• Published 7th May 2019
  • 1,069 Views, 9 Comments

Overprotective Sist... Friend - Jhoira

Rainbow Dash moves Flitter into her house. Flitter is less than amused.

  • ...

Yeah... No... (May 9th, Thursday afternoon.)

Rainbow Dash knocked on Fluttershy's door. Said door was opened by a smiling Fluttershy who's smile quickly turned into a frown as she saw the look on Rainbow Dash's face. "What's the matter Rainbow Dash? Did you and Flitter have a fight? Is something the matter with Tank?" She took a few steps back to let her friend in who just shook her head to her as they walked over to the couch, careful to walk over the skittering mice and squirrels.

"Well, maybe a little one, I just don't know how to deal with someone like her. You have any advice?"

Fluttershy tilted her head to the side, looking somewhat confused by the question. "Uh, someone like her Rainbow Dash? I don't understand...?"

Rainbow Dash groaned. "I mean you probably don't notice because you're around her a lot Fluttershy but I need help knowing how to deal with someone who's... Special."

Fluttershy's eyes widened and she blushed brightly. "Sh-She's special to you? Why did you come to me? Why not go to someone else? Someone who... Has experience with that kind of thing!"

Rainbow Dash wrinkled her muzzle in annoyance. "Because you're her friend Fluttershy, you interact with her, you know her, what she likes, how she likes to do things, like, does she have a special order she likes to eat food in? Or should I bring her candy at the end of the day? Chaser wasn't able to tell me too much between getting meds and such."

Fluttershy giggled, drawing a glare from Rainbow Dash. "I'm sorry Dash, but I can just imagine you talking to Cloud Chaser's about this, she's very protective of her little sister." With Dash's encouraging nods. "Well, I know that Flitter really likes roses, and for sweets she likes croissants." Flitter giggled slightly. "Though she doesn't eat them normally, she tries to unwrap them and gets crumbs everywhere."

Rainbow Dash nodded, not echoing any of Fluttershy's levity. "Ok, ok, got it, roses, and croissants! Anything else you can think of? Does she have an issue with her food touching? She didn't bring any plates over."

Fluttershy blinked, staring at her friend and slowly shaking her head. "Uh... Not that I know of...?"

Rainbow Dash nodded again, she was doing a lot of that. She hopped off the couch and started to pace, causing Angel Bunny to grab his carrot and hurry out of the way, shaking his minute fist at the pony. "Okay, okay, I got it now. Snacks, presents, and no organizing her room for her."

Fluttershy couldn't suppress another giggle. Rainbow Dash was really, really bad at having a special somepony wasn't she? "Why did you set up her room?"

"Well, I wasn't going to leave it to her! I mean, how rude would that have been? I promised Chaser to look after her!"

Fluttershy blinked slowly. "Uh, looking after her isn't the same as waiting on her hoof and muzzle..." She waved a hoof, blushing brightly. "I'm sure she was quite flattered but... You really shouldn't have gone through her stuff like that Dash..."

Rainbow Dash groaned. "Well, I didn't think she'd care! Sorry!" Fluttershy whined quietly and Rainbow Dash raised a hoof. "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I just mean that I didn't think that she'd be too uptight about privacy since you know, she lives with her sister and all that. I'm sure her sister goes through her stuff regularly."

Fluttershy couldn't stop raising her eyebrow at that statement. She had a brother, but... She'd never had gone through his stuff! "Uh... Rainbow Dash I don't think that's how... It works...?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Of course that's how it works! You can't just leave a pony like that to her own devices or she might get herself hurt!"

"Wait... What... Are you talking about Dash?" Fluttershy shook her head, completely lost to the conversation now.

"Well, you know!... "Special" ponies. Kinda like Muffins!"

Fluttershy gave Rainbow Dash one of her patented glares, causing the mare to take a few steps back. "Muffins is a perfectly nice pony who doesn't need someone like you speaking badly about her. She manages the entire postal service in Ponyville! Without her, we wouldn't get our packages on time! I know she made a few mistakes in the past but she's doing a lot better recently!" Fluttershy had actually managed to get up the volume of mildly loud.

"Uh... I'm... Sorry Fluttershy I wasn't trying to insult Muffins..." Why had Fluttershy reacted like that about Muffins? And had completely gotten off topic of helping her of how to deal with Flitter. "Ok, ok, not like Muffins, but what about Flitter? What else do I need to worry about with her?"

Fluttershy blinked and sat back, blushing brightly as she calmed down from her slight rise in emotion. Pausing for a moment before going back to speaking in her normal, but slightly baffled voice. "Uh... Rainbow Dash? Flitter isn't special either. And I mean... Quite literally she isn't... At all..."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Chaser told me, she said she was her special little sister."

Fluttershy couldn't stop herself from simply facehoofing with a little sigh. "That's just how she refers to Flitter Rainbow Dash... Flitter is perfectly normal and fully mentally capable."

Rainbow Dash paled slightly. "Oh... Crap! No wonder she was acting so weird, she must think I'm insane!" She hopped up and down slightly in the middle of the cottage. "Oh man, I need to go tell her and... Wait, why does she live with her sister then?"

Fluttershy shrugged. "They're close. Ask her if you want to know, she can talk you know."

"Well, I know now!"

"Dash! Challenged ponies can still ta..."

"I know! I know! Sorry! I just meant now I can approach her on more topics."

Fluttershy let out a low annoyed hiss of disapproval but seemed to be willing to drop the issue. "So, you going to go and talk to her?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Oh yeah, this is going to be faaaaaar less onerous!... Wait, but why'd she have to move in with me anyway?"

Fluttershy smiled, shaking her head. "Overprotective sister, like I said, why'd you agree to it?"

Rainbow Dash coughed into her hoof and looked to the side, scratching the back of her neck. "Uh... Well... She kind of... Saved my life by taking that lightning bolt for me..."

Fluttershy nodded and smiled. "Well, I'm glad that you're ok, and that she's going to be." She got up and walked over to her friend giving her a quick hug. "Now go and try to fix this entire issue with your new roommate? Or are you going to move her out now that you know she doesn't need your help?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled and stood up a little straighter. "Absolutely not! I gave my word and I'll stick to it! I am the element of loyalty, aren't I? Not to mention it'll probably do Flitter some good!" Fluttershy raised an eyebrow as Rainbow Dash trotted to the door. "She could obviously use a little more awesome in her life! Get out there more, fly faster, and do more cool things!" With that Rainbow Dash shot off into the air with a quick jump.

Fluttershy looked after her friend. "Oh dear..."