• Published 11th May 2019
  • 7,761 Views, 880 Comments

Knowledge Brings Change - hydra30

What will happen when the Elements of Harmony team up with an eldritch horror from another realm?

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35 Preparations part 2 (there will always be complications when planning a wedding)

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had to go find a nice, secluded spot on the outskirts of Ponyville to practice. Contrary to popular opinion, neither Rainbow Dash or Scootaloo were 'totally' oblivious to the amount of havoc either of them were capable of when it came to their athletics, and considering what was going to be incorporated into this particular stunt, they had decided it was best that Rainbow have some distance from town during her practice performing. Besides, if the first thing Rainbow Dash did upon returning to Ponyville after a three year absence was cause collateral damage, it might be bad for her reputation.

"You sure about this, Scoots?" Rainbow asked the orange pegasus filly before her, having just heard a detailed description of how Scootaloo thought the Thu'um could be useful for her Sonic Rainboom.

"Definitely!" replied Scootaloo as she sat on a small wisp of cloud Rainbow had brought down so her number one fan could have an elevated perch for a good visual of Rainbow's performance.

"But, doesn't it sound a little bit," Rainbow gagged, "sappy?"

There were several reasons why Scootaloo idolized Rainbow Dash, but foremost, it was their similar personalities. Scootaloo was not as 'in tune' with her sensitive side as her friends, her whole 'EEEEEWWWW!' comment during the time she and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders learned Twilight and her friends got their own Cutie Marks at the exact same time (and because of Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom) was proof of that. Still, one doesn't assist in making a twenty foot valentine for their teacher on Hearts and Hooves Day without some sensitivity.

And she partook in playing matchmaker between Cheerilee and Big Mac, as well as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom; despite how disastrous it turned out in the end.

"Come on, Rainbow, it's a wedding," she said, "It's the very definition of 'sappy', if there ever was one."

Rainbow blinked and put a hoof to her chin. "That's... actually a good point."

"Besides," continued Scootaloo, giving Rainbow a confident wink. "If anypony can make sappiness awesome, it's you."

A little ego stroking was the best way to get Rainbow Dash in the mood to try anything.

"You know what squirt, you’re right," said Rainbow, taking flight with a single flap of her wings. "If anypony can convert sappiness to awesomeness I am just the pony for the job." She shot skyward. "I recommend you don't blink, Scoots, you won't want to miss a moment."

"You got that right," Scootaloo said giddily as she kept her eyes trained on the receding form of Rainbow as she climbed higher. Helping with the wedding was important, but it was small potatoes to why Scootaloo was really looking forward to this.

She wanted to see the Thu'um in action.

Rainbow Dash continued to gain altitude, her momentum increasing as she flapped her wings faster.

'Alright,' thought Rainbow, looking down to judge her distance from the ground, 'This should be high enough. Time for the first one.'

The words appearing vividly in her mind, Rainbow looked ahead, opened her mouth, and spoke:



Down below, Scootaloo felt the words that echoed from Rainbow Dash pass through her whole body (and not just through her ears), reverberating through her like they were something... tangible. Back during the original wedding, she had been too distracted with being abducted by changelings to notice the unique power Twilight used when she came to the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ aid, but with no distractions now she could feel the power.

And it was almost familiar. Like recalling a dream you had years ago, but could not quite remember.


"Wow!" mumbled Scootaloo as the plume of flames in the distance danced in her retinas. "She can breath fire! That's so cool, she's like a dragon now!"

If only Scootaloo knew.


'Alright, I don't have long before it dissipates,' thought Rainbow as she looked back at the swirling flames wafting in the air behind her. 'Next one.'

Shaking her head to clear her mind of the slight fatigue using a Thu'um usually brought on, Rainbow summoned the next phrase and spoke:


This one Scootaloo below could not notice, for it only affects the user's perspective.

"Aw yeah!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash as she took in her surroundings, "I am more difficult to impress than most ponies, but color me impressed, these shouts can do awesome things."

For Rainbow, the world had, for lack of a better term, become muted and slow.

This Thu'um grants the user the ability to slow time, leaving everything else as if moving in slow motion. Below, the flames Rainbow produced hung suspended in the air, a single flick of a single tongue taking almost a minute. Rainbow always knew she was the fastest moving pegasus (no, scratch that, pony) in Equestria, and now she had even more power in her velocity arsenal.

'Alright, now for the all time Rainbow Dash original.'

Beating her wings as fast as a hummingbird, Rainbow climbed higher into the sky until reaching what she judged to be sufficient altitude. Next, she changed course, speeding back towards the ground, a cone of air forming around her. And, just as she blasted through the cloud of flame...


As expected, once Rainbow breached the sound barrier, a Sonic Rainboom exploded from her speeding form, but unlike all the other times, this Sonic Rainboom virtually froze in place, thanks to the effects of Slow Time. It framed the cloud of flame perfectly.

'Hey, the squirt was right,' thought Rainbow as she veered around the frozen scene of her mingled techniques, leaving a rainbow trail in her wake. 'Now, next phaze.'

