• Published 14th Mar 2020
  • 2,819 Views, 39 Comments

A world of wonders - Mordred Knight Of Cutie

After a rather rough start with the School of Friendship a month ago. All has been going well for the main six and their friends. Until six special students of theirs save something not of their world. A creature know as an... Arrancar.

  • ...

The pieces are in place...

Silly is most dangerous when serious, Serious is most gentle when silly...


That was the emotion, a rather lovely woman felt. For she was fair skinned, with dark plum curly medium length hair. Her lovely purple eyes, light purple lipstick and two light purple tear drop markings under her cheeks only added to her lovely looks.

What she wore was a frilly dress with puffy sleeves that cut off and a pair of knee-high boots. She also wore a pair of fingerless evening-style gloves and leg warmers that attach to garters at her thighs. Also there was a set of two wings on her back. Finally she had a bone like circular hair pin on the front left of her head with three bead like strings hanging from it. All in all again. This woman was one lovely site to see.

Still this woman was feeling utter confusion. For she had been walking through a large snow covered forest, it was somewhat sunny and the gray overcasts skies could be seen. Still the woman again was rather confused...

"Awe what a cute little snow covered wooden wolf you are. Yes you are, oh yes you are!!!"

Oh...also she felt an incredible amount of irritation. From what or in this case who. Being the only other person that she was stuck with. A man, a very chipper happy go lucky man that she wanted to pile drive into the ground.

The man in question was a muscular average sized person, his slightly tanned skin, brown eyes, jet black hair with two spikes poking up like horns and a mustache/ goatee distinguishing his looks. Wearing a fully white, with some black shirt, pants and boost with a black piece of cloth tied on the left side of his pants. With a bone like plate on his forehead. This man looked rather like a bull in a way.

The fact this man was so chipper when the lady was confused; irked her. She was annoyed at how sweet he was acting, especially with making friends with these odd snow covered woodland creatures. Everything to be honest if you asked the lady, was just one big pain currently. At least for her that is.

“Now off you go back to your nest, have a good one and stay safe!!” The man quipped in a much chipper mood as the wooden wolf gave him one last lick on the face before running off

By this point the lady was on her wits end with this man, his joyfulness was grating her nerves by the second. Looking back at him she gave an irritated huff “Can you not?!”

“Hm, cannot what missy?”

“Be…well….YOU. You’re just so…UGH!!” The lady groaned as the man stood back up, confused a bit at this woman’s attitude “And also its not missy. It’s Cirucci Sanderwicci!!”

And yes, in fact even though the lady or Cirucci had awoken in this forest. The only thing she knew or remember at all for that matter. Was her name, Cirucci Sanderwicci. Which considering her looks when she looked upon her reflection in a frozen puddle and she could already understand how she got such a lovely sounding name.

The man thought over the name, as he smiled seconds later once more so kindly “Ah yes, quiet a lovely sounding name. Even if it’s tied to such a rotten little girl.”


Cirucci swore she was SO…so very close to just chocking out this man before her. The only reason she hadn’t was again. Because she was stuck in this forest with no sign of a way out yet. She also didn’t want to be alone, with the possibly of being killed by various wild life or the cold even if they barley felt it. Though being around this man for almost two hours by this point. She was starting to contemplate if possible death by wild life/ eventual cold taking her over would be more preferable to well… being with the overly chipper smart mouthed man before her.

The man just chuckled a bit at her reaction, smirking as he seemed so chipper and kind. But it also seemed he also had quite the mouth on him “And you only prove my point my little purple angel. But call me by my name si (Yes), Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio!”

“That is like literally to long of a name to care to remember…” Cirucci mused, as she was not going to remember that whole name what so ever “Besides oaf sounds like such a more appropriate name.”


Cirucci just rolled her eyes at what she was considering an act of being hurt by her words, truly she was now really considering possible death in this snow forest of hell then spend another minuet with Dordoni. Though… she knew she’d stick with the man. Mainly because he was the only one of her kind, whatever that was. That was here with her and once more she didn’t want to be alone. If she was gonna die one way or another, she was going to have someone with her the whole way for it. Even if said company was just… ugh.

Though before anymore banter could be spared between the two. They hear, the sounds of a crying baby. Coming from their far left, followed by the sounds of… clopping of all things. The clopping of hoofs running towards them.

Cirucci and Dordoni wondering what the heck this was about. Fully facing the direction the ever so louder clopping against the snow was coming from, before seconds later a female pony or mare with a dark brown coat, a black mane, golden eyes and a mark on her flank. One that looked like the wind blowing in a quick manner appear. In the mare’s mouth, was held a foal wrapped up in tight cloth bag. Her big green eyes and white coat face the only thing seen. As the foal was crying, trying to escape.

Though meanwhile as the mare herself ran, like the wind itself. She couldn’t help but feel nervous still. Then again this mare had just kidnapped a baby Alicorn from her home. How she got out, even with her unique skills in running away. She had no idea, but the fact that the baby foal hadn’t used any of her magic. Most likely because she was too scared and crying too much to think on doing so by instinct alone even. The mare couldn’t help but also feel lucky. Very lucky… well until she crashed.

