• Published 11th May 2019
  • 7,761 Views, 880 Comments

Knowledge Brings Change - hydra30

What will happen when the Elements of Harmony team up with an eldritch horror from another realm?

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2 Reprieve

A tiny ring of ripples spread throughout a dark pool of ink that rested at the Summit of Apocrypha.

It had been the first time in three years anything remotely stirred here, and it didn't stop at one small movement. Several bigger ripples followed the first, growing in size and speed as more seconds passed. This continued until the entire pool churned and sloshed like the surface of a hot spring, throwing thick globs all around the stone base of the pool...

Until a majestic arched gazebo sprung up from within the pool with a mighty splash.

[iIt housed a colossal book that rested on a massive book stand; its pages illuminating a faint blue glow beneath the surface of the closed cover, which then sprang open of its own accord, the pages within dancing with wiggling runes and glyphs. The pages then began to turn, slowly at first, but picking up speed until all that could be seen of them was a crackling blur. If one looked closely they would see the little sketches moving like the pictures in a zoetrope, growing bigger until they encompassed the flipping pages from one side of the book to the other.

Then a brilliant flash of light exploded from the book, illuminating the surrounding area before its solid beams of light became obstructed by the silhouette of six ponies and one dragon stepping forth.

Twilight and her friends exited the book, the illumination receding back inside the pages as all of them stepped from it. Something had changed in them. They still retained all of their original traits, physically and emotionally, but something new had been added. Something that gave their features and posture a slightly darker quality.

"I take back every book related insult I ever threw at you, Twilight," said Rainbow Dash as she took to the air, looking to her hooves as if seeing them for the first time. "Such power, all from just reading a book."

"Reading?" inquired Applejack, looking up at her airborne friend quizzically, "Sugarcube, we have been glazed in knowledge, like an apple fritter."

"Oooh, that sounds gooood," moaned Pinkie, drooling as she stared off into the distance with a look of longing. "I feel like I haven't had anything yummy in, like, forever."

"How long do you suppose we were in there?" asked Fluttershy, glancing back at the book with a mixture of puzzlement and weariness.

"Oh, I hope it wasn't another fifteen years!" said Rarity, her eyes wide.

The others let out a panicked gasp at her suggestion, Rainbow falling to the ground as her wings locked up.

"You need not worry about that, girls," said Twilight reassuringly, standing before her group of friends with a smile. "Like I explained before, I smoothed out the magic formulas. If my calculations were correct, we should not have been in there for more than a few years."

Her friends calmed down a little upon being reminded of that little detail. But a few years was still enough time for at least a little to have changed in their absence. They hoped there was at least something familiar waiting for them back home, or they didn't know what they would do.

Speaking of which...

" Well, I say we summon old scaly and get this over with," said Rainbow, flapping into the air again. "The sooner we help him give his notice to these 'Ideal Masters' idiots, the sooner we can leave this place."

"I agree," said Fluttershy, looking around in slight discomfort. "This place...it's just not right."

The rest all voiced their agreement... all except Twilight.

"I'm sorry girls, but we can't," said Twilight, flinching slightly at their expressions of shock and disappointment. "Not yet, anyway."

Twilight's friends could only stare, Rainbow losing the mental capacity to flap her wings and falling to the ground, again.

"What do ya mean, Twi?" asked Applejack, slightly scowling at what she had just been told. "You said that if we obtained the same fancy powers as you, and we all use them together, we could finish the job Hermaeus Mora tasked you with."

"That's right," said Rainbow, looking up from her belly flopped position.

"I'm sorry, girls, but you're not ready to use your new powers yet," explained Twilight, looking slightly worried as their scowls deepened.

"What do you mean, Twilight?" asked Spike, looking back to the book sitting behind them. "We practiced everything we learned inside there, and it seemed to work just fine."

"I placed a special enchantment on the book before we entered," explained Twilight, trying to keep a clear mind as her friends' disappointed looks gave her a guilty feeling. "Everything that happened was in there was just a trial run. Illusions that manifested what would happen if it was actually happening. That way nopony..." Twilight cast a glance at Spike, "or dragon, would be hurt."

Twilight's friends all gained a concerned look.