Still drawing on her remaining pent up speed, Rainbow angled herself towards the heart of the combined Sonic Rainboom and Fire Breath, aiming for the parameter of the colorful ring's edge, intending to zip right through its heart.

As she was about to make contact with the outer layer time began to return to normal...


Back in Ponyville, Twilight and Spike made their way to the edge of town.

"You sure we'll find Rainbow out here?" asked Spike, still sporting the checklist and the umbrella hat.

"Everypony said they saw her head this way with Scootaloo," said Twilight as they exited Ponyville to the hilly, grassy area that surrounded the comfortable little village.

"It just seems... so out of character for Rainbow to think so far ahead," commented Spike. "I mean, the last few times she was practicing, she ran into you, literally."

"Hey, give her credit Spike." Twilight giggled. "She was immersed in the knowledge of Apocrypha with the rest of us, if nothing else."

"That's true," said Spike, smirking. "I guess there was something that could pierce Rainbow's thick head after all."

"Yeah, the realm of a Daedra Lord," said Twilight, also smirking.

After a while they grew bored of good-naturedly mocking Rainbow and resumed their search for her. Though, after a few minutes’ trot with no sign of her, and with Ponyville shrinking in the distance, they began to contemplate whether or not they should leave Rainbow to do her thing and go check on the progress of the others. After all, All of Twilight's other friends had duties to perform for the upcoming wedding.

"Huh," muttered Spike, fanning himself with a claw, the midsummer temperature giving him a sweat drop on his scales. "Rainbow ain't usually subtle enough to be so elusive."

"You're telling me," said Twilight, also panting from heat and exertion. "We don't have time for this. Princess Celestia said she would have the ball room ready for the recital in three days, so we only have today and tomorrow to get everything ready, then we must make for Canterlot."

"Hey, I've got an idea." Spike picked up the checklist and studied it. "Why don't we move analyzing Rainbow Dash's progress on her Sonic Rainboom to tomorrow morning. That way when we all converge tomorrow, you and I can go with Rainbow first thing."

Twilight beaned, "Excellent idea, Spike. At this rate, by the time we find Rainbow she will have finished practice..."


Suddenly, the air was rent with a resounding explosion, and when Twilight and Spike looked up, they were just in time to receive a powerful blast of wind to the face.

"YEAAAAHAHAH!" Spike screamed, grabbing hold of Twilight's tail as he was swept up into the air by the billowing gust, his umbrella hat being ripped off his head and thrown towards the horizon, quickly going out of sight.

Twilight, being bigger than her baby dragon companion, was able to weather the sweeping wind until it died down.

"What was that about?" grumbled Spike as he plopped down, feeling his now bare head with a look of annoyance.

Twilight didn't respond, she was staring up at the sky blankly.

Spike followed her gaze and also grew still with shock at what he saw.

Up above, wisps of multi-colored flames were drifting shapelessly through the sky, their prismatic tongues thinning as they lazily dispersed. It would have been quite the sight to behold for anyone else, but to those who were familiar with aerial stunts (like anypony who associates with Rainbow Dash) something like this raises red flags. After all, if one were to contemplate certain comparisons, this appeared like someone or something had 'popped' one of Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainbooms.

"Twilight?" whispered Spike, slowly turning to look at her. "Which Thu'um was Rainbow saying she was going to combine with her Sonic Rainboom?'

Twilight didn't have an answer, and past her shock, she mentally berated herself for not realizing that something like this could be dangerous.

"She... didn't say..."

"You... you don't suppose she...?" Spike was cut off as a small cluster of cyan feathers drifted down before them. "Oh, sweet Celestia."

"RAINBOW!" shouted Twilight, scooping up Spike in her telekinesis and depositing him on her back, galloping off toward the epicenter of the airborne cataclysm.


Slowly, Scootaloo opened her lilac eyes, finding herself lying on her back in the mud. One second, she was at the edge of her cloud eagerly waiting for what Rainbow had up her sleeve. The next second, a great explosion tore through the sky, the shock wave ripping her puffy perch to flimsy wisps, and sending her flightless flank plummeting earthward.

Thank Celestia for the mud cushioning her impact.

Though, while physically unharmed, Scootaloo could not help but lie there, her mind completely unable to comprehend what had happened. She had wound up in this position in less than a second with no apparent reason, and the hypnotic drifting of the multi-colored flames above were doing nothing to clear her head.

She didn't even notice the coming hoofsteps.


"Twilight, over there." Twilight veered in the direction her dragonic passenger pointed, making a beeline for a little orange pegasus filly lying prone in a mud puddle.

"SCOOTALOO!" shouted Twilight, scooping up the little filly into her magic and levitating her into her fore hooves and cradling her gently.

"Is she okay?" asked Spike worriedly as he hopped down from Twilight's back.

"I'm not sure," replied Twilight, gently shaking Scootaloo as she held her. "Scootaloo? Sweetie, are you okay? Speak to me."

