• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 683 Views, 28 Comments

Overprotective Marefriend - Jhoira

Rainbow Dash continues the adventure of dealing with Flitter and her emotional issues.

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The Best Laid Plans (June 8th, Saturday morning.)

Rainbow Dash smiled down at Flitter sleeping peacefully in her grasp and leaned in gently nuzzling the other mare. Flitter shifted a little mumbling a little as she woke up. Rainbow Dash smiled as she cooed to the other pony, ”Flitter, wake up or I’ll make us breakfast.”

Flitter groaned a little as she opened her eyes. Looking up at the unexpectedly chirpy speedster. She hadn't expected this after their mini-fight last night but she was quite happy about it. Flitter yawned as she closed her eyes again and nuzzled back into Rainbow Dash’s fur, her voice now slightly muffled. ”What happened to sleeping in?”

Rainbow Dash grinned as she nuzzled her marefriend again. Rolling over with Flitter still in her grasp. “But we’re both awake now. And I feel like spending some more time with my marefriend.” Rainbow Dash grinned as she stood up, stretching, and grinning down at her marefriend.

Flitter whined as she tugged at the blanket. ”Noooo. More sleeping...” Flitter was a little baffled, unless Rainbow Dash had training or a show she liked to sleep in too. Rainbow Dash leaned in and gave Flitter a kiss on the cheek, cooing to her gently. At that Flitter opened an eye and regarded Rainbow Dash. After a few moments, Flitter sighed and got up, nuzzling up against Rainbow Dash gently. ”I'm sorry for snapping at you last night.”

Rainbow Dash was still grinning as she returned the nuzzle. ”That's alright.” She smiled and hopped down off the bed.

Flitter was still baffled by her marefriend’s actions. “Who put a bit in you this morning?” Flitter walked down off the bed only to be a bit shocked as Rainbow Dash walked back over to her and gave her another nuzzle. This was a lot more affectionate than Rainbow Dash usually was.

Rainbow Dash had spent all her time last night thinking of the perfect way to tell Flitter that she returned her feelings, and she had a plan she thought that even Rarity would be impressed over. Rainbow Dash grinned as she watched Flitter, causing Flitter to raise an eyebrow at her and Rainbow Dash could only grin, knowing she looked like an idiot but she didn't care. "Your beauty did." Even Rainbow Dash had to grimace after that came out of her mouth, that was just stupidly corny.

Flitter blinked, dumbfounded for a second before she just burst out laughing. "You... You... You..." Flitter sat down, still laughing and shaking her head. "That was awful Rainbow Dash!" Flitter continued to snicker as Rainbow Dash grumbled.

"Well, you are pretty..." Rainbow Dash grumbled a bit, it had been terrible she couldn't blame Flitter for her reaction but it was still less than pleasant.

Even Flitter could pick up on that grumbling from her marefriend. Smiling and getting her snickering under control she walked over to her marefriend nuzzling gently into Rainbow Dash's neck. "I'm sorry for teasing." She grinned, at least... She said the words, but they both know while she was sorry for making Rainbow Dash feel annoyed... She wasn't so much sorry about the teasing itself.

Flitter let out a meep as she felt Rainbow Dash barrel her over and grinned down at her, pinning the other mare to the floor. "You know Flitter... If you're gonna tease me for loving y..." Rainbow Dash saw Flitter's eyes widen, a bright flush coming to her cheeks. Rainbow Dash realized exactly what she'd just said, or at least started to say. Rainbow Dash bit her bottom lip and slowly backed off of Flitter to allow her to sit up. Rainbow Dash had ruined her own day and the reveal, but she'd try to salvage it as much as possible, like not saying it while she pinned the other mare.

Flitter hesitated a moment before rolling over onto her legs and standing up. Squirming a little where she was she sat down as she saw Rainbow Dash doing the same. Flitter squirmed a little, wondering in the back of her mind if Rainbow Dash might have been awake last night and that's what brought it on? After a few moments, Flitter decided against that as this did seem like a case of Rainbow Dash's mouth getting ahead of her. Something that happened quite often really. Flitter pawed absently at the ground, still blushing but not looking away from Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash smiled at Flitter, enjoying this more shy side of Flitter she usually only saw around Cloud Chaser. Flitter had become used to dealing with most of her emotions over the years, but romance was still a little out of her wheelhouse. Rainbow Dash leaned forward a little, raising a hoof and pressing it to Flitter's chest, causing her to flush just a little brighter. "Flitter, I love you."

Flitter had known it was coming but still felt the flush of pleasure from the actual words. Licking her lips nervously she opened her mouth, then closed it, shifting a little. She knew that Rainbow Dash wasn't playing with her. She knew Rainbow Dash cared for her, before now she couldn't have confidently said that it was love, but it was appreciation. Rainbow Dash wasn't evil, she wouldn't manipulate emotions like that. But Flitter was still nervous, hesitant, squirming, it was so much easier to open up like that when there wasn't anyone else around. At least, the only other pony there was sleeping and couldn't hear her.

Rainbow Dash saw Flitter's internal conflict in her eyes. Rainbow Dash liked to think she was a very emotionally mature mare and would react well no matter what. But she knew that the fact she'd heard Flitter say it last night made it a lot easier to simply smile at Flitter being nervous and shy and not be hurt by it. Rainbow Dash cooed to the other mare. "It's ok if you need some time Flitter. You don't n..."

"I want to say it!" Flitter snapped, blushing a bit, this time in embarrassment for her reaction rather than from Rainbow Dash's words. Normally Rainbow Dash didn't like being snapped at, like anyone.

However this time Rainbow Dash couldn't stop her wide grin at the reaction, sitting back and silently watching Flitter squirm and be nervous. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop thinking when the tough shell Flitter put up melted away to absolutely the most adorable mare she'd ever seen. Yes, even cuter than Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash smiled as she watched, still waiting for the words that she would have not expected to have been being said yesterday afternoon.

Flitter bit her bottom lip, taking a deep breath and able to suppress everything except the smallest tremor in her voice. "Rainbow Dash... I... I love you too."