• Published 14th Nov 2020
  • 6,945 Views, 573 Comments

Two Nymphs, One Pony - CitreneSkys

While running errands, Fluttershy finds two abandoned nymphs deep within the Everfree Forest. She quickly decides to take them under her wing.

  • ...

Train Ride Conversation

“Twilight,” Fluttershy whispered, her eyes wandering around the train station. Ponies crowded the deck, everyone uncomfortably close to her. She tried her best to stay next to her friend’s side. “You used to live in Canterlot...right?”

“Mhm!” The unicorn hummed, reading over the scroll. “Oh! I can’t wait to see mom and dad again! Maybe we can stop to see Shining Armor too...if he wasn’t deployed somewhere else...”

Wings fluttered nervously as Fluttershy averted her teal eyes. “...so how will everything be arranged?”

“Well, you already know that you’ll be staying at my mom and dad’s house this week. Princess Celestia scheduled us on Wednesday around noon so...we have time to go sightseeing if you are interested...”

“Oh!” Her eyes brightened despite the situation. “If it isn’t too much to ask, I would love to! I’ve heard that Canterlot is a fairly nice place.”

Twilight snorted, closing the clasp on her scroll. “It’s nice when you don’t have to deal with the snooty unicorns. Not going to lie, though I love Canterlot, the ponies that live there can wear down on you.”

“I can only imagine,” the pegasus grimaced, thinking back on a young colt she knew. Shaking her head, she smiled. “I’m sure it’ll be lovely all the same.”

The train screeched to a stop at the station, steam pouring out of its smokebox. Sparks flickered along the side of the railroad, flying into the air.

“Is this the right one?” She asked, pointing with her wing. Twilight momentarily glance up, nodding as she trotted towards the door. Silently, she trotted up towards the open entrance, gazing around the train cart.

Bright colors assaulted her eyes as she tried to adjust to the lighting. She had been on the train before, but she never got used to the bright lamps that lit up the train every yard.

It was a sensory overload just waiting to happen.

Following Twilight, she tentatively sitting on one of the cushioned seats. Watching the wave of ponies coming in and out of the train made her head spin. It was like watching termite going in and out of their nest, crowded and busy.

Twilight took the seat adjacent to her, leaning against the wall. Her nose was buried in her book, magically levitating quills and pencils out of her saddlebag and juggled them above her head. Fluttershy giggled at her friend's antics, her wings pushing off her own saddlebag.

“Um...so how long until we can get to Canterlot?” She asked, curious.

“...depends. Usually it takes a few hours and up towards a day to get there.”

Gulping, Fluttershy rocked in her seat, her tail twitching as her nerves began to act up again. A day? She wondered, bitting her hoof. I don’t know if I can make it through the day...

A blowing whistle could be heard as the train departed, following along the tracks. Every so often they would run over a bump in the road, causing Fluttershy to yelp.

On the bumpy rail track, the winged mare turned her gaze towards the window. The outside world went by so fast, while everything inside sat still. With careful hooves, she unlatched the windowsill, bringing the glass up to feel the wind.

Her long, wild mane blew into her face as she tried to adjust the lock on the window. Once she was satisfied she began to tame her hair once again, brushing out loose knots.

“I hope Pharynx and Thorax are okay...” she murmured, fiddling with her hooves. “They’ve...never stayed at anypony else’s house before...”

“I’m sure they are fine,” Twilight sighed, closing her book. “They may be five but they do have higher intelligence and size compared to a normal five-year-old. I think they know what’s good for them and what’s not.”

“It’s not just that, Twilight,” she sighed. “Thorax seems to be getting...depressed, for a lack of a better word. He’s been like that for a week now. Pharynx still doesn’t trust me...I don’t know if putting him in a new environment would help...”

The lavender unicorn stayed quiet. Fluttering pages could be heard as magenta magic flipped through the pages of her book. “Well...from what I could tell, Pharynx seems pretty apathetic for the most part...he’ll likely not cause that much trouble.”

“Apathetic as he may be, I know he cares a lot,” she smiled, her memory of them playing at the streamside flooded her head. “Actually...he lets his guard down quite often when he’s with his brother...”

“Heh. Shining was like that when I was younger,” Twilight looked down fondly at her notebooks, picking up one in particular. It was blue with a silly doodle of the front, a young-looking filly and an older stallion playing with a pair of kites. “When he went away to train to be a Royal Guard, he gave me a small doll to remember him by. It’s still in my storage chest somewhere...”

Fluttershy couldn't help but feel her heart flutter against her chest. “Aw...he sounds nice. Is he your brother?”

Twilight nodded, sighing contently. The sound of a cart being wheeled caught both of their attention, and the food cart pulled up next to them.

“Would you like a snack, ladies?” The elderly stallion asked, his voice raspy. The winged mare hooded, plucking a small granola bar from the stack of candies. Digging around in her saddlebag, she tipped the stallion with two bits.

“Thank you!” She called as he strolled down the rest of the train before turning back towards Twilight. “Pharynx is very defensive and protective of Thorax...I just hope that Spike doesn’t do anything to make him think he is a threat...”

A light giggle could be heard in the air, and a yellow ear twitched. “Have you met Spike?” Twilight teased. “Least threatening creature you will ever meet!”

A low laugh sounded from her throat, and she chuckled silently. “Heh...yeah...”

The horned mare seemed to pick up that something wasn’t right, and gave a concerned look towards the yellow pegasus. “I know you are worried about them but it’s out of your control now. Just let them do what they do, perhaps they’ll even get some fun out of their stay! You never know.”

“Yeah...maybe I should stop worrying...nothing bad will happen, right?”

“Fluttershy you really shouldn’t tempt fate, because it can be sickening and downright cruel.”

The pegasus giggled. “Okay...’something horrible will definitely go wrong!-‘“ she snickered, her overdramatic voice lost on the flowing air. Twilight gave her an approving grin.

“That’s more like it!”

Author's Note:

Hehehe I had fun writing the last part. In Equestria it’s practically a saying that you shouldn’t wish for nothing bad to happen because fate will bite you back hard.

Luckily, Fluttershy dodged the bullet!