• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 17,377 Views, 1,734 Comments

A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

  • ...

Chapter 23

I've got to say… I’m Impressed

Was the first thought that came to Six’s mind as she looked over the 5 guards that had survived her training. They were panting, beaten, and battered. Their coats were drenched in sweat and they most certainly hurt like hell. But out of the 20 that had decided to take part. These 5 had remained whilst the rest had left, deaming her training impossible. Well, they weren't exactly wrong in the eyes of Six. This routine was meant for the genetically enhanced Spartans, any normal human would have collapsed long ago. But these five guards had done it.

Six stood before the five of them, each looking like their hooves were about to give out from underneath them. Six herself was also breathing deeply, the rush of a good exercise flowing through her neurons.

“I’m impressed.” Said the Spartan out loud grabbing the attention of the exhausted guards before her. “ The exercise you just took part in was considered impossible for any normal soldier to complete. Hmm… Captain Armor, a word if you please?” She called out to her side, grabbing the attention of the Captain in Question as he made his way towards the Spartan.

“What do you need, Six?”

“Captain, these five ponies have completed what was considered impossible for any non-Spartans back where I was trained. These guards have the talent the others do not possess. A talent that shouldn’t be ignored. If applicable, I would like these ponies to be reassigned for further training under myself.” Presented Six towards the Captain.

He stood in thought as he looked towards his exhausted guards. He stared at their battered but determined forms before speaking.

“Stallions. It seems as though you’ve impressed our guests here. So much so that she has asked for you to be reassigned under her for further training. She sees something in you that the others did not possess. I am inclined to agree after witnessing your performance. If you wish to be reassigned under Six steps forward. If not, you are dismissed.”

The guards before them were surprised, to say the least at their Captain's words and what the Spartan saw in them. Until three of the guards stepped forward simultaneously on shaky hooves. The 4th had decided it was simply too much for them as they walked away shakily towards the guards’ barracks. Finally, there was the fifth one, his eyes closed in deep thought until he had made his decision.

With barely restrained effort the guard stepped forward.

“What are your names, soldiers?” Asked the Spartan as she eyed the four of them, they seemed familiar to the Spartan but she couldn’t quite place it.

“What?… Don’t recognize us, buddy?” Came the unmistakable voice Pixy. Getting a genuine look of surprise from the usually stoic Spartan.

“You leave for a day and we’re already forgotten? Heh and I thought Pixy was forgetful” Continued Sparrow with a chuckle and mock disappointment as he got his breathing under control.

“Hey!” Exclaimed Pixy as she bumped her shoulder against Sparrows.

“Enough out of you two.” Came the voice of Spear as he scolded the two bickering guards before looking back towards Six “Staff Sergeant Spear, Private Pixy and Private Sparrow reporting for duty”

“Corporal Spirit r-reporting in.” Came the final, distinctly female, voice making up the quartette of exhausted guards.

“Well then Captain. I believe I have myself some initiates.” Began Six with a smirk as she eyed the four of them.

“It seems like you do. Staff Sergeant Spear I take it you're in command of these two privates?”

“Yes Sir, we had requested transfer from the Las Pegasus Battalion and arrived this morning. My Colonel approved the transfer personally.”

“I see… Corporal Spirit, I shall speak to your C.O in regards to your reassignment and finally Six.” He said turning towards the Spartan in Question. “ I will need to inform the Princesses of these changes but you have my full support in this matter. You're one tough soldier, and we need more ponies like you. I shall inform you later on what the princesses' views on this are. Until then, continue however you see fit and give me daily reports.” He turned back towards the now less exhausted guards.

“Until I say so otherwise, Six will be your new C.O. You shall follow her orders and report any problems that she cannot deal with to me.”

“Sir, yes, sir!” Came the confirmation from the guards before him

“Good. I must take my leave now. Six, I leave these four in your hooves.” And with that, the Captain walked away towards the castle, his form disappearing behind a large pair of double doors. Six watched the Captain leave before returning her attention to her newest underlings, a tiny predatory smile appearing on her face.

