• Published 14th Mar 2020
  • 2,820 Views, 39 Comments

A world of wonders - Mordred Knight Of Cutie

After a rather rough start with the School of Friendship a month ago. All has been going well for the main six and their friends. Until six special students of theirs save something not of their world. A creature know as an... Arrancar.

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The more, the merrier…

For I fear the unknown, yet the unknown today could be a wonderful thing the day after…


Dark… that’s all it was for her. Total darkness and silence, enough to drive most mad before long. But not for her. No… no, for she… what was it again she was trying to remember.

“Maybe I… no, no that wasn’t it. Was it?”

A young woman muttered, trying to remember what in the world had been going on with her. Her mind was so fuzzy. Her body felt as if she’d been crushed and dropped a hundred feet down onto somewhere. Honestly, she had no idea what was going on anymore. It was all so confusing enough.

“Hm I… wait, that’s right. I died.” The woman muttered once more. Barely remembering how it happened and more of the after math. That her being here. Wherever here was as again she couldn’t feel anything much anymore since well…she died. At least that’s what she concluded

To be honest the fact she knew she’d died wasn’t what was upsetting her. Well okay maybe just a bit. But aside from that. What was really bothering her on that particular issue, was that she mostly remembered the pain. Not the actual death itself. Which the young woman was kind of happy about. If she could remember her exact death. She may have gone insane already.

Though to be also be honest once more. She might as well let it happen. It was her in this place of neither life, death, light or darkness. Well her and someone else with her too. She couldn’t see them since she had her eyes closed still. But she could sense them. Their spirit energy that was all but familiar to her. But her mind was in too much of a jumble to properly remembered that too.

“Damnit come on. Think, think… UGH. No use. It’s just all fuzzy. This sucks, I’m stuck in who knows where with a woman who I know. But can’t seem to remember. Top of that remembering the pain of my own death. Just kill me already whatever is out there, just do it and end this madness!!!”

But nothing seemed to reply back. Just silence. The woman didn’t know what was worse. That there was no response or that maybe there would be sooner or later. Not like she knew what could, if at all lived in this odd place. She could die all over again and that was something she wasn’t keen on. So just floating in nothingness. The woman suddenly felt the need to…well let it out.

“It’s not fair… I don’t even remember what I did to die. But I don’t want to die. Not before I can remember or…. Know who this other girl with me is or something. I just don’t want to die a nameless face… someone help please…”

As she began to tear up some more, feeling her emotional barriers crumble from the situation she found herself stuck in. She stopped quickly when she felt a warm hand touch her own left hand. Before she could gasp, another hand covered her mouth.

“Shh… it’s alright. I not here to hurt you. Hm in actuality I’m here to send you and your little friend off like I did with the others. Not that I think you’d be of use no… you just. Just remind me of someone. Have fun.” A man stated. Calmly and fatherly at the same time. Though also his tone hid some amusement, along with some excitement

But before the woman could say anymore. She felt her body begin to vanish. Then she felt the hand of the other silent woman with her touch her face for just a moment. Before feeling that disappear as well. Within seconds she and whoever had been with her, were gone. Leaving only whatever had sent them alone as he chuckled.

“Oh yes. Let’s see what fun you and your little girlfriend can make. Who knowns maybe you can change…hehe who knows indeed?”

With no one else to speak with. The entity vanished. Leaving only silence to reign again. Pure, utter, maddening silence…


Yet again with the pain. That was what the woman first felt as she began to stir. Her head feeling like it just been bashed in with a rock, before being stomped on repletely. She could sense the other woman still. She was next to her. But the woman quickly realized she was now sitting on something solid, solid and made of wood. But she couldn’t seem to move much, then again the sudden soreness was probably why.

Without screaming in pain, but lowly hissing she decided since she couldn’t yet move much or find the strength to open to her eyes. She would listen and listened she did. Only to hear oddly the sounds of calmness and nature. A feeling of peace already enrapturing her own self. But before she could try and listen more, she hear three pairs of oddly… hoofs coming up what sounded like a wooden stair way.

She got her answer when she heard a door open. Defiantly hearing the hoof’s clomping closer to her. She would have attacked despite her weakened state. But she didn’t know what was in here now with her, for all she knew. Whatever it was could kill her easily. So again she decided to just wait and listen.

“Hey gals. Ya’ll think they’ll be fine?” What sounded like a much younger sounding girl, with a hint of a country accent asked

The woman was quiet surprised she understood whatever was inside at all. But kept on listening hoping she’d get an answer on what to do next. But she did hear from her left another young sounding girl cough to get whoever’s attentions.

“I’m sure. My sister said that whenever you’re hurt or find someone hurt. Just let them rest, keep them warm and that they feel comfortable when they wake back up!”

This much younger girl sounded more elegant in tone, but humble and a sweet heart as well. The young woman didn’t know how to procced yet still, she needed info and badly if she were to make a quick decision.

“Well we did all we could do anyways for them. But the lady here had a bad cut. Ugh… I’ve never seen so much blood at once. Even if it wasn’t that much but still…” A third tomboyish girl stated, sounding slightly off put as the woman was surprised that she’d been bleeding out “Still. I’m kind of glad we decided not to tell the adults.”

The woman herself, was now even more confused. –“Wait adults, how many people saw me or us or whatever?!?!”-

“Yeah. The town can get really jumpy at times.” The more elegant of the three little girls replied, sounding like that was a more than wanted regular occurrence

The woman, couldn’t help but now wonder on what kind of things lived in their so called village. That and she was even more curious on what the heck could have happened, to make these people or things so jumpy. But to be perfectly honest, she kind of didn’t want to know at the same time.

-“Alright…alright. Let’s go over what I know already. I’ve heard hoof steps, little girls and they can talk the same language I can… I have no idea. Damnit.”

