• Published 14th Mar 2020
  • 2,820 Views, 39 Comments

A world of wonders - Mordred Knight Of Cutie

After a rather rough start with the School of Friendship a month ago. All has been going well for the main six and their friends. Until six special students of theirs save something not of their world. A creature know as an... Arrancar.

  • ...

And it begins...

Ch.4: And it begins…

A stranger today, is a friend the next day

The night is still young…

That’s how it was currently in the mindset of the student six, who all were standing around the still out cold bodies of the three unknown females and Tier. Thankfully the floor was comfy enough, that and the kids didn’t know if their beds could even hold the weight of the four females, despite the fact they were rather easy to bring back to the school.

Speaking of, that was the obviously difficult portion of their trip back. Because for some stupid reason, it seemed everyone wanted to enjoy a night stroll out this particular night. To the point it was like the whole town was alive and awake like it usually was during the day. But luck was on the six side, as one of their professors was holding a bake goods eating contest. One Pinkie Pie as most of the residents knew her as, had given them the distraction they needed from being detected by any of the townsfolks.

Then came the school. Oh their beloved school of friendship… was at the time their maze of slight paranoia since they didn’t want to bump into one of the students. Which would be bad or one of the teachers which would be much worse in the long run. Sure their teach were the elements of harmony. But they were still ponies who could get scared and wary of unknowns. Considering what their teacher had dealt with in the past. The students were worried their teachers would be on guard even more. But thankfully they were able to make it to the school without a hitch. Aside again from slight paranoia of being caught before they made it into their room. Which now lead to their current situation.

“Oh dear hive, dear sweet merciful backside of a Thorax what have we done?!?!”

The one screaming was Ocellus who after helping get the four unknown’s into their room. Had the sudden weight of what just occurred hit her like a steam train. They had just brought in four, dangerous if anything Tier did proved it; unknowns to their school. The very school that had almost been closed months ago by one jerk know as Councilor Neigh-Say. Which then lead to the fear that if these four were found. That would give Neigh-Say and anyone else who may have an issue with the school enough to have it closed and torn down just like that.

That didn’t help with the fact that Ocellus began to panic even more at what would happen to their teachers if this got out. Though what was the worst was that her and her friends could get into deep trouble if this got out. So many unknowns, so many possibilities.

“Okay Ocellus you got to chill. You’re making too much noise.” Gallus tried explaining to Ocellus. Though he couldn’t help but worry a bit now too as similar thoughts started to form in his mind. Looking back he saw the others looking over the four unknown’s some “Hey can one of you help me out here before she catches someone’s attention??”

Smolder hearing this first, looked seeing that yeah Ocellus was in the verge of making too much noise for their comfort. Sighing she looked at Sandbar, Yona and Silverstream who just nodded before going back to studying the four unknowns. Then gazing back at Gallus and Ocellus she answered “Yeah, yeah. Watch how a professional does it Gallus.”

With that Smolder moved over to help/ show off to Gallus her ways of calming someone down. But as she did so. Sandbar, Yona and Silverstream couldn’t help but be at awe with their four new guests.

“So, anybody have a guess what they are?” Sandbar asked. As aside from knowing Tier’s name they knew nothing else of the four; well not including the fact they seemed to be powerful fighters as if again what Tier demonstrated was any indication of that

Silverstream decided to reply back first, since she had been coming up with a few ideas “I think maybe they’re like super magic powered cousin to Minitours. I mean they look alike to women minitours, aside from the chest area.”

To empathize that fact, she began to poke the dark skinned one’s rather ahem… large chest a bit with her right index talon. The soft feeling of it made Silverstream chuckle a little as she kept poking the woman’s chest.

“Yona don’t think you should do that.”

“Yeah Yona’s right ahem… maybe not poke the woman’s ah… breasts.” Sand Bar added in. Looking away as his face was a bit flustered from seeing the rather soft look and maybe even touchable breast that were making now a mess of his hormone fueled mind

Silverstream though just shrugged, chuckling a bit more as to her this didn’t seem harmful much. “Oh don’t worry you two. Besides maybe this is okay in their culture. You know like a hello, I mean why would they be so soft and up there for anyone to see or grab. I’m sure that’s the case.”

“Yona admits… that kind of makes sense.” Yona exclaimed as she had to admit Silverstream brought up some good points. Deciding might as well, she began to also start poking the same breast Silverstream was as seconds later the Yak chuckled a little “Hehe. Silverstream right. This is fun to poke!”

“See I told you!!” Silverstream cheered. As she and Yona kept poking the woman’s breast. Silver stream looking over to Sandbar once more “Come on have a poke. They’re real soft!!”

Sandbar just blushed madly at the suggestion, not that he didn’t want to. Mainly because he was a decent colt and he didn’t want to just touch a females breast no matter their species. Even if his raging hormones were screaming at him to touch the nice looking… soft… rather large breasts. No he was trying to refuse to do so with those rather strong hormones telling him otherwise.

But as this all occurred within the room. None of them took notice of the sudden slight pressure that was starting to form. Their window slightly cracking and the wood in their beds creaking a little too. Then it happened. The dark skinned female woke up, just as Sandbar was deciding to maybe take a poke.