“Spear, Sparrow, Pixy it's good to see you again.” Pixy looked like she was about to respond before Six cut her off by stamping her hood against the ground.

“Now!” Exclaimed Six putting on her best drill-instructor voice as she began moving from side to side. “Just because we have fought together won’t mean I will be easy on you. Just because I see something in you doesn’t mean you are infallible. You chose to stay here and thus you are my initiates from now on. You will be drilled, you will be tested and you will be pushed to your absolute limits.

“You will fall, you will be punished but you will get back up! If at any point I see any of you give up, you're out. You will be reassigned back to your previous squads and that will be that. Only the most determined of soldiers will make it through my training. So tell me, soldiers, are you ready to become Spartans?!”

“Sir, yes, sir!”

“Then move it, you’ve gotten enough rest! Give me another 10km around the field!”

Shouted the Spartan, briefly rearing up on her hind legs to slam her hooves into the ground. Her initiates didn’t need to be told twice before they were off again, the predatory Spartan chasing them the whole way round.

Deep in the castle, however, something else was afoot as the Princess of the Night recited her findings of the previous night to her sister and niece. Her sister was currently staring wide-eyed at Luna whilst Cadence was looking a little green as she listened to what Princess of the Dreams had to share.

“Luna that… this cannot possibly be true. No… None of my ponies could ever be capable of this… this butchery!”

“I’m going to be sick.” Added Cadence as her face turned ever-more green as her brain processed the mental images of such death and destruction.

“I’m afraid it's true. This all came from her mouth. Sister this Six is quite possibly the most dangerous pegasus to ever exist in Equestrian history, not even Commander Hurricane was as deadly as her. Without her Armor, she is significantly weakened yes… but still incredibly dangerous even without her protection. We should be thankful she is on our side and has decided to provide us with her support for she is far worse to have as our enemy.

“W-we need to get the Elements. She must be contai-!“ Was the kneejerk reaction of Celestia as her protective instincts were suddenly turned up to eleven.

“Calm down Sister. Take a deep breath and calm down. I know it must be hard knowing one of your little ponies could be so dangerous but calm down and think this through rationally. She is dangerous, yes… but she is on our side, for now at least. She may be one of your ponies but she is not from this planet. Her Dream revealed that much as well as the fact she may not have been a pony before her arrival here.”

“Then let's send her home and throw away the key to the door! From what you said she would be happy back there with her people k-k-killing those things!” Interjected Cadence

“That would be the prudent course of action.” Then Luna sighed. “But we do not know where we would even send her. Our magic is powerful but not *that* powerful. She is part of a galaxy-spanning war. I would have noticed if there were any such conflicts in my stars. Wherever her battlefield lies, it is not within my reach. And that doesn't even account for how she ended up here in the first place. She believes she has died and been reincarnated here in Equestria.”

“That is her belief in her coming here?”

“It is not her belief, sister. That is how she got here. I watched the memory. I saw the moment of her ‘Death’. I heard her own recounting of the event. She is here and it is going to stay that way.”

A moment of Silence permeated the room as Alicorn of the Sun and Love digested that information.

“Then what do you suggest we do Luna?” Asked Celestia, breaking the silence.

“She is helping us now, but it is rocky at best. Her loyalties are to the UNSC as she calls it, not us. I do agree that we should grab the Elements. Having them meet Six under the guise of her handlers. Let Twilight and her friends make their judgment whether Six is to be contained or not. Until then she is a valuable asset for us to use until the changeling threat is neutralized.” Reasoned the Lunar Princess.

“Yes, that is a good Idea Luna. Having Twilight and her friends interact with her is the best course of action for now. I trust Twilight's judgment when it comes to who is friend and who is foe.” Agreed Celestia.

“But what if Six decides to hurt Twilight!” Interjected Cadence once again. “ She is a monster who has already killed hundreds if not thousands! What says she won’t just kill Twilight if she is threatened?!” Her voice was frantic and full of fear.

“Cadence, Six is a soldier through and through. When she first arrived in Las Pegasus as the changelings launched their assault she helped save a librarian named Lily. When she was asked about Six she responded that she comforted the librarian whilst she was panicking. She is not the type of pony to kill without reason. Twilight will be quite fine, I promise you.” Luna’s tone was one of understanding and reassurance towards the frightened pink Alicorn.

“I still don’t like it…”

“Nopony here is completely in favor of either Cadence. But it is our only option that does not involve the sudden containment of a pony, that is, voluntarily I might add, assisting us. We have offered her no compensation, nor did she ask for any and yet she is still here.” Continued Luna.

“Deep down I can feel that she is a good pony beneath her ‘Spartan’ exterior.” Added Celestia hoping to ease Cadence's fears.

“What does that mean anyway Luna? Were you able to find out just why she calls herself a ‘Spartan’? Or why does she prefer to be called ‘Six’ instead of her actual name?” At Cadence's Question, Luna’s face fell, this did not go unnoticed by the royal pair as their faces morphed into one of worry and compassion.

“What's wrong Luna?” Questioned Celestia worriedly.

“Nay tis just… it's just your Question. From what I could get a Spartan is… Sister, Cadence you are familiar with the term ‘Super Soldier’ are you not?”

“Naturally.” Answered Celestia

“I can guess what it means. Are you suggesting that ‘Six’ is such a soldier?” Questioned Cadence

“She is. That is what a Spartan is, she was… she believes she volunteered for it, but her memory of it is… strange to say the least. Anyway, that is not the point, what is concerning is that she has been groomed from a young age to be the perfect soldier, a Spartan.”

“By my Sun... Do you know how old she was?”

“Nay I couldn't risk burrowing deeper into her memories lest I risk alerting her to my presence. Spell or no, the invasive magic would tip her off to my snooping. But she was young, very young that's for sure.” Answered Luna, her tone serious.

“They must have truly been desperate to resort to such measures...” Continued Celestia almost breathlessly.

“Yes, this ‘Covenant’ Six has been fighting. It is a losing war for her people. They are indeed desperate because this ‘Covenant’ wants to exterminate her entire race.” Answered Luna darkly, the mood of the room instantly becoming colder.

“W-what?” Questioned Cadence, a horrified look upon her face. A look that Celestia shared.

“Not even the griffons a thousand years ago wanted to exterminate us during their war, and they wanted to eat us!” Added Celestia appalled.

“That is the reason why she became a Spartan. The last hope against a genocidal enemy. And now she is here, helping us fight our enemy as that is all she’s ever known.” Continued Luna, her face drooping as silence descended upon the room

“Well, then it is decided. I shall send for Twilight and her friends. If anypony can handle Six it will be the Elements. They will see if Six needs to be contained.” Decided Celestia, getting a nod from Luna. Cadence meanwhile looked catatonic, her mouth opening and closing like a fish.

“Cadence, do you have any objections?” Asked Celestia, knocking Cadence out of her state

“N-no I...I need to go hug my Shiney...I-If you would excuse me” Stuttered an obviously agitated Cadence as she got up and limped her way out of the room.

The sound of the door being shut was immediately followed by a silence descending upon the room's inhabitants. A silence that was shortly broken by the sound of Luna sighing loudly.

“You really know how to pick ‘em, don’t you sister”

“I know.” Answered Celestia, her gaze moving towards a window that overlooked the guards’ courtyard below. The shouting of the Spartan in question was quietly audible through the glass. “It's just one of my talents…”

Author's Note:

This was all done today... My power is growing rapidly.

Will this be the start of something great?
I have no idea!

Make sure to comment! If there would be a price for reading this chapter it would be one comment.

Lova ya :heart: