• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 minutes ago


A college trained writer who is now back to honing his craft after graduating. Tends to write fantasy and science fiction. Also very shy! Who wants a muffin!?


Once, long ago, centuries after the deaths of her friends, Twilight traveled back in time to visit them with the intention of saying goodbye. She especially wished to say goodbye to Rarity, whom she had loved with all her heart, and had watched grow old and eventually die.

It did not go as planned. But, from the chaos, came a promise: Rarity would wait for Twilight.

Thousands of years have passed since that day, since the day Rarity promised that, and Twilight shall now see if that promise will be kept.

A fan-made epilogue to Monochromatic's Injuring Eternity because I read it and after all the tears were done, I felt I needed to write a short little thing which with Mono's blessing I am now publishing.

So, I hope you enjoy this Mono! You turned me into a dirty RariTwi Shipper!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 48 )

You turned me into a dirty RariTwi Shipper!

Great, now I can scratch you off my RariTwi hit shipping list.

Loved this, Now I need to go and read this Injuring Eternity story I have been hearing so much about.

8018722 Yes. You should. Right now, in fact.

Not enough cheesy puns on the title of the original. > : (

That one majorly important detail that I've hinged my entire opinion of this story on aside... it was good.

Yes, you can scratch my name off your hit shipping list. I swear, all it took was you to make me cry and then I wrote a story about how true love transcends even death!

Plus... they make a cute couple... so I couldn't resist...

I highly recommend it, it's a brilliantly written story that grabs you by the heart strings and never lets you go.

I wanted to put more cheesy puns in! I really did! But, it felt wrong to do so for a story with the topic of life after death, especially with the nature of Injuring Eternity. That isn't to say I didn't want to add some, like I kicked around the idea of Rarity joking with Twilight about how "She likely expected to wake up in a field of stars with the most beautiful mare in the universe singing to you, meaning moi, and scenes from her life flashing before your eyes!" and of course, Twilight was going to say yes to that...

However, it just didn't fit, so I didn't put it in.

8018790 It was a joke. :P


Eh, fair enough. Just, due to my usual style of writing I took it dead serious xD because honestly if you look at any of my other works, there is jokes and puns galore.

:duck: how's My Spikey Wikey
:twilightsmile: He's doing fine...why?
:moustache: I'm here too
:raritywink: His pilot light got snuffed out
:moustache: forgot to pay the gas company


He forgot to pay M.A. Larson's usual fare of a mountain of diamonds and the souls of the brony community to continue to exist.

8018935 :pinkiehappy: Those balloon payments at the end are a killer!:pinkiegasp:

:derpytongue2: Larson gives you wings! :rainbowlaugh: That's Red Bill :trollestia: A boy cow?

Tell me about it! I'm convinced Pinkie Pie is able to afford them (And thus her reality defying powers) because she bottles the laughter of small children, which I am told is the sweetest of wines for Larson.


In all seriousness, I am glad you liked the story!

Mono won't stop until we're all in the RariLight

Yes, yes she won't... not that I care... I've already been converted to the RariTwi Borg.

You monster.... you made me sad... I read Mono's story then went straight to this. I'm so lucky I have self control on raritwi or I would have downright sobbed and my parents would have been all over me. Then only thing sadder was Ravenpaw's Farewell and that's only because I knew him from book on and got attached to him from the whole Warrior Cats series. I wish you luck on all your stories and hope they all move people as much as this one did.


Thank you for the warm words of encouragement, and I am glad you didn't sob and make your parents curious. I mean what would they say if they knew you were crying over a pair of imaginary colorful talking equines!

And, thank you again for wishing me luck. Honestly, though, my other stories are (In my opinion) just as good, though my original "Memories of Midnight" surpasses this one in the sad tear jerking category. But, that's also spread over five chapters.

Good stuff.:twilightsmile:

Nice. Sweet way to wrap this up indeed. All the best on your future writing!

Raridash for life! Your kind shall never convert me!

well, kinda?


Thank you! I am glad you liked it, and thank you for the kind words for my future endeavors.

Also, I typically read SoarDash, so, yeah.

Writing RariTwi is new...

I see I am not the only one victim to Mono's Feels.

Nope, you are not alone in the "Mono, what have you done to me!?" department.

Monochromatic has no doubt turned many of us to the Raritwi side. The only thing is: I like it! :pinkiehappy:

This, right here, is now officially my favorite ending to any story on this site, fan made or otherwise. It makes me wish l could write something that good.


