• Published 11th May 2019
  • 7,763 Views, 880 Comments

Knowledge Brings Change - hydra30

What will happen when the Elements of Harmony team up with an eldritch horror from another realm?

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22 Keen interests

"OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!" Sarian backpedaled slightly as she suddenly had a rambling armored pegasus clinging to her pauldron. "You're the Nerevarine, the genuine Nerevarine! Man, I can't tell you how awesome it is to get to meet you! I've read all about your exploits. And you're a girl? That makes you even more awesome, and I gotta say... you... are...so... awesome..."

Sarian looked to the other members of the bizarre party this 'pony' had arrived with and arched her eyebrow. "Is... she always like this?"
The others seemed to cringe in embarrassment.

"Only when she meets people she admires," said Rarity as Twilight plucked Rainbow Dash from her armored perch and placed her back amongst them, much to her protest.

"Look Rainbow, I know you have had a thing for the Nerevarine Prophecies ever since you stumbled upon them in Apocrypha," Twilight whispered to her in a scolding tone, but then adopted a slightly desperate tone. "But now isn't the time. Equestria is in danger, and we are the only hope."

Rainbow seemed to snap out of whatever fangirl haze had settled over her. "Right, sorry Twilight."

Twilight smiled reassuringly and put a hoof on her shoulder, then she and the others turned their attention back to Sarian.

"I have to admit," Sarian said as she slipped Sunder into her belt. "When I set out for Ghostgate, the last thing I expected was to have company." She looked at all of them, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. "Especially such 'unique' company."

"Well, allow me to explain Miss Nerevarine..." said Pinkie, but Sarian cut her off.

"My name is Sarian, and I would greatly appreciate your referring me by my proper name, if you don't mind," she said as she slipped her helmet back on, her tone non-threatening, but brooking no argument. "And as for explanations, they will have to wait. I did my best to clear this place of enemies, but it's more than likely there are still dangers about."

"We know," said Applejack with slight irritation, "we ran into some shortly after we entered this place."

Rather then waste time on unnecessary chit chat, they all departed the ruins, Sarian leading the way. It would seem, despite it all, Equestria had made its first contact with a denizen of Nirn, not counting a sentient Mudcrab that sells things, and an Argonian on the brink of death, and an infant Argonian that would remember nothing of their encounter. Whatever bizarre twist of fate was responsible for this encounter, it was a set of circumstances that could only lead to unpredictability.


Back in Equestria, Canterlot General, an hour after Celestia sent word to Twilight.

"All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things."
"All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things."

"All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now...hhhrrrrn."

Fleur grit her teeth as if in frustration as the tendrils that held her in place tightened, her aura of yellow-green light faltering slightly.

"Get... get your filthy coils off me, you wretched false god!" she moaned, glaring up at the multiple black whirlpools. "You shall not interfere with our glorious Master's quest to take his rightful place as the God of Morrowind."


Morrowind, Red Mountain Region, Dagoth Ur Facility Cavern.


Dagoth Ur sneered as he felt the barrier blocking his path to this new realm weaken. It wasn't by much, but enough to prove that it wasn't going to hold indefinitely. A little more effort and he would break through.

And then these poor, misguided souls would know the joy of worshipping a proper god for the first time in their miserable existence.

"You will not stand in my way,"

Dagoth Ur growled to the inky black tendrils encompassing his arm. "And when the time comes for me to conquer the pitiful beings that dare call themselves gods, you will be the first to feel my wrath."

With another sinister chuckle, Dagoth Ur poured more effort into breaching the barrier Hermaeus Mora had thrown in his path.


Canterlot Castle, throne room.





Shining Armor could tell by the look on his Princess and his fiance's faces that the heartbeat he was unable to hear had increased in tempo again. In a way, it was worse for him, because other than the reactions of the others, he had no way of keeping track of this situation himself, and how was he supposed to do his duty as Captain of the Royal Guard if the imposing threat was completely invisible to him?

"It's happened again, hasn't it?" he asked, but more for the reason of doing something, rather than actually needing the answer.

"Yes, Captain," replied Celestia, turning from the window to the hovering mass of eyes and tendrils. "Hermaeus Mora, how much longer can you hold Dagoth Ur's influence at bay?"

"Not for much longer," replied the Daedra Lord. "The more time that passes, the closer the Third Era becomes, and the stronger Dagoth Ur's will can project towards this world. If he isn't stopped soon, Equestria has no chance."

Celestia suppressed the urge to gulp. If being stalwart during this crisis was all she managed to do she was going to do it, the fact that it may be in vain be damned. Still, she could not help but look out at the pulsating sky and pray that her student, her friends, and her beloved Lulu make haste.


Sarian carried all the characteristics of a true warrior.

The very grace of her stride carried with it the image of someone who had seen combat, fought countless battles, and had brushed within a hair's length of death multiple times, and yet persevered. It only made her new company that much more respectful of her than they already were. It was impossible to be in the presence of such a person and not be enthralled by the sheer magnitude of resolve that they sensed in this unique individual.

But Luna could sense something other than a warrior on a mission.

Her war experience had gifted her with the foresight to see through the mask of any warrior, no matter how tough they appear. And beneath Sarian's mask, she sensed exhaustion, hunger, and mental overexertion. And despite the need for urgency, it would be a terrible idea to charge into battle overcome by fatigue.