“GAH!!!” The mare screamed as she felt suddenly crashing against something, which shot her back against the snow. Thankfully she had a good grip on the bagged baby Alicorn, that and she landed on her back so the foal hadn’t been harmed. Still irked at the sudden halt in her escape, she looked back up in a slight fury “Mfay, Whv zid zhaaaaa…… (Okay who did thaaaaa……)

The mare couldn’t really stay mad at the moment, no her anger turned to total stunned shock as she eyed the two creatures before her. In full white, with bone masks on them and just… looking like some of the oddest hairless creatures ever. She just stared and stared, wide eyed at this encounter. She even dropped the foal she’d been holding up with her mouth. Though the one she guessed was the male, had caught the foal. Who a bit upset, seemed to calm down rather quickly when the foal looked upon her accidental saviors. Though the female of the two odd creatures, knelt down staring the mare I the eyes. Who stared back, but the mare didn’t expect what happened next. The odd female creature… poke her faced.

“Oh my lord… you’re real.” The female creature had muttered, in her own shock from what the mare saw

But the mare was so stunned, so very stunned at what was happening. She didn’t even realize the guards after her had caught up thanks to this distraction. The mare didn’t even take notice of what happened next, before she FINALLY snapped out of it and realized she was stuck inside a dungeons cell now. Looking to a few cells to her right she saw the two creatures that had stunned her, the male seemed chipper somehow and the female miserable. Still mare could only say one thing, that was most appropriate for the situation she found herself in.

“Oh horse feathers…”

How did this happen….

SERIOUSLY. How in the world did she end up in this situation. Just how… to be honest she blamed Dordoni for being a bad luck charm of sorts. The fact that they just met the natives who happened to be freaking adorable pastel colored ponies. Which made Cirucci internally want to squeal at the cuteness on the down low. But now she found herself still stuck with the chipper oaf and in prison no less. What god had she angered in her life she had no memory of, did she cut someone off when they were speaking. Did she scratch someone’s furniture. What…WHAT she asked, what in some gods names did she do to deserve this.

But her self-pity didn’t last too long as she looked over to her cell mate. Just laying against the all, whistling a little tune without a care in the world. That only served to anger Cirucci, so…so much. She quickly stood back up, glaring at the man.


“Well… I was hoping you’d start talking with me again. Just not the way I was wanting.” Dordoni quipped as he had decided to just go with the flow, sure he was shocked but hey he was alive. No memories aside from his name, but alive either way. Letting out a small sigh, he stood back up to address the rather grumpy woman he’d been stuck this whole day so far “Senorita (Miss). Why are you so uptight, ever since we woke up this morning. You’ve been mad, mad and mad. Just relax for once.”

Cirucci couldn’t help but repress the urge to almost punch Dordoni in the face. She really was at her wits ends with this man, she was actually starting to contemplate committing suicide being around this… this FOOL. But as her anger rose, it began just like that to cease. She couldn’t be angry anymore. She was just too tired now to be angry. Cirucci had to admit, even if she hated this man already. Dordoni also seemed to have a good head on his shoulders when it came to common sense… well in a way. Cirucci couldn’t help but chuckle a bit from her exhaustion, but stopped when she noticed a small smirk donning Dordoni’s face.

“Ahem… whatever.” Cirucci muttered as she felt a little embarrassed she chuckled in such company

But Dordoni couldn’t help but smile some more himself, deciding to even tease his companion a bit as he was going to enjoy this small moment of calmness from the grouchy woman “Ha, I see you can be calm. Such a cute laugh to, you should let it out more. You’d be quiet the catch then. HAHA!”

Cirucci would have screamed at the man, if she hadn’t become suddenly so flustered from the unexpected compliment. That and they heard the doors to the dungeon open, a bright light glowing from the contrast to the near darkness of the prison. As the two saw some more of those guard ponies come in. With their usual pale purple fur, silver armor, spear and oddly crystal like glow to them. The guard ponies moving to the left and right side each. Before three more came in, one stallion, one mare and a very similar foal.

The Stallion had a hefty build, and looked be in his earlier years as well. With a white fur coat, a blue mane, a blue tail, blue eyes, a mark on his flank of a shield and wearing a red elegant coat. One that screamed ‘Military first, royalty second’ , despite his rather calm laid back look.

The one walking aside the stallion was a mare that looked quite different from the one that had crashed into the two. With her light pink coat, pink and yellow highlighted hair. A heart image on her flank, light green eyes, a horn on her forehead and wing. She also wore gold shoes over her hoofs, a gold neckless and a gold crown. This woman screamed royalty.

By this point Cirucci and Dordoni could tell these two must have been the familiar foals parents. As the foal was female from what they could tell, sharing a coat that was a somewhat pale pink like it was a mixture of her parents coat colors. With light blue eyes, light purple hair with strips of blue in them. She like the mother had a set of rather big wings and a horn. Wearing only a diaper on her, she must have been only a year or close to a year old then.

Though as the two watched the three royal ponies walk up to their cell, stopping before it. The foal recognizing the two, seemed to choo in joy as she tried moving closer to them. Only for her mother to hold her back, while holding a calm if not somewhat wary gaze of Cirucci and Dordoni.

“She seems to like you two. That’s a good sign so far.” The stallion stated, calmly but with a hint of sternness as he eyed the two for a few more moments before clearing his throat “I’m Prince Shinning Armor of the Crystal Empire. This is my wife Princess Cadence and our daughter princess Flurry Heart.”

Cirucci and Dordoni having no idea what to do right now, just smiled and waved… smiled and waved. Thankfully the three royals seemed to find their reactions a bit amusing. Much to the two’s confusion, before the mare decided to speak up now.

“Sorry. Just, it’s refreshing to meet some pony… I mean some creatures. That we can talk with in a more casual way. Anyways, despite your incrassation currently. We wanted to come down and thank you for saving our daughter from… her.” Princess Cadence stated, as she gave a slight glare to a cell behind her to the right. Cirucci and Dordoni looking to see it was the same mare from earlier. Laying down with her back turned away from them all

Shining Armor sighed at the mere mention of the mare, looking to his wife with an apologetic gaze “I’m sorry about that again Cadence. I should have kept a better eye on her or at least have someone looking into her background thoroughly.”