The woman couldn’t help but feel a slight anger rise up in her. This whole confusion wasn’t helping, but she kept calm. Calm enough to realize she need to do something, something before this got any more frustrating. Just something…

“Hey are we sure she’s fully okay. Maybe we missed like a cut or something?” The tomboyish gal asked suddenly, as it seemed apparent that they hadn’t if her tone alone could tell

Meanwhile the woman could guess, by the sudden small gasps that they hadn’t “Hey ya, I don’t think we did gals.”

“Oh then should we ah…undress her then?” The elegant little girl asked as, the young woman already saw the imaginary red flags shot up

-“AND… there we go!!!”-

Forcing herself to fight through the soreness. She quickly stood up, hearing the gasps from the three little girls around her. Then finally she opened her eyes.

“THE HELL YOU’RE UNDRESSING ME YOU…….” The woman screamed. Only she stopped when she saw who or what exactly had apparently saved her. To be quiet blunt, she was shocked beyond belief

For what or who had saved her, was three small and admittedly adorable… ponies or foals as she suddenly just remember. These one’s being filly’s, what the females were called as she knew somehow. Fuzzy memory was such a hindrance currently. Still she could tell easily which voice belong to which pony. The one with the country accent must have belonged to the yellow coated pony with her big amber eyes, her long red mane or hair… just mane. Along with the big red bow on her head. The elegant one was easily the white coated pony with her big green eyes, horn on her head, then finally her pink and blue colored mane. Then the last orange coated filly, with brown eyes, purple short hair and two little wings. She just screamed tomboy. They also lastly shared a odd marking on their flank. Three stripped triple colored shields with three different emblems in the center. Each unique to the three filly's before her. Still the young woman could only say the most obvious of responses after seeing what she was currently.




Now, for a moment put yourself in these in the three foals shoes or…hoofs. You and your friends found a unknown creature with another unknown creature next to a second one. Both on the ground outside the town you lived in, bleeding out. Now most would just walk away in slight fear. Most or maybe not, who knows really. Still now imagine you and your friends do the noble thing. By taking these two into your tree house and tending to their wounds. Only to come back a little later to see one awake and seemingly ready to kill you. The appropriate response should be obvious…and it was.


The three foals scream at the top of their lungs, their feared filled lungs. So loud that the woman herself covered her ears, only to hear their screams barley muffled. Which only made the woman more irritated. But before she could respond back… the other one woke up from all the noise.

“WILL YOU SHUT UP!!!” The second woman screamed in a slight rage. Though as she took a gander at the first woman who somehow she knew, but couldn’t remember herself. Then the three small filly’s looking at her. This being her first sight since well whenever she’d been knocked out cold or killed. The response again was an obvious one


Then the screaming went and on… and on…

It was silent...

The two women sitting on their knees now. Next to one another as they stared at the three filly’s. The filly’s in turn doing the same. None of them speaking. Then again after five minutes of screaming their lungs out, which was painful as much as embarrassing. They couldn’t bother to right now. Only to stare, stare in such an uncomfortable awkwardness.



The five individuals looked to their right, up a little seeing a wooden clock. Just ticking the seconds and minuets away. The filly with the country accent was kind of regretting now of installing that in the tree house. Especially with how awkward it was currently.



Again none of them could keep their gazes off the rather irritating clock. Just ticking and tocking within this cage of colorful wooden awkwardness. What cruel god could allow this happen. Well none of them knew, still it was quiet irritating

“So…..” The tomboy filly muttered. Trying to break the ice finally, only she was interrupted by the clock

Tick… Tock

Tick… Tock

Before anyone else could say anymore, the first woman who’s eye was twitching by this point. Simply stood up, walked calmly to the clock. Lifted it from the nail that kept it up and then… threw to the ground. Repletely stomping the irritation with frustrated grunts. It was a good half a minute before she ceased her assault. Taking in a few calming breaths, as the others watched. The first woman then just calmly walked back. Sat on her knees and sighed.


The three filly’s couldn’t help but sigh a little themselves. Well it more of relief then anything for the death of the tick and tock clock of irritation. Why did they want in their tree house again, none of them could remember. But the southern accent filly decided to at least respond back to the extremely genuine apology.

“No, no. It’s fine ma’am…anyways ah….ah….” The southern filly stated, though other than that she couldn’t figure out what in the world to say next. She wanted to ask a question, a very obvious one. But to be perfectly honest. She was kind of scared too

Not that anyone could blame her, these two younger women. Well they came to the conclusion they were young and women since they seemed more what’s the word…girly. Yeah that was it. But also they had breast, though they were on their chests oddly and also small. Not small-small, just small. So the three filly’s had figure they were slightly older kids. Still there was also was the fact, the one that woke up first just curb stomped their annoying clock to death. So that was a red flag if any for a possible short temper and quick need to resort to violence. Again no judging here when it came to that justifiable fear of the two unknown creatures, before her and her friends.

So once more it was nothing but a room filled with thick awkward silence. So much awkward… long….silence. The two group yet again, just staring at each other having no idea how to start conversing with one another. That was until one of them finally had enough, which was the tomboy once more.

“Oh for the love of Celestia, what in the horse apples bucking son of Nightmare moon are you two?!”

The elegant filly gasped suddenly, standing up as she gave the tomboy a shocked gaze. Before following up with a scolding glare.

“Scootaloo language!!!” The white filly scolded, like a mother to a daughter oddly enough. It was quiet funny and also very heart melting at how cute this scene was playing out. As the tomboy gave her a ‘What?’ sort of gaze

Though it was the southern filly who decided to response to her friend’s odd phrasing, that and she really did sound like a mom right now “Did you really just say… language Sweetie Belle?”

“Well ah…yeah…um… oh I just sounded like dork didn’t I?” Sweetie Belle quipped. Realizing how much of a nagging mom she just sounded like, covering her face with her hooves as she was embarrassed now; especially when she did this in front of two strangers

Meanwhile the first young woman and her friend, who she was going to admit she found rather cute. But still, the two looked at one another confused. Then back at the filly’s, where the tomboy was snickering a bit, while the southern filly was patting the elegant filly’s back for comfort at the embarrassing moment. Before the same filly looked back at the two women.