With great reluctance, Luna suggested that they rest for a while.
There were protests all around, but Luna would not let them skirt the need for rest. And not just for Sarian, Twilight and the others were showing signs of exhaustion as well.

Spike was already passed out on Twilight's back.

It was an annoyance, but as they all became overcome with yawns while they were halted and arguing, it became clear that Princess Luna was right. To say Sarian was surprised by their portable shelter would be an understatement. She was shocked enough when the ponies pulled a huge cobalt box out of a pouch so small it could fit in the palm of her hand, but when some type of string was pulled and a huge canvas spire extended skyward, accompanied by a gust of wind almost as powerful as the surrounding Blight storm, she was so startled she actually drew her crescent shaped weapon and took up a defensive stance.

"No need to be afraid, darling," said Rarity ('the white one' to Sarian, for they had yet to have proper introductions) as she entered the tent. "It's just a tent."

"A yurt to you," explained Twilight when Sarian failed to drop her stance.

But one by one, these strange equines entered the sudden structure, not appearing to be in any danger. Reluctantly, Sarian relaxed and followed her company into the shelter of the canvas building. She wasn't sure why, but something compelled her to trust these bizarre creatures.

It was like they just radiated kindness and trust.

It also might be that they were just too adorable to be thought of as any kind of threat.

Inside they all shed their armor, Sarian placing her Armun-An Bonemold along with the others, though Fluttershy gave it a wide girth. Free of her cumbersome armor, Sarian found it easier to relax in the bizarre, overly elegant interior of this tent, wearing only her undergarments, which of course, showed every portion of her body beneath. In Equestria, clothing was purely optional, so seeing someone just shy of their birthday suit was nothing new or bothersome, but with the alien appearance of the people of this world the Equestrians could not help but take at least one glance.

Sarian had, indeed, the grace that came with femininity, but carried something else as well. Her muscles were well toned, but not overly so, like Bulk Biceps for instance. No, her muscles were lean enough to no doubt be able to dish out quite the punishment, but retained a nimble appearance that would allow her to dodge attacks with ease. If it was possible to translate Tamriel and Equestrian standards, Sarian looked hardy like Applejack, yet nimble like Rainbow Dash.

And at the moment, they were learning just how much fuel such a body requires.

Being gracious hosts, the Equestrians had offered Sarian some food when they decided to have dinner. And she was giving Pinkie a run for her money. After obliterating a carrot dog, a bowl of tomato soup, a cheese sandwich, and a plate of broccoli (per a strong request from Applejack) Sarian was now currently demolishing a...

"Wow... it's like she's never had chocolate cake before!" said Pinkie with shock.

A triple layered chocolate cake lay on a cake dish next to Sarian as she sat across from them, already more than half devoured. She at least had the decency to put her next piece on a plate provided for her, as well as using a fork, but that was where her grace in eating ended. Chocolate frosting covered her mouth and bits of cake flew in all directions as she ravenously shoveled mouthful after mouthful between her lips.

Even Rainbow Dash had a hard time not being appalled by such grotesque table manners.

Surprising yet also not, the elegant glass cake plate was devoid of any remaining trace of the chocolatey dessert it once supported, Sarian had even licked it clean.

Sarian sat, clutching her stomach contently, giving her hosts a grateful smile. "I appreciate the food. I haven't had anything to eat in several days."

"Don't... don't mention it darling," said Rarity, cringing as Sarian let out a loud belch that earned applause from Applejack and Rainbow.
Sarian then reached for a gallon jug next to her and downed what remained of the amber liquid within.

"And this sujamma... sujamma is delicious enough, but something about this is different, yet familiar."

"Oh, that's just because I blended it with my family's best apple cider," commented Applejack with slight pride, "I think it improved the flavor quite a lot, myself."

"Apples?" said Sarian, looking at her now empty jug almost forlornly. "That explains it. I haven't had apples since the Emperor sent me to Morrowind."

Deciding it might be best to start a conversation, Applejack decided to broach a subject, "You know, Miss Sarian, it's not good to go several days with rest or eating."

The accent of this orange equine was interesting to Sarian. In all her traveling, no one spoke with a twang like this, not even Argonians or Khajiit. It was almost more interesting then the fact that some of these equines had wings, others horns, and one even had both, plus the most bizarre yet elegant horse mane she had ever seen, flowing non-stop through the air.

"It couldn't be helped," she said to the orange equine. "Dagoth Vemyn was more powerful than I had anticipated, I had been locked in combat with him for several days before you arrived. During that time, my rations ran out."

"Couldn't you have just retreated and gone to get more?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I don't like retreating any more than the next daredevil, but if a situation seems unwinnable, regrouping might be the best course of action."

"I could have, for sure," said Sarian, "but doing so would have given Dagoth Ur an opening to send reinforcements to Vemynal. I could not leave without Sunder, or I more than likely would never get the chance again."

That did make sense. To those that knew the story (Twilight and Rainbow mostly) Dagoth Ur wasn't about to yield Sunder and Keening easily, especially after it took such effort to secure them from the Tribunal during their attempt to reclaim the Heart of Lorkhan during the Second Era. If they hadn't arrived when they did...

"How did you evade him for so long?" asked Twilight, "Ash Vampires are Dagoth Ur's most powerful minions, resurrected members of the original House of Dagoth."