The gentle shaking and worried voice seemed to snap Scootaloo out of her stupor, the athletic filly letting out a gasp and bolting upright in Twilight's grip.

"Twilight? Spike?" she mumbled, "What... what happened?" .

Twilight and Spike exchanged a relieved look, "We were hoping you could tell us," said Twilight

"Yeah, what are you and Rainbow doing out here?" Asked Spike.

Leaping out of Twilight's hooves, Scootaloo quickly told Twilight and Spike her thoughts on how a Thu'um could make a Sonic Rainboom more fitting for a wedding.

"That's... pretty deep for Rainbow," said Spike.

"Yeah," agreed Twilight, "But how did the Rainboom explode? Neither of those shouts should have had such a reaction like this."

"Hey, where is Rainbow?" asked Scootaloo, looking around for any trace of her idol.

"We don't know either," said Twilight, "And we need to find her in case she's hurt."

Scootaloo agreed, and the trio set out to find Rainbow, wherever she might have ended up.

Thankfully, it didn't take long to locate her, and from the looks of things, she was relatively unharmed. Despite that being the case, her current position was anything but 'dignified'. The blast from the failed modified Sonic Rainboom had obliterated most of the clouds in the sky, except for one.

Which was currently acting as Rainbow's temporary home.

The blast had apparently launched Rainbow with such force, when she impacted the cloud, she apparently became wedged tight within it's puffy depths. Only her hindquarters were visible, her rear legs squirming and kicking as Rainbow struggled to dislodge herself from her prison of airborne moisture. It was apparently a losing battle.

Twilight, Spike, and Scootaloo watched Rainbow's prismatic tail twitching from the ground, looking towards each other in bafflement for a second, before having a light chuckle at their friend’s expense.

"Hang on, Rainbow," called Twilight to the cyan rump above, chuckling still as she trotted up to stand below her stuck friend. "I'll get you down."

Igniting her horn, Twilight clasped Rainbow's tail in her telekinesis and gently guided her back to earth. Once she was to ground level, Twilight used her magic to pick apart the cloud into wisps of fog. Soon, Rainbow's upper body emerged, the athletic pegasus ripping herself the rest of the way out and standing on wobbly hooves. "You okay?" asked Twilight.

Rainbow spat out a mouth full of clouds and blushed at her friend. "Yeah, I'm fine."

She was immediately proven wrong.

When Rainbow spread her wings to take flight, a resounding crack echoed from the joint of her left wing.

"Nnnnnnggghh!" Rainbow gritted her teeth and clutched her appendage.

"Rainbow!" exclaimed Twilight worriedly, reaching out to her friend with a hoof.

"Chillax, Twilight, I’m alright," said Rainbow, brushing Twilight's hoof aside and examining her wing. "It's only a minor sprain," she said, flexing her wing and cringing slightly.

Twilight didn't look convinced. "Do we need to get you to the hospital?

At the very mention of the "H" word Rainbow Dash locked up for a second, and went wide eyed, but quickly regained her composure. "Nah, egghead, I've had sprains like this before. I just need a moment, then I can resume preparing my modified Sonic Rainboom."

"Is it really worth all this though, Rainbow?" asked Twilight, frowning. "I don't think Cadance and my brother would appreciate it if you got hurt doing this, and I bet they would be more than happy with just a regular Sonic Rainboom."

"First off, Twilight, there is no such thing as a 'regular' Sonic Rainboom," Rainbow Dash began with a frown. "Second, this is not just about making my Sonic Rainboom even more awesomer than it already is."

"Way more than twenty percent awesomer, if you ask me," called Scootaloo from where she stood next to Spike.

Twilight and Rainbow blinked at her.

"Yeah, good point, thanks for that squirt." Rainbow turned back to Twilight, her frown returning, "As I was saying, this isn't just about my Sonic Rainboom. This is about fairness."

"Fairness?" Inquired Twilight.

"As awesome as these new powers we and the rest of the team now have in our arsenal, it doesn't change the fact that this whole Hermaeus Mora, Thu'um crud put off Princess Cadance and your bro's wedding by an unacceptable amount of time. Not to mention letting new baddies in."

"Rainbow, the original wedding was doomed to begin with," protested Twilight.

"Yeah, yeah, Queen jerkface Chrysalis and all that jazz." Rainbow blew steam out of her muzzle. "But who's to say we need Mr. Tendrils in the first place? If he hadn't intervened I bet you and Cadance could have escaped her trap all on your own, most likely with a musical number, and we could have defeated Chrysalis together. But oh no, the big dufus Daedra-"

"Rainbow, careful," whimpered Twilight worriedly. "Don't bring down the wrath of a Daedra down upon yourself."

"Whatever, as I was saying, Mr. High-and-Mighty just had to stick his eyeballs into it, manipulate the situation to suit his own interest, and only saved Equestria at the last minute for his own interests. And now we have to deal with that huge debt he conned you into, which is why the wedding was put off in the first place."

Twilight's ears flattened to her skull, for there was some truth to what Rainbow was saying.

