• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 17,377 Views, 1,734 Comments

A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

  • ...

Chapter 32

The day after had started out like any other for Six’s squad of initiates. They woke at the crack of dawn, put on their weighted armor, and marched into the courtyard to meet their ruthless Spartan trainer. Only today was far different for the four initiates lined up for their morning drills with the already awake Spartan.

When the Spartan moved to inspect the initiates all she did was give a nod and say a single sentence that dumbfounded the Squad.

“You're all dismissed for the day.”

And with that, the Spartan simply left and returned right back the way she came leaving the four of them to stand there, confusion plastered all across their faces. Their final exam was only days away. Perhaps Six considered them ready, was the collective thought among them before the Silence was broken by Pixy.

“So… What do we do now?” The pegasus asked the group.

“Let's just get our morning PT done, for now, she may be testing us to see how we act without her. So let's get moving.” Responded Spear as he began to start jogging around the courtyard. Sparrow followed suit without hesitation whilst spirit followed after a hesitant glance towards the door Six had just left through. Pixy stood there alone for several moments longer watching the rest of her Squad go before joining them with a huff.

Two hours later and a small shower break the four of them were now eating breakfast in the guards' cafeteria. Spirit took a seat next to Sparrow while Pixy and Spear sat opposite from them. The food portions before them varied somewhat with Sparrow having the largest meal out of the rest of them due to Spirit offering the Stallion a majority of her own portions most of the time.

“I swear Spirit you feed Sparrow anymore he’ll have a bigger flank than Celestia.” Commented Pixy as Spirit smiled sheepishly behind her now much lighter portion of greens. Sparrow meanwhile just shrugged and continued eating before giving a nonchalant response

“I’m not complaining.”

“Neither am I. I’m just not very hungry. I had a very filling dinner last night” Commented Spirit quietly as she very slightly scooted closer to the larger Stallion. Sparrow didn’t mind or didn’t notice as he kept stuffing his face.

Pixy and Spear just watched with unreadable faces before glancing at each other. The pegasus smiled cheekily whilst the Unicorn rolled his eyes.

“Mind out of the gutter Pixy.” At that response, a very light blush suddenly began to grow on Spirits cheeks. Sparrow meanwhile was too engrossed in stuffing his face to notice as Pixy laughed heartily.

“So anyway what are we doing after lunch?”

“What do you think Pixy, back to training.”

“But without Six?”

“You got a better idea? We’re soldiers and we're Six’s soldiers and personally, I don’t want to piss her off anymore than she usually is.”

“I say Six has given us the day off so let's use it! Let's go out into the city, actually have some R&R. Tartarus, if anyone here deserves some it's us after these weeks of torture. Cmon Spear even I know the offer sounds tempting enough for you.

“It's tempting yes, but I still do not believe it to be a good idea.“

The sound of Sparrow’s plate being emptied brought their attention towards the large Stallion.

“I'm down, it's been so long since my last drink I’ve forgotten what it tastes like.”

“I, um, also wouldn't mind getting a drink. I think it would be a good team-building…exercise” Spirits voice got progressively quieter as the other three’s attention was suddenly focused on her.

Spear’s gaze switched between the three ponies before sighing loudly.

“Fine, I could use some time to unwind after having to deal with Pixy without alcohol for this long.”

“Hey!” Interjected Pixy whilst Sparrow and Spirit laughed at the comment.

An hour later and a short trip to the armory to drop off their equipment later the four Spartan trainees were exiting the royal castle and wandering the streets of Canterlot. The ever-eager Pixy led the group to their establishment of choice.

‘The Gilded Barrel’ was the building’s name, a popular spot for the many guards of Canterlot. Ponies of many different kinds were sitting inside, enjoying Celestia’s sunny day with a cold pint and some hay-fries. The sound of laughter and soft music could be heard faintly playing inside.

Entering the building the four of them went somewhat unnoticed by the sparse crowd inside. Surprisingly Spirit was the one recognized by the owner behind the bar as a large smile grew on the ponies’ face. Putting down the glass they were cleaning they moved over to greet them.

“Spirit! Good to see you again, been a while since your last visit. And I see you’re not alone, and new faces as well. Names Tap, a pleasure to meet some new faces.” He extended his hoof and got a shake in return from the rest of the group. “Here follow me, I’ve got a free booth right over here.” He lead the group over towards one of the free corner booths where they all then took a seat and ordered their drinks as the next song began to play.

“So Spirit.” Began Pixy catching the earth-ponies attention. “Didn’t take you to be a friend of the owners.”

“I, um, met him during the Invasion. I stopped them from… taking him.” That got the attention of the rest of her group as Sparrow gave a whistle.


“Damn right that’s nice Sparrow,” added Pixy with a large grin towards the earth-pony that was now trying to hide in her seat.

“I gotta agree with Pixy. Good job Spirit.” finished Spear towards a now embarrassed Spirit.

“Please stop…”

“Alright lay of her Pix. What stories have you got?” Questioned Sparrow towards the red-winged Pegasus bringing the attention away from the now almost under-the-table Spirit. Noticing this Spear quietly whispered towards the pony whilst Pixy began to rattle off her own tales of her time before Spear and Sparrow.

“You alright?”