The dark skinned woman’s sudden awakening and scream startled everyone in the room. But before any of them could even respond back. The dark sinned woman most likely out of instinct. Grabbed Yona and Sandbar by the legs and threw them at Silverstream who ducked just seconds before impact. Though Gallus and Smolder were unlucky as the took the brunt of the throw. Ocellus barley dodging to the right out of sheer instinct to do so herself. Though as Silverstream at least was able to stand back up. Still a bit shocked from what just happened. She froze when she felt an aura of sheer rage right in front of her. Looking back ahead. She was now face to face with the glare of the dark skinned woman.

Silverstream just smiled sheepishly. Shaking a bit from how utter fear was running through her body suddenly. But she would try her best to maybe sooth this creature of rage “H-Hello.”

But instead of getting even a grunt back. Silverstream felt her left arm grabbed in a tight hold, one that she swore she almost felt was broken. The woman bringing her closer to her face as she glared as the young hippogriff felt like she in the presence of a predators. Ready to kill her at any moment.

“What the hell are you.” The dark skinned woman simply asked. But her tone threatened extreme bodily harm if she didn’t like the answer. The woman tightened her grip to make sure Silverstream got the point, as the young hippogriff cringed a bit from the slight increased pain “Well?”

“I-I-I…I’m Silverstream… a-a-a-” Silverstream tried to answer only for her arm to be even more slowly crushed by the dark skinned woman grip. This point Silverstream believed that if her arm wasn’t broken it would be sort until she could get someone tomorrow to patch it up. At least enough to walk and slightly run on it

The dark skinned woman meanwhile scowled a bit as she looked around the room for a moment. Then back at Silverstream as she growled some more. More anger filling her mind as she was utterly confused at, one where she was at. Why the others of her little clan were out cold and what the hell these things in here were.

She was about to just throw the little thing calling herself ‘Silverstream’ away. But she didn’t take notice until it was too late, that an orange one with wings flew head first right into her stomach. She hadn’t been ready so the blow caused more sudden damage than expected. As the dark skinned woman lost her grip on Silverstream’s arm. While the dark skin woman herself flew back onto one of her out cold clan mates.

Smolder meanwhile landed back on her feet, her head hurting but she was too angry to care as she stood protectively in front of the others, who’d gotten back up by this point. Smolder glaring sternly at the dark skinned woman who groaned “Get the flank away from Silverstream!!!”

“Silverstream, you okay??” Gallus asked, helping Silverstream up as her was careful to not aggravate her possibly broken or at least sprained arm

“Yona want to know too. Did scary lady hurt you???”

“I-I’m fine… honest.” Silverstream answered. Even though she could feel what was most likely at least a small fracture in her arm, as the pain gnawed at her

But as everyone else began to fret about Silverstream, Smolder included as they wanted to make sure no cuts or blood were dripping from the hold the dark skinned woman had done. They all tenses up once more, looking back as they could feel a slight pressure in the air as the dark skinned woman’s body seemed to be shaking about. Shaking from rage.

“You…. You…. BRATS. I’M-” The dark skinned woman was starting to threaten, looking back up at the six with blood filled rage and about to kill them seconds later. Only for the dark skinned woman to be pushed off, falling flat on her face hard

The one who pushed her, was one of the smaller women. The one with the horn like a unicorn on her head. Despite her size difference to the dark skinned woman. She had easily pushed her off and gotten up on her feet. Glaring not at the six youths. But instead at the dark skinned woman.

“THE HELL YOU DOING CRASHING INTO MEAT HEAD!!!” The unicorn horned woman screamed in rage, as the dark skinned woman was just getting back up “WANT ME TO KICK YOUR ASS!!!”

The six meanwhile watched as the dark skinned woman finally back up on her feet. Clenched her fists, before completely forgetting about the them and glared back at the unicorn horned woman. Slamming her forehead against the unicorn woman’s forehead with a furious rage. “OH SHUT IT LOUD MOUTH OR I’LL SHUT IT FOR YOU!!!”



So as two unknown females argued viciously at each other, the young students just watched in utter shock at what was going on now. From Ocellus freaking out. Silverstream and Yona poking the dark skinned one’s breast all of sudden. Then finally being attacked by the dark skinned one, then most likely to be killed by the insane woman. Only to be unintentionally saved by the unicorn horned woman. Before she and the dark skinned woman began arguing quiet loudly and looking like they were trying to egg on one another to attack first. It was most likely the oddest night for the six in their whole lives so far.

“So… did we like, end in some kind of shared magical fever dream?” Smolder asked, as she and the others just stayed back watching the two women trying to start a fight with one another. Though it seemed both of them were a bit too stubborn to throw the first punch and be at fault. Yona deciding to respond at least to that question even if she was kind of wondering that herself by this point

“Yona not sure. But… I think so… I think.”

“Gonna be honest too. I think this maybe a fever dream also. Kind of… a loopy one. One where my arm is in incredible pain still.” Silverstream answered next. As even if her arm screamed in internal pain, again probably with a fracture. The sight before her subsided that pain, at least for the time being as she had to figure out an excuse tomorrow for everyone if they asked her why she was limping just in case no one could patch it up for her… though it would be a bit harder since one of their teachers was a literal lie detector. BUT… she’d go over that bridge when it comes, right now… right now she alongside the others watched as the two unknown women keep on arguing

Though as the two argued, the six didn’t take notice the last of unknown women. The snake like woman having awoken during all this. Had moved alongside to the right of the group next to Ocellus. Having been there since the other two of her clan had been arguing. Mainly waking up because of a said arguing. Still she’d been more interesting studying the six creatures next to her. Curious of them and finding them cute, to the point she was barely holding back a want to pet the back of the one that looked like a light blue bug. But she decided that if she was going to surprise them, might as well talk to them instead of causing the adorable lot one to have a panic attack. She knew what to say too, as well.