"I bet we could have kicked Chrysalis's carapaced flank so hard, she and all her minions would have been sent flying out of Canterlot like leaves being blown out of trees in the wake of 'my' flight path. But since things didn't go down that way, I will settle for all this stuff making amends for sending everything into such a tailspin. Even if it's just using the Thu'um to make my Sonic Rainboom even cooler for the wedding."

Twilight blinked, that was surprisingly deep, especially for Rainbow, again. Though she still smiled. In a way, it was showing that her friend was growing as a pony.

And it was also something that could count as a positive for the magic of Mundus having spilled over to Equestria.

"Here, Rainbow," said Twilight, extending out Rainbow's injured wing out with telekinesis, producing a yelp from Rainbow that was higher pitched than the proud pegasus would have liked. "Let me take care of that."

"Come on, Twilight, I said I am fine," protested Rainbow, "I just need a few minutes..."

"Why settle for a few minutes, when we have something that can get you back in the air in seconds," started Twilight, her horn becoming tipped with a pulsating gold star that she then pointed at Rainbow's wings. "After all, the Thu'um is not the only thing we acquired in Apocrypha."

Rainbow stared for a second, but sighed with relief as the ruffled feathers and checkerboard pattern along her wing mended. "Yeah, gotta remember that one myself next time."


"Whoa!" gasped Scootaloo as she and Spike watched Twilight mend Rainbow's wings. "How did she do that?"

"Restoration spell," said Spike with a friendly smile.

"That's amazing," Scootaloo said in awe, her eyes swimming with the golden glow of the star, even long after Twilight had finished. "Last time Rainbow sprained her wing, it took her at least an hour to recover enough to resume her training."

"Restoration magic has few restrictions in Mundus," explained Spike, his mind delving back to all he had learned alongside the pony crew in Apocrypha. "From what I know, only the most grievous of wounds and illnesses can't be resolved through it."

Slowly, Scootaloo pivoted her head to look at the baby dragon, her expression producing a worried frown and a sweat drop."Huh, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Spike, my friend, what say you and me come to an agreement?" said Scootaloo, advancing towards Spike in a way that was somehow friendly, yet menacing.

Spike swallowed in response.

"Rainbow and the others downright oppose me and my friends going to that Apocrypha place." She got right into Spike’s face. "But you’re just as associated with the floating eye guy that runs that place as they are."

"Oh, I don't know about that," protested Spike nervously. "I wouldn't even count him as a friendly associate..."

"Well, how about you arrange a little trip for me and my friends to this Mundus place instead?" continued Scootaloo sinisterly. "Why, if their magic can do something so awesome, like what Twilight is doing, I bet some spell of theirs could get us Cutie Marks even faster than big ol what's his name could have." She frowned and looked at her own diminished wings. "And maybe even fix something else?"

Spike gulped again, "And why would I do that?"

"Oh, it might be in your best interests," said Scootaloo, leaning behind Spike and gazing at his barbed tail sinisterly. "After all, it’d be a shame if somepony, say on a scooter, were to run over your tail accidentally."

Spike hiccuped and pulled his scaly tail up to his chest. "You wouldn't!"

"Oh, wouldn't I?" asked Scootaloo, twitching her eyebrows.

Spike trembled, but he knew he could not give in.

"Scootaloo, look," he said sternly, "I know you and your friends are desperately searching for your Cutie Marks, but as I told Sweetie Belle, this is not the answer. And I won’t help you get access to the other worlds any more than your sisters will."

"You would dare say no to me?" Scootaloo pawed the ground aggressively.

"Like I have a choice?" protested Spike, pointing to Twilight as she finished mending Rainbow's wing. "Do you have any idea what she would do to me if I complied with your crazy plan?"

"Not run over your tail with a speeding scooter, I bet."

Something within Spike reminded him he was not the pudgy baby dragon he was three years ago.

"Do you really want to try me?" Spike blew puffs of flame out of his nostrils.

"Oh please," giggled Scootaloo. "Do you really think you can intimidate me with that pitiful fire breath of yours? Dragon's may breathe fire, but you have all the burn of a birthday candle."

Spike mimicked Scootaloo's earlier sinister smirk and turned to a nearby tree:


Scootaloo could only watch as a curtain of flames identical to the one Rainbow produced in the sky a while ago flew out of Spikes mouth. The swirling plumes raced through the air, washing over the tree like a wave over rock on a shore. When they dissipated, the tree stood as it was before, but charcoal black now.

Then, in a blink, it crumpled into ashes.

Scootaloo's mouth hung open like a quarray eel's nest, slowly turning to face Spike, "You... you have these powers too?"

"That's right." Spike inhaled:


With this new Thu'um, Spike became shrouded in new ethereal scales, horns, and even a transparent pair of wings, swirling with orange and blue colors. At first, Scootaloo was enthralled by the beautiful dancing colors of Spike’s Dragon Aspect, but when he took wing and hovered above her, the lethal look of his new appearance finally settled in and she backed up slowly. After all, Spike looked like a full blown dragon now.

