giggled, pressing her muzzle to Thorax’s head. The winged mare stepped into the well-lit treehouse, the smell of dust and paper filling the little changeling’s senses.

From behind, the magpie landed on the floor, quickly transforming back into his older brother. Pharynx didn’t say a word as he shook out his wings, stretching.

Ooo! That’s transformation magic! I wonder how-“

Pharynx stalked away before Twilight could finish her sentence. She shook her head and smiled awkwardly. “Right...”

Fluttershy smiled sympathetically, sliding the saddlebag off of her back. Thorax slipped down with it, clacking his hooves against the wooden surface. Angel climbed out of the bag’s pocket, hopping away.

“Um...I did pack some stuff for Spike to look over if that okay,” Fluttershy’s voice became fainter and Thorax wandered away. The treehouse was pretty in its own right. Red wood that shelved tons of multicolored books, and was pretty well kept. Neat little inkwells and paper were stacked on a small table, aligned perfectly.

His attention was drawn towards the stairwell, leading onto the second floor. Cyan eyes trailed up the ascending steps, and curiosity got the better of him. While everyone was still talking-and Pharynx didn’t seem to care- he trotted up the pinkish-red stairs. Hooves clicked quietly as he looked around.

It looked to be some sort of sleeping quarter, with a similar bed to Fluttershy’s. It was all very organized, the curtains rolled up and letting the bright light shine in.

As he kept looking around, he slowly met eyes with another being in the room. Thorax froze, unsure of what to do.

The dragon spoke up first. “Hey!...which one are you?”

“...T-Thorax...” he said quietly, shuffling his hooves.

“Well, hey Thorax! I’m going to be watching you guys for the week.”

“I-I know...Fluttershy already told me...” his voice was barely a whisper, taking a few steps back towards the stairs. “Um...I’m going to go back down now...sorry for intruding-“


“Ah...um...” Thorax smiled awkwardly, stumbling down the stairs. “N-nevermind...”

Trotting down the stairs and away from the dragon, the cyan changeling hurried over towards his older brother. Pharynx had found and claimed a spot on the table, pushing the inkwells and quills out of the way.

Crawling under the table, Thorax nervously shook. Why did I agree to this? Why did I tell Pharynx to shut up? We wouldn’t be here if I had let him talk for me.

Oh cocoon slimes, will I be punished? I didn’t even ask to go up there!

“Thorax, please dial down your stress for a little?” Pharynx hissed from above, leaning over the edge of the table. The crimson nymph rubbed his temples, making gagging noises. “You are going to get me sick...”

“Sorry...” The younger nymph whispered, flattening his ears. “Uh...will you be okay-“

“I’ll be fine...just please for the love of Chrysalis, stop worrying...”

Hey! We can’t use her name!”

“...it’s not like she can do anything about it.”

“Yeah but-“

Thorax quickly snapped his mouth shut as he heard footsteps approach. The dragon had stepped down the staircase, a cyan backpack hanging off his arms. “Twilight, don’t you have to be at the train station in an hour...?”

“Oh right!” The lavender unicorn gasped, pushing her front door. “The train to Canterlot is coming by early today, so we better get going.”

“Right,” Fluttershy nodded, then turned back to the nymphs. “Do have fun, okay? Spike really is nice, and if you guys need any help go ask him. I’ve packed some paper and pencils for you, Pharynx, and here is your blanket, Thorax-“

“Fluttershy!” Twilight called from out the door, encasing her friend in magenta magic. Then she preceded to drag the wing mare out of the room.

“A-and Angel, Spike is making your breakfast, so tell him what you want. IfanythinghappenstellSpiketosendamessage!-“

With a loud slam, the door shut close. Thorax winced, rubbing his ears. Looking up, he shrunk back as he saw the dragon approach him.

“Well that’s over with,” the scaled being muttered, before smiling at the two nymphs atop and under the table. “The name is Spike, and welcome to the Golden Oak Library!”

Author's Note:

Originally, I was going to add a lot more to this, but I’ll save it for next chapter.