"What do you mean 'harmed'?" asked Rarity, her and the others sitting on their hunches.

Twilight heaved a little sigh. What she was about to tell them she knew she probably should have told them sooner, but she didn't want them distracted while they were working inside that book. Plus, she wanted them to enjoy the experience and not concern themselves with what was going to happen afterwards.

"You all know that unlike magic users on Nirn, a pony's magic comes from within..."

Yes, they all knew that was true.

A pony's magic; such as a unicorn's spell casting ability, the pegasus ability to walk on clouds, manipulate weather, and even fly, and an earth ponies strength, durability, and connection with plants, it all stems from a magic core that all ponies are born with.

"Do any of you remember when Hermaeus Mora explained how I could not start his lessons with him when I first met him because it would have drained me of my life force?" asked Twilight, getting a round of nods. "The reason for that is, although Equestrians can use the spells from Nirn to a degree no 'wizard' from Nirn could accomplish, they consume at least eight times as much magic as Equestrian spells do. You know what happens if a pony loses every trace of magic in their body, right?"

They all nodded, pale expressions on their faces.

"Twilight... why didn't you tell us about this sooner?" asked Fluttershy, giving Twilight a look of deep concern.

"And how come you can use the weirdo magic from Nirn?" said Pinkie, looking worried as well.

"Both questions have the same answer," said Twilight, her attention divided between worry and pushing forward. "In order for you to be able to cast spells from Nirn, you must do as I have done, established a connection with the external source of magic the mages of Nirn can utilize."

"You mean the stars and sun that were created when Magnus fled Mundus with his tail between his legs?" asked Pinkie, sounding just as goofy as usual but somehow mixing logic into her tone.

Twilight replied with a nod.

"But how can we?" asked Rarity, wearing an unnerved expression. "Do we have to travel to Nirn?"

"Nuh-uh, no way," exclaimed Rainbow, shaking her head with a small frown. "The other Daedra, they could find Equestria if we go to Nirn."

That got a round of extreme agreement.

They had all learned a great deal about more the other Daedric Princes inside the book, and if they were unnerved by Twilight's brief description, learning each one's whole history was completely terrifying.

"Do not fear, girls, that isn't how this works," continued Twilight, her friends giving her a confused look. "And it's not how I got connected to Nirn's magic."

"Then how?" asked Spike, looking slightly impatient.

"It was Hermaeus Mora, wasn't it?" guessed Fluttershy, looking to her unicorn friend worriedly.

"No, not him," replied Twilight," Durnehviir, he is the one who allows me access."

All gave her a blank stare.

"It would be easier if I show you," said Twilight, turning around and looking to the sky.


They all jumped at the sudden noise, a great rippling purple light appearing above. Like a whale breaching the surface of the ocean, the dragon Durnehviir erupted from within the heart of the light, which vanished as he began to circle above. He let out a mighty roar as he brought his gaze over to them.

Most of them locked up in shock, except for Twilight and...

...Fluttershy let out a filly like shriek as the creature she feared more than any other materialized made a decent for their location. Everypony who knew her would expect her to make a beeline straight for the nearest hiding place, Fluttershy will be Fluttershy after all. Heck, more than once they had humored her by being the hiding place.

Except this time she didn't.

Instead of vanishing into the distance, leaving behind a pink and yellow dust trail, she turned Twilight around by her shoulders and buried her head under her chin and against her neck. Twilight felt both a soothing calm at her special somepony's closeness, and an overwhelming concern for her distress, stroking her mane with one hoof and gripping her tightly around the barrel with the other. It often baffled her how much her feelings for Fluttershy had changed, for even while within that book, something would spook the timid pegasus and she would often look to Twilight for comfort.

A deep 'aw' reached her ears, Twilight turning to find it was Pinkie, with Applejack and Rarity wearing approving smiles, Rainbow snickering behind a hoof, and Spike crossing his arms and shaking his head with smirk at the touching display.

Most ponies would have been embarrassed or angered at being witnessed like this, but Twilight felt neither. They had just been told they could not get right to work on the project whose completion would get them home, a dragon had appeared out of nowhere and was heading straight for them, and yet all they could focus on was the touching scene before them, all previous aggravation forgotten for the moment. It only increased her gratitude that they had joined her here in Apocrypha, even if they did it against her will.