"Well?" Spike whipped around, flinging his tail forward, its new luminescent extension draping across the ground before Scootaloo like a boa. "Still feel like running over my tail?"

Scootaloo's only response was to giggle nervously.

"SPIKE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" called Twilight, her and Rainbow galloping over, glaring at her number one assistant, now equipped in Dragon Aspect.

"Yeah, why are you throwing Thu'um around?" asked Rainbow.

Spike crossed his arms and glared at Scootaloo. "Ask her."


"Don't worry, Twilight," said Rainbow as she and Scootaloo waved Spike and Twilight off as they departed to continue checking on the others and their own preparations for the wedding. "I will have the Sonic Rainboom ready long before you even get to Fluttershy's."

As Spike and Twilight left, Rainbow could not help but notice how Scootaloo looked at Spike (flying with his Dragon Aspect wings, rather than riding on Twilight's back) with a longing expression.

"Hey now, don't let it get you down, squirt," said Rainbow reassuringly. "I know you believe it would be cool for you to have the Thu'um to use for yourself, but you are already awesome enough, you don't need it."

"But even Spike can fly now," complained Scootaloo, "Why can't I get some of these abilities for myself, if not to get my Cutie Mark, then to at least be able to fly."

"That pitiful Dragon Aspect flight is a pale imitation of what we real fliers can do," explained Rainbow.

"But at least it would be something, I can't fly at all." Scootaloo pouted.

Rainbow Dash hated to see her number one fan like this, "Hey Scootaloo." Scootaloo looked up with sad eyes. "I know you want to fly more than anything."

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me," said Scootaloo sarcastically.

"Hear me out, kid, I know you want to fly, and regret that your wings can't lift you off the ground." Rainbow smiled supportively. "But if you could fly like every other pegasus, would you be as radical on your scooter that you are now?"

"No, because I would be flying through the sky like..."

"Exactly," interrupted Rainbow. "You would be like every other pegasus. Don't you see how unique you are Scoots? Any other pegasus, no anypony in general, would fall on their rumps if they tried even a quarter of what you do on those mean wheels of yours."

Scootaloo brightened up a little. "You really think so?"

"I know so, kid." Rainbow Dash draped a wing over Scootaloo's withers. "Now how about you use those skills and help me iron out how to pull off this Sonic Rainboom?"

Scootaloo shook herself out of her depression, and replaced it with a determined look. "Yeah, let's do it."

Rainbow Dash led her number one fan back to the training area, breathing a sigh of relief that Scootaloo was deterred from wanting to go to Nirn again.

What she saw in Morrowind was terrifying, and according to Twilight, horrible things happened everyday there, even little things like petty theft.




Imperial City, during 3E 433:

The White Gold Tower blotted out the evening sky over the Imperial City Market District, where the streets were filled with violent scuffling.

"Put that back, you worthless thief!"

"You treacherous little filcher, how dare you steal from me!"

"Drop it, you sticky palmed little worm!"

The gruff voices continued until a clap of thunder went off, followed by a flash of lightning, a bipedal figure sailing spread eagle through the air, arcs of electricity dancing through his body.

"SOMEONE'S BEEN MURDERED!" shouted multiple voices at once.


It was best Scootaloo steer clear of that place.


The trek from Rainbow's colorful practice had been uneventful, other than for Spike's Dragon Aspect to wear off, leaving the dragon to ride on Twilight's back as usual. It wasn't long before the cosy little cottage of a certain timid pegasus came into view. The sound of birds chirping in harmony as they approached.

"Sounds like it's coming along nicely," said Spike as Twilight followed the beautiful music around to Fluttershy's backyard.

"You had doubts, Spike?" joked Twilight, "If anypony can get birds to sing in a choir, it's our Fluttershy."

As they made their way around the multiple pens, chicken coop, and other little animal dwellings, they finally found Fluttershy standing before a large, multi-branched perch, housing her bird choir.

"Alright, once more from the top," said Fluttershy, "A one, a two, a one two three four."

With a wave of her hoof, the birds began singing in unison again. Their chirping and squawking synchronized perfectly, creating a gentle rhythm, save for one bluejay, who was singing slightly off key.

"Oh, everyone, please stop for a moment," said Fluttershy, fluttering up to said bird, "Excuse me, sir, but you need to pick up the tempo just a smidge, please."

The bluejay nodded.

"Excellent work, Fluttershy," said Twilight as she approached. "Your birds are singing great."

"Oh," said Fluttershy, slightly surprised (being as timid as she is) by Twilight's appearance. "Thank you, Twilight. Once Mr. Breezy Breast gets caught up with the others, I'm positive we will be ready for the wedding."

"Great," said Twilight, Spike produced the checklist from somewhere and scribbled on it. "So far so good; everything seems to be coming along..."


The sudden shout caused everyone (pony, dragon, and bird) to jump, Spike landed on his face in the dirt, the checklist settling across the back of his head, Fluttershy's birds took flight and sped away like their tail feathers were on fire with a fearful squawk. Once Twilight and Fluttershy recovered, they turned to the source of the frantic voice. What they saw surprised them.