“Hello.” The snake woman sweetly said, as the six youths flinched and screamed a bit from the sudden greetings. Looking over to her now, as the snake woman chuckled seeing their wariness of her. Which made sense if the two meat heads did something to cause such wariness “Hehe. Apologizes. I didn’t mean to startle you all. I just wanted to say hello and by the looks you’re giving me. One of my clanmates here probably was the cause of it. Was it the brute or the loud mouth?”

Meanwhile the kids just looked at one another, then at the two unknowns arguing. Then back at the snake Lady since their answer was pretty obvious. They didn’t even have to say anything as the snake woman sighed. Shaking her head before she looked back at her two arguing comrades.

“I see. Well I do apologize for them. They tend to be more on the hit first, talk never sort of tactics. I on the other hand use my head more, like Lady Tier does.”

By this point, the six youths were started getting a better understanding on the situation now. Thankful that at least one of the awakened women had some common sense to NOT freak out or threat to kill them. They looked back at the two others STILL… arguing. Most of them kind of wondered why no one had wakened up and barged into their room yet with everything that had been going on. Well… they didn’t have to wait TOO long after that thought.

A sudden push of the door echoed, the six youths and the snake lady looking towards the source of the sound to see a rather sleepy looking; yet awake alicorn. Her purple coat, mane, horn, wings and star like cutie mark. Belonged to the principle of this school and the princess of friendship. One Twilight Sparkle. Who decided tonight to stay at the school and sleep in her office after going through a few papers she needed to finish up.

But the princess of friendship had not expected to suddenly wake up in the middle of the night hearing loud thumps and yelling. At least that what she heard, she was confused on how none of the other students hadn’t woken up. But she was quick to find the source of the noise being six of her rather more unique students. She expected them to just be, being too loud. BUT… she did not expect to see three unknown creatures with her students. The three unknowns and the horrified students staring back at her.

“What in the name of Cele-” Twilight began to scream at the sight before her. Only to stop when she felt a sudden chill down her spin, then felt a quick back of the neck chop and just like that she was out cold

Meanwhile the six youths stared wide eyed at the now out cold Twilight and then to the one who did the deed. One Tier who was now fully awake and had SOMEHOW appeared behind Twilight in mere seconds without them or Twilight noticing. The three unknown’s though had a different reactions.

“Lady Tier!!” The three unknown women cheered in glee. About to just hug the woman at seeing her okay. But stopped when they saw her giving them a slight glare

It was a glare that wasn’t ill in intentions, more of scolding like a mother to three daughters who misbehaved while she was resting. She placed her finger over her covered mouth for a moment, before addressing the three “Shh, it’s is late at night and I wake up to you Apacci Emilou and you Milia Rose arguing when you should be silent.”

“Hehe.” The snake woman chuckled. Only to flinch a bit nervously when Tier turned her gazed upon her

“You also are in trouble. You could have tried to stop them at least, but you just watched and let the chaos ensue. You’re usual the better behaved one Cyan Sung-Sun.”

Sung-Sun meanwhile shyly looked down at the floor a bit, while Apacci grumbled a little in embarrassment and Milia rubbed the back of her head avoiding looking Tier in the eyes. The fact she used their full names, meant they’d messed up a bit. Tier sighed though knowing her girls were like this usually. Most of the times she would let it be unless it got really out of hand. But considering what she’d quickly gathered when she woke up, she could tell they were in a place they needed to be quiet.

Then the purple one came in seeing them. Her mind already screaming this was not a good start, so she did what she thought would be the best course of actions. Moved over to the purple one in a quick manner, then knock her out. But then she looked to the six youths, memories coming back as she remembered they were the children she’d saved from those wolfs made of wood. Before she passed out from her wounds. Speaking she didn’t feel them much anymore, had they healed her somehow. Question for later though, right now she needed to get some answer from the kids.

“Hello once-”

“SWEET CELESTIA WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!” Sandbar screamed, cutting Tier off as he was the first to snap out of the shock of what just occurred “Y-You knocked her out?!!”

“Oi brat!!” Apacci suddenly screamed, making Sandbar flinch as he looked to her as she gave him a glare that sent a uneasy chill of near death through his body “Talk to Lady Tier like that again and I’ll break ya. Got it?!”

Sandbar just slowly nodded back in agreement. Apacci smirked that she got to scared the kid, ignoring the glares from the other five brats with them. Before looking upon her Lady again seeing she was giving her a much sterner glare making the tough woman shy a bit from being silently scolded.

Tier meanwhile sighed yet again. She’d need to make sure her girls; especially Apacci behaved and didn’t scared the kids anymore. Looking back at them, then her girls, then the purple one she knocked out. She actually just realized she must have been… important “Children. May I ask but… is she, important?”

Yona decided to answer this one, as even if she was still in shock. She might as well get use to this… well more use to it then she already was… OH YOU GET THE POINT. “Yes, Twilight is one of the Princesses!!”