Unfortunately, she was brought back to reality when a deep tremor echoed under them as Durnehviir landed, the wind scattering up dust and causing Fluttershy to tighten her grip around Twilight’s barrel so fast the air was squeezed from her lungs for a second.

"Drem yol lok Zey-mahzin," said the mighty reptile that towered over the group."It has been... some time since our last encounter."

"I apologise, Durnehviir," said Twilight remorsefully, Fluttershy peeking up from under her chin for but a second before she turned her terrified gaze away, Twilight tightening her grip gently. "But please know that I have devoted most of my time trying to devise a way to free you from the Ideal Masters' clutches."

Durnehviir brought his attention to the rest of the group behind Twilight and Fluttershy, all of them staring up at him with a mix of admiration and apprehension. "You have some companions, I see."

"Oh, yes," said Twilight, getting up to make introductions but Fluttershy still wouldn't let go so she opted to do it from where she stood. "These are my friends from Equestria, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Spike."

Durnehviir brought his attention to the latter, bring his snout in close and inhaling deeply, Spike jumping back slightly in surprise.

"Interesting," said Durnehviir, "This one smells of Dovah."

Strangely, this one sentence seemed to break them all out of whatever spell Durnehviir's arrival had put over them.

"Hey, now just a minute buster," said Rarity irritably, actually trotting up to stand behind Spike, "We will have you know that Spikey Wikey is a bonafide dragon. Not a nova, or whatever you said."

"That puny mortal title," said Durnehviir, drawing his attention to the white unicorn, who only seemed to get whiter. "You insult everything a Dovah stands for by labeling us so."

"Rarity," whispered Spike frantically, said unicorn looking down to him. "Dovah means dragon in their language, remember. And not only that, they take being called the translation a serious insult."

Rarity blinked in fear as Spike reminded her of that. Her and her friends had just spent who knows how long studying so much, lots of it on the Thu'um. She needed to get a better grip on it, for how could she use it wisely if she could not keep it at the forefront of her mind?

It would appear that the rest of Twilight's friends thought the same thing, for each made a mental note not to make this mistake in the future.

"My humblest apologies, Mr. Durnehviir," said Rarity, bowing respectfully. "It had slipped my mind how much you dra... Dovah of Nirn detest such titles."

Durnehviir seemed just as willing to let the matter slide as he brought his attention back to Spike. "Interesting... I have never seen such color on a Dovah, or lack of wings...and extra claws... bigger Eldraag."

"Spike isn't a Dovah from Nirn," explained Twilight, glad she didn't have to intervene when it seemed Rarity had angered Durnehviir. "He is from our planet, which we call Equis. From the continent of Equestria."

Durnehviir brought his head down and tilted it to the side, regarding Spike with one of his yellow pupils. Through it they could all see the sharp intelligence that existed deep within the dragon's being, quite unlike any other dragon they had encountered.

"I sense potential in you, kiir," said Durnehviir to Spike, lifting his head back up to regard all of them, but mostly Twilight. "Why have you summoned me before so many of your kind, Zey-mahzin?"

"I have a new plan."

From here, Twilight explained her theory of how utilizing multiple people who are learned in the ways of the voice to keep the pull of the Soul Cairn at bay while she cast the liberation spell. She explained that they had just now left the enchanted book behind them, how much they had learned within, and how each of her friends had knowledge similar to her. Last, she explained the final element they would need to test her theory.

"Let me see if I understand you, Zey-mahzin," began Durnehviir, casting his gaze over to Twilight's friends, other than Fluttershy, who was still clinging to Twilight for all she was worth. "The Thu'um I formulated, per Lord Hermaeus Mora's request, that allows you to access the magic of the Mundus plane so the use of the Thu'um, plus other magic spells that originated from Nirn, would not drain what little magic that is stored inside you... you want me to use it on your Fahdon, so they too, can harness the same power?"