“Sorry bout that, Sweetie Belle is easily embarrassed. Anyways… what are ya, really?”

The two women looked at one another again, confused a bit as to be honest. They had freaking idea. Their memories were like before, just way too fuzzy still to give a solid answer. Sighing, they looked back at the three. Seeing the tomboy having calmed down and moved back next to her friends. With the elegant filly was less embarrassed herself, all three staring back at the two women yet again.

“Sorry ah…kids. We can’t really say.” The second woman replied, rubbing her forehead a bit “Me and her I guess have lost a lot of our memory. So again we can’t tell you much even if we wanted to.”

The three filly’s looked quiet sad at that explanation. Looking to one another, before back at the two. The elegant one deciding to replied this time.

“Sorry to hear that. Hm, could we help you maybe get some or your memories back maybe?”

The tomboy gave her look all of sudden, like she was kind of worried at what Sweetie Belle was suggesting. Sweetie Belle, noticing this sighed. Rolling her eyes at what the two women guess was a accusations of something.

“No Scootaloo. I’m not using a spell on them, besides after learning about some of Twilights… incidents with that sort of magic. No thanks.”

The two women were now more confused than ever before. Everything these three were talking about just didn’t make any sense to them. It was quiet frustrating to be honest, but these two had a feeling these three were just being kids. Nervous ridden kids, but kids no doubt. So they let it be and didn’t try to be more demanding with some answers. The southern filly speaking up once again for the trio.

“Again sorry bout them. They can get that way at times. But ah…oh right I’m AppleBloom. You’ve already meet Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo is the one with the wings.” AppleBloom explained kindly, while Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had cease their little argument. Giving the two women nods at their re-introduction “How bout ya’ll. Can you tell us anything about yourselves at all?”

The two women yet again, tried to think on something. Anything back to their lives before ending up wherever this place was even. But nothing came up, if barely any snippets of their lives before. Just their deaths, their horrible… horrible painfilled deaths; but again nothing more from that. That was what the first woman already knew, while looking at the only other one of her kind. It seemed she had to same issue if her worried look was anything of indication. Sighing once more. They just nodded their heads in a ‘no’.

Now the three filly’s couldn’t help but feel even more sad at that fact, they couldn’t even imagine what it must be like to forget everything that made them well them. The elegant filly once more, deciding to bring up what she was going to suggest “So you don’t know either then…sorry to hear that again. But I was going to suggest. Maybe we can tell you how we found you, maybe somehow or someway you’ll remember something.”

“Actually I’ve been kind of curious how you found us or how you got us here. No offense but… you three are like super little. So it’s kind of hard to imagine you know.” The second young woman exclaimed, as to be perfectly honest these three filly’s looked like they couldn’t move a box full of pillows let alone them both. The three fillies looking to one another, before nodding and gazed back at the two women. AppleBloom yet again deciding to answer for her group

“None taken…. Somewhat.” AppleBloom quipped with a slightly irked look. But let it pass pretty quickly as her face softened “Anyways, it all started about almost now. Two hours ago…”

It had been such a lovely day...

Just AppleBloom with her two best friend’s Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Having this day to just relax and enjoy, which they we’re taking full advantage of at their tree house. AppleBloom having eaten a few apples her big sister gave her to share with the girls, Sweetie Belle knitting a bit even if she barely got any better at it. Then Scootaloo standing upside down for some reason as her face was a bit flushed red.

But speaking of Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle took a moment to stop knitting, giving her friend a look of curiosity and confusion. “Scootaloo…um, why are you doing that?”

“Oh…this… I’m…trying…to… s-so dizzy…trying to… make myself tougher!!” Scootaloo explained, as she was looking a little light headed by this point. AppleBloom now felt the need to speak her piece too with their dare devil of a best friend

“By standin upside down. How’s that gonna help??”

“Easy AppleBloom. I’ll…be able… too… too…” Scootaloo began to explain. Only feel the light headiness hit her hard. Thankfully AppleBloom threw the apple core of the apple she just finished. Right into the side of her head, Scootaloo a second later falling over on her right side. Dizzy as can be, but okay “Ugh… so…dizzy.”

AppleBloom couldn’t help but smirk a little and chuckle some at Scootaloo’s phrasing “Well maybe ya’ll shouldn’t do that next time. Right Sweetie Belle?”

“Right. But hey maybe if you do, we’ll join. Maybe…”

The three young filly’s laughed some more then, Scootaloo more of a half laugh and half sounding like she may need to barf. But, before anymore could happen. Suddenly they heard a loud echo screech above them. Quickly running to the window, dizzy or not. They looked outside seeing just a bit far off from their tree house. Near the border outskirt were the Everfree forest started. In their state of shock, the two didn’t hear the sudden sound of hoof steps. The door of their tree house being kicked in. Showing two new little fillies.

One was a pink filly with a white and purple highlighted mane, blue eyes, a tiara on her flank and wearing a Tiara. The other filly was a light grey furred one. Wearing a pair of light blue glasses, a light blue bead neckless, grey eyes, a light grey braided mane and the image of a silver spoon on her own flank. These two were Dimond Tiara and Silver Spoon respectfully. Former bullies, now good friends with the three filly’s inside the treehouse.

“Did you girls see that!?!!” Dimond Tira screamed, as she was wide eyed in shock, alongside Silver Spoon. The three filly’s realizing they forgot that they were going to have a meet up with these two here at the tree house. Quickly did their best to reply from all this suddenness

“Well ah we ah…”

“AppleBloom means ah….”

“Head still dizzy…crazy thing sky and…”

“Yeah…yeah I think they did DT.” Silver Spoon quipped, giving the three friends one of hers a dead panned look, Dimond Tiara face hoofing at how odd their friends could be at times. Not that she blamed them considering what just occurred… but still

Thankfully it didn’t take to long for Dimond Tiara and Silver Spoon to help the three shocked beyond belief filly’s to calm down. Since once they were, the five sat around in a circle discussing what they should do or not do. AppleBloom the first to speak up on her idea.

“I say we go see what it is gals!”