Tier almost felt the needed to facepalm. She couldn’t help but start scolding herself at the move she’d chosen to keep what little peace was left in the room. What a great way to start relationships with the ruler of this land or rulers apparently.

“I see. My bad then, look. I need at least a few of you to help me with her, lead me to where she slumbers and we’ll place her back. Maybe make it look like she was knocked out by something in her room or that she had an odd dream.”

“Well I guess that could work….” Gallus muttered, though was kind of worried now if whoever came along with Tier, got caught with the unconscious body of Twilight. Actually he already knew what would happen and he was WAY too young to go to jail. He was but a young griffon, he wouldn’t survive a day in prison. He was way to good looking to not become someone’s prison doll, he was like rare exotic… you know better not to go down that rabbit hole of internal panic

“It shall, now quickly; who will come with me.” Tier asked, as she knew time was of the essence if they were to make sure this so called Twilight wouldn’t wake up sooner than expected

The group of six looked at one another, silently conversing to see who would be the best to perform this stealth mission and who to keep back here in the room. Didn’t take too long before Ocellus, Gallus much to his hesitation and Sandbar also much to the ponies own hesitation. Walked up to Tier, who seemed happy with the selection.

“Good. Now then two of you help me with the body and the last one be out look out. Understood?” Tier explained quickly, as the three nodded as they understood the plan, the unsettling plan; but knew it had to be done if only to prevent Twilight from freaking out sort of plan as well. They’d heard stories of her freak outs from some of the older ponies here and there. They were not pretty, not one bit. Tier meanwhile was happy that these three understood, looking back at the others though noticed Milia walk up to her

“Lady Tier, I would like to come with you. Even if it seems you trust these children. I don’t and it would make I, along with the others feel better if one of us came along too.”

Tier though could have said no. But she didn’t as she couldn’t blame Milia or the others for feeling this way. Oddly she couldn’t remember why she trusted these kids so much, aside from the fact they saved her. Actually her memory though there, was still a bit fuzzy and was slowly coming back to her from the earlier tonight. But again those questions would have to be saved for later. As she looked towards Sung-Sun and Apacci, who were sitting on the one of the students beds at this point. The remaining students just standing near them, a bit wary which was understandable. Though she took notice of the one’s she’d asked to come with her move up closer to await their assigned roles. Knowing time was short, she needed to get going.

“Then you can come with us. The rest of you stay and behave.” Tier stated, as she began to drag Twilight from her back left leg out of the door she opened with her free hand. Ocellus, Gallus, Sandbar and Milia following behind moments later as the door shut

With that Apacci, Sung-Sun, Smolder, Yona and Silverstream were left alone. An awkward silence filling up the room moments later. Silverstream the only to try and break the ice.

“So… anyone, like ah… want to do some girl talk. Hehe… Hehe…”

The word being, TRIED….

A headache…

A raging, painful headache. Like a Manticore had just kicked her face in and she broke her horn against a rock. That was what one Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle felt currently as she stirred awake. Gorgy and again in gnawing pain. She slowly opened her eyes, seeing the light of the sun shining through the windows of her office. It took a moment for her to realize though that she wasn’t in her home… wait.

“W-Why am I… wait… how did…” Twilight mutter as she had no idea why she was in her office. To be honest this was a sudden and weird shock to the young royal “Wait… maybe… I think last night ah…”

Though as Twilight tried to remember what had went on last night, that could have left her sleeping in her office instead of her nice comfy bed. She realized, she couldn’t. A slight throbbing pain jolted on the back of her neck moments later as she tried to remembered.

“Gah what the… what’s up with that?”

Again Twilight became even more confused as she tried remembered some more. But nothing came to mind, if anything just small very fuzzy snippets. But that wasn’t going to do much for her right now. To be honest she could use a spell. BUT her headache and back of her neck were throbbing in pain so much that she really couldn’t remember at the moment if she even knew a spell for this particular issue. Actually thinking at all was really kind of hard even for her currently.

Didn’t help when the door suddenly opened, a new mare coming in after that as the sounds itself irritated Twilights headache at least. Looking Twilight saw her personal apprentice, now school Guidance counselor Starlight Glimmer.

“Hey, who’s in-” Starlight began to say in a stern manner. Only to stop when she heard the groan of Twilight be her answer. That and seeing her friend in her office so early, along with noticing Twilight seemed to be in pain “Um… Twilight, what are you… wait. Did you fall asleep in your office again?”

Twilight groaned a bit more, as even with a normal tone. Starlight’s mere question was making her headache throb some more. “Shhhh…. Please lower you tone. Ow… my head.”

“Right… what happened. Stayed up to late or…?”

“I don’t know. The back of my neck hurts, I have a headache and I can’t remember a thing from last night. Well barely, it’s just all fuzzy.” Twilight explained, as she rubbed her forehead a bit more before looking back up at Starlight, moving over to unicorn “Sorry to ask but…”

“No need. I’ll take over your class for the day. But Twilight. Please, for yourself and a request from a friend. Get more rest when you need it.” Starlight answered kindly. As she gave Twilight a small smile, before patting her back. Then made her way out of the room moments later, gently closing the door behind her this time

Twilight meanwhile chuckled just a bit at her luck for having such a good friend like Starlight. Deciding that it would best to take a quick nap to see if maybe that would help with her headache. Moving back to her desk, she pulled out a small pillow she kept under her desk just in case of these sort of incidents with a lack of sleep. Laying her head down on the pillow as she got comfortable. She already felt slumber take her over once more. Though one thought did cross her mind.