“I… don’t like the attention.”

“Okay, but you shouldn’t need to worry. Pixy will always bring the spotlight back to her. Now cmon out, our drinks are here.” And with that Spear resumed his previous posture as the Stallion known as Tap arrived with their food and drinks, but mostly drinks as Sparrow was the only one who ordered anything to eat.

But now with drinks served and portions of alcohol being introduced to their bodies Pixies already strange and downright weird stories only got worse. Or better depending on your view as laughs became evermore pronounced and boisterous. Even Spirit was taking part after downing several glasses of liquid courage. Eventually, it was suggested they play a game of darts and after a quick talk to Tap by a slightly tipsy Spirit the four of them were embroiled in a battle that would be talked about for many future happy-hours to come.




The group was roughly halfway into their game when what could only be described as incoming heavy hoofsteps by them outside of the building and approaching. It made the four of them freeze in their tracks. They knew what those hoofsteps were. They knew who they belonged to. And it made them all the more terrified as to why they were getting closer.

The door to the bar was opened and in strode the Pegasus that could make the most hardened of guards quiver in their boots. The Spartan the initiates had learned to equally fear as well as respect. So why in Tartarus was she here?

That was the big question on the somewhat inebriated soldiers’ minds. The hustle and bustle of the room were silenced when they saw this absolute giant of a pony stepping inside. The ambient sound of conversation stopped with only the faint sound of the jukebox in the corner filling the silence.

Six entered the building with her helmet on, its featureless Visor scanning the room before suddenly stopping on an empty on the adjacent wall to the initiates dartboard. Without a word, the Spartan made their way over to the booth and took a seat. The wood audibly creaked under every step and bent under her enormous weight.

The four of them noticed something, however. Her posture, her demeanor. She wasn’t taking the same confident strides full of power and grace like she normally did. They seemed… off to the group.

Once the Spartan had taken her seat the first thing they did was remove their helmet and place it upon the table and that’s when everypony knew something was wrong.

Her eyes looked sunken and deadened as if she were perpetually stuck staring a million miles away. Tap walked up to the booth to greet the Spartan, only to not even get a single syllable out of their mouth.

“Just… Get me some alcohol…please?”

“You got it. I’ll be right back.” Any barkeep worth their salt knows when it’s best to just get the customer their alcohol and leave, and this was mare was not one he wanted to keep waiting. As the stallion left to grab the Spartan her drink she took her helmet into her hooves.

A face she could not recognize stared back at her. Her mind, muddied by the residual drink she had consumed before coming here. Six would have laughed at the guard’s face when she asked where the nearest bar was if the reason for her asking wasn’t so personal.

It had become too much. She couldn’t sleep, she could barely think when she wasn’t training. The crushing despair from the memories of what she had lost had left her with only one option as ignoring it only made it worse. She wanted…needed to forget before the memories got her killed. Her fight with Luna was the wake-up call she needed.

A moment later her drink had arrived and she downed it without a second thought. It was certainly not the best drink Six had ever had but it would do. All she needed was its alcohol and a lot of it due to her enhanced Biology.

The ambient sounds of the bar had returned but they were very much subdued and marred with the subject-manner of Six. Meanwhile, the four initiates didn’t know what to think there the terror of Las Pegasus sat, their muzzle already deep into a second glass with an expression of hollowness on their face.

The group sat back down at their booth, their want to play darts gone. It seems as though they hadn’t been noticed by the Spartan yet and they hoped to keep it that way, for now at least.

“I know that expression” Began Spirit. “My father used to do the same when he retired. He would just… stare into his glass for hours on end.”

“Should we do something? Maybe invite her over here?” Asked Pixy

“Pix, do you really think it is a good idea to invite her here, in that state? I think it's better we just leave it to her when she notices us. What do you think Spear?”

The Unicorn in question glanced towards the Spartan then down towards his own glass. He had barely touched it.

“I’m going over.” Spear said, grabbing his glass. Sparrow was about to protest but before he could a hoof was placed over his muzzle. He was confused he looked down to where the hoof originated and found Spirit looking up at him shaking her head.

“Trust him.” She whispered towards Sparrow as well as Pixy whilst Spear made his way over.

As Spear approached the table the Spartan did not look up, their gaze was still unfocused as the mare stared into their own reflection. The Spartans' ears flicked and swiveled towards the approaching stallion.

“Mind if I join you?” Spear asked. Six remained unresponsive for several seconds before she ever so slightly shook her head. Seeing this Spear took a seat opposite from the Spartan and placed his glass down on the table in front of him.

“I know that I can not possibly understand what your going through Six but I do know that drinking alone is not the way to go.”

Six didn’t react other than by taking another sip of her drink. Several minutes would pass of the two of them sitting in silence, each sipping from their drinks before Six’s gaze suddenly met with Spears. Some say the eyes are the windows into one soul and those deep blue eyes spoke of loss incomprehensible to the Unicorn. But even then as the Spartan peered back into his own eyes a very slight smile grew on the Spartan's lips.

“Yeah… I suppose it isn’t”

The Spartan raised what was her fourth glass and Spear brought his own up to hers with a *klink*

Author's Note:

It my Birthday.
I gib update on birthday
simple as'