The only ones to give AppleBloom a nod for ‘no’ was Sweetie Belle, Silver Spoon and Scootaloo of all ponies. Wondering what was going through AppleBloom’s head, that and also kind of wondering why Dimond Tiara of all ponies didn’t seem to disagree with AppleBloom. Sweetie Belle being the one to say something back.

“Are you crazy AppleBloom, that thing landed near the Everfree forest. That place we’re not supposed to go to…even if we do…Never mind that. Look it’s better if we just leave it okay.” Sweetie Belle argued in the calmest manner she could, Silver Spoon deciding to go next against this

“Sweetie’s right. Besides what if whatever that thing that crashed was like some sort of monster from outer space!?!”

Dimond Tiara suddenly at least began to regret taking up comic books, thanks to Scootaloo showing them to her first. She quiet liked them… still, she was kind of worried Silver Spoon was getting way into them as of lately. That and anime too, a much newer form of entertainment. Either way Dimond Tiara was worried these comic books, might be influencing Silver Spoon’s mind a little too much as of lately. Scootaloo didn’t help either in that regard.

“Totally, maybe they’ll suck out our brains or they could even take wings as trophies!!” Scootaloo began to spout out, slightly scared herself which again considering how she was usually was; kind of raised of few red flags in the others. Dimond Tiara deciding to be the blunt one here

“Hey Scootaloo. Can I ask but… what’s with you today?”

Scootaloo flinched just a bit from the sudden question. Sheepishly laughing all of sudden as she looked side to side, then up at the roof. Before answering her friends accusation. Didn’t help when the others, agreeing with her or not gave her a questioning gaze. “Ah w-what do you mean… NOTHING… I mean. Nothing’s wrong with me. Hehe…”

“Seriously?” Silver Spoon asked, as she and the others just stared at Scootaloo. Staring and staring to make the filly to break from her obvious lies. It worked a little too well, as Scootaloo only lasted for five seconds flat

“UGH…fine. Look. I’m just tired of all…all… THIS!?”

But the other filly’s just gave her a confused gaze this time. Confused on what even Scootaloo was referring to as ‘THIS’. Scootaloo sighed realizing her mistake in wording and decided to try explaining it in a better way.

“Look all I’m saying is that I want a few weeks. A FEW WEEKS… where we aren’t facing or dealing with world ending or life ending situations. I mean do any of you realize that Ponyville basically has become the poster child for those sorts of situations?!?!”

“Wait really, since when and…wait how do you even know?” Sweetie Belle asked now, curious as she’d never heard of anyone referring to Ponyville in such a way. Not that it wasn’t somewhat… fully true about their beloved home town

Scootaloo just groaned. Seeming like she didn’t want to talk much on it or maybe she’d been hanging around some odd ponies when she wasn’t with the girls. Either way Scootaloo had heard quiet enough to get the picture on what others thought of their home town. Still she at least felt comfortable enough to say something back. “I’ve heard enough girls. Heard quiet enough to know. We ain’t looked on nicely.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve even heard my mom a bit when she rants about Ponyville. Even before all this oddness started up a few years ago.” Dimond Tiara added in, scowling a bit at the mention of her mother “Trust me. I’m pretty sure I know every swear there could be by now listening to her rants.”

“Hm…” AppleBloom just hummed in agreement with Dimond Tiara, but knew Scootaloo was most likely trying to shift the conversation so they’d stay in the tree house longer and not near the Everfree forest “Anyways. Look, gal’s we’ll all be together when we check it out. Besides we didn’t really have much goin on so. Ya know, might as well right?”

Dimond Tiara happily just nodded in agreement, before she and AppleBloom looked at the other three. Seeming to think on their words a bit. But it didn’t take too long before they all seemed to come into joint agreement. Looking at the two, AppleBloom and Dimond Tiara couldn’t help but smirk in utter smug victory. Knowing what the answer was already.




It had been such a lovely day, the word now being HAD...

“Alright almost there, see didn’t me and DT here tell ya it would be fine?” AppleBloom quipped, smirking ever so much still alongside Dimond Tiara who couldn’t help but say her own piece here

“Indefinitely. But we are quite a smart pair aren’t we hehe.”

Meanwhile behind the two filly’s, were Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon. Slightly irked at the teasing the two had been giving them so far. Still ever since these five became good friends finally. AppleBloom and Dimond Tiara had been hanging out quite a bit more, then anyone would have expected. Seemed that some of Dimond’s sassy rubbed off a bit on AppleBloom. But the same could be said for Dimond Tiara when they caught her at a time or so saying what most would call ‘Countryisms’ like she’d been saying them her whole life. Either way, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon knew they’d just do what they could to ignore the jabs. Scootaloo being the one to reply back, since most of the harmless friendly jabs were aimed at her.

“Yeah, yeah whatever you two. Just don’t blame me when we get in trouble…again for being here.” Scootaloo stated as she knew AppleBloom was allowed at least when visiting the medicine Zebra Zacora inside the forest. Then again AppleBloom had explained that she’d learn the pathway to Zocora’s hut fairly easy after two or three walks there “Look let’s just get to whatever that thing was that crashed is. Then we get back okay, besides I was going to see if Rainbow Dash wanted to hang out in a while.”

So with that said. No one said much, even the teasing had stopped. But again it was more of the fact the five realized the air around them was getting colder all of sudden. But the five filly’s kept on despite this feeling. Besides by this point they’d already crossed into technically the Everfree Forest borders. That and they could easily see small wisps of smoke in the air. So might as well since they were here.

It didn’t take too much longer for our five to make it with the crash site, the sudden cold feeling having ceased though. Replaced with that was now the feelings of shock and awe. As they gazed upon to creatures they’d never laid their eyes on before. Creatures that made them feel slight fear, yet they couldn’t help but find beautiful as these creatures were some form of females.