Just what the pony feathers happened to her last night??

Boring, so very boring…

That’s what it was currently for Tier, Apacci, Milia and Sung-Sun. All of them resting inside the room of the young six creatures that had saved them. It was morning and the six youths were out today for something called classes, since they were apparently in a so called school.

But as of last night at least, Tier and her girls had given the six their names. From Tier reintroducing herself first. The largest being Milia following second in a somewhat kinder way, the unicorn head one being called Apacci third and being the most aggressive about it. Finally with the Sung-Sun last and who was the sweetest of the new three.

Anyways even this day was boring so far. Milia was the only one to say something on this gnawing boredom.

“So boring… so damn boring. I don’t like it, those brats could be planning to stab us in the back.”

Sung-Sun rolled her eyes at her fellow clanmates paranoia. Not that she wasn’t a bit wary herself, but she at least believed that those kids were being honest with them about being allies. Lady Tier trusted them and that was enough for her. Still she at least decided to see if she could ease one of her clanmates worries a bit “Look, I myself can say that we’re not in such a… great position.”

“No shit.” Apacci quickly cut in, huffing somewhat as she was sitting next to Sung-Sun. Sung-Sun herself rolled her eyes. Though smirked a little at Apacci, poking her shoulder somewhat as Apacci blushed a bit “Stop that…”

“Stop what grumpy?”

Apacci just rolled her eyes back, averting her gaze as Sung-Sun chuckled a little while blushing too. Poking Apacci’s cheeks for a few moments as the two seemed to be suddenly in their own world with one another. Milia and Tier watching, confused as they looked at each other then back at the other two with them. Tier being the one to cut this rather… interesting interaction between the two.

“Ahem.” Tier coughed loudly into her hand. Apacci and Sung-Sun flinching before remembering that Milia and their Lady Tier were with them. Both quickly straightening themselves out as their faces were a bit flushed still “Anyways. I think we understand what you’re saying Sung-Sun. To be honest I still don’t have much recollection on what occurred last night before we found ourselves in this bedroom. But we should all get used to it for the time being.”

Milia couldn’t help agree with her lady, even if she personally hated waiting. It was probably the best idea. If the six youths reactions to their awakening last night and the purple one’s short reaction was any indication at how they’d be perceived by the populous outside. Again it was probably the best idea to stay inside. Though she couldn’t help smirking as she gave Sang-Sun and Apacci an amused gazed. She might as well make her own fun for a bit “Though me and Lady Tier could see if we can find somewhere else to go. You know, leave you two alone for some… fun.”

Apacci at least went beat red, while Sung-Sun bite her lip tapping the tips of her index fingers from the… accusation. Apacci the only one to respond back.

“S-Shut the hell up damnit!!”

Milia though just chuckled at her two clanmates embarrassment. Tier though finding Apacci’s and Sung-Sun’s reactions cute. Also she realized Milia just brought up a good point. A real good point. One she needed to address before the teasing could go any further.

“As amusing as it is to watch you three converse like always. I believe Milia brought up a good point.”

“I did?” Milia asked, curious on what she’d even said. BUT, who cared. Lady Tier complimented her and she was stoked from that

“Yes you did. The children said we had to stay out of sight. BUT, they never said in this room. Most likely they assumed we’d do so when they told us we needed to stay hidden.” Tier explained, moving over to the window that showed the area outside. The lovely green trees, lake side and the blue sky with white clouds. Ahead that was what she assumed was a village. Tier knew what she and her girl must do to escape this boredom. To do one thing she never did when it came to being the elder of her girls “Girls…”




She had to break the RULES!!!




“We’re sneaking out.”

The rather rare, but obvious response from the other three hearing their mother figure say what they thought she said was again…real obvious as the they smiled.


So far so good…

Yep, that’s how it was currently for the group of six young creatures. All having their lunch for the day before going back to class. So far it was peaceful. No slip ups or screams of hairless clothed monsters could be heard. Even so, the six couldn’t help but feel paranoid as they around a circular table. Lunches fresh and made for them like usual school lunches. But none of them could even think of eating the yummy looking food, just stare at it.

“So… we can all agree we’re worried right?” Sandbar asked, as so many bad scenarios of their odd guests in their room. Constantly played in his mind as he’d went through his earlier classes, he almost even considered lying in Miss Rarity’s class that he had to go to the bathroom. So he could make a quick dash to their room and see if their guest were still okay along with hidden

Thankfully Smolder was able to keep him calm minded. Since she took notice of Sandbars slow decent to a paranoid freak out in public. Not like she hadn’t felt anymore less paranoid, that or any of the others. Still at least so far none of them had snapped from the fear of their four guest being discovered during the day. But again, that didn’t mean it couldn’t happen. Out everyone, Ocellus was the first to answer back to the obvious answer.

“Yeah…” Ocellus answered. As she finally took a sip of today’s lunch, being apple cobbler soup. Tasty and warm like every Tuesday so far, but because of the current mood. This time it tasted like nothing “We are so gonna be found out.”