"It's the only solution I can think of that has the best chance," said Twilight,her voice carrying a slight pleading tone as she still stroked Fluttershy's mane. "The Soul Cairn pulls you back too soon for my spell to work, and I can't use it and the Thu'um at the same time. But if somepony else were to keep using the Thu'um while I cast the spell, I might be able to break its hold over you."

Surprisingly, Durnehviir didn't seem reassured by Twilight's statement. He kept staring at them with a look that sent an uneasy feeling through them. Even Rainbow Dash felt as if she was standing before a judge with the look the misshapen dragon was holding over her, and she didn't like it at all.

Eventually, he settled his sight solely on Twilight.

"Do you really have such faith in them, Zey-mahzin?" Asked the age-old Dragon. "Even the strongest of hearts can become corrupt in the face of such power."

Twilight was about to assure that she had complete faith her friends would not give in to temptation, but Rainbow suddenly zipped by her and into Durnehviir's face.

"You've got a lot of nerve accusing us being unable to resist temptation," she shouted, glaring into one of the dinner plate sized pupils. "This 'Thu'um' originally came from your kind, and me and my friends know all about what you all used it for."

"That's right," said Applejack, boring her sharp green eyes at Durnehviir. "Enslaved so many people. Started a war that eventually brought about your own extinction. Yeah, all that was really honorable."

"Not to mention what that meanie pants Alduin did," said Pinkie, Rarity nodding with a scowl next to her. "Trying to make a snack out of the whole world..."

Twilight watched in absolute horror as her friends threw hypocritical accusations at Durnehviir one after the other. It was bad enough ticking off that dragon that nested near Ponyville that one time, Durnehviir was so much more dangerous. She needed to do something before...


Twilight tried to move her friends out of the way, but only managed to get Fluttershy clear of the Shout as it washed over them in a violet wave of light.

Suddenly, an intense exhaustion wracked her being, as well as a mild pain. Twilight lost the strength to stand and landing on her stomach on the floor, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spike joining her with the same half lidded expression of exhaustion. Fluttershy was the only one left on her hooves, gazing open mouthed as her friends and marefriend all collapsed on the floor around her.

Durnehviir extended his neck until he was directly over Pinkie Pie, his intense gaze making her tremble. "Never...say that name...

"How dare you... HOW DARE YOU!"

Durnehviir actually backpedaled a step as Fluttershy collided between his eyes.

"Listen here you...!" said Fluttershy sternly, all trace of timid behavior gone. "I don't care if every one of you dragons from Nirn can do all sorts of things with this decrepit voice, or if you all are descended from this 'Akatosh,' you do not hurt... my friends."

Durnehviir, who had been glaring in annoyance until now, suddenly looked to Twilight then back to Fluttershy, his expression contemplating. "You and Zey-mahzin...are companion?"

Fluttershy's eye twitched. "That's right, and I will not tolerate you hurting them, mister!"

Durnehviir stood still for a moment. At first it would appear that the situation could go either way. Durnehviir would either continue to lash out at them, or something else.

But he just bowed to Fluttershy in what could only be in embarrassment.

"Apologies," said Durnehviir, Fluttershy twitching her eye again at the word. "I had not intended to strike 'her' with my Thu'um."

Fluttershy was about to rebuttal with how he should not have struck any of them intentionally at all, but was suddenly yanked from Durnehviir wrapped in a purple aura.

Twilight stood on shaking legs, her horn illuminated by another gold star, similar to how she had healed herself after she set herself on fire. Slowly, the shaking in her legs stopped, Fluttershy noticing the others were beginning to stand up as well, the light washing over them as much as it was Twilight. Before long, Twilight stood without struggling, her friends all standing as well, though they looked at Durnehviir apprehensively.

Fluttershy smiled and hugged them all tightly.

"Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

"we're fine," replied Twilight, stroking the light pink mane again. "Nothing of lasting harm occurred."

Fluttershy felt relieved at hearing that.

"I don't get it," said Spike, walking up closer to Durnehviir. " Why do you get your tail in a bunch over hearing Alduin's name? I thought he held the loyalty of all other Dovah?"

Twilight was about to yank Spike back as to avoid aggravating Durnehviir more, but stopped for multiple reasons.

Durnehviir seemed to not want to lash out at Spike and , plus she, and all her friends wanted to know the answer to that question as well. They had learned that it was practically unheard of for a Dovah to speak out against Alduin, let alone get so worked up at the mention of his name. Why had the mention of the notorious World Eater upset him so?

”Alduin is, without a doubt, the most powerful of all Dovah," said Durnehviir, his attention focused on all of them, not just Spike, as though he knew they all wanted answers as well. "But he has proven himself weak, in mind, will, and spirit."

The group all blinked in surprise and looked at each other in confusion.

"Starting a war with the people who wanted to be free of the tyranny of dragons," started Fluttershy, not affected by Durnehviir's scowl at the mortal title she used as she finally released Twilight. "Alduin planned to devour all life on Nirn, with the others backing him without question. If none of that caused you to turn on him, what did?"

There was nothing but silence, and at first it appeared Durnehviir wasn't going to answer.

"The Elder Scroll."

Twilight and her friends looked up at the mention of the sacred relic.

They had all learned a great deal about them while studying inside the book, ancient scrolls of unknown origin, whose power even surpasses even the divine Aedra and Daedra. Depicting the past in a way no other type of records can, magical or otherwise, the Elder Scrolls can also predict future events and any possible outcome through whatever circumstances that may happen during said event's occurrence. So great is their knowledge any who reads them without special training may lose their sight, or even their sanity.

And they all knew that during the time of the Dragon War, an Elder Scroll was used to blast him into the far future, where he eventually met his end at the hands of the Dragonborn, a mortal warrior who is miraculously born with the soul of a dragon, giving him the ability to use the Thu'um in a way only a Dovah could.

"Even among our kind, their power is insurmountable, and there was no way Alduin could not have known of its presence," continued Durnehviir, disdain and disappointment in his tone. "He had the audacity to believe that even an Elder Scroll was not a threat to him. Such impudence is unforgivable."

They all could only stare on in shock at Durnehviir's angry tone. Alduin was basically the Dovah version of Celestia to the dragons of Nirn. For him to have lost all the faith of his own kind like this spoke of the severity of the repercussions of his actions.

Even Twilight still cared for Celestia, despite her disappointment in the solar princess' childish behavior.

"And that is why I question whether you all can handle the power of the Thu'um," snapped Durnehviir, extending his neck out above them so he looked down at them with a piercing gaze. "Alduin, strongest and most respected offspring of the Divine of time Akatosh, let himself become so ruled by his own pride and self righteousness, he made a mistake no Dovah should have. How do I know the same won't apply to you?"

"Hey, I'll have you know..." Rainbow's rant was cut off when Twilight placed a hoof on her shoulder and gave a knowing smile.

"I have a better idea, girls," she said, tapping the Element of Magic on her head.

The others looked to their own elements and tapped them. They had worn them so long they had completely forgotten they were there, and how it was them that protected them from Apocrypha's adverse effects on the mind. They looked back to Twilight, uncertainty in their expressions, but when Twilight gave them a knowing smile they smiled back.

As one, the girls focused their will into their Elements and awakened their power.

Durnehviir watched as Twilight and her pony friends lifted off the ground to hover right before him, curious, for he had never seen this kind of magic before. His interest only increased as a rainbow stretched out of the crown Twilight wore and into the necklaces her companions wore one after the other, lighting each necklace with an aura of light that matched the large gems in the center. Then he sensed a great power begin to build.

"Kiir, what is happening?" Durnehviir asked Spike.

"No idea," answered the little purple dragon, looking at the hovering ponies with a smirk. "But you may want to hold onto something. When the Elements of Harmony are involved, things get flashy."

Before Durnehviir could inquire, a great multicolored orb of light sprang up around the girls, and Twilight opened her eyes to reveal glowing white pupils.

As the light poured through his eyes, Durnehviir felt a deep understanding seep into his soul. These girls had wielded great power in the past, the very power they were displaying now. And twice they only used it to defend their home and loved ones, no desires to use said power to forward their own ends afterwards.

Even now, Durnehviir could only feel their desires for the Thu'um solely so they could go home, no malicious intentions planned afterwards.

It was over as quickly as it started, the light fading as the girls levitated back to the ground. The group from Equestria could only look up at Durnehviir expectantly. It was his choice to make, first and foremost, no matter what argument they may have.