The first had now hair on her, aside from the black mane like hair on her head. Tied in two long pig tales held by two white bands. She wore a somewhat well, the fillies knew ponies didn’t wear clothes really. But still what this woman wore seemed a bit exposing to them. Since it was a sleeveless jacket that exposed a good part of her stomach, chest where her…ahem breasts were. That themselves were only covered by two cloth pads from the jacket itself. Showing off a bit of cleavage then needed short frilled skirt. Aside from that she wore two white pieces of cloth, that were pressed against her arms. A short frilled skirt and thigh length boots. All in the color combination mostly white, with back outlining. Aside from the boots that were opposite of in coloring.

The second woman there a slightly more olive skin tone. With short spiky blonde hair and wearing a white neckless around her neck. She also wore a pair of bracelets around both her arms. The rest of her attire was still a little revealing. But not as much as the first. Her attire consisting of short sleeve collared white dress, with the top unzipped showing off a little bit of her breasts. Her sides were also exposed a bit and a bit of her thighs. Lastly she wore a black socks and sandals. Again all in mostly white and outlined in black.

But what caught the five filly’s attention. Wasn’t their attire or the fact they looked like hairless minitours. But it was the two bone like masks over their eyes. A bone mask over the first woman’s left eye as some of her hair covered it, while a bone mask covered the right eye of the second woman; with some of her own hair covering it.

None of the filly’s could explain it. But just looking at those masks gave them an intense chill down their backs. One that screamed for them to just back away and leave them be. But even if this sudden threatening gut feeling ran through their entire being. For some reason. None of them decided to run away, even the three filly’s who didn’t want to be here in the first place. Instead Sweetie Belle was the first one to run up to them both. After seeing something very worrying on the first young woman’s right side and the second one’s left arm. Small puddles of blood underneath them.

“Miss, um other miss are you okay??” Sweetie Belle asked, worried as she could see they both were still breathing since their chest were slightly moving up and down even few seconds “Girls he-”

Sweetie Belle was about to plead, before seeing AppleBloom, Dimond Tiara, Scootaloo completely over her own worry with this trip and Silver Spoon looking the same way as Scootaloo had. Already coming down up to her to help out. Sweetie Belle for a moment was a bit surprised by this suddenly. Then again she was also surprised she was the one to go near these creatures first.

But after thinking on it for a few more seconds. She realized it should have been expected. For even though their beloved small town of Ponyville had become what most would call. The main attraction of world ending situation and such. It had also thanks to six very special ponies. Become to many others a beacon. A beacon for what. Why one for what could be considered the true definition of their nations most beloved law of life, ‘Friendship is magic.’ It was again all because of the six ponies that lived in this town, each having effected the lives of its citizens. Changing them always for the better one way or another. Instilling to them virtues most had lacked many years before now. So to Sweetie Belle, that was why it became so clear. Because in the end of the day, they’d all learn how to be braver and to overcome fear. Even when faced with a bleeding creature of unknown origins.

So as she and her friends looked over the too. Making sure the two creatures could be moved and other precautions. Sweetie Belle herself couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride in herself and her friends. She wondered if maybe one day, these creatures before her would become good friends of theirs. She hope, because she could already see this friendship could be so…so… magical.

Time sure flies by when telling a story....

“And that’s how it happened.” Silver Spoon finished explaining. Having come in only a few minutes ago with Dimond Tiara. Almost having also freaked out seeing the two women awake now. Glad they were alive of course, BUT still a bit shocked by them being awake so quickly

It was thanks to Scootaloo and AppleBloom covering the two filly’s mouths before they could scream that helped. That and Sweetie Belle quickly explaining what had been occurring before their return. From what happened at first, what had been explained and what they had been doing beforehand. It didn’t take too long before Dimond Tiara and Silver Spoon turned from shock to pity with these two women. Especially after hearing on that could only remember just a bit, if barely anything at all. Which was why by this point, Silver Spoon finished off explaining the origins of how the two were discovered by them.

Meanwhile, the two women were quiet shocked themselves. The second one more then the first since she hadn’t been truly awaken when that man sent her and the first woman to this place. The first young woman now wondering why they had been bleeding, she at least knew back in that place of nothing; they had no wounds. So her only conclusion was that the man’s sendoff had ended in their wounds. Which now she could feel a bit more easily on her side. She was glad these filly we’re there to help them out or who knows what could have happened to either of them. But suddenly she realized one earlier question that hadn’t been answered yet.

“Wait… I get me and my friend here we’re found by you five. But still how in the world did get us back here. Like my… friend here said. You kind of look weak or well…ah never mind. Look I’m just asking because you’re well little kids you know?”

But instead of seeming offended, the five filly’s suddenly…cringed. Like real bad, not the sort of cringe that you get from seeing something embarrassing. No this was full on your parents showing childhood photos to your date sort of cringe. The type that was in a mix of panic, embarrassment and worry. But for these five, the two women could tell it was just a cringe mostly filled with a nervous panic. Dimond Tiara was the one to address this sudden case of cringe.

“Eh… promise you won’t get mad hehe…”

The second woman raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms and giving a look of scolding disapproval all of sudden to the pink filly as she addressed her plead. “You know when you ask people not to get mad, they usually end up getting mad. Just saying.”

“Yah… okay I think we get ya.” AppleBloom replied back now for Dimond Tiara who blushed a bit from the realization of the dumb plead she’d just asked of these two “Look we may have found ya. BUT…we did have some other help.”

“How many?” The first woman asked now, kind of worried since she had a bad feeling if too many people knew that could cause trouble for them

The five looked at one another, trying to get someone else to say something at least. After a few bouts of silent arguing. Silver Spoon seemed to draw the short end of the stick, as she was gently pushed in front of them. Silver Spoon, impressively kept calm even if she was nervous on the inside. Clearing her throat she decided to get this out of the way as fast as possible.