Dr. Fauna, local veterinarian, and the pony tasked with caring for Fluttershy's animal friends while she was shouldering some of Twilight's burden in Apocrypha, was rounding the corner down the road and approaching at breakneck speed.

"Dr. Fauna!" gasped Fluttershy, galloping off to meet the approaching vet, with Twilight in pursuit.

"Don't mind me," said Spike from beneath the checklist as they trotted over him. "I'll just lie here and eat dirt."

Not paying the pitiful drake any mind, the two mares made a beeline for Dr. Fauna and met her halfway down the dirt path outside Fluttershy's cottage.

"Dr. Fauna, what's wrong...?" Fluttershy gasped mid-sentence once she became close enough to see Dr. Fauna's figure.

Not only was she clad in her doctor’s coat, like usual, but three prone, tiny figures lay draped over her back.

"I found them down the road," gasped Dr. Fauna as she struggled to regain her breath from what was obviously a long gallop. "I tried to diagnose them, but I don't know what is wrong with them. I've never seen anything like it."

"Hop, Skip, Jump!" gasped Fluttershy, scooping up the three still bunnies and taking off for her cottage. "Oh, my dears, what happened to you?"

Twilight and Dr. Fauna followed Fluttershy as fast as they could, but when it came to her furry friends, Fluttershy was even swifter than Rainbow Dash. She already had the three bunnies lying on her couch by the time they entered, a blanket covering them, as well as warm washcloths over their foreheads. The three bunnies were unresponsive, except for light breathing.

"Fluttershy," gasped Dr. Fauna. "Do you have any idea what is wrong?

"Some form of inhalation toxicity," said Fluttershy, "Whatever it is, it's causing paralysis the likes of which I have never seen."

"You sure it's paralysis?" Asked Twilight.

"Yes," said Fluttershy, fluttering from one bunny to the next. "Though I have never seen such severe cases before."

"Pity we aren't still in Morrowind," said Spike as he entered. "A cure paralysis potion is pretty common..."

Before he finished, a small splash of ink erupted at his feet, a small pink bottle rattling into place.

The ponies and dragon stared at it.

"Is...is that...? Mumbled Fluttershy.

Twilight scooped the bottle in her telekinesis and sniffed the mouth. With a small smile, she turned to Fluttershy. "Yep, a cure paralysis potion..."

Fluttershy zipped over, snatched the bottle, and, after retrieving a medicine spoon, began to slowly feed the potion to the trio of bunnies.

In no time at all, the three were breathing normally and slowly regaining consciousness.

"Oh, thank Celestia," moaned Fluttershy, relieved.

"You said it," said Dr. Fauna, smiling in relief. "In all my life, I have never seen a case of paralysis so severe."

"Me neither," said Fluttershy.

"I think there's a reason for that." Twilight glared at the now empty bottle. "Hermaeus Mora gave us that potion..."

Dr. Fauna gasped in fear. "That... that was him?"

"You bet your lab coat," said Spike, "That ink splash was his calling card."

"Exactly," said Twilight," And why would he give us the cure unless he was somehow involved? And if he's involved..."

"This poison probably came from Apocrypha, or at least Nirn," finished Fluttershy, wide eyed.

Before anything else could be said, a light squeaking filled the air.

"Hop, what was that sweetie?" asked Fluttershy, approaching one of the prone bunnies.

She was met with another barrage of squeaking.

Fluttershy gasped loudly and flung her hooves over her mouth.

"Fluttershy, what is it?" asked Twilight worriedly, the expression of her friend making her heart almost stop. Even though Fluttershy was pretty easy to rile to begin with, sometimes you could just tell she is worried about something legitimately worrying.

"Sweet Apple Acres!" Fluttershy gasped. "Hop said he and his friends were hanging out around Sweet Apple Acres, when suddenly they were attacked by a monster. A monster with tentacles!"

"Wait, Hermaeus Mora, tendrils...?" Spike appeared to be contemplating something.


"Why would Hermaeus Mora attack Sweet Apple Acres?" Inquired Fluttershy.

"Doesn't matter, we need to stop this. Applejack!" Twilight tore out the door.

"APPLEJACK!" repeated Fluttershy and Spike, both taking after Twilight.

"Wait!" protested Dr. Fauna, but they were already out of sight.

She groaned and looked down at the three bunnies, all wearing mischievous smirks. Their whole innocent act wasn't going to pull the wool over her eyes. She was well aware of the new guardians Sweet Apple Acres had for its red bounty now.

"I warned you three about the Netch," she scalded. "If you think you can shift the blame to those gentle giants, you clearly don't know Fluttershy very well."


"Why would Hermaeus Mora attack Sweet Apple Acres?" asked Spike again as he clung to Twilight's flanks.

"Doesn't matter," said Twilight, glaring.

"How are we going to stop him?" asked Fluttershy, galloping instead of flying. "He's a Daedra."

"I don't know, but we can't just do nothing," replied Twilight. "Daedra Lord or no, no one messes with our..."