“Shinning dear, you had no way of knowing. She was so kind and sweet the whole two weeks here. None of us though she was a thief or a foalnapper.”

Shinning Armor just slowly nodded to his wife that he understood, even though he felt horrible about the whole thing. He’d been captain of the guard for Celestia’s sake. He should have seen it… but he’d always been a weak one when it came to sob stories and boy did that mare pull one heck of a sob story.

Though once again, Cirucci and Dordoni were confused. As they had no idea what in the world these two were even talking about. Which the two adult royals took quick notice of, feeling a bit embarrassed on leaving out two possible guests out of the loop.

“Ahem… apologies for that. Let’s just say that the mare in the other cell is in quiet a large portion of trouble. But enough of that, back to our original reasons here. Like I said before. We thank you for saving Flurry Heart, though the guards gave a bit of explanation on why you two were thrown down here. I and my husband wanted to see if you’d like to be set free.” Candace kindly explained, before Shinning Armor cut in

“BUT, only after you answer us a couple of questions. Which depending on them we’ll either let you free or keep you in here for a bit longer.”

Cirucci and Dordoni looked at one another, taking a moment before both without even saying it had their answer. Looking back at the three before them, as Dordoni was the one who decided to answer for them “Si (Yes). I think we’ll answer your questions.”

Shinning Armor and Cadence gave each other a affirmed nod of pride that things had been going rather smoothly so far with these two rather odd looking creatures. Flurry Heart was just nibbling a bit on her hoof as blissful as always. But since she was foal, that wasn’t really unexpected. Still Shinning Armor cleared his throat before asking the questions he and his wife decided would be best to ask first.

“Alright then first off… what are you two?”

“Arrancar’s.” Cirucci answered quickly, though was a bit shocked at her answer alongside Dordoni who gave the woman a questioning look. Not that she blamed the man for his reaction, she had NO idea on what that was about. She had no memory aside her name so how she knew what their species name was more than odd

The two adult royals though seemed satisfied with that answer, not taking notice of the confusion the two Arrancar’s displayed. Cadence seeming to take the reins now with the questioning of the newly dubbed ‘Arrancar’s’.

“Now then, we also need to know but are there any more of your kind here. If so, do any of them have ill intentions?”

The two Arrancar’s thought about that for a moment, to be perfectly honest they had no idea. Then again just until seconds ago they didn’t even know their own’s species name. Though, the two were curious themselves if there were really anymore of their kind out there. Were they like them… were they not as crabby… were they not as oafish… you could guess which those last two thoughts belonged to. But Dordoni decided answer once more for the two.

“No tengo idea de perder (No idea miss). To be honest, we don’t remember anything aside from our species name and our names. We can’t really tell you more.”

“Hm… okay.” Shinning Armor suddenly said, having taken only a few moments to think over…well whatever he decided

Again the two Arrancar’s were rather confused with the half answers, Cirucci speaking up this time between the two. “OKAY… what?”

“You’re free to go, me and my wife we’re already leaning more on that side anyways. So yeah, you’re free and be welcomed guest in our home.”

Now for once, the two Arrancar’s were shocked in silence. Both of them, even Dordoni the more optimistic of the two. There was no way it was THIS easy… no way, like at all. There had to be some sort of other reason for it. Cirucci once again deciding to question the convenience of their situation, even though in hindsight it wasn’t good to look a gifted horse in the mouth… or in this case pony… actually wait was that rude to… you know what better no to think on it too much.

“But why… not that we aren’t happy. At least me but… why?” Cirucci asked, as she just knew there had to be some sort of other reason, there had to be. Seeing the understanding looks of the two adult royals, she almost prided herself at the correct guess. She was right, there was another most likely more self-serving reason

“ I guess we do have one alterative motive. Truth is the other reason we’re letting your free is…” Princess Candace began to explain, purposely as she acted to be hesitating answering before she smiled lifting up Flurry Closer to their cage “Like my Shinning Armor said, it’s because Flurry likes you.”

Cirucci in her moment of self-congratulations, halted in her train of thought eyeing the two adult royals why Dordoni just kept quiet. Though thankfully Cirucci was a bit too shocked by the princesses answer to hear the small snickers the man was somewhat holding in. Cirucci seconds later doing her best to calm herself down as she addressed the royals once more.

“I-I’m sorry what… that’s really it…. b-because you’re kid likes us??”

The two royals just nodded, smiling a bit like they were amused by Cirucci’s disbelief that it seemed it was that easy. Little Flurry Heart even adding to her parents words. As she seemed to want to fly up to the two and hug them. Again only for Flurry to be pulled back closer to Candance, but more now because Candance didn’t want her daughter to smoother the two in hugs. No matter how cute it would be. Dordoni at this point couldn’t help but start laughing.

“HAHA, you should see the look on your face senorita. Priceless ha!” Dordoni laughed, as he even patted Cirucci’s back from his amusement “What did you think the nice little ponies would hurt us. HAHA!”

Cirucci by this point, even if she was still shocked by the reasoning. Elbowed Dordoni’s stomach hard, as the man fell over. Though with grunt sounds of pained chuckling as the royals just stared at the rather odd scene between these two. Princess Candance seeming to have an odd look in her eyes all of sudden, that and the smirk across her face for some reason didn’t help Cirucci feel any calmer for some reason.