“Agree with Ocellus. Yona worried… real worried.”

Gallus just patted the back of their larger friend. Feeling just like everyone else. Though, he was trying his best to keep calm for the others. Mainly because he was one of the one’s who co-decided along with Silverstream to take the four with them in the first place. Even if he had been against it. Smolder herself deciding to speak up now at her friends worries.

“I don’t know. Tier seems to at least be the smart one of those four and the one in charge. Besides I’m sure she knows how important it is to keep hidden until…well if we’re able to show them off. I’m more worried about how our teachers will react to them.”

“Yeah… but Smolder’s right. I’m sure it will be fine. Besides not like they’d just go on out during the middle of-” Silverstream started to say, taking a sip of her own apple cobbler soup now. Only for her to look right outside the window and see well… all four of their guests leaping tree from tree towards Ponyville; which made Silverstream spit out what soup she put in her mouth almost hitting Sandbar. Who move to the right avoiding the liquid a split second before contact

“Whoa, Silver what was that for??”

“Yeah you almost sprayed Sandbar.” Gallus added in, surprised by Silverstream’s sudden actions

“S-Sorry… but look.” Silverstream muttered, pointing out the window as the others looked

Then they all went wide eyed, well more of Yona and Sandbar. Gallus pinched the bridge of his beak, Smolders left eye was twitching from stupefied anger, while Ocellus hoof palmed groaning as she could not believe this was happening.

“Come on… come on I vouched for you!?!” Smolder screamed, only for Gallus to cover her mouth as he looked around at the other ponies around them eating and talking with their own friends. Thankfully for Gallus it seemed none of the other students had taken notice of Smolders small rant

“I am really glad ponies are scattered brained at times.”

“Hey!?” Sandbar argued a bit, as he felt that was a small jab at himself. Gallus rolling his eyes a little as he shrugged

“Just saying is all Sandbar. But still… we should you know.”

The other’s just nodded in agreement, real quick agreement as they got up from their seats and left their food alone. Making their way out and hopefully able to sneak out of the school if only to make sure their new guest didn’t cause too much if any sort of trouble, if they were spotted.




They hoped at least.

This was so fun!!!

That’s what Sung-Sun thought gleefully as she and her clanmates leaped through the tree’s closing in on the town before them. She really had to appreciate the look of the town itself. It seemed so… peaceful. Though to be honest she and the others had learned last night that none of them had any real memories of their old lives. Aside from knowing one another and their Lady Tier.

But aside from that. Lady Tier had assured them that this was a new start, a new better start for whatever their lives would be in this world. Apacci and Milia may have been a little iffy on that even if they just nodded in agreement. Sung-Sun though, was a bit more positive on Lady Tier’s words. She was glad that even if they could be meat heads, that Apacci and Milia were still with them too. Especially Apacci.

Now granted she may not have had memories of her old life in their old world. BUT, she did have some memories or more of left over feelings from her time in well; where she and the girls had ended up after their apparent deaths. They had comforted each other she assumed, though an odd feeling in her chest occurred whenever she looked upon Apacci. Apacci seeming to get all flustered around her whenever they were near one another or spoke too. But it was a good feeling every time from what she felt herself and what she could sense off of Apacci.

They actually had held hands with one another for a while last night, when everyone else was asleep. No idea why but, she liked holding Apacci’s hand. Though she also learned, that she seemed to really like holding Apacci’s hand because she kept a firm if not… what’s the word… loving, yes. It was firm and loving hold as they just stared out at the moon that had shined in the sky and through the windows of the bedroom the six youths stayed in. Sung-Sun’s only reasoning on why she and Apacci were being like this with one another, was that they must have expressed some sort of feelings for each other in that world of nothingness. Which lead to them becoming extremely close from it. But again, it was all just left over fragments of emotions that she was using to make a conclusion on why she and Apacci were so close.

Either way. Sung-Sun was happy to just be outside. In the fresh air, feeling the warmth of the sun hit her and the colorful landscape in general. Along with being with Lady Tier, Milia and Apacci made this day already much more happier she’d admit. Still a few uneasy feelings still occurred last night, even when she and Apacci were basically snuggling up to one another. That seemed to come up, despite the good feelings she felt.

But Sung-Sun decided to let it be, as she was not going to let whatever bad feelings she felt so far. Ruin the moment currently. She was going to enjoy this day. Though she did wonder if she’d be able to hold back from hugging what she guessed was most likely. A village full of adorable fluffy creatures. Because if the kids were any indication of what could be in the village ahead. Oh boy was she gonna have a hard time. Though maybe she could ask to hold onto Apacci’s arm while they were there. She guessed her more aggressive clanmate wouldn’t mind. Just like she didn’t mind holding hands with her last night. But that would come later once they were as close to the borders of the village as they could be without being spotted.

Finally though. After what felt like minuets, they found a large, long thick tree branch; with the top of it covering it. Which gave the four a spot to stop and hide in plain sight from the villagers. A few moments later and they landed on said branch, before taking an observation of the residents of the village itself.

They quickly found that the village was filled with the creatures similar to the young one called Sandbar and the Princess named Twilight. Well mostly, some had horns, some had wings and some had neither. All in various shades of colors that mixed and matched. Along with those stranger images on their hind-quarters. Milia was neutral on it mostly, Apacci felt like her blood sugar just spike up a bit, Tier was just observing the lot and Sung-Sun.