Twilight stopped at the crest of a hill overlooking Sweet Apple Acres, her jaw dropping as she beheld the precious apple farm that had been in Applejack's family for generations. Spike stood up on her back, his own face morphing into a look of amazement as well.

"What is it?" moaned Fluttershy, "Are we too late, oh, please don't tell me we're too..."

Fluttershy finally got an eyeful of Sweet Apple Acres herself, and now it was her turn to stare in amazement.

Drifting between the tall apple trees were great bulbous shapes of large, airborne creatures. They resembled something of a cross between a dirigible and a jellyfish, light tan in color, with great tendrils whipping beneath their mighty bodies. Smaller creatures followed beneath the larger ones, equipped with just four tendrils, and kept aloft with blue gas filled sacks.

"Are..." Twilight stammered, "Are those...?"


Fluttershy took off down the hill so fast she spun Spike like a top on top of Twilight's back. After his eyes stopped twirling, he scratched his head at Fluttershy's sudden change in behavior. "So... are we not going to kick Daedra tail now?"

"No, Spike, because this actually explains things," said Twilight as she trotted after Fluttershy, though with way more restraint. "Tendrils, paralysis; Bull Netch defend themselves with paralysing vapor."

"But... what are Netch doing in Sweet Apple Acres?" asked Spike. "We saw a few in Morrowind, how did they get here if they come from Nirn?"

Twilight flinched nervously. "Let's find out."

They found Fluttershy fluttering among a relatively large group of Netch, nuzzling a particularly large Bull Netch.

"Oh, look at you," she said, her words muffled by the Netch's tough flesh. "So big and strong, yet so gentle. You're like a whale that floats through the sky."

'Skree skree.'

"Oh, quit being so masculine, Terrance," said Fluttershy, swirling her hoof on the Netch's leathery hide. "You're beautiful and you know it.

A Betty Netch drifted over.

"Oh, you are so beautiful too, Betsy." Fluttershy fluttered over and stroked the Betty's gaseous sack.

"Enjoying yourself?" asked Twilight with a smirk.

Fluttershy looked down at her. "Oh yes, Netch are so sweet. I was hoping that one time in Apocrypha wasn't going to be the only time I met one.

"Looks like you got your wish," said Twilight, looking at the multiple Netch around. "But, where did they all come from?"

"Oh... uh, I can ask," offered Fluttershy.

"Yes, that would be most..."

"Well I thought I heard Fluttershy, but Twilight and Spike too, this is a nice surprise." Twilight was cut off when Applejack emerged from the foliage. "Take it your’e here to check on the banquet preparations?"

"APPLEJACK!". Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy plowed into their friend in a huge hug, though her earth pony strength allowed her to remain on her hooves.

"Okay, have you three been replaced with three Pinkie Pies?"

"Oh Applejack, we were so worried about you," mumbled Fluttershy into her chest.

"Why is that, sugarcube?"

"Hop, Skip, and Jump."


"Three bunny friends of mine," said Fluttershy as the group hug broke apart. "Dr. Fauna found them sick on the side of the road. They told me that Sweet Apple Acres was being attacked by horrible tentacled monsters that attacked them for no reason."

"Three bunnies?" Applejack frowned. "No reason? Did those three varmit's happen to mention what they did to Granny?"

Fluttershy was the one to frown now.

For about ten minutes, Applejack explained all that she learned when she returned home. How, in her absence, an infestation of Vampire Fruit Bats fell over Sweet Apple Acres, decimating the crop, until only the great apple Applejack had sown before she left remained. And then when all seemed lost, Hermaeus Mora stepped in with an offer that could not be refused.

"Not only did our floating buddies drive those nasty pests away, but they helped keep Sweet Apple Acres afloat until the orchards recovered." Applejack stroked the tendrils of a nearby Betty. "These balloon puppies lay eggs faster than a chicken, and when word spread, wealthy ponies left and right wanted a piece of the Netch pie."

Fluttershy, Spike, and Twilight stood riveted at the tale told to them. And for Twilight, it was another sign of what she dreaded. Another aspect of Mundus had arrived.

She only hoped Equestria could handle it, plus whatever else may come.

"And those varmints, they attacked Granny with a rock, trying to make off with some very valuable apples. Thats when these big fellas came to her rescue and drove them off." Her explanation finished, Applejack turned to Twilight.

"Now Twi, what say we get to see how everything is coming along?" said Applejack. "It really is gonna be a treat, we even have some Platinum Delicious to throw into the mix."

"Yeah, let's go Twilight," said Spike, "We should probably continue with the preparations."

"And I need to get going, my birds and I need to get back to practicing," said Fluttershy.

So the group dispersed, continuing to do their part for the wedding of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Though Fluttershy had one more thing to take care of before getting back to her music.

"I agree with you, Applejack," whispered Twilight as she trotted next to the farm mare. "That scenario has Hermaeus Mora written all over it."


As he followed the two mares, Spike heard somepony approach him from behind.

"Hey Spike," chirped Apple Bloom.

"Oh, Celestia spare me," groaned Spike with a faceclaw.