But by now, the two royals knew it was time to get their new guests out of the cell and maybe grab them something to eat. Show them around the palace and see if Flurry wanted to spend time with the two. Their child really had seemed to have gotten attached to the two and so quickly too. Shinning Armor coughing to get the attention back on him, clear his throat before addressing their new guests.

“Anyways. Follow us and we’ll see if we can get you acquainted with your new surroundings.” Shinning Armor kindly said, as he motioned one of the guards to come over

The guard doing so, spear in hoofs still despite the royals claims. The cell door opening seconds later as the two Arrancar’s move out, Flurry Heart finally flying out of her mother’s hold as she flew and almost crashed into Dordoni who thankfully caught the foal as he chuckled alongside the small princess.

Cadence herself couldn’t help but chuckle at the cute sight, she was happy her child made some friends. Even if they were two newly discovered creatures of unknown power and possibly able to overthrow her along with the other Alicorns if given the chance… Something Candace never thought on, until right now. But from how Flurry was, she was confident that these two were safe if not Cirucci being a bit of a grump. Clearing her own throat, to address the two once again.

“Well come along now. We’ll show you around.”

Cirucci and Dordoni just nodded in agreement, relieved that things seemed to go over easy. Despite the guard at least giving them a wary gaze still. But it was better than staying in their cell. So with that, they followed the two royals out, Dordoni following behind as he was playing with Flurry Heart who was flying around him poking the man. Both of them laughing at the harmless fun. Cirucci the last to follow, though as she passed the cell that held the mare, that crashed into them. Even if the mare herself wasn’t looking back at her, Cirucci couldn’t help but feel… off. Like really off about the mare… like she wasn’t normal. But Cirucci decided to fret on it later as she made her way out.

Still she was wondering once again. On the first question that they had been asked, as it was starting to bother her on the possible answers. Yes, she wondered if they’re were really anymore of her kind out there. If so, were they friendly…

So much pain, so much…

That’s what he felt… he who is… actually he didn’t remember his name…. he didn’t remember anything about him. AT ALL… was that good, bad… a bit of both. The pained man had no idea, but his head felt like he’d been dropped off down a cliff side and he cracked his skull open. Which considering what he felt as he rubbed his head, that seemed unlikely.

For this pained man felt, his head was skull shaped. Like a bulls skull, standing up he looked over himself and saw he wore a white long coat of sorts, with white gloves and boots. Some black on him as well if barley along with a blade sheathed on his right. But the pained man was so confused. Why was he in pain, why couldn’t he remember anything… where was he in the first place?

Now that he actually got a moment to look around. The pained man notice he was in a throne room. Bright in color with its white walls and purple curtains all around. Along with two thrones side by side up a flight of stairs behind him. The most noticeable sight, were the stain glass windows on each side. Most depicting some kind of story in a way. A few of the more noticeable stain glass windows, showing images of six… mares yes that was word. But showing six mares, like they were heroes of sorts.

Though before the pained man could think on his current situation or why he woke up inside what must have been a castle. Suddenly the two large purple colored doors far from him opened. Before two mares came in speaking to one another.

The first mare who was tall. Like close to his height tall. Had a pure white coat like snow or the clouds in the sky. With pink eyes, a flowing mane along with tail in the colors of the rainbow, a horn, wings, golden shoes, a golden neckless, a golden tiara and finally an image of the sun on her flank. This mare or was it… yes Alicorn, that was also the word also. Still this Alicorn was very striking in the terms of beauty.

The also rather tall, if only a few inches shorter Alicorn had dark midnight blue coat, a flowing mane that look like the night star filled sky itself, blue eyes, wings, a horn, dark silver shoes, a dark silver neckless, a black tiara and on the end of her flank a black patch with a crescent moon in the center. Like the first Alicorn, this one exhibited a more exotic beauty.

But as the pained man inspected the two Alicorns enjoying the chat with each other, they stopped. Looking right at… oh wait. They were looking at him. Right.. he was in plain view.

It was only a few seconds before suddenly the midnight blue one narrowed her eyes, a small ball of energy charging up in her horn as she got in a half battle stance. Before she addressed him… rather loudly.

“WHO ARE THOU INTRUDER. WHAT FOUL ILL PLAN DOUS YOU HAVE, SPEAK NOW OR FEEL MY WRATH!!!!” The midnight coat Alicorn demanded, her voice raising that the very room shook a bit and the power the pained man felt from her scream alone was… unnerving a bit

Though now the pained man was wondering if maybe he was sent here in this particular area for some reason. Maybe he was meant to do something great, maybe he could talk with the rather powerful Alicorns maybe… oh god he just realized. He took too long to answer thanks to his wonderment. The fact he suddenly felt himself be blasted in the chest off his feet; then into the stairs leading up to the thrones didn’t help. The mere hit causing the pained man’s headache to act up. Before he started to black out, only hearing a few words from the two Alicorns that walked up to him.

“Sister-… You could-… lled him!?!” The white Alicorn had yelled at what the pained man through his few seconds of consciousness could guess was her sister, who herself seemed to look from what he could tell a bit shameful all of sudden

“Celestia, I didn’t m-… “The midnight Alicorn quickly addressed her sister or Celestia now in a panic, but before the pained man could hear the rest; he finally blacked out

This was quite different…

Oh yes this had been quite different from what Cirucci at least was expecting. Call it gut instinct or maybe she was just in general a cynic even before losing her memories. But the female Arrancar had not expect everyone to be so… friendly. Like at all or at least how nice these ponies were to them, mainly the royals since they’d made her and the oaf, honorary guest in their home… just because their daughter liked them.