Sarian smirked. "Stealth and evasion are my strong suits. My birth sign is The Shadow, after all."

That explains how Sarian appeared out of thin air after they stunned the now named Dagoth Vemynal. It was also a point of interest for Twilight. Descriptions like the birth sign of the Nerevarine had been lost to history... even the fact that the Nerevarine was a woman had been lost to history.

"Well, Miss Sarian..."

"Please, no need to be formal," said Sarian, cutting Rarity (the white one) off. "Sarian is fine."

"Oh, well... very well, Sarian," said Rarity. "I just wanted to say that I greatly respect a woman who can hold their own in a dire situation, yet carries grace, such as you do."

Sarian actually blushed.

"You guys aren't so bad yourself," she said, looking over to the impressive assembly of armor that sat with hers. Though she lingered on the set the yellow pony had wore, and gave her a look of confusion.

"Though, I have to admit, you don't strike me as Dark Brotherhood material."

Fluttershy literally paled at the mention of the fabled group of assassins.

"Oh, ughmm..." Her stammering intrigued Sarian, for how could someone so timid make it so deep into the Red Mountain Region. "I'm not a member of the Dark Brotherhood."

"Oh most certainly not," said Rarity, appalled, "it was the only set of armor we could buy for poor Fluttershy that was light enough for her."


"Who in their right mind would sell a set of Dark Brotherhood armor?" inquired Sarian.

"Oh, Mister Muddycrab Merchant had a wide selection of armor," said Pinkie Pie excitedly.

Sarian's look became one of recognition as she looked back to the ponies' armor. "The Mudcrab Merchant. I should have known."

"You know the Mudcrab Merchant?" asked Twilight.

"Oh, quite well," said Sarian, "he and I have made many transactions in the past." She looked over the armor sets again then looked to them. "And from the looks of things, you have purchased a lot of what I have sold him and reforged it for your needs. That's most impressive."

So that's how the Mudcrab Merchant had such an extensive stock. The ponies all looked to their armor with new clarification, realizing that they never would have gotten it if it wasn't for Sarian. It would seem that they were meant to cross paths with the Nerevarine from the very start.

But in Princess Luna's mind it also sparked a sense of doubt.

From what she had been told, this armor was coveted, and expensive. And something else told her that whoever owned it before Sarian sold it to the Mudcrab Merchant wouldn't have parted with it willingly. She hated to do it, but she needed to judge Sarian's character.

To see if they could trust her.

"Sarian," said Luna with authority. Sarian gave her her full attention, but jumped a little, the voice bringing the image of a proud figure that hovered in the air, his skin two different colors. "Forgive me, but I must ask you something."

Sarian said nothing, just sat expectantly.

"From my experience, this armor, which you claim to have sold to the Mudcrab Merchant, from which we then bought, is highly precious," Luna rationalized.

"That is right," said Sarian, her voice calm, yet sturdy.

"How is it you came upon them?" asked Luna.

Sarian tilted her head.

"In my travels," she said simply

"Did you just chance upon them?" asked Luna, "it seems clear to me that that ancient place where we crossed paths isn't the first time you have explored such a place. Did you come across this armor, and perhaps other treasures in such a place?"

Sarian looked as if she was reluctant to answer. "Why do you ask such of me? I am grateful for your hospitality so far, but we have only just met. Why should I divulge my past to you?"

"Your hesitation is understandable," said Luna, Twilight and the others looking on nervously as the air around them grew thick, but none wanted to speak out against their Princess. "But if there is one thing you must understand, it's that our meeting was not by chance." Sarian seemed surprised. "We... have need of your aid."

"Me?" Inquired Sarian, "why would you need my help?"

"That is our business," said Luna, her expression serious. "Please, we must ask you how you procured those sets of armor."

Sarian looked slightly insulted. The of tone this equine was almost impudent. Why should it matter why they had sought her out, as strange as that seemed. Was it worth telling them anything?

Something... was actually telling her that it was.

"Not all of them," said Sarian, "some are from those who attempted to stand in my way, like the Dark Brotherhood assassin that owned that armor."

Fluttershy squeaked in terror.

"So you pilfered them from fallen enemies, same as with Sunder, as I suspected," said Luna, though her voice was still even. "While I can understand the necessity of that act, why did you do so with other foes, whose possessions, while valuable, were not necessary to your journey?"

Sarian seemed to be having trouble keeping her face straight. She didn't appear angry, per se, but seemed to be struggling with something deep inside.

"The path I have traveled hasn't been an easy one," said Sarian, her equine hosts giving her their undivided attention. "The path of the Nerevarine has led me from one side of Vvardenfell to another, and throughout all this, I have seen many things."

She stared at her lap, and to the Equestrians surprise, a single tear slid down her black cheek, standing out like a diamond before disappearing underneath her chin. "The Blight has spread death and suffering to every corner of this land, and everywhere I have been so far has shown me that if something doesn't change soon, innocent people will suffer greatly.

"And as my journey went on, there were several who sought to stop me. Dagoth Ur's minions, or people who believed that the existence of the Nerevarine was an affront to the Tribunal. I had to slay most. But over time, I began to realize that the gear of these people was valuable, and therefore, could be used to advance the progress of the Nerevarine."

Luna was relieved to hear that explanation. "So it was to fund your journey so it went by swiftly."

"If such a thing sickens you, I deeply apologize," said Sarian with remorse. "I am not proud of it, but every day that goes by is another day some innocent people get caught up in the Blight, and it takes less time to take a Silt Strider, or other such transportation, to one's destination than on one's own feet. And they cost money."

Luna's expression softened, for she knew that Sarian was being sincere. "Nothing of the sort, Sarian. The fact that you show remorse for stealing from those who you have battled speaks of what kind of person you are. My apologies for being so abrupt, I am usually a much gentler pony."

"You're not the first," said Sarian, her tone suggesting she was letting the uncomfortable atmosphere drop as well. She reached over and pulled up her crescent shaped weapon and began tending to it with a type of hammer. "And I haven't just been collecting spoils for funds. I have come across powerful weapons that have proven invaluable in battle."

Now that the seriousness had been dropped, the other ponies started to relax, and Rainbow could not keep her eyes off of Sarian's unique blade.

"I swear I have seen a lot of stuff in my life," she said, almost drooling. "But I just gotta say, that is one smoking sexy weapon."

"While I, for one, am not known to appreciate such things, I have to admit that it carries a type of beauty of its own," said Rarity, as she too watched Sarian tend to her weapon.

"Yeah, if we had another one we could challenge each other to Bat'leth dueling," said Pinkie.

"I don't think that there is another, Pinkie," said Twilight, though she only understood part of what Pinkie meant. She stood up to get a better look at the curved blade. "Sarian, is this a Daedric Crescent?"

Sarian gave her a look of fascination. "You know of them?"

"Oh yes," said Twilight, "this weapon here is not only powerful, it's also practically a piece of Nirn's history."

Twilight's friends looked at her amazed for a second before turning their attention back to the Daedric Crescent.

"It already looks awesome," said Rainbow. "Does it have some sort of incredible background story? Oh, I bet it's a coveted magic weapon that countless treasure hunters search their lives for."

Twilight blinked at Rainbow.
"Well, that is relatively close to the actual facts," she said as she began her explanation. "According to Nirn history, the Daedric Crescent was used by Mehrunes Dagon's forces during one of his many attempts to conquer Nirn."

"Mehrunes Dagon?" inquired Luna with an involuntary shudder. "That's the Daedra Lord of destruction, correct?"

"Indeed, your Majesty," said Rarity, also shuttering, "the vile brute with four arms."

"And very narrow minded as well," said Pinkie, with an annoyed frown. "Why waste your time with destruction, change and ambition, when with four arms, you could become the best juggler in all the multiverse?"

Sarian looked on in confusion and turned to Twilight, who just shrugged, giggling at her friends antics, along with the rest of the ponies.

"Okay, where was I?" she said, tapping her chin. "Oh yeah. After the Empire drove Mehrunes Dagon back into Oblivion, they deemed the Daedric Crescents too dangerous to exist, and so therefore, had them all rounded up and destroyed."

"Not all of them, it would seem," said Applejack, looking to a Daedric Crescent that sat not ten feet from them all.

"And that is why this is so incredible," said Twilight as she moved to get a closer look at the Crescents arched blade. "Where ever did you find this, Sarian? Not only did the Empire destroy a great deal of them, they also passed a law banning their ownership to prevent any stragglers from falling into the wrong hands."

Sarian looked as they all turned to her for an explanation, sighing, but not in an irritated way.

"This Daedric Crescent escaped destruction because it was in the possession of the Dremora Lord Dregas Volar," she explained, looking upon the Daedric Crescent and recalling the events that led to it falling into her possession. "His fortress, Magas Volar, existed on a plane separate from Nirn, Oblivion, or any other plane of existence, and that placed this Daedric Crescent well beyond the reach of the Empire."

The ponies were awed at such a fabulous tale.

"How did you come by it then?" asked Applejack.

"There was one way to reach Magas Volar," continued Sarian. "The Daedric Sanctuary Amulet, an amulet designed to send its wearer to Magas Volar."

"Oh, now that is interesting," said Rarity, "if there is one thing I like more than an accessory, it's a functional accessory."

"So where did you find this amulet?" asked Luna. "If the Empire was so bent on destroying these weapons down to the last, I'm certain they would hunt this amulet to the ends of the world."

"A Dunmer wizard named Divayth Fyr had it in his possession," said Sarian. "One of his most vigorous passions is collecting Daedric and Dwemer artifacts."

Just the mention of his name reminded them of the seriousness of their quest and what had yet to be done. Once Dagoth Ur was no longer a threat, they still needed to pay Divayth Fyr a visit, his potion was still Fleur's only hope. But as of now, another question made itself known to Princess Luna.

A suspicious question.

"And Divayth Fyr just gave you this unique amulet?" she asked with a tilt of her head.

Sarian appeared sheepish. "Uh... not exactly."

That produced a gasp from Twilight and her friends, and a scowl from Princess Luna.

"You stole it?" gasped Applejack.

"How could you?" qsked Rarity with a disappointed look. "While what I know about Mister Fyr is... most unsettling, how could you steal from him, especially after all he did for you?"

"Because he encouraged me to," said Sarian nonchalantly, though she seemed surprised that the white one knew Divayth had done something for her.

The ponies tilted their heads.

"Say what?" asked Applejack.

"While it's true Divayth is a passionate collector of ancient artifacts, he also has another hobby," explained Sarian. "He invites potential thieves to steal his treasures."

"Why in tarnation would he do that?" asked Applejack, the others sharing her confusion.

"It's his idea of a sport," Sarian explained further. "He doesn't just leave his treasures lying around. No, they are protected by magical locks and traps. And worse, his more valuable stuff is down in his Corprusarium. Traveling down there runs the risk of coming into contact with a Corprus victim, making it more than likely that you will contract it."

A picture was forming in the ponies' minds. Though morbid, it now seemed plausible why someone would knowingly invite a thief to steal your treasures. Obstacles such as those Divayth put up were... unsettling.

"When Divayth challenged me to try stealing something, I saw it as an opportunity to test my skill, it wasn't for profit," explained Sarian further. "Truth be told, I didn't even know what I had stolen. But when I found myself facing a Dremora Lord wielding one of the most coveted weapons in the world, I knew it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up."

She looked down to the Daedric Crescent, having finished tending to it. "After all, what better weapon for the Nerevarine to wield against a god than a weapon that was designed by a god."

Luna caught a tone to Sarian's voice as she said Nerevarine. She had noticed it first when she asked if she was the Nerevarine, and again when she insisted Pinkie call her by her name. It almost sounded like doubt.
How... did Sarian feel about being the Nerevarine herself?

"Sarian," Sarian looked up as the regal pony addressed her. "When you call yourself the Nerevarine, I sense not even a hint of pride. The Nerevarine is the prophesied hero of all of Morrowind, rumoured to be the only one that can destroy the villain Dagoth Ur once and for all. Yet, I sense no enthusiasm from you regarding these facts. Why?"

Sarian seemed baffled, but by the insight of the questions rather than anything else.

"I never asked to be the Nerevarine," she said dully, "and if I am truthful, even now I have doubts that the legend is legitimate."

The ponies gasped.

"But how?" asked Twilight in distress. "You fulfilled the Trials of the Nerevarine, didn't you?"

"All they prove is that I meet the expectations of the Nerevarine Prophecies," said Sarian. "There is no actual proof that I am Nerevar reborn."

The ponies looked at each other nervously.

"So... you don't believe you are the Nerevarine?" asked Rainbow, deflated.

Sarian looked at her with slight pity, knowing this pony had a certain respect for the Nerevarine.

"I am not 'completely' against the idea," she said supportively. "I may be Nerevar reincarnated, maybe not."

That seemed to calm them down, but still left them all slightly distressed.
So, if you don't believe fully in this prophecy, why are you following its path?" asked Luna.

"As I said before, I have seen much suffering in my travels to be the supposed Nerevarine," said Sarian. "I will not sit idly by while the Devil Dagoth Ur spreads his Blight just to fuel his twisted ambitions, and it is believed only the Nerevarine can stop him. If that means I have to become the Nerevarine at least in character, so be it."

That, was actually respectable to the Equestrians. Despite not being one hundred percent sure if she was the Nerevarine, Sarian was willing to do anything to stop Dagoth Ur. Just like they were, despite knowing Dagoth Ur is a God.

"So how about all of you?" asked Sarian, all the ponies looking up at her. "We've discussed me, so how about you? A group of talking ponies stumbling around Red Mountain, armored like soldiers, I doubt you're here by accident. And for that matter, where are you even from, for I have never seen your kind before? Did you travel to Morrowind from Akavir? I hear its inhabitants can't be found anywhere else on Nirn."

Twilight and Princess Luna shared a worried glance. In all that had transpired, it never occurred to them what they would say to the Nerevarine if asked about their origins. Sure, Sarian seemed like a respectable person, but was it worth telling her about Equestria?

While it was unlikely she would ever remember their role in what was surely to transpire in the future, due to the potent magic of the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, they were not just meeting Sarian briefly. The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal will clear them from her memory once they went their separate ways, but as long as they were in each other's company, she would retain all memories of her encounter with them for as long as she was with them. Could they afford to let her retain knowledge of Equestria for that long?

It was most likely not worth the risk.

And what if the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal only masks the identity of an individual person, not locations?

"Oh, well you see, Sarian, we have embarked on a super important quest to..." Twilight managed to seal Pinkie Pie's rambling mouth with her magic.

She threw her gagged friend an irritated look before throwing them all a look that she hoped would alert them to the need for secrecy.
They at least knew they should be quiet.

"We have reasons to bring Dagoth Ur down, same as you," said Twilight. "That is why we sought you out, to join forces with you and take him down."

Sarian looked at them in surprise, she had not expected this. "I don't know if the Nerevarine can be aided in the final confrontation with the Mad God. It isn't mentioned in the prophecy."

"Oh, to Tartarus with prophecy," said Rainbow, "too much is at stake for us to rely on a bedtime story, even one as awesome as The Nerevarine Prophecies."

That took Sarian aback. This pony had had nothing but respect for the Nerevarine Prophecies until now. Whatever threat Dagoth Ur posed for them must be great.

"Dagoth Ur is a threat to all who dwell in this world, but until now, no one has had the means to at least have a chance against him until now," commented Sarian. "What would possess you all to seek out and confront the living embodiment of a Divine when all those who came before failed?"

"As I have said before, we have our reasons," said Twilight.

Sarian looked less than thrilled at the repeat answer. "You came here seeking my aid, to assist me in destroying Dagoth Ur. But how do I know that the opposite isn't true? How do I know you are not in league with Dagoth Ur."

"Oh, why I never!" said Rarity, tilting her nose up in aggrievance. "Us in league with that vile brute? Never!"

"Why would you ever think we were working for that evil lame-o?" asked Rainbow.

"Because Dagoth Ur has been trying to entice me to his side," said Sarian, the ponies gasping in shock. "He wishes for me to rekindle the bond he and Nerevar had in the past, and for me to bring him the Tools of Kagrenac as a sign of faith. How do I know you are not just another of his attempts to persuade me into joining him?"

It was a shock to learn the fact that Dagoth Ur had offered the Nerevarine a place at his side, and normally it would spark doubt. But the events surrounding the Nerevarine said Dagoth Ur was defeated by the Nerevarine, and that could not have happened if they became allies. And from Sarian's tone, the idea of joining Dagoth Ur was repulsive to her.
Still, it wasn't enough for them to believe that they should risk telling Sarian anything.

"You just gotta believe us when we say that we aren't in league with that varmint," said Applejack.

Something in this pony's voice made doubting what she said very difficult, and it made it very hard for Sarian to convince herself otherwise. But Dagoth Ur was a god, and few things, if anything, couldn't be done with his power. Sarian needed to know what motivated these strange talking ponies into venturing across her path, no matter what. She needed to convince them into revealing who they are.

And she had just the thing to help her.

Pretending to stretch her arms behind her back, Sarian slipped a silver ring adorned with a silver crescent moon, and a large golden five point star with a small blue stone in the center, onto her finger, magic glistening into her being.

"I am sure you have your reasons for secrecy," she said as she brought her arms around again. "But if we are to go into battle together, against Dagoth Ur, we need to show a level of trust. Even the slightest bit of doubt in each other could make this mission fail."

The ponies stared at Sarian.
Her tone hadn't changed at all, but somehow, her words were hitting home more so than they were a second ago. And something in her voice told them that it would not do any harm in trusting her with their secrets. All of them felt their reluctance to tell Sarian their story melting away.

"What do you think, Princess?" asked Twilight.

"Sarian is right," answered the Lunar Matriarch. "If we are to fight side by side, we have to trust each other implicitly."

So with reluctance, but not nearly as much as before, the Mane Six and Princess Luna told Sarian their story.
First they introduced themselves, then they described their Homeland of Equestria, giving a brief explanation of its history, and describing how ponies, much like them, lived their lives day by day. They told her they were ruled by Princess Celestia and Luna, one of them sitting right next to them, and how they used their alicorn magic to bring about day and night. They also told her that Equestria, along with their world wasn't part of the world of Nirn.

Needless to say, Sarian was skeptical. Who wouldn't be?
"From the sounds of things, you are from a different plane," she said, "but I have never heard of a Plane of Oblivion called Equestria."

"Oh, Equestria isn't part of one of the Daedra dude's homes," said Pinkie with a grin. "Our home is a lot farther away."

Sarian's skepticism grew, "I am finding your tale harder and harder to believe."

"Well, we assure you, darling, we are being quite truthful," said Rarity.
"Darn tootin' we are," said Applejack.

Sarian didn't look convinced.

"I think I know how to resolve this," said Luna, wanting to dispel Sarian's disbelief quickly.

She reached into her Infinite Dimension pouch with her magic and levitated out an ornate, jewel encrusted case. She opened it before Sarian, whose eyes lit up like the glistening contents.

"What... what is this?" she said in a voice of pure awe.

"Touch the one with the apple shaped jewel," said Luna.

Sarian did not have a chance to be hesitant. Her hand was clutching the one of five dazzling necklaces with a large, orange, apple shaped jewel, as if the necklace itself had beckoned her to touch it, and somehow conveyed that no harm would come to her. She felt as if a fire had lit inside and was using her doubt as kindling.

Somehow, she knew that these ponies were being completely honest when they told her about their home.

"What... are these?" she asked, looking at the other necklaces in awe. "I have never seen such magic."

"The Elements of Harmony," said Twilight, "the most powerful magic of our world."

Luna stowed the box away again. "And we are hoping to never have to use them."

Sarian watched as the box disappeared into the confines of the pouch, her awe yet to recede. She had seen several magic artifacts, Daedric or otherwise, but never had she seen artifacts that radiated such unbridled magic. The only time she had experienced magic remotely similar was in the presence of a deity.

"So, you're all from a plane farther than even Oblivion," she said, getting back to the subject. "How did you come to be in Morrowind?"

Twilight began the story of how Hermaeus Mora, in his never ending quest for knowledge, sent one of his vile Black Books to their world, and after an unprecedented amount of time, Twilight stumbled upon it. She, being of an intellectual mind, was compatible with The Gardener of Men, and given the opportunity to one day follow him. And unfortunately, that day came on a day were Twilight was extremely vulnerable, in desperate need of aid, and at the time, she didn't care from who.

Even from a Daedric Prince.

Twilight's friends grew ashamed looks as Twilight told the tale of how Hermaeus Mora had drawn Twilight into his realm of Apocrypha, tutoring her in the Thu'um, to confront a threat far more menacing than a supposed bride with pre-wedding jitters. She also told that in the end, Queen Chrysalis gained the upper hoof, and to avoid her and her surviving hoard conquering Equestria, they needed to take drastic measures.

Summon a Daedra.