“Okay so, like you said we couldn’t get you two here even with just the five of us. So when we did find you, Scootaloo and me were sent out to the town to see if we could find something to like pull you in. BUT…we did run into some issues.” Silver Spoon explained, but saw the two women just give her a look that easily said ‘Go on.’ “Right well anyways. First off me and Scoots tried to see if we could get a cart. But we ran into someone we knew. A colt called Rumble. Said he had a cart we could barrow since he overheard us talking about needing one. BUT then he wanted to come with us and made that a condition if we wanted his cart. So we agreed. Then of all the things to happen to us Featherweight and Pipsqueak just so happened to have overheard too. So they asked if they could come since they only barley saw whatever you two were in before crashing and guess that’s why we need the cart. Like Rumble had. Anyways I was going to say no. But then Rumble the idiot say ‘Oh sure come along!’ So we we’re stuck with them. Then oh it get just better… So anyways turns out Button Mash overheard too. That and he was with like three more of our classmates. The fillies called Pina Colada, Aura and Dinky Doo. So they wanted to join in too. Again I was going to say no, BUT SCOOTALOO… sorry. Scootaloo here said why not and let them join. So we got the cart, had a whole other group with us and made it back. So with us five plus those other seven. We got you both in the carts fairly easy. Though I will say they almost freaked out. But AppleBloom was able to get them to calm down enough. So that’s the story and basically including us five in here. There are twelve in total that know about you so yeah… hehe…”

It was silent once more, as the two women stared at Silver Spoon in silence. Then the other five, then at each other; before back at the five filly’s. Sighing and face palming seconds later at the news of how many already knew of them. Which only made the filly’s feel somewhat uneasy like they were going to get yelled at. AppleBloom decided to try and play peace maker…again.

“W-We’re really sorry. We didn’t mean ta honest.”

The others nodded in agreement, though one of them decided to ask Silver Spoon a bit more on the part with Button Mash and the three girls he was hanging with. Just to ask…nothing more or possibly jealously fueled. Yep… still, the two women knew it wasn’t like they meant to. But that didn’t mean the headache this was going to cause. Wasn’t already being dreaded about by these two. The first young woman decided to plan something on the spot.

“Alright…alright ah... How about this. You five get those other seven and we meet somewhere private. We’ll be here and once you do that, just send someone to take us there or we’ll just get going or something. Point is we’ll try and make a plan so no one outside of you twelve freaks out about us. I’ve heard enough screaming as it is. Understood?”

“Yes ma’am.” The five filly’s replied back, feeling a bit more at ease now since it didn’t seem they were too upset about this

With that the first woman just motioned them to get going, which they did seconds later. Once alone, silence came yet again between the women who we’re all but trying to keep a headache from forming. That was until the second young woman broke the silence.

“Hey…” The second woman said, as the first looked to her seeing her comrade rubbing her own forehead in slight frustration “I’m going to say this once… but I think this is just the start of our troubles.”

“Yeah same here….same here.” The first woman simply answered back, as both memory loss women just sat in silence contemplating what may happen next…

“So everyone’s here then?”

The one who asked was AppleBloom. As she and the girls were inside the barn within the Apple’s family homestead. Thankfully today her brother and granny were out to make a delivery of apples to a neighboring town. While her big sister was at the school of Friendship for her classes she teach. So they had the barn all to themselves. With the five filly’s, were now the other seven in their little group that knew of the creatures.

The first was Pegasus colt, grey furred with a black blow back mane and had light purple eyes. His name was Rumble one of the only few guys friends the girls hung out with. Next to him was another Pegasus colt, with a much thinner body then the rest, slight bigger head and bigger ears. Having a light cream coat and a short brown mane with big eyes and two small-ish buck teeth. This was another of the girls guy friends Feather Weight.

Next to Feather weight stood yet another colt in the group. Smaller than most of the others with a coat that was white and had light brown patches on it. He also had brown eyes and a brown mane. This was Pipsqueak an earth pony and one of the girls first guy friends back to a few years ago. But next to Pipsqueak was the last colt here who so also happened to an earth pony. With a light brown coat, a short red-ish brown mane, amber eyes and wore a propeller beanie on his head. This was Button Mash, one of the colts who could be considered an avid arcade gamer, along with being the girls friend as well. Even if one of the may look at him in a more…ahem, different light.

Anyways, the last three there were the only other filly’s. The first one was a light purple coat filly with aura colored hair and aura colored eyes. No surprisingly her name was simply Aura an earth pony. The other filly had light pink coat, with a long dark pink man that had a small highlight of semi-light pink in it. She also had light aqua green eyes. Her name was Pina Colada another earth pony. The last was a light purple coat filly, with messy blonde hair, amber eyes and a horn on her head. This was Dinky Doo a unicorn. The first two weren’t as close of friends with the five girls with them. The guys a bit more, but then again these two seemed to keep to themselves a bit more than others. While Dinky Doo was better friends with the five girls before them.

Scootaloo meanwhile hearing this question as it was obviously, couldn’t help but rolled her eyes a bit as she faced AppleBloom. “Well yeah, what kind of question is that Bloom?”

“I was just askin is all Scoots.”

“Girls maybe we should get back to the why we’re here?” Sweetie Belle quickly cut in, as AppleBloom and Scoots just nodded before looking back at the others in their group of twelve. Scootaloo nudging AppleBloom to speak up as she sighed, having a feeling she’d be then one to be explaining most of what’s been going on to the rest

“Right, so since we’re all here. You can guess why we called you.” AppleBloom explained as she hoped so. If they did, meant less for her to explain…she again hoped

The new seven looked to one another, then back at the girls. Aura being the one to answer for her side of the group. “Well yeah. It’s about those creatures right. Are they okay too. I was kind of worried when I saw all that…ugh… blood.”

“Yeah I’m wondering too. It didn’t seem too bad…but you know.” Rumble added in, as he like the others were curious on how the two creatures they’d help move to the CMC’s tree house were doing. Thankfully they’d get their answer soon, as Silver Spoon decided to speak up now

“Glad you asked. Gals, you can come out now!!”

Without missing a beat the two women, who’d been hiding behind a large stack of hay bales came out. Slowly, but with calmness to them if only to make sure the seven new additions didn’t freak out. Even if they all showed concerned for their wellbeing. So for almost half a minuet the two women stared at the seven new foals. While the foal’s in turn looked up and back at them. It didn’t take too long before Pipsqueak slowly walked up. Seeming rather extremely calm as he smiled at the two.