Not that Cirucci wasn’t happy about it. She’d rather be stumped at the uncanny level of kindness these ponies were showing her, then be still stuck in the jail cell below. Looking over to her right, she saw the oaf Dordoni making funny faces at Flurry Heart who was giggling at the sight. Which the woman couldn’t help but admit a bit, she did find it cute… Flurry Heart she meant, not the oaf. Though as she kept her gaze at the two, before looking away making a quick ‘Tch’ sound from her own frustration. She suddenly notice from the left of her eye a hue of pink. Looking towards it, she saw a smiling Princess Cadences had decided to sit next to her.

“So, Cirucci right?” Cadence asked as Cirucci just nodded back. The princess letting out a small sigh of relief “Oh good. I was kind of worried I’d get your name wrong and then offended you. Them… you know what never mind. Anyways, if you don’t mind me saying, but that’s quite a nice name even if it’s hard to pronounce at first.”

Cirucci meanwhile felt a little…shy, she didn’t know why but maybe it was because her old self wasn’t a social person or maybe she just didn’t have great personal skills. She could tell the Princess she wasn’t in the mood to talk, but she knew that would be rude. So Cirucci just bearded and grinned back at the rather kind compliment, even if she hadn’t wanted acknowledge the complement.

“Why thanks you Princess Candance. I like your name too, easy to remember and… pretty.”

Cadence just waved her hoof and chuckled a bit, all in good intent mind you. “Thank you Cirucci, but you can just call me Candance, I like that more.”

“Seems kind of improper if you ask me. No offense.” Cirucci quipped, as Candance seemed to smirk at bit at that statement

“Well I guess it is, you could just call me by my real name them and title then. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.”

It didn’t take too long as Cadence snickered a bit seeing the shift in opinion on Cirucci’s face, as she smiled sheepishly like she was going to plead any moment now “OH ah… Cadence sounds wonderful. Yep…yep WONDERFUL. Heh...”

“Glad you agree Cirucci.” Cadence quipped, looking back at Dordoni still making funny face at Flurry Heart, while Shinning watched in amusement. Before looking back at Cirucci as she began watching the two again, a calm look on her face as Cadence already found a new… ‘Job’ to work on since she was known as the Princess of Love, that and since these two were possibly the only two of their kind on this world well… everyone needs someone to love “Hey Cirucci, can I ask something?”

Cirucci looked back at Cadence moments later, seeing that same slight unnerving gleam in the mare’s eyes. Nothing of ill will, but the Arrancar felt it was a look that would cause her so much stress in the future. But she answered anyways “Sure… what is it?”

“Well you said you don’t remember much. That I can understand must be frustrating. BUT… do you remember at all if you had a special some pony?”

“A what?” Cirucci asked, as she had no idea what special some pony meant, then again she was still reeling in that this was all real so she wasn’t all there mentally at the moment

“You know…someone who ruffles you’re hoofs or…?”

Cirucci just gave Cadence an even more confused gaze, as again her brain was half functioning to answer the rather obvious question that Candance was really asking of her.

Cadence taking a hint at this, decided to just be more blunt with the rather confused Arrancar. She’d ask in a whisper of course. BUT she just hoped it wasn’t too blunt “Okay… girl do you have a boyfriend?”

“Do I have a boy…….. WHAT?!?!” Cirucci screamed as everyone else in the room looked at her, Cadence covering the Arrancar’s mouth; before working on the quick cover story

“Oh ah sorry everyone. I was just explaining to her a few things about the Crystal Empire. She’s just amazed is all. Yes just amazed, so nothing to worry about honest!”

The others though for some (Mainly Shinning Armor and the guards inside the dining room), giving the two questioning looks. Decided to let it be, Dordoni just shrugging and going back to making the little adorable Flurry Heart giggle more. Once the coast was clear, Cadence slowly moved her hoof from over Cirucci mouth, moving a bit closer so they could have some privacy still.

“Better?” Cadence asked, making sure the woman was so she wouldn’t you know. Scream loudly again and get even more suspicion put on them, Cirucci just nodded “Thank Celestia. Anyways sorry about that. I didn’t mean to be blunt, I was just curious is all. You know… girl talk.”

Cirucci just raised an eyebrow at that, then again she didn’t seem to have any real experience with this so called girl talk. She had to admit, it did sound interesting. “Right… but why do you want to know about my love life anyways?”

“Because if you must know. Officially I’m known as the princess of love. Which as you can tell by the name. Mean’s I’m an expert when it comes to love… though on a more personal level if I’m going to completely honest with you. I don’t want see one of my daughters two new favorite friends be lonely is all. I mean even I can you’re quiet a pretty lady. So that too.”

Once more Cadence couldn’t help but almost snicker at the sudden sight of the confused look on Cirucci’s face at the explanation. But she was being honest about that, like it or not it seemed Flurry Heart had already decided to two Arrancar’s were her friends. The fact that she was so animate in flying to them back in their cell was proof enough.

Not that she wasn’t happy that Flurry found friends, admittedly much older friends who again so happen to be a completely different species and looked like they could kill them all in seconds. BUT… friends no less. Still, as she looked at Cirucci who’d now slammed her head against the table mumbling something about ‘Freaking nice ponies…’. Then to Dordoni who was talking with Shinning Armor, while Flurry heart sat in her father’s lap happily listening despite the fact she had no idea what they were talking about since she was a foal. Cadence couldn’t help but feel a rather joyful feeling at this. She knew and her husband would have to tell their kingdom and the others about these two new visitors one way or another. But for now, she’d enjoy this moment.

