• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 683 Views, 28 Comments

Overprotective Marefriend - Jhoira

Rainbow Dash continues the adventure of dealing with Flitter and her emotional issues.

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Secret Words (June 7th, Friday night.)

Flitter snuggled up to Rainbow Dash as they laid in bed that night, like she always did. Flitter wasn't usually a cuddly pony but when she had her... Events her sister had always comforted her. Then when Rainbow Dash had done the same for her she had slept unnaturally well. At least unnaturally for her. So now this was their sleeping arrangement. Cuddled up with the showy blue mare with the rainbow mane, and secretly loving every moment of it. Rainbow knew that Flitter enjoyed physical affection most of the time, but there were times it really, really bothered her. Rainbow Dash was therefore always careful about giving Flitter too much affection lest she snap at her. But their nightly cuddles was one thing that Rainbow Dash knew Flitter always enjoyed.

Much to her embarrassment Rainbow Dash had found she was a lot more into cuddling and gentle affection than she thought she'd been before she got into this relationship with Flitter. Rainbow Dash hadn't ever had a really romantic relationship before now so she figured that's why it hadn't come up. Most of her past relationships had been based on both her and the mare/stallion being attractive. But with Flitter, while she was extremely cute, it was more than just that. Rainbow Dash felt the desire to protect the, slightly, younger mare from the world. She had found out about Flitter's personal issues even as Flitter had tried to hide them as best she could. Really Flitter was pretty good at hiding them. She and Cloud Chaser were the only two that knew about Flitter's disability. Well, Rainbow Dash presumed that probably Flitter’s father and doctors knew too. Rainbow Dash wasn't sure why but she felt the strong urge to protect Flitter.

Rainbow Dash knew that was just part of who she was, that was why she and Fluttershy had first become friends, Rainbow Dash's urge to protect Fluttershy from the bullies. But it was more developed with Flitter. Flitter had so much to offer the world, but she hid from a world that, though she'd never have admitted it, scared her. Rainbow Dash smiled as she leaned down, nuzzling gently into Flitter's ears, taking full advantage of the carte blanche to be as affectionate as she wanted that the nightly cuddle sessions gave her. Hearing the small giggled as Flitter nuzzled deeper into Rainbow Dash's fur Rainbow Dash let out a contented sigh. She really felt like she had it all in that moment. Good friends, a wonderful career, an adorable marefriend to take care of... Maybe Twilight was right after all. Happiness wasn't in things, it was in purpose and relationships. Though she wasn't planning on giving up her things any time soon either.

Flitter giggled again as she felt a gentle kiss deposited on her head, between her ears. She glanced up at Rainbow Dash, leaning up and nuzzling against just below her marefriend's chin. Happy to know that here, in the privacy of Rainbow Dash's room there was no chance anyone was spying on her, no one could see her letting her guard down. "We need to go to sleep Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash smiled faintly as she rubbed her marefriend's back gently with her wing. "Well obviously, that's why we're in bed."

Flitter couldn't help but giggle again as Rainbow Dash purposely misinterpreted her statement. "You know what I mean Dash."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Oh, but I so rarely get to cuddle you like this Flitter. I think I'll take advantage of that for just a bit longer."

Flitter squirmed a little but giggled as she felt wings gently caressing her sides. "Oh don't get too liberal, or I'll make you sleep on the couch!" Obviously, that had never happened, but they both heard about it as a joke when a stallion upset his mare.

"This is my bed Flitter, if anyone would be getting the couch it'd be you!"

"Well yeah." Rainbow Dash frowned in the darkness before Flitter continued. "But then you'd have to come out to the couch to help me sleep, so you'd be out there too."

That warranted a bark of laughter from Rainbow Dash. "Clever girl!" Rainbow Dash gave her one last kiss on the forehead before settling in to actually let the two sleep. Though even as Flitter let out a large yawn and snuggled into her own position to sleep, Rainbow Dash couldn't just leave it there, she had to try, for Flitter's sake. "Flitter?"

At any other time, the hesitant tone in Rainbow Dash's voice would have been likely noticeable to Flitter, but she was too tired to hear it tonight. "Yeah?"

Rainbow Dash licked her lips, considering her best options before just deciding that she should stick to what she was best at, frontal assault. "I'd like it if you let me cuddle you more in public Flitter." She wanted to try to get Flitter to just tell everyone about her issues. However Flitter wasn't willing to do that, so getting her a bit out of her shell might be an acceptable workaround until that day, hopefully soon, came.

Flitter stiffened before glaring up at the other pony, a low growl escaping her throat. "Rainbow Dash...! We talked about this! You can't just... It's not that..." Flitter despised her weaknesses, she liked to think of herself as strong and independent, but she wasn't, and she despised that. She'd accepted that she had to share her weaknesses with Rainbow Dash and that Rainbow Dash would help her, but she didn't need them brought up to her every time Rainbow Dash got it in her mind to... To... To do something about them!

Rainbow Dash kept her voice gentle, coaxing. "Flitter, it's just that if you let me be more open with my affection... You might be more comfortable with the others..."

Flitter let out another growl, so it wasn't just Rainbow Dash wanting more affection. That would have been annoying with how they talked about public affection but it would have been acceptable. Rainbow Dash was a normal mare, and normal mares wanted to be able to be affectionate with their marefriends in public. But again Rainbow Dash was trying to fix... To fix her! Flitter had asked for help from the rainbow pony and they had made progress together, but it was never enough for the dang speedster! It was never fast enough for the arrogant blue mare! "Shut up Rainbow Dash! Just... Just shut up!"

Rainbow Dash let out a low huff but did shut up, pulling her wings in a little closer though, pressing Flitter to herself, as if expecting Flitter to bolt and wishing to stop her from escaping. For her part, Flitter was considering leaving. Maybe a night without her favorite cuddle toy would teach Rainbow Dash that Flitter wasn't something she could manipulate to make into the perfect little companion for her to show off at shows! Flitter took a slow, deep breath, she may be annoyed at Rainbow Dash but she knew that wasn't Rainbow Dash's intent. She couldn't ascribe such evil intent to her marefriend, it wasn't there. She had to calm herself down before she did something stupid... She did lean into Rainbow Dash a little more, nuzzling into her fur, hoping the unspoken assurance that she wasn't leaving would do some good where her words had done damage.

Rainbow Dash was stewing herself. She always tried to be patient as she could with Flitter but everyone had their limits. She was just trying to help, and it was ok for Flitter to say no, it was her emotional state after all. But to react like that, so rude, and just... Rainbow Dash appreciated bluntness but that had just been mean. Rainbow Dash had just been trying to help! Though she was tired, and she usually fell asleep quickly, her mind was too busy. With the new information about Coco and Applejack having a wedding date already, Pinkie and Zecora courting, and Minuette and Rarity being... Whatever the heck they were. She had too much to process, now with this annoyance on top of it she knew she wasn't going to be getting any sleep for a while while she sorted out her emotions.

Flitter hadn't fallen asleep yet either, but that wasn't uncommon. Even with her better record, there was a small sliver of her that feared to sleep. She often had the nightmares about... Well, they didn't bear thinking on. But she had had them so long, and despite Cloud Chaser being able to chase them away sometimes, and Rainbow Dash seemingly able to protect her from them permanently, she still feared that they would one day return. She also was stewing over snapping at Rainbow Dash. She should have just calmly said to drop it, she didn't need to be angry... She sighed and looked up at Rainbow Dash, who was laying there in the dim light with her eyes closed. Flitter probed quietly, "Rainbow Dash? Rainbow Dash are you awake?" Normally Rainbow Dash would have answered, but she was still sour over being told to shut up and so she remained silent, she really didn't want to deal with Flitter right now. Flitter smiled faintly as she nuzzled into Rainbow Dash, saying quietly. "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash... I love you."

Rainbow Dash, at least mentally, froze. She hadn't heard Flitter say that before! She... For all she knew Flitter had been saying this every night for weeks now. Though Rainbow Dash doubted that it didn't matter. Flitter had just said it, and even worse she'd said it when Rainbow Dash had been pretending to be asleep! She couldn't now say something about it! But she wanted to, she wanted to talk to Flitter about it, but now she couldn't Rainbow Dash silently cursed her sour mood. Flitter had not only apologized but also expressed her feelings like she hadn't before. After waiting about a minute Rainbow Dash did the only thing she could think of to express her approval to Flitter, pulling her in a little closer, a natural enough thing to happen in one's sleep so that Flitter wouldn't be suspicious. Rainbow Dash knew she wouldn't be sleeping for even longer now, she had to think up the perfect way to tell Flitter that she loved her too. Though she'd have to do it without dropping the bombshell that she was awake. Maybe she could get Rarity's advice on how to set up the perfect date tomorrow, then tell Flitter. Though she couldn't say it out loud at the moment, Rainbow Dash did mentally answer her marefriend. "I love you too Flitter."