"Very well, Key-mahzin," said Durnehviir, towering over them with understanding in his piercing gaze. "You are correct... this is the best... if the not the only course of action to take."

Twilight and her friends cheered and looked up expectantly.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" said Rainbow excitedly, flapping into the air but not going far from the group. "Let's light this candle."

Without any further reason to delay, Durnehviir reared his head back and jabed it forward: 'LAH KOBIIL ENFAN'

A great cloud of mist that glowed a dark maroon color washed over all of them.

They were expecting anything, a rush of energy, a thrilling sensation, but nothing seemed to happen. They didn't feel any different from before Durnehviir Shouted over them. But when they looked up to question, they gasped to see that Durnehviir was vanishing into purple light that started from his tail and moved up.

"It is time for me to return to the Soul Cairn," he said as his neck began to vanish. "You all have the power of the Thu'um now... use it wisely.

And he was gone.

"What did he mean?" asked Rainbow, scowling as she looked at her hooves. "I don't feel any different."

"Don't worry Rainbow, I didn't either," said Twilight reassuringly, "but even now, your bodies are filling up with the magic of Nirn, and before too long, we will be able to fulfill Hermaeus Mora's wish once and for all."

"How long will it take?" Asked Fluttershy.

"In order for the spells we learned to draw from this magic, instead of our Equestrian magic," started Twilight, looking at them all with a smile. "A couple of days, maybe a week."

They groaned slightly at the waiting period, but at least things were moving forward.

"A week," said Pinkie, looking around at the foreboding landscape of Apocrypha. "I guess we could rough it here for that much longer."

"Yes," agreed Rarity, putting a comforting hoof around the pink earth pony. "At least home is in sight."

"Maybe closer than you realize... mortal."

With a gasp of surprise, they all looked up in time to see nine of Hermaeus Mora's tendriled vortexes appear above, three having eyes. It had been so long since they had seen him; it had almost slipped their minds that this was his realm.

"Lord Hermaeus Mora," said Twilight, bowing respectfully before the Daedric Prince of Knowledge.

One might expect Twilight's friends would scoff at the idea of Twilight bowing before anypony other than the princesses, but they bowed before him too. They had much more clarity of who and what he is now, emphasis on how important it was not to irritate him. And it also made them that much more grateful that he was the only Daedric Prince that had access to Equestria.

He was reasonable as long as nopony got between him and knowledge.

Twilight was the first to snap out of it, being more used to Hermaeus Mora's presence. "What do you mean?"

"Hmhmhmhmhhmmm," Hermaeus Mora chuckled sinisterly, "I have... a request of you... my champion."

"Request?" inquired Rarity, looking up with slight irritation. "No disrespect, Great Daedric Prince, but Twilight is already working on one of your requests."

"I am aware of this, mortal," said Hermaeus Mora, his tone surprisingly gentle. "But the request I have... requires not just my champion... but all of you to return to Equestria."

They all gasped in delight at that.

"And in return, after you have completed my request... you have my permission to witness the matrimonial ceremony of Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armour... before you return to Apocrypha."


Twilight and her friends sat in Princess Celestia's personal study. Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armour sat across from them with open mouthed shock.

After dispersing the radical storm clouds, Twilight had had a tearful reunion with Celestia, Luna, and her brother, her and Cadance doing their friendship dance as soon as they were reunited. She and her friends had spent the last few hours retelling what had happened while they were in Apocrypha, from the discussion of the Aedra and Daedra, to how they had spent the, now known, three years inside a book. They finished with their encounter with Durnehviir and Hermaeus Mora upon existing the book.

And how after they were finished with whatever Hermaeus Mora sent them to do, they were not expected back in Apocrypha until after Princess Cadance and Shining Armour were married.

"Twily," gasped Shining Armour, tears streaming his face. "Does this mean...?"

"Yes, Shining," replied Twilight, her brother unable to finish. "Although my friends and I are still indebted to Hermaeus Mora, we do not have to resume until after you two are married."

There was the sound of a stallion and a mare crying out in joy as Twilight was scooped into a huge hug with her future family.

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