Speaking of, Cadence was curious about how her aunties were doing. She may be running the Crystal Empire with her Shinning Armor, but it wasn’t near what her auntie Celestia and Luna must have to deal with daily. Then again, she had a good feeling everything on their side for the moment was A-Okay…


“Not good, NOT GOOD!!!!!” Luna screamed as she was pacing back and forth in the waiting room of the personal clinic in their castle, in what most would call the most calm panic she’s had since coming back from being Nightmare Moon almost a good few years ago

Inside the clinics waiting room too was Celestia waiting and calm as ever, but slightly scolding herself. Luna had been on edge since of a small incident a week ago. One involving the two having to fight off a monster of sorts that just suddenly appeared in their throne room. Almost killed two of the guard Ponies there too, but thankfully it seemed she and her sister still had it. Killing the monster since it left them no honest choice but to do so.

Thankfully it was quick, since the monster then seemed to be decaying a bit every second it moved. Aside from a few questions on all the muffled noises. No one was the wiser and the guards there were sworn to not speak of it. Last thing the sisters needed were their subjects staring a fear filled panic amongst the streets.

Still Celestia should have realized ever since then, her sister had been on edge and the stranger that just suddenly appeared not even an hour ago. Didn’t help with her sisters on edge mood, like at all… made it worse if you asked her since now her sister was having a mini panic attack. But Celestia knew she had to let Luna let it out before she comforted her little sister. So she sat and waited, hopefully the doctor would soon give them the new… good news she prayed.

Though Luna herself was just becoming more panicked by the second, she attacked a creature without reasons. Well aside from the fact it looked like something from an edgy colts fever dream, after they ate too many hay fries until they fell into a food comma… BUT the point was. Luna was just worried, very worried that she may have started a possible war with a race of beings that they never knew of until now. It was like Nightmare moon all over again if that was the case, different situations but the end result of war was what was stuck on her mind.

Luna couldn’t even figure out how Celestia was calm, this was bad. So huffing a bit, she decided to just ask her sister just that “Sister, how in the world are you not panicking. Because of me-”

But Celestia gently placed her hoof over her sisters mouth, standing back up as she gave Luna a quick hug before letting go. Luna seconds later easing once more since as much as she hated to admit this. But despite the few years back in modern times so far since her reformation. She would always and still felt calmest when her sister did this. Usually when she was in much more worried or panic filled moods like right now.

“Feeling better Luna?” Celestia sweetly asked, nuzzling her face against Luna’s some. Luna returning the nuzzle before they ceased the affectionate gestures “’I know you didn’t mean to attack. After what we faced not even a week ago in our throne room. I will admit, I’m a bit on edge myself. But you need to realize it was an accident, accidents happen. So don’t go blaming yourself, you’ve done enough of that. Remember what you told me Twilight and her friends did for you years ago involving the Tantabus?”

Luna just sighed, slowly nodding in agreement with her sister as she remembered that small incident all too well. Once she finally had felt the need to inform her sister on it of course. Still Luna was glad to have Celestia with her at times like these.

“Indeed thous… I mean, I do sister. Thank you for keeping me calm. Like always.”

“That’s what families for Luna. Still after this maybe you should rest for the day, it’s been a week and you’re body isn’t use to staying up so… well early since you have the night courts. I’ve heard a few of guards say their worries to me in private. You’re lucky, you have quiet the loyal ponies with you.”

“Indeed it sees I do sister and you may be right. I am a bit… tired.” Luna quipped, as she let out a quick and cute yawn “Yes… yes after this I think I’ll do that.”

Celestia did her best to not just gush at how cute she found her sister right now. Not that she thought Luna her adorable little sister was never cute. But sometimes it was more than others. Though before Celestia’s mental barriers to gush over her litter sister could break, thankfully the doctor FINALLY came out.

The castle’s personal doctor that was, as it was an older mare that was quiet well known for her no-nonsense attitude yet oddly good bed side manner. The old grey fur coat, grey tail, grey long mane tied with a small pony tail tied in the back and piercing green eyes only added to the older mare’s rather mysteriousness even with the princesses.

This time Luna decided to speak with the good doctor, who for these good few years since her return. Had helped Luna quite a bit when came to her needed shots, getting her immune system on pare with most ponies today and just teaching her generally about the modern medical field itself. That and she was a good shoulder to lean on when Luna felt to… talk about her past in something she learned was call therapy.

“Doctor Cuore. What news’s do you have for I and my sister. Is the person I attacked… okay?”

Instead of an answer though, the good Doctor simply walked a bit closer to Luna. Motioning her to lean in. Luna doing so, before… well before suddenly Doctor Cuore straight up wacked upside the head. Luna already in that moment knowing she earned this, mainly because she fell for the good Doctors trademark ‘Come here and get a smacking!’ act.

“What do you think you moon loving fool. You shot a strange creature in the chest with a condensed blast of magic. He’s alive yes, but he’ll probably be sore beyond belief when he wakes up. You’re lucky he’s seems durable enough that it did kill him, which it WOULD have it he was so darn tough!” Doctor Cuore scolded as Luna averted her rather shamed filled gaze to the ground, before the good Doctor turned her glare over to Celestia who to anyone outside of this rooms shock if they saw her. Was whistling like she hadn’t seen a thing, that and she was sweating heavily now “And YOU, you’re supposed to be making sure you’re sister doesn’t do stuff like this you sun loving fool of a mare!!!”

Celestia seconds later received an ear pull and a smack upside her head too. The guards that had been in the room the while time were still silent, but now shaking a bit in fear themselves as if there was one mare to fear in this whole castle out of pure respect. It was Doctor Cuore. The only mare anyone in the castle knew that had the stones to actually smack the princesses if they did something stupid. Which a lot of times in the day, evening or night the sisters did quite a lot of stupid small mistakes. Well when they had much more free day’s which wasn’t a lot, but again when the stupid things happened. Doctor Cuore when she could be, was always there to scold and smack the princesses upside the head.

Though the good doctor had done that to almost everyone in the castle at one point. Not as much since by this point, getting injured at the castle only to be healed by Doctor Cuore always ended up with a scolding and smack was a well-known fact amongst the castles staff and guards. So most did their best to avoid that outcome. That and if this mare scared the princesses along with having the guts to actually smacked what some citizens called the sisters, goddess or demi goddess when called for. Then yeah she was rightfully feared for good reasons.

“Hehe…yes I ow… understand Doctor Cuore. I’ll do better next time to make sure Luna doesn’t you know.” Celestia replied back as she was glad at least that she and her sister had somepony to treat them normally

Not that others didn’t to a degree, but when it came to the Doctor she didn’t care who it was. If they earned a smack, a smack would come. Heck Celestia swore the mare would smack a raging dragon with no fear at all if she could. Still, Celestia and Luna she knew; did love having Doctor Cuore around

Doctor Cuore on the other hand or hoof… at this point had given the usual does of smacks to the back of the head. Sighing she decided to inform the princesses more on what she learned of the creature before in the other room. “Anyways Princesses. Before you ask, when I said he’s durable. I mean he really is durable. No real internal damage done to him from the blast Luna dealt to him along with the fact he crashed against the stairs to your thrones straight on his spinal cord. Also yes his is indeed male, trust me I made sure when I… ahem checked while taking his robe off to check for wounds.”

The sister just nodded at the news, glad that the unknown man wasn’t dead. Though they couldn’t help but blush a bit at the thought of how the look of his… never mind. But still again they were glad the male wasn’t dead. Silently nodding to the Doctor to go on with anything else, as she did just that.

“Anyways. The only other things I can say about this male is that the skull on his head is stuck there, like it’s a part of his actual head. The weapon he has is a sword unlike any design we have here in Equestrian, though something else of the man feels… odd.” Doctor Cuore explained, as she had felt something else when it came to the male in the other room. But before anyone else could ask more, she kept on “With all that said and done, he is awake. He also would like to speak with you two, not that he’s mad. Well he was a bit upset when he first woke up, but after I explained to him only that Luna has been on edge after an… incident last week. He is calmer, but still he wishes to speak with you. On what I didn’t ask, but it would be rude to just ignore him. Am I not correct?”

The two princesses just nodded in agreement. As it was rude to leave someone who wanted to speak with them alone. That and the two were curious more on this man. Celestia mainly out of curiosity and a need to know if he was a possible danger to her people. Hey, she may have been willing to give this man a chance; but that didn’t mean she wasn’t cautious too. But she had a good feeling things wouldn’t be that bad. Meanwhile Luna was just hoping to tell the man she was sorry for her rather rash if not somewhat justifiable actions.

So the two giving Doctor Cuore a quick nod goodbye, along with motioning the guards to stay outside, they went into the room late with the man inside. Once in, they saw the he sitting upright on the side of his bed, his sword placed on a table ahead of him. Though the two princesses were happy again to see he was okay. They couldn’t help but still be a bit put off by the skull mask and the fact he was such a new unknown. But they kept that slight wariness back as they approached the man, who took notice of them seconds later.

“Ah… so you did come. Good to know.”

Though no response from the sisters came, as they just stared at the man. Then again they honestly didn’t have any idea how to even respond to him. Sure they could say hello, BUT after how they first met, that seemed a bit lacking in a proper more friendly reintroduction.

The man seeming to catch on, looked at Luna to break the awkwardness since she had been the one that attacked him. “Ahem… so, quiet the hit you gave me there…miss.”

“Oh ah…yes, yes quiet the hit indeed.” Luna replied, feeling even more awkward now as she just smiled a bit to widely that it didn’t seemed forced. Celestia was already feeling like face hoofing from that alone, while the man just awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. Then finally Luna had enough and let out loud sigh before clearing her throat to address him “Look… I want to apologize. For attacking you I mean. It’s just… Doctor Cuore explained to you already about an incident that occurred. I’ve just been on edge since then… STILL, that shouldn’t excuse me for attacking you just like that. So I humbly apologize.”

Luna did a quick bow with her neck, before looking back up at the man who just stared at her now. Celestia in her own way silently praying this wasn’t a creature that held grudges for a long time. Thankfully for her, it seemed like the man was a more understanding type as he laughed a little. Before ceasing his laughter to address Luna at least.

“It’s fine, I may have been taking too long to answer you too. So no harm done. Still just don’t do it again.”

Celesta meanwhile let out a small sigh of relief alongside Luna who looked like she’d gained ten years of her long life span back from all the worrying she’d put herself through earlier. But decided now to address the man herself, coughing a bit to get his attention as the he looked at her seconds later “Well first off my sister and I are glad to see you’re okay. Along with the fact you aren’t angered by it, you wouldn’t believe how nervous we were… OH. Sorry where are my manners, greetings I am Princess Celestia, this here is my younger sister Princess Luna.”

“Pleasure to meet you then princesses. I would tell you my own name but… I can’t seem to remember.” The man explained, while the princesses were quiet surprised by that if not with some pity too as they could see it was frustrating him, Luna being the one to start questioning the man on that

“Can you not remember your name only or… anything?”