"Hermaeus Mora squashed Chrysalis like... well, like a bug," said Twilight, shaking slightly at the memory.

"I have to admit, I have never heard of a Daedra acting like this," said Sarian in amazement. "Though, I have never met the Daedric Prince of Knowledge myself."

"Oh, believe me, he didn't save us for our benefit," said Rainbow bitterly.

"Yeah, we have all had to pay quite the toll for his service," said Applejack.

"Would not surprise me," said Sarian calmly, though still enraptured by the story. "As the supposed Nerevarine, I have met some of the Daedra, and they all pretty self-centered. Though, like I said, I have never had the pleasure of meeting Hermaeus Mora."

"He said he was indisposed during this period," said Fluttershy.

"'This period?'" inquired Sarian.

Twilight explained that technically, Hermaeus Mora would not find passage to Equestria until the Fourth Era.

"I see," said Sarian, the sensation the Element of Honesty had given her telling her everything they said is true. "And... in the Fourth Era, Dagoth Ur is...?"

"He is no more," said Pinkie excitedly

"So my quest succeeds," said Sarian with excitement.

"That isn't for certain anymore," said Luna.

Sarian looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

And finally, they told Sarian how, somehow, some of Dagoth Ur's vile disease had followed Hermaeus Mora, infecting a well respected member of their society. Twilight explained how, at first, they had traveled back to this time, via an Elder Scroll and assistance from Hermaeus Mora, to retrieve the potion Divayth Fyr developed for Corprus, but along the line, Dagoth Ur found out about their world through the connection Corprus gives him with the inflicted's mind, how he became enamored with the abilities of ponies, and intends to add them to his arsenal in his conquest of Morrowind.
And if he does, nothing can stop him.

Sarian looked really nervous for the first time since the Equestrians had met her. "From what I understand, there are different classes of ponies, each with their own inherit abilities?"
They nodded.

"Applejack?" she inquired to the orange earth pony, "Earth ponies are physically stronger than other ponies, as well as being magically in tune with the land, which enables them to grow crops more rapidly?"

"That's right," said Applejack, "been growing apples all my life, myself."

"How about giving her a demo, AJ?" said Pinkie, plopping a large steel spear into Applejack's hooves. "Show her what a well seasoned earth pony can do."

"Pinkie, where did you get this thing?" asked Applejack nervously.

"Oh, around," said Pinkie as if that explained everything.

Applejack rolled her eyes, but complied with Pinkie's suggestion. She held the spear out before her, and before Sarian's eyes, bent it into a swirling pattern. Sarian could only watch as Applejack performed the feat effortlessly.

Still awed, Sarian turned to Rainbow Dash.

Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Luna. If Sarian hadn't met quite a few Argonians already, she would find the names of these creatures strange.

"Rainbow, pegasi have the ability to control weather, right?" she asked the constantly airborne pony.

"You bet, and I am one of the best," Rainbow grabbed Luna's Infinite Dimension pouch and, much to Sarian's shock, pulled a tuft of cloud from the depths. "AJ gave you a demonstration, now allow me."

Rainbow positioned the cloud above Sarian's head, who looked up at it curiously.

"RAINBOW, wait..." Twilight could only watched as Rainbow bounced up and down upon the cloud, sending a short, but thick, torrent of rain upon their guest.

Sarian didn't overly react to being drenched with a raincloud right out of nowhere, but she did look down from the cloud at them with a flabbergasted look, her piercing red eyes blinking dumbly behind her soaked black bangs.

"Rainbow, that was uncalled for!" said Rarity, the others agreeing.

"What, AJ got to demonstrate her strength," Rainbow scrunched her muzzle. "And not to be rude, but after being in that armor for so long, Sarian needed a shower."

Twilight facehoofed. "We apologise for her behavior, Rainbow Dash is prone to not thinking before she acts." Lighting her horn, Twilight draped Sarian in her magic, and with the sound of rushing wind, all the water soaking Sarian, as well as the inside of the tent, evaporated.

And Sarian's hair poofed up fluffier than the cloud Rainbow was forcing back into the pouch.

Twilight gasped and giggled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment.

"Oh, honestly," said Rarity, standing up to walk behind Sarian, who was fingering her new do in confusion. "If I hadn't come along..."

Producing a brush, Rarity began evening out Sarian's raven locks. "My dearest apologies for my compatriots' mistreatment of your wonderful hair, darling."

Sarian could only watch as the brush moved around her head, bringing her hair back to its original appearance. "I think this answers my question about unicorns and their magic."

She turned to Luna after Rarity had finished."And your species, the alicorn, is the ruling class of ponies?"

"Yes, but we've done so at our peoples' insistence," said Luna seriously. "We do not force our rule, ponies have always looked to us for guidance."

"And I see why, your very presence radiates authority," said Sarian, though it obviously didn't please the Moon Princess. "But what I am more interested in is your power. You and your sister control the moon and sun respectively?"

"Yes, but I will not demonstrate here," said Luna sternly, "doing so would most certainly reveal us to the Daedra you know as Azura. We have gone through great lengths to keep Equestria from the sights of the other Daedra, we will not needlessly jeopardize that endeavor."

"But now do you see why it's imperative that we work together to stop Dagoth Ur?" said Twilight almost desperately. "You have seen what this small team of ponies is capable of, imagine if Dagoth Ur got an entire army under his control. He would become unstoppable."