Oh dear Sung-Sun. She had known this would be hard, but not this hard. She felt the need to just pick on up and hug them forever. Especially a grey furred one, with a yellow mane, a bubble like symbols on her hind-quarters and wings. That one was the closest to their spot and was freaking cute. That and the fact she. Sung-Sung assumed her to be, was eating a muffin and had in all rights, derpy like eyes.

“So… cute…” Sung-Sun muttered. As she truly was doing what she could to not just go down into the villager and kidnap one of these creatures to hug like a stuff animal

Though Milia at least took notice of Sung-Sun’s internal struggle. Smirking, she elbowed Apacci who grunted a bit as she looked at Milia. Who herself was gonna have some more fun with this. “Hey.. Apacci. Your girlfriend is cracking.”

“My Sun-Sun?” Apacci asked, using a rather sudden nickname for Sung-Sun; a rather cute one for just two girls who were ‘friends’. Though Apacci realized what she just said, that and the smirk from Milia. Making the woman growl a little “S-Shut up. Now get out my way, I need to calm her down before she freaks.”

Milia just snickered some more, as she watched Apacci pass her on the branch that was surprisingly holding the weight of the four still. All to help calm down Sung-Sun from freaking out in a cute crazed and scaring the populace most likely.

Tier meanwhile keeping an eye out on the population in the village ahead of them. Couldn’t help but smile just a little seeing the girls so… carefree. Yes that was the word, carefree. To be honest she was kind of glad none of them seemed to remember their old lives. That was perfectly fine with her. From what she remembered, it was better this way. Much better.

Still even if the new world seemed teeth rotting sweet so far. Again in a good way considering their pervious home, Tier knew better then to take it as just that. No, she knew even the sweetest of sights and places could still hold some form of danger. So Tier was observing and seeing what dangers could be waiting for them.

But as she inspected the area. She felt sometime… no someone or a few someone’s. It was a little past the village around what looked like a farm of sorts. At least to her guess. Yes this feeling all of sudden, it felt like how the girls felt to her species wise. Aside from slight differences, it was at least one or two of their kind here. So at that moment, she knew what she had to do.

Meanwhile Apacci, Milia and a now calmed down Sung-Sun took notice of Lady Tiers sudden silence. A bit confused on it, but more worried as for some reason they felt when their Lady was this quiet, it meant something was up. Sometimes bad and sometimes good, the girls felt like it was usually half-half on the possibilities when it came to their ladies silence. Sung-Sun being the one to address this sudden change in Lady Tiers disposition.

“Lady Tier, are you-”

But before Sung-Sun could ask more, their Lady Tier dashed away like she had through the village now. Fast enough thankfully that none of the creatures below seemed to take notice of her passing by then. All of this was a bit of a shock to the three.

“Crap, come on you two. Lady Tier must have a reason for this!” Apacci stated, following behind their Lady Tier moments later with same speed as Lady Tier

Milia and Sung-Sun just looked at each other. Sighing for a moment, before following behind Apacci moments later. Matching their speed as they hopped through the village. Both wondering on what in the world caught their Lady Tiers attention with such intensity. They didn’t take notice of the six young ones just coming into sight of the town itself. Seeming to have caught just a glimpse of them, before trying to keep up in a futile attempt…

Normal, so very normal...

That was what today was for the young three foals who were tasked to keep an eye on their two guests. The three being Aura, Rumble and Sweetie Belle. All having this be their day to play watchmen, all three having been able to sneak away from school to do so. Sure questions would be asked, maybe even some of them would get in trouble. But considering who their guest were, being that of Loly and Menoly. It was a worth wild risk to take, if only to help keep the two safe until further notice.

Loly and Menoly meanwhile, were quiet happy for the peace. They still were getting a hang of learning more on this world. They hadn’t been told much, since the foals said they’d get them books to read when they could. That fell upon Dinky and Silver Spoon to do so while they were at the school. They could have asked someone called Princess Twilight, but the foals had worried that may seem a bit suspicious if anything.

Still waiting until they got the books, was making the two young women restless. The foals though were nice enough to talk with them and keep them entertained. But Loly and Menoly could tell, their saviors were nervous. Scared even, they gave off that feeling to them. Not that either blamed the young ones. The two girls could guess, if they were found out by the wrong people or ponies in this case. Things could go bad real quick. So the Loly and Menoly opted to stay in the tree house with the three foals that were they watchmen for the day.

“So can I ask. But do those pieces of bone hurt at all?” Rumble asked, curious a bit since it seemed the pieces of bone weren’t part of their own skeletons. But another normal piece of their body on the outside

Though it did look like it hurt, mainly because for Loly and Menoly. It looked like each of their opposite eyes, where the bone pieces were. Were the actual eyes instead of well having a real eye. Which was why to Rumble at least, thought it looked painful in a way. Loly and Menoly couldn’t blame the colt for asking. They didn’t know much either thanks to their missing memory.

Menoly decided to answer for her and Loly, well answer with as much of the truth as she knew herself. Again thanks to her lack of memory and all “Honestly not really. It just feels as normal as your tails or the horn on Sweetie Belles head.”

“Really, but can you see through those bone pieces then?” Sweetie Belle asked, curious as she wondered if that was the case “I mean unless you have eyes under them?”