“Hi I’m Pipsqueak nice to meet you!!”

The two women didn’t know how to respond to such the.. well the warm welcome. They expected some wariness or something, but Pipsqueak at least looked calm as can be around them. So they both just smiled a little and waved back at the young colt. The other new foals, seeing the two women were friendly enough. Decided to go up as well, to say hello to the creatures they helped save not too long ago.

“Hi, I’m Featherweight!!”

“I’m Rumble, nice ta meet ya!!”

“And I’m Button Mash. Warrior of-” Button mash began to say, to seem cool with these two most likely aliens. Only for someone else’s hoof to cover “Mfff, mfff…”

The foal who did the act, was Dinky Doo who gave the colt a small assumed smile before looking back at the two women “Sorry he’s like that sometimes. But he’s nice enough. Also I’m Dinky Doo. Nice to meet you new friends!!”

“Friends?” The second young woman asked, a bit shocked by how quickly these new foals seemed to take a liking to them. Even if they didn’t remember much. They knew at least that it shouldn’t be this easy to get close to people or ponies as of now. Thankfully the two other new filly’s took over with the talks.

“Yeah new friends. Besides it’s always so nice to make new friends. Oh and I’m Aura, nice to meet you too!!” Aura cheered in utter glee, with a big kind smile towards the two women

Pina Colada couldn’t help but agree with her fellow classmate. As she skipped happily closer to the two creatures of unknown origins before her. “And I’m Pina Colada. I hope we too can be super friends. Also I like your eyes, they’re so pretty!!”

“Oh well… thank you then.” The first young woman quipped, smiling sheepishly as she looked to her only other comrades in the species bin giving her a look back. One that pleaded for her to just to do the talking, since it seemed she was bad at it. The first young woman couldn’t help but sigh as she decided now was better than ever to explain the situation and the plans for the future ahead or at least what they came up with so far. Which wasn’t much sadly “Anyways kook kids ah… can I ask you all a favor. I need you all to understand that me and my friend here would like to stay hidden for a while. I mean we’ll still be here and you can all come to see us. But well we’re just wanting to have some time to maybe see if we can get some memories back from our past. We kind of lost our memory, like completely so… can I ask you all to keep us a secret for the time being?”

“Yeah please, besides like my friends said. We’ll still hang with ya since you did save us. Thanks for that anyways.” The second young woman added in, kindly giving all the foals a warm smile “So what do say kids. Can you help keep us secret for the time being?”

Meanwhile the girls all stayed quiet, worried a bit as they saw their seven other friends seeming to think on it. Looking at each other, then the two women for a good minuet or so. Then it was silent. Before they all smiled and gave their more than obvious answer.


The two women yet again we’re quite surprised by that, even the girls somewhat. But they were relived too that they wouldn’t have any problems. Still the first young woman couldn’t help but express her own surprise.

“Really, well that was easy…like really easy.” The first young woman exclaimed as she didn’t expect it to be this easy or for the foals to be so willing to keep them a secret. From what she’d barely remembered, kids weren’t the best at all when it came to hiding secrets

“Well yeah. Besides if the adults found out…well. They can be a bit…” Rumble answered, as he tried to finding the nicest word to describe how the adults usually acted when new kinds of creatures either showing up by accident or to attack them

“Crazy.” Pipsqueak answered first, rather bluntly from how the small colt usually was. Aura quickly following his lead as a word came to her just like that


Featherweight chuckled at least as that was pretty true so far. Going next as he had a good one. “A mad mob of crazies.”

“Dude’s that’s a little much. I’d say more like they go all brain dead.” Button Mash also bluntly exclaimed. But considering he seemed to be way more natural when he was blunt, kind of wasn’t too much of a shock like with Pipsqueak. Dinky Doo gave the colt a slight smack on the forearm “OW, I was just saying sheesh!?”

“Still it was rude Button, besides they’re not that bad.”

Dimond Tiara couldn’t help but back up Button on this one, since she shared a similar view as the gamer pony. “Dinky, just last week they almost started a riot in a whole afternoon after they thought Pinkie Pie had poisoned the water supply with Poison Joke.”

“But then it turned out that it was just a Timber Wolf that picked up some in its mouth before getting sick off of it and spitting out right near the water source we use.” Pina Colada added in, as she remembered that week. It wasn't their towns proudest moment, amongst a few others during the past few years

“I still remember the cake that fell in the line of duty that horrific day…” Rumble explained with a slight sniffle. As Pinkie had made a wonderfully and tasty looking large cake to share with everyone the very day for whatever reason. Which was when most of the adults all assumed it was her since she’d been the last one to venture just a little bit into Everfree forest where the Poison Joke grew the most around. The cake was crushed in the angry mob afterwards, never stood a chance and the foal’s had really wanted to eat some of it. Speaking of, Featherweight decided to add in his own two cents to the conversation at hand…hoof… never mind

“Thankfully Twilight and her friends were able to expose what really happened before they drove Pinkie out of town.”

“Then after that, they started of with a whole new friendship lesson about not assuming before well I don’t remember since I was sad about the cake.” AppleBloom explained lastly “That and the fact it all seemed to last and end in thirty minutes or less.”

All the foals just nodded in agreement at the example of the rather than unbefitting behavior the adults in their life’s should displayed. Heck some of the foals here even began to question how they’d end up from living in this crazy small town. The two women just were a bit shocked by what they heard, though it was more of a confused shock then anything. The first young woman deciding to say something finally after the strange explanation.

“I have several question.”

“No time. I’m actually now more worried if we stay any longer my sister might catch us.” AppleBloom replied back, as the others just gave her a sudden ‘What??’ stare “What, I’m just sayin.”

“But you said she’d be out today!!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed a bit angrily as AppleBloom flinched a bit before replying back

“Well I did. BUT… then I remember today she doesn’t have classes to teach and also that she was out today because she was going to deliver some apples to a few folks in town who ordered some. So she could be here any minuet…hehe”

The others just either sighed or face hoofed. Silver Spoon deciding to take over “Okay then how about we just ah…um…meet back at the tree house kay?”

The rest of the group just nodded in agreement, seeing as that would most likely be the safest place. Actually now that they all thought more on it. Why did they come to the barn anyways… either way now they knew that they’d at least be safe enough to talk more with the two women at the tree house. But that suddenly brought up a question in all of them, that they had completely forgotten to ask considering the shock of the day these past few hours. AppleBloom by this point from habit, asked for herself and the others.

“Hey ah, before we get going. I know you two said you lost pretty much all your memory. But…” AppleBloom stated, seeming a bit shy to ask as the two women were curious on what AppleBloom was going to asked of them. Who herself took a quick breath, before feeling better to ask them her rather serious question “Are you at least able to tell us your names?”

At that moment the two women went a bit stiff, like a something triggered a few more memory of something. Small glimpse of events barely there echoed in their minds. So quickly that neither noticed the foals seeming to get worried.






So many faint memories…



None of them made sense…



Name…name…did they ever have names…?

As the two tried to get a hold of their minds, racing with constant barely understandable pieces of memory. Yet again they didn’t notice what was all going around them. Until finally they got a wakeup call thanks to one Sweetie Belle. Who had got a bucket of water and dumped it on them. Both women soaking wet now as they blinked their eyes. Before they finally looked around seeing the foals looking at them with concern. Then at Sweetie Belle, who’s horn glowed a pink energy around the very wooden bucket she’d just used. Before it stopped once place onto the ground.

“Sorry, but you two were acting all weird. We got worried… but are you okay?” Sweetie Belle explained, concerned herself as the first woman yet again decided to answer for her and her friend

“Yeah…sorry. Just, I think at least for now I remember my name. What about you?”

The second woman just slowly nodded, as she did as well. It was quite a shock but a welcomed one as she smiled “Same. But I’m glad at least we got something now.”

“Well what is it!!” The twelve foals asked in slight exactment, as the two women couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at the behavior of the children. Looking to her friend, the first woman kindly gestured the second to go first

Which the second woman gladly did, clearing her throat to address the foals who looked at her and her friend now with eyes of wonderment. It was quiet cute actually and she couldn’t help but gush inside a bit before finally speaking.

“First off I want to say again. That I’m glad to meet you all little ponies. So you may call me Menoly Mallia.” The second woman or now Menoly said calmly and with a warm smile as she could hear one or two of the fillies say her name was ‘Pretty’. That got a slight bigger smile out of her, before motioning her friend to go now

So like Menoly, the first woman cleared her own throat. Ready to state her name as she kind of felt oddly giddy. She didn’t know why, but she also found the looks of awe from the foals adorable in every way.

“And you may call me Loly Aivirrne. I want to thank you twelve very much again for saving us. We’ll do whatever we need to help you out with keeping us a secret. That and again we’ll hang out with you whenever you feel like it. Who knows maybe one day we’ll even be able to expose ourselves, with your help of course.” Loly sweetly stated, as she found this rather…nice and peaceful

So with their names officially told and with a slight boost of moral. Loly was ready for the world so as long as she had her name, the foals and Menoly. She would be ready for anything really, no matter how bad it could get. Even though she was getting a rather ominous feeling.



“A new life huh…”



-‘Did she deserve it…for some reason she felt like she didn’t.’-



But as Loly was starting to feel conflicted, since some of those extremely vague memories seemed like unpleasant one’s. She decided seconds later her answer to her own self-doubt. Smirking as she looked out to the world that would be her new home for who knew how long.

“Well kids, Melony. Let’s get our new life started today!!!”

Without even waiting for any responses she began to make her way back to the tree house, on the pathway they used to get to the barn in the first place without being seen by the townsfolk. Menoly and the twelve foals giving her a confused stare. Then looking at each other shrugging, before following behind Loly.

But none of them knew of what would transpire the same night later on or the roles they’d play in the future ahead of them. The future that would never be the same, rather they liked it or not…

Author's Note:

AND, hello again. Finally got the chapter up and ready. I do hope you all like it. Sorry it took long too. Just with this whole virus going around. I've been just helping out my folks more with their chores they usually do alone. It helps them feel a bit safer and makes them go quicker.

Anyways as you may have seen. Yes I did add other Arrancar's into the fray. Now our first four are the main one's. BUT... I never did say I wouldn't add other one's into this story. But don't worry, I do plan on only adding three more in. Mainly one's who aren't usually used in fic's and one's l liked personally a lot for one reason or another.

But after that no more. Trust me I do other fics were I have....just a lot of characters in general. Well one to be exact and as fun as it is to do. It's also quiet a hassle to deal with. Which is why I now make so many lists for my fics out of habit.

Oh also I do hope I got the personalities right for the foals I included in. At least the more well know one's or one's that the fandom kind of helped craft with their personalities in various fics. And I do hope you like the inclusion of two rather not very well know or used fillies as well. That being Aura and Pina Colada. I just always found them adorable even if they had little to no lines or use in the show itself. Also I'm using their earth pony versions to make things just a bit easier since that's what comes to memory on those two.

Now then I hope you again enjoyed this chapter and some of the changes I've done to have scene changes work. Again if any of you feel like telling me the good or bad here. Be as honest as you want, all the feed back again helps me with improvements to the story/ my writing skills. Oh one more thing actually. As you see Loly and Menoly don't have much of their memories. While it seemed in chapter one Tier does still. There is a reason for that and one I promise will be explained one way or another.

So now with all I need to be said, I wish you all the best day's ahead and that you will stay healthy as can be during these times. Until the next chapter, see ya!!! :twilightsmile:

P.S: I decided just for the fun, to give my fic a little theme song. I know it's from an anime already (One that I love like a lot!!!). But I decided to use it because why not. Give me your thoughts on it. : )

(P.S: Anime is Gundam IBO)

Link of the theme: Rage of Dust - YouTube