Now he had the full set.


Dr. Fauna scowled as Hop, Skip, and Jump fully recovered. That's when Fluttershy returned home.

"Fluttershy, I tried to tell you," complained Dr. Fauna.

"I know, and I know just what to do," said Fluttershy as she approached her three recovered patients.

When her shadow fell upon them, the trio looked up, and from the expression on her face, they knew that their attempts to pass the buck had failed.

"That's right you three." She scowled. "Assaulting an old lady to steal apples, you should be ashamed." Fluttershy whistled.

The three bunnies gasped in terror as another shadow fell upon them from Fluttershy's shoulder, this one sporting ears just like theirs.

"Angel, you know what to do."

The tyrant of the bunny kingdom rubbed his little paws together with an evil laugh. Three bunnies that had to act as his servants till further notice. What could possibly ruin such a wonderful occasion?


Equestria's only Rock farm:

"Miss Lulamoon."

Trixie gritted her teeth as she sat outside the Pie family farm. She was in a foul enough mood as is, and she was supposed to be on break. Still, it was her employer.

"Yes Mr. Rock?" she replied, swallowing her annoyance.

"I just received word from Fillydelphia," explained Igneous. "They are accelerating construction on their railroad, so they will be needing their gravel order sooner than expected."

Trixie grit her teeth so hard, she thought she may have cracked a molar. This meant extra excruciating work for sure.

"When you are done with your break please head down to the outskirts of the quarry and chisel the cluster of large rocks to the east. Only they are large enough to accommodate such a large order during such a narrow time window."

Igneous trotted off before Trixie could even respond, either to comply, or to shout. With a groan of frustration, she scooped up the newspaper she had been reading before her boss interrupted her and glared at the front page.

"You!" she hissed, "This is all your fault!"

Trixie Lulamoon, once a renowned performer of magic.

Now reduced to a mere farmhoof, on a rock farm!

It all started going downhill all those years ago, when she performed in the little hamlet of Ponyville. That little upstart of Princess Celestia’s vanquished an Ursa, proving not only her magic fortitude, but also exposing Trixie for the fraud she really was. Now nopony wanted to see her perform.

So here she was, on a rock farm.

And Twilight was on the front page.

Apparently, since the last time Trixie crossed paths with Twilight, she had stumbled upon power, the likes of which nopony could comprehend. It was no secret that Hermaeus Mora was in Equestria, and, of course, Trixie was one of those who witnessed his arrival, maybe losing a little more dignity in the process, as well as watering any nearby plants. After all, what was an Ursa compared to him? And apparently, Twilight had been tutored by that abomination now, and now wielded magic of incomprehensible might, along with every member of her tight knit little group.

Or so the paper said, while, at the same time, announcing her temporary return home from Apocrypha, the apparent home of this new demon.

"Why you? Why is it always you!?" she grumbled. "All that power, and you don't even know what to do with it. Weddings, parties, you wouldn't know what to do with power if the solution bit you!" Trixie crumpled up the paper and flung it away. "Why didn't Hermaeus Mora choose Trixie? I could do what Twilight does, and with good old showmare pizazz."

Her temper flaring, Trixie clasped a pickaxe in her telekinesis and glared across the quarry at the distant rock that her boss wanted chiseled to gravel, visible even from this distance. He wanted gravel? He would get gravel.


With a roar of frustration, she flung the pickaxe with all her magic. The little tool sailed across the quarry like a lavender shooting star. In the distance, the cluster of boulders exploded in a shower of lavender and gravel, getting the job done, though maybe overly so.

Exhausted, Trixie fell to the ground, bitter tears streaking her cheeks.

"Why does she just get stronger and stronger?" Trixie curled into a ball upon the ground. "She doesn't even try very hard, she's just always in the right place at the right time. Why isn't Trixie ever in the right place?"


"Ow!" Trixie bolted upright as something struck her head, most likely a piece of the demolished rock. "Son of a diamond dog..."

Trixie froze.

Lying near her hooves was an object that shimmered in the light.

It was made of a glistening black metal, cut into a triangular shape, housing a blood red ruby. A depiction of an alicorn’s wings and head decorated the top, the eye as red as the ruby. While Trixie may not be as adept at magic as Twilight, any unicorn with an understanding of magic would know the object lying in the dirt.

"The... the Alicorn Amulet?"

The most coveted magic charm in all of pony history, and it was just lying there.

"But... but how?" Trixie looked up at the destroyed rocks in the distance. "There? All this time?"

Trixie's crumpled up newspaper rolled against her fetlock, Twilight's face still showing through the wad. Trixie stared at it, then to the sinister amulet. She smirked.

"Sweet revenge!"


Across the quarry, as the dust finally settled, the shriveled skeleton of a unicorn became visible among the rocky debris, shrouded in a tattered black robe.

Author's Note:

Hello, back again.

Sorry for the wait, I hope at least some of my loyal readers remain.

As you may have guessed, the Alicorn Amulet is going to have a more detailed history in my story than the show.:raritywink:

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