Loly now answered for her and Menoly, as this was how it had been so far between the them; and the foals. Simple yet an effective way of conversation between the different species.

“I think so Sweetie. To be honest we can’t really tell you much, like we said aside from our names. Neither me or Loly remember a thing. But still I hope we answered your questions a bit.”

“I think you did. I was going to ask the same thing as Sweetie. So yeah.” Aura replied kindly, looking outside “Maybe a little later we can take you two outside. So you can see a bit more than just inside here. No offense Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie Belle just shrugged, getting what Aura was trying to say. It would do Loly and Menoly some good to get out of the tree house for a bit. They didn’t even have to go out all the way near Ponyville. It could be somewhat close there, but enough that no one would take notice of the two or the three foals with them. Loly and Menoly themselves didn’t think that was a bad idea while they waited for the books to be delivered so they could start their study session.

But as the peace went on in this small part of the villages outskirts. A sudden pressure hit the five in the tree house, effecting Loly and Menoly more than any of the foals. Though the three younger ponies shivered from the feeling alone. Loly was the only one able to speak at the moment, having been the first one to snap herself slightly out of the sudden hit of pressure.


But as Loly was about to speak. The roof of the Treehouse broke, with a woman landing in front of them and the foals. Who’d moved behind Loly and Menoly by instinct, for safety when they felt the pressure. Still the two young ladies looked upon the older one, the older one who though was different in many ways. Gave off a feeling that she was the same as them.

As the older Lady though looked upon the five, three more landed right behind her. All different in sizes, skin tone, clothing and even the bone pieces on their bodies. But Sweetie Belle, Aura and Rumble at least took notice of the different feelings these four gave off. Loly and Menoly already had a somewhat suffocating presence to them.

One that the foals had gotten use to by this day. But these new four, they had same slight suffocating effect, but it was much more potent. The only reason the three foals believed they were still able to breath mostly, was because these four didn’t seem to give off the vibe that they wanted to kill them. It took a few moments, before someone else also came in. A hippogriff that seemed to be out of breath, slumping on the ground a little as she took in a few deep breaths. That and it looked like she was cringing just a bit, as she rubbed her left arm for whatever reason. Still the foals didn’t know who she was, aside from Sweetie Belle by reference alone.

“S-Sliver Stream… right?” Sweetie Belle asked loudly, everyone looking at the unicorn filly. Who didn’t take notice of them, only Silverstream as the hippogriff seemed to have caught her breath and looked back at her

“Yeah. Do we… know each other?”

Sweetie Belle just nodded no, since she, AppleBloom and Scootaloo had only heard of Silverstream; and her merry band of friends from Twilight and the rest of her friends/ their older sisters. A statement here or a few words there really. So yeah that was the only reason Sweetie Belle could tell this hippogriff was the one called Silverstream. That and she was the only hippogriff in Ponyville come to think of it.

“Oh okay then. No wait…” Silver Stream began to say, before she stopped herself and looked at the four newcomers. Looking a bit upset “Why’d you go. We said to stay hidden until like ah… I don’t know, till we found a good time for you to go out. That just mean what you did!”

The one that had the unicorn like horn and the tallest of the four either shrugged or rolled their eyes. The snake like one just chuckled and the older one who came in first sighed as she gazed upon Silverstream.

“I apologize child. But I felt a presence and who I found, were these two.”

“Who…” Silverstream asked, looking back at the three foals and realized, she hadn’t taken notice of the two creatures that were with them. One’s who were smaller, even smaller then Sung-Sun who was the smallest of Tiers group. But were in the end, the same species as their own special ‘guests’ were; the bone like pieces on their eye sockets were just too similar to not be “Oh. OH, wow. You really are like them. Who are you two?”

For a moment, Loly and Menoly felt like that maybe they should tell this off creature their name. Besides she was with others of their kind and she seemed nice. At least that was their first impressions of Silverstream. A few reassuring gazes from Aura, Rumble and Sweetie Belle helped their decision. So as they were about to say their names to a new… ally they guessed. It happened.








The sound itself was an unknown. It sounded like a sentient creature, yet in pain and inhuman all in one. The roar was loud as it echoed through the air, a pressure that wrapped around Silverstream, Sweetie Belle, Aura and Rumble in an instant. This one screaming death, screaming that it wanted blood. That it wanted to kill all around it.

Tier, Milia Rose, Sung-Sun, Apacci alongside now Loly and Menoly were six beings thrusted into a world that they knew nothing of. But as they heard this inhuman roar echo in the air. They couldn’t help but feel uneasy a little. It sounded so familiar, yet so unfamiliar at the same time. But the only thing that currently crossed their minds and the minds of the natives was…




‘What… was that?’

Author's Note:

And here we are. FINALLY. Sorry again for the wait there folks, again was a bit busy these past months. Well more the usual. Anyways though. Glad to have this chapter done, grammar checked to the best of my abilities and I’m happy how it turned out. I hope you all enjoyed it too, also thank you everyone one of you. Who have taken the time of day to read this story and follow it. I appreciate the support.

P.S: If there are some new things in this chapter, grammar and paragraph wise. I'm just trying a few new things to see how they work, and how people receive them.

Anyways I don't have much else to say in this authors note. Aside from again, that I hope you enjoyed the chapter! :twilightsmile: