• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 17,378 Views, 1,734 Comments

A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

  • ...

Chapter 14

“I’m ready! How bout’ you?!”

“You’re on your own Noble… Carter out.”

“Where does he get off calling a demolition op Priority One-“

“Tell them to make it count.”

Six awoke with a start her eyes shooting open as Jorge said those final words. For the first time since her arrival, she had dreamed during the night. She had dreamed of them again. Ever since Jorge’s sacrifice she had dreamt of her team. And every time she relieved that moment she woke up, but not out of fear or sadness. But because of anger.

Those damn Covenant had taken everything from her and now even after her ‘death’ they still haunted her in her dreams. And now, without any Covenant around to take her vengeance out on that anger changed from revenge to sadness. A sadness the Spartan had never felt before. Perhaps it had been there since Emile maybe even Jorge and simply couldn't show itself because of her rampage against the Covenant. And now without any Covenant to distract her, this sadness had made itself known.

Removing her head from the pillow she had laid on the ground, Six removed her helmet setting it on the bed next to her. Bringing her good up to her neck she removed the pair of dog tags she wore.

One was Six’s.

The other... was Jorge’s.

A sad smile graced the Spartan’s features as she looked at the tags. A piece of Noble had managed to come with her and maybe...just maybe, she could give Noble the burials they deserve. Give her friends the respect they won’t get on the burnt surface of Reach. For the first time since Six had become a Spartan so engrossed was she in her emotions she never realized she had, Six didn’t notice a lone tear sliding down her face.

A knock on the door brought Six back to reality. Putting the tags back around her neck, Six wiped the lone tear away as she put her helmet back on.

Walking up to the door after stretching the knots out of her body, Six opened it to find Command Sergeant Major Wild standing there.

“Ah good to see you up and about. Come follow me, we've been summoned to Canterlot, orders from way up high.” Said Wild as he began to walk away gesturing with his hoof for Six to follow.

Six did so without saying a word her mind still mostly focused on Jorge and Noble team. Following the Sergeant Major into the courtyard where a golden carriage was waiting for them. A Pegasus guard standing next to it, clipboard in hoof.

Wild said a few words to the Pegasus before he began yelling orders to the several other Pegasi patrolling the skies. After that was said and done Wild walked up to the carriage doors opening them before turning around the face Six, his usual smirk on his face.

“Ladies first.”

Ignoring the Sergeant Major’s words Six entered the carriage and took a seat. Luckily this carriage was made of some type of metal capable of holding the Spartans weight. The whole open-air design Six wasn’t really a fan of but who was she to judge their vehicle design.
Wild entered shortly after the Spartan taking a seat on the opposite side.

Once they were both seated an order was yelled as the four Pegasi attached to the front started to fly pulling the carriage forward and off the ground. To say the Spartan was surprised that they were suddenly airborne wouldn’t be wrong per se. But Six just stopped questioning it at this point. Sure the fact those four Pegasi could fly attached to a carriage Six was in was quite surprising but it worked so why question it.

“Any idea why we are being brought to ‘Canterlot’?” Asked Six Breaking the silence trying to distract herself from her emotions.

“ Not sure I’ve really just been assigned to watch you and make sure you don’t get into trouble”
Answered Wild.

“ But wouldn’t you be more useful back in Las Pegasus?” Asked Six confused. Sending a Command Sergeant Major away did not seem like a good tactical decision.

“I’m one of the best fighters in our battalion. I was really the only choice for Lieutenant Colonel Force when it came to watching you.” Answered Wild his eyes watching the retreating form of Las Pegasus.


The rest of the trip was spent in silence, both parties simply watching the terrain pass by below them. Six using the time to build a map of the terrain on her HUD more information never hurts plus it helped keep her mind off of Noble Team. After several hours of flight, the damaged form on Canterlot could be seen approaching.

Six may not be well versed in architecture but when she saw that castle, even when part of it was covered in scaffolds for repairs, her breath was taken away by the beauty it still resonated. They began to make their final approach towards the main entrance of the Castle and after several minutes touchdown had been made. The Pegasi that has transported them seemed especially out of breath as they landed.

But before the pair could ask whether the exhausted Pegasi if they were alright, a light grey earth-pony with a dark grey mane holding a clipboard grabbed their attention.
Wild smiles at the Pony as she approached them.

“Ah, Raven good to see you again. I hope you're doing well.”

“I’m doing fine, and so is the Princess, Wild. Anyway, you two can follow me.” Finished Raven making her way back towards the main entrance, Spartan and Soldier in tow.

The trio began to make their way through the maze-like hallways of the castle, their gaze lingering on a painting and or vase decorating the halls for several seconds before moving on. This castle was fit for royalty to live in and considering that is exactly what it does it went without saying that Six was impressed. Every now and then they would pass a patrol of several maids every one of them eying the Spartan curiously or in slight fear.

Soon though after several minutes of walking the trio had been brought to some kind of dining room. A long table sat at its center as long flowing purple drapes hung next to the windows. Long stone columns rose to the high ceiling along the walls, a single guard standing in front of each of them eying the Spartan warily.

“You can both already take a seat, the Princess will be arriving shortly.” Said Raven before exiting through the same door they entered the room with.

“Wait, Princess?!” Exclaimed Wild apparently quite shocked that they were meeting the Princess. Six didn’t react visibly, she had already surmised that they were probably going to meet her. That still didn’t stop a hint of nervousness to invade her mind, only for it to immediately be squashed.

Sure the Princess could apparently raise the Sun and Moon and was treated like a goddess and should be feared by the Spartan, but then again Six had single-handedly fought an entire army with massively advanced technology, armor, and air support and was winning for 3 days straight.

Sure she ‘died’ in the end but so had thousands of Covenant in her wake. So Six was fairly confident she could take her on if their meeting went south. Any Spartan worth their salt could tell this was some interrogation in the form of a meeting, and Six was not going to give out any military secrets.

She technically was a foreign soldier and so they didn’t have any jurisdiction over her but Six doubted the Princess would just give up after being told ‘that’s Classified’ when they questioned Six.

Moving past the surprised Sergeant Major Six took a seat on one of the many cushions laid next to the table. It seems as if the Castle also used cushions instead of chairs as seats. Wild joined her shortly afterward, having gotten over the small panic attack he had felt.
Soon the pair sat in silence as they waited for the Princess to arrive.

“So this is this ‘Six’ SMILE was talking about” Muttered Celestia to herself as she watched the pair through her Scrying spell. With the intel report promised by SMILE having been finished early this morning, Celestia had gone ahead and summoned the pony to Canterlot.

The report contained everything they could find out about the pony up and including to her ‘pressure point’ involving her status as a soldier and her claim she was a Super Soldier to Lieutenant Colonel Force. Everything since the EAF first met her was documented.

Possible meanings are written along the side.

Theories based on what these organizations could be based on clues from the tight-lipped pony.

From her height being confirmed as to be on par with her sister Luna. And from covert surveillance, her weight has been measured to be over half a Ton! Then finally came the ‘Shield’ that surrounded the Pony. Whenever an agent tried to cast any type of long-range stealth scanning spell on the Pony the magic was met with a metaphysical wall blocking it. But that phenomenon only ever showed up when the pony was fully wearing her armor.

SMILE knew how powerful an ally Six could be.

And how much of a threat she posed to Equestria.

It was honestly quite frightening to Celestia how fast SMILE could work when it came to non-Unicorn targets. And after reading through the Dossier.

Celestia was ready to hopefully form a relationship that could benefit both parties in this war.

Author's Note:

The long-awaited meeting shall come at last.


Artist: Emphoa