The man just sighed, rubbing the back of his head some more as he looked down at the ground before back at them. “No… at least for the most part.”

“Well what can you remember, even if it’s snippets?” Celestia asked back, hoping that maybe just asking the man to try and remember would help trigger some memory; hopefully a name at least

The man just began to try and see if he could remember anything. Think and thinking, though he began to rub his forehead a bit as a slight strain started to form. Then, suddenly if only it was a very distorted. A few memoires began to barley resurface.




‘Ah yes… you are quiet the character aren’t you?’




He could remember a voice, female in tone… though no psychical view could be seen other than distorted darkness.




‘Hm, don’t worry my dear. You will soon be reborn… yes.’




He could feel the faint ghost feeling of finger on his cheek from the memory. So cold yet so warm too, her voice also sounding so mocking; yet so concern and regretful all in one.




‘You will not remember though. I am sorry to say Rudbornn Chelute, you are my first subject aside from the other two. Then the next two… hopefully the last four will I’ll be able to keep their memories in tack. Still, enjoy your life little Arrancar and keep your wits about you. Hehe… you’ll need it.’




The he felt a sudden odd feeling of disappearing, before nothing expect a jolt of shock like he was crashing against something and then silence.

“GAH!!” The man screamed, as he jolt back to the current times. The royal sisters quickly moved closer to him to see if he was alright while the two guards kicked the door open with their spears ready if needed while eyeing the man like they were waiting for him to try something

“Princess is everything alright!!”

Princess Celestia juts looked back at the guards, though she should be a bit mad they jumped the gun. She couldn’t help but be glad they took their jobs so seriously, even in peace times. Clearing her throat to address them seconds later “Yes everything is fine. Our guest here was just experiencing some issues thanks to his injuries early on. You may go back to your posts outside the room.”

The two guards, glaring at the man still with their spears in the ready positions. Ceased doing so a few seconds after Celestia’s declaration. Even if everything in their very being screamed to just attack and kill the creature with the princesses. They would take the princesses words over their own instincts every time. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna these few years, had never lead any of them astray before. So for that, they would always listen to both princesses words out of respect. The two leaving before Celestia looked back at the man, groaning a bit still as Luna was keeping an eye on him.

“I apologize for the guards. They can be zealous with their duties at times, but they are only doing what they think is right to keep us safe.” Celestia explained, as she hoped that the guards actions hadn’t offended the man at all. But instead the man seemed to let out a quick chuckle, before addressing her claims back

“Heh… no worries. Can’t blame them for doing their duties, its rather admirable if you ask me.”

Yes, for some reason the man couldn’t help but find the guards upmost loyalty and devotion to their duties admirable. He felt an odd kindship with the guards now all of sudden, like he knew how they were in many ways. Why honestly he didn’t know. But it felt… nice to have some familiarity with something, even if he had no idea why.

Luna herself couldn’t help but giggle some. For a rather fearsome looking creature, he also seemed very reasonable and understanding.

Then again he’d already shown those qualities when they first spoke, still she was glad either way. This time she decided to speak some with the man before them since he like her sister, was too hopeful that maybe his sudden pain was because he got some memoires back “Good to know you understand, still did you get anything… memories I mean.”

“A few… two to be exact.” The man answered, as he took a few more deep breaths before straightening himself back up to explain what he knew. At least what had made sense that is “First off, my race. I remember what it is, I am know as a being called an Arrancar.”

“Arrancar’s…” Celestia and Luna muttered, as they could tell the name sound rather unsettling to them yet the man’s behavior so far contradicted that feeling at least, but they nodded for him to go on with what the other thing he remember was. Though this time he stood up, showing his rather impressive height as he was just as tall as they were. Before he did a bow, more for a formal sense than anything

“For my name, you may call me Rudbornn Chelute. It is a pleasure to formally meet you Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

Once more it was just silent, as the princesses though happy that they learned more on the man or now known as Rudbornn Chelute. They began to wonder and worry too, if there were more of his kind out there. Were they nice as he was so far. They hoped so, then again after everything their nation had gone through these few years. They were sure they, their allies and the heroes of Ponyville could handle it.





Author's Note:

Welcome once again friends, I FINALLY got this chapter done. So sorry about the wait I was busy with the latest chapter of my other fanfictions. Well the last two chapters of two other one’s which unlike the chapters here, are much longer. This is like the first fic that I’m doing that’s has much shorter chapters. Well what short for me since my fic’s usually are 28,000 to a close 30,000 or 32,000 words each.

But okay getting off topic. All I’m saying is that my other fics took me a bit to finish chapter wise and I’m glad I was able to get this one done with quickly. I did my best to fix the grammar and improve on what may need fixing. Again by what I’ve read so far on the reviews pertaining to that and just for my own want to do so. So I really hope you enjoy what’s to come.

Also as you see, things in this chapter are a bit more different in how I did in style of writing. Well that I introduced the last three Arrancar’s to the fold. Yes that’s right I’m sticking to just in total nine Arrancar’s. Five mostly used ones, two semi-used ones and not as much used ones. For some of the missing explanations like how Cirucci and Dordoni were detained, the unknown mare, to the creature that attacked Celestia and Luna. Have no worries I did that on purpose, I'll answer those one way or another. Also I’m not having a lot of ponies OC’s in this, if anything just the two in the chapter. So like always, I do hope I got the character’s from both franchises correct personality wise.

Anyways you all enjoy this chapter and the chapters ahead!!!