Sarian was contemplating.

She was still baffled by the fact that she was standing among creatures not from this world, and also their proposal to aid her. But Sarian was still skeptical, for it was unprecedented in the Nerevarine Prophecies. Was she even allowed to accept help in confronting Dagoth Ur?

But this had never been about the Prophecy to her.

No, Sarian was out to stop Dagoth Ur and his vile schemes and the suffering that they caused, no matter what, and if she had such capable allies, how much easier could taking on Dagoth Ur be? Plus, if Dagoth Ur gained control of such powerful beings before she could confront him...?

"I understand your reasoning for seeking me out now," said Sarian, "as I have told you, I have seen the suffering of the Blight first hand, and can understand your desire to spare your people of such a fate."

The Equestrians held their breath.

"Does... that mean you'll help us?" asked Fluttershy.

"How could I deny such gallant defenders the chance to defend their home?" said Sarian with a smile.


Everypony else was feeling ecstatic, but one wasn't as good at keeping it inside.

"You won't regret it, Sarian!" said Pinkie as she dangled from Sarian's shoulders. "Well be the best 'lets go kill a god' companions ever!"

"Well, first things first though," said Rarity as she plucked her friend from the tall Dunmer woman. "First I suggest we follow Spikey Wikey's example."

They all looked over to the slumbering baby dragon, suckling on his tail like an infant.


A few hours later, all the residents of Rarity's tent were asleep.

Awaking from her slumber, Twilight found herself in her sleeping bag cuddling with a sleeping Fluttershy, the poor dear had been to terrified to sleep on her own again. All the others were sleeping as well, Sarian propped up in a chair with the Daedric Crescent in her arms. The woman was as high strung in her sleep as she was awake. But one other wasn't sleeping, standing in the corner of the tent.

Twilight gently wiggled out of Fluttershy's grip and quietly trotted up to Princess Luna.

The midnight blue alicorn stood before a table that was miraculously inside the tent whenever it inflated, and on it rested the metal gauntlet Wraithguard, beside the small hammer Sunder. The Princess eyed the two Tools of Kagrenac warily, her expression troubled. She didn't even notice when Twilight stood next to her.

"You should get some sleep, Princess," she said worriedly.

Luna didn't respond, and Twilight frowned.

"I know what you are thinking, Princess," said Twilight, also looking at the Tools of Kagrenac they had retrieved. "There is something... sinister about them."

"I have never felt such unbridled magic," said Luna, finally turning to Twilight with a look of dread. "Now I understand why the Tribunal and Dagoth Ur lost all sense of reason; no one could tap into such power and not be consumed by it."

Twilight agreed with her wholeheartedly, and with some coaxing, managed to get Luna back to her sleeping bag and away from the enticing presence of the fabled artifacts now in the tent with them.




The drum beats continued to hammer Equestria, the imposing noise rocking Celestia and Cadance to the core.

'Time is running out, my student,' thought Celestia. 'You have yet to let me down, but still, I implore you to make haste in your quest. Stop this maniacal being, before he destroys us all.'


Shining Armor gasped.

"Shining, honey, what is it?" asked Cadance worriedly.

Shining looked to his fiance, his features twisted with fear. "I... heard that one!"

A barely noticeable red tint darkened the wind of Canterlot as the citizens looked around, seeking the phantom thumping they could all hear in the background.



The next morning, in the Citadel of Odrosal, a figure in full Bonemold armor opened the trapdoor to the tallest tower and grew wide eyed at what was within.

"I have to say, Pinkie Pie, I didn't know what to expect when you told me your Pinkie sense was telling you something," she said, moving out of the way to make room for said pink pony. "In fact, I thought you were pulling my leg."

"My Pinkie sense has never let me down," said Pinkie as she scurried up into the tower. "And when my back is itchy, it means it's my lucky day. And what could be luckier than finding a door that leads to the final Tool of Kagrenac without having to wander through a monster filled dungeon."

"Never doubt Pinkie Pie's Pinkie sense," said Twilight as she, Princess Luna, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike, and Applejack followed Sarian and Pinkie

"I'm just glad Sarian knows how to pick locks," said Rarity.

Rainbow was the last up.

"Alright, where is the big bad guy guarding the treasure," she said, punching at the air. "I'm going to reach down his throat and..."

But she stopped once she and the others looked to the opposite end of the tower.

Between two sinister looking black shelves on which sat multiple little red statues was a pentagon shaped platform, surrounded by red candles. Luminous red runes produced steam as they led to the center of the platform to a round pedestal. And it was what this pedestal housed that had captured their attention.

A dagger with a glistening blade lay embedded in the stone, its bronze cross guard covered in spikes with a crescent moon shape at the pommel of the handle.

It radiated an aura similar to Wraithguard and Sunder, so there was no mistake.

This was the dagger Keening, the final Tool of Kagrenac.

"Okay, not as cool as a boss monster, but I'm digging this set up," said Rainbow as she looked at the sinister decorations surrounding Keening.

Rarity didn't share her idea, and she wasn't the only one.

"Enough," said Sarian calmly, walking forward and drawing Keening from the stone pedestal, clutching it in Wraithguard. "With this we have the final piece to the puzzle, all that is left is to confront Dagoth Ur at his fortress."

The ponies and baby dragon all felt exhilaration and fear pulse down their spines.

It was now time to confront a living god.

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