• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


A college trained writer who is now back to honing his craft after graduating. Tends to write fantasy and science fiction. Also very shy! Who wants a muffin!?

Comments ( 244 )

Futurama professor hail science

Oh dear! The poor planet of Harvest.

This is where it all began. With the very first hostile contact/decoration of the genocidal war from the Covenant!!!!!!

Will Foehammer and Johnson get to survive thanks to Twilight?

Jenkins fire weapon

Yup! But hey, it's December, and the Covenant don't show up till February! So she gets to relax on an idyllic planet for a bit! Until it isn't idyllic!

Hopefully she has a friendly with the Based Grunt: Dadab

So far, so good. [Munches on chips]

Thanks, I was a little worried about the part with Healy, since I didn't have a physical description just "he's a jokester" and just sorta fell back on writing one of my favorite prankster Doctors, Hawkeye from MASH.

These are exactly the stories i come to read. The quality is good, The pacing is solid. The world is taken at face value with no whimsical tomfoolery to destroy immersion. You sir were nesting a gem. We watch your career with Great interest.

Thanks! Honestly, it's been an experience writing Twilight who has no idea what the heck anything is on Harvest. And glad I am doing a good job :D


Well hope twilight is ready to fight the genocidal threat that is the covenant whose war of genocide is about to begin. Also, calling it, Equestrian weirdness is either due to Foreunner bs or Precursor bs

Let me guess, shit hits the fan in the next chapter?

Possibly. Who knows where those Covenant sneaks are hiding!

Sergeant Johnson: These bastards don't want to be your friend, Sparks!

Twilight: thumbs.gfycat.com/LegitimateCircularHornshark-max-1mb.gif

It's all fun and games until the Covenant insult friendship. Then it's just boss music time.

Been a Halo fan for a while, interested to see where this one goes. Every Halo fic does it differently.

It always seems like Twilight's the one who gets stuck there though, unlucky for her!

One of Commander Applejack's fics has the CMC getting stuck on Harvest during the Second Battle. But yeah, Twi is an easy one to get stranded in strange new worlds due to the fact she's powerful and magical mishaps are not something uncommon around her.

Cant wait for you to post chapter 3

I love MASH I watched it with my dad when he was at home sick and I was with him keeping him company.

There are far worse people to take inspiration from. Nice start

Well you definitely have my interest.

Screw adventure and purple aliens, I love this slice of life XD
good stuff keep it up man

Here are some ideas about Equuses past and connection to Earth.

Do to the planet having such a large veriaty of Earth based life, I have often entertained the idea that Equus is a sanctuary world. As for Pony evolution, I would propose they are Earth equines evolved from a common ancestor ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_the_horse ), ware Equuses unique environment influenced thier evolution to take advantage of the planets strong magic energy field. The forerunners called magic " Nural Physics ", this is cannon.

Furthermore, I believe the entity "Harmony", is a vast crystalline entity that has resided in Equuses crust for millions if not billions of years, a primarily benevelent being ( created the elements of harmony ) and this explanes the numerous crystal deposits across the plant, I believe the forerunners terraformed Equus like so many other worlds, and that many, if not all the intelligent life on Equus, is evolved from species of Earth's past.

This makes Equus ether a refuge, or an experimental test site.

Also, I would propose that Harmony is the reason behind Equuses strong magic field.

The Lybrarians life weavers may have been quite busy here.

Aerial insertion fyi. Ariel is a mermaid.

Thanks! I'll fix that shortly!

Wrong! The Covies are on the way! Which means Harvest is about to be Glassed!

Good opening two chapters. Enjoying it so far.

Looking forward to more with our favorite adorkable unicorn dealing with the UNSC... Most likely also ONI fuckery. :moustache:

ONI is always closer than you think it is, too.

But thanks! Im glad you enjoyed these first two chapters!

Good so far. Let's see where this goes.

I'm very concerned that O. N. I. is going to get involved.

The spooks are everywhere. Want to take a bet on how long it takes them to come question Twi?

I will be waiting for the next chapter.:pinkiehappy:

Should be out later today, or if not sometime tomorrow.

Hey, question, shouldn't this fic also have a Halo tag?

Oh shit, there is, I didn't know that! Thanks for pointing that out :D!

Giving me Feet First Into Hell Vibes. I like this.

Thanks! I'm sure Twi will end up hooves first into hell before all is said and done, I'm sure.

Will she take part in the Halo games like help Chief and Cortana stop the Covenant from activating any of the Installations and stopping the Flood.

She might! But that's 30 years away! A lot can happen in that time.

Oi! I see my name in de A/N!

Id say as good a start as any, just remember that past tense exists and can be used even when writing in the now :p
I'll send some potential errors later but I need to catch a plane first.

Yeah, I need to go back and do some editing now that I have chapter 3 out.

An ONI Officer who didn't immediately jump into fucking people over for the slightest benefit? Color me surprised!

Twilight will definitely enjoy her peaceful time on the peaceful planet of Harvest. Nothing can possibli go wrong!

I say give it a two weeks at most and some of those men going to think Twilight looks awful pretty for a pony

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