Thank you very much! I am glad you enjoyed it as much as you did, and I am glad you think I did a good job! :twilightblush:

And, honestly, it's all practice in the end. I've written this sort of scene before, though i never published the other scene, so I already had the basic idea well set in stone. :pinkiehappy:

Still, I am glad you liked it. And, yes, Mono has turned many to the RariTwi side of the pony, not that I care I rather like it here... there are plenty of books.

Thank you for this. The epilogue healed my "broken" heart as well.
It really provided closure to the feels that were lingering after mono's epic tale.

You are most welcome and I am glad you enjoyed it that much! Also glad I could help heal your broken heart. Though, I shall never hold a candle to Mono's story, Injured Eternity shall forever be one of my favorites.,

I sobbed so much during the first story thanks for this

I sobbed a lot during the original story myself, especially during the final chapter. Rarity's death struck home with me really hard, and in a way that I never expected. And so I wrote this story, mostly because I felt I needed to write it.

But... also because Rarity's death, and the way Twilight reacted, reminded me of my grandfather and my mother.

See, my grandpa died of heart failure at the end of last August. Like Rarity, it was a long... long battle. It was a battle we all knew he wouldn't win, that each stay in the hospital, each visit to the doctors, each time his chest hurt or he couldn't catch his breath, might be the last time. Honestly, we had hoped he would be around longer, but we also knew that his time was close... more so when the doctor looked him and my mother in the face and told them right out that the medication wasn't working anymore, that it was just too advanced.

And much like Rarity and Twilight, we put on a brave face and smiled for him every day. Right up until the end.

To this day, there are three things I know I will remember unto my dying day: My brother telling me EMS had pronounced him dead, the sound of my mom crying, and the look on my grandmother's face as the EMS Chaplain spoke with her.

So, when I read that final chapter, when I read the part where Twilight came home to an empty house, I remembered. I remembered the crying, the pain, the empty feeling of loss.

So I wrote this short story, because I felt it was needed. Because I needed it.

Again, thanks for enjoying it, and sorry for the small info dump :twilightblush:

So how does twilight die? Does Celestia kill her?
Does she get a flesh eating disease?

Mono left it unclear in Injuring Eternity, but after the long battle my grandfather had with his health, I'd hazard a guess that Twilight is dying of something akin to what got Rarity (Congestive Heart Failure), or simply the fact that she is just so old her body is just shutting down. It happens, you know, when you hit old age, you body just sometimes decides it has gone on long enough, and fails.

However, at nearly 10-thousand years old, I think she lived a good, long, life.

This is so lovely! :heart: I love the original ending to IE, of course, but as an unofficial, Mono-approved sequel/ending? This was as perfect as you can get! Nicely done!

Thank you!

I couldn't help but write it, honestly ;3 and I am glad you liked it!:twilightblush:

It's just allergies. I'm not crying.:raritydespair:

Of all the ideas, Celestia murdering her is one of them? I don't remember any signs of that in the original story. :rainbowhuh:

Well i wouldnt put it past her to do that.


Just to put this to rest, although Mono left it vague as to what exactly killed Twilight, she did tell us what it was in general.

Twilight looked at Rarity’s hoof and uncrossed one of her forelegs so she could place her own hoof on top of the unicorn’s. “I guess I wanted to wait until…” She drifted off and sighed. “I’m sick, Rarity.” Another pause, and then a correction. “I’m dying. Soon.”

Celestia did not kill Twilight. Twilight got sick, and passed away surrounded by her friends and family.

Admittedly, I forgot that part. Thanks for clarifying. :twilightsheepish:

You're welcome ;3

It was literally a passing comment in a single paragraph in the final chapter of Injuring Eternity, which admittedly most people find had to read as people tend to be sobbing uncontrollably when reading that chapter (I know I was).

Ok I maaaaaay wanted another reason to hate Celestia even more.

That is kind of what I hope the next world will be like :)
Thank you for writing this.

Thank you! It was a lot of fun to write, I am glad you enjoyed it.

Bah! Twilight will not be living for thousands of years!

Other than that nice story. Though the very definition of eternity contradicts your statement :D

True, but this story is set in the timeline a friend made, in which Twilight dies somewhere in her seven-thousandth year from heart failure.

And while the definition of eternity does contradict what I and my friend wrote in the end so long as their good and entertaining stories I hope its a forgivable contradiction.

Entertainment over cold hard fact, in a comment that has nothing to do with the story!? NEVER! *Table flip*

Hehe, so long as it's an alternate universe I suppose it's ok, it doesn't contradict my fic when I set out the reasons why Twilight (or any of the princesses really) aren't immortal. :D

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