• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 683 Views, 28 Comments

Overprotective Marefriend - Jhoira

Rainbow Dash continues the adventure of dealing with Flitter and her emotional issues.

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Better This Way? (June 7th, Friday night.)

Rainbow Dash pulled Flitter a little closer to her as they sat upon a cloud overlooking the last remnants of Applejack’s and Coco’s party. Rainbow Dash turned her head and nuzzled her marefriend gently on the neck, smiling as she heard Flitter’s soft gasp. Rainbow Dash moved up to speak into Flitter’s ear, whispering gently so to not disturb the quiet. ”I really liked having you at my side all evening tonight.”

Flitter actually blushed slightly, taking Rainbow Dash a little aback. Flitter wasn't usually shy about anything unless Cloud Chaser was around. Flitter didn't seem to be willing to give a verbal answer. Though she did move her head, laying it across Rainbow Dash’s front hooves. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop herself grinning so wide that it made her feel like Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash laid her neck over Flitter’s and shifted slightly to pull the other mare a bit closer to her to get them both more comfortable. Flitter was, ironically to Rainbow Dash’s expectations of her relationships, the less cuddly of the two of them. So any time Flitter sought out physical affection was rare, save for their nightly cuddle arrangements. Rainbow Dash was more than happy to oblige Flitter with cuddles at any time.

The only annoying part of this position was that Rainbow Dash had a giant pink bow in her face. But Rainbow Dash just closed her eyes and used it as an impromptu pillow. It was a rather balmy night, she could see them spending the night out here above Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow Dash was just starting to drift off when she felt her pillow move and she lifted her head, looking down at Flitter and smiled at her marefriend. Flitter smiled back, seeming a bit timider than her usual confident self. Rainbow Dash was guessing it was a side effect of Flitter still processing her emotions about Cloud Chaser’s injuries. Rainbow Dash guessed they should head home since they were both up. Glancing over the side of the cloud the only guests left were Rarity and Minuette, chatting with Coco and Applejack. ”Hey, you wanna go home?”

Flitter nodded, standing up and letting out a big yawn, stretching languidly, causing Rainbow Dash to watch her intently. Flitter rubbed her eyes gently with her hooves. ”Back to the Cloudominium then?”

Rainbow Dash was in the middle of agreeing when she frowned. ”Wait didn't you want to spend the weekend at your place?”

Flitter shook her head yawning widely again. ”Too late to go all that way...”

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly. It really wasn't that much further but if Flitter just wanted to go to bed Rainbow Dash supposed she could understand the change. ”Okay, we’ll visit tomorrow then.” Rainbow Dash smiled as she stretched herself, spreading her wings. ”Ready?” Flitter nodded and spread her wings in response. They both shot off towards Rainbow Dash’s home.

Rainbow Dash landed in a small puff of clouds on her porch. Moments later Flitter landed behind her looking up at the magnificently decorated house and smiled slightly at it. Rainbow Dash opened the door and ushered Flitter into her home, coaxing a giggle from the tired mare. Flitter smiled as she walked past, giving Rainbow Dash a gentle nuzzle as she passed by. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop herself from raising an eyebrow as she followed Flitter in.

Rainbow Dash licked her muzzle as she considered but then nodded to herself. ”Hey Flitter, you want to tell me what’s up?” Flitter’s ears went down instantly and she glanced back at Rainbow Dash, though Rainbow Dash thought she saw a flash of annoyance in that glance. But as Flitter opened her mouth Rainbow Dash cut her off at the pass. ”And don't say because of Chaser. This is something else.”

Flitter scowled at Rainbow Dash as she turned. ”Really Dash? I put effort into being more of a support to you and you call me out asking me what's wrong? I mean even if I wasn't perfect you could appreciate the effort!”

Rainbow Dash frowned, taking her a second to realize what Flitter meant by ’support.’ It was the traditional term for the less assertive of a mated pegasus pair. It was a supremely outdated way to run a relationship and Rainbow Dash wasn't interested in such a partner in any way. She opened her mouth to retort but then stopped herself, taking a deep breath. She needed to remind herself that Flitter was a bit more... Unique than the average pony and could misinterpret things relatively easily. "Flitter, I never meant to say that. What did I say that made you think that?"

Flitter blinked and whined a little, as her scowl faded into a frown. She despised when she misread others. Which was why she went into looking after foals, foals were easy to understand if you knew the proper signs but full grown ponies were puzzles. "Well, you said 'having you at my side.' We both know that was the old way to initiated the ceremony for... ... And you had no idea did you?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head and walked over to Flitter, tilting her head slightly, causing Flitter to let out a small sigh and nod, as Rainbow Dash leaned in and nuzzled her marefriend gently. "Flitter it's ok, you just misunderstood."

Flitter whined loudly and frowned at Rainbow Dash. "But I don't want to misunderstand what you say! I am tired of not getting things when people imply things, or when they try to drop hints, or when..." She took a deep breathe, stopping talking as she felt Rainbow Dash wrap her forelegs around her. Letting it out in a sigh she nuzzled into Rainbow Dash. "You're a lot... More caring than I would have thought."

Rainbow Dash smiled gently as she let go of Flitter, booping her nose gently. "You have your issues I know, but you also have advantages, you're wonderfully blunt." That restored Flitter's smile slightly. "You're smart as heck, and I mean heck I take home like... What? Twice as much once you told me how much more I was paying than I needed to for... Pretty much everything?" Flitter smiled a bit more, she liked it when her practicality was pointed out and complimented. "Not to mention you're adorable." That actually caught out a giggle from Flitter.

Flitter grinned and leaned in, giving her marefriend a kiss on the cheek and sighing a bit. "Thanks, Rainbow Dash. No telling anyone about this, right?"

Rainbow Dash nodded, letting out a small sigh. "Of course, though really you can tell others, it doesn't have to be just me and Chaser. I mean if no one else Fluttershy would be very supportive..." Flitter's feathered ruffled in irritation and she opened her mouth but Rainbow Dash lifted a hoof to Flitter before she could yell. "Ok, ok, I'll drop it. Bedtime or do you want to go to your home?"

Flitter glared for a few more moments but then smiled. "Bed here, it really is too late to go out, I'm tired... Parties really take it out of me." Rainbow Dash nodded and followed as Flitter lead the way upstairs, looking a little sadly after her marefriend. She was hoping that eventually, Flitter would feel confident enough to tell others about her disability. But Rainbow Dash would support Flitter either way.