• Published 7th May 2019
  • 1,068 Views, 9 Comments

Overprotective Sist... Friend - Jhoira

Rainbow Dash moves Flitter into her house. Flitter is less than amused.

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You Want Me To What!? (May 9th, Thursday afternoon.)

Flitter rushed into the medical wing of the Wonderbolts to find her sister in one of the beds, rushing over she looked her sister over, it wasn't nearly as bad as she was fearing. She knew that Cloud Chaser was fine, it had taken her enough time to get to the Wonderbolts Academy that the initial shock had worn off, but still, her sister was injured! She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the absolute wreck Cloudy would be if the positions were reversed. She sat down next to her sister's bed, smiling.

Cloud Chaser was laying back in the bed, it looked like she'd avoided any harm to the face, but Flitter could see a heavily bandaged wing under the covers before Cloud Chaser pulled the sheets up to cover it. Flitter had also seen the burns across Cloudy's chest, scorched fur, it would probably leave at least a few scars unless she got some magical touch up after healing. From what she'd been told on the way Cloudy was expected to make a full recovery, but it would take a few months, then it would take a further few months of physical therapy to get back to her old speed. "How are you feeling Cloudy?"

Cloud Chaser visibly flinched at the pet name that only her sister called her, but still smiled at her beloved little sister. "Hey there Flitter. I'm fine don't you worry about your older sister, that's my job." She reached out with a hoof and patted her little sister on the head, causing another roll of Flitter's eyes. It wasn't the right time to point out that Cloud Chaser was only a few minutes older... Again. "But don't you worry, I made arrangements for you while I'm recovering."

Flitter smile melted away as she sat back slightly, eyeing her sister, still concerned for Clouder, but also now concerned for herself... "Made arrangements Cloudy...?" She didn't like the sound of that, knowing Cloudy she probably hired someone to follow Flitter around, cook her food, and even run her gosh darn daycare center!

Cloud chaser nodded, smiling at her little sister. "Yep, you'll be moving in with Rainbow Dash, she'll look after you while I'm out of commission." It took all of Flitter's self-control to not facehoof herself in exasperation, though she couldn't stop her sigh expressing the same emotion. She was a full grown mare! She didn't need to be looked after! She looked after foals for a living the love of Celestia!

"Cloudy, that's really unnecessary I'll be fine in our house for a few months without you." Flitter really didn't want to get into this argument, again, now, but this was really ridiculous.

Cloud Chaser reached out and put her hoof on her little sister's shoulder. "Now don't be like that Flitter, I need to know you're looked after properly!"

Flitter took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Well, if it will make you feel better Cloudy, fine, I'll go live with Rainbow Dash while you're recovering." And then when you're all better we'll finally have that long overdue talk about the fact that I'M A GROWN MARE! "How'd you get her to agree to that anyway? Rainbow Dash's never struck me as particularly... Welcoming to a stranger for two months."

"You're not strangers! You're friends! It'll be fun!"

Flitter rolled her eyes. "Cloudy, you two are friends, I'm one of her friends' sister. We're not really into the same things like you and her are there Cloudy. I am Fluttershy's friend, you're Rainbow Dash's friend, we go to the same things by coincidence, I'm either going with Shy, or you, and she's there too. To be frank I can't think of more than... What... two times I've spoken to her." Cloudy had a real problem with thinking that Flitter was friends with all of her friends.

Cloud Chaser frowned but then brightened again. "Well, then this is a great time for you two to become friends! Then she'll make sure to help you even more!"

Flitter sighed loudly and shook her head. "Well anyway, where would this elusive Rainbow Colored host of mine be anyway?"

Cloud Chaser giggled gently. "Oh, I bet she's over the rainbow!"


"You know, her home is full of rainbows!"

Flitter looked at her sister, worry painted across her face. "Uh... Cloudy, are you alright?" She started to raise a hoof to flag down the doctor, nurse, medic, whatever it was that the Wonderbolts had here only to see Rainbow Dash approaching.

"Hey Flitter, Chaser doing ok?" She sat next to the very blissful looking Cloud Chaser.

"Cloudy's starting to talk nonsense."

Dash nodded. "Yeah, they gave her a pill about fifteen minutes ago for the pain, they said it'd make her loopy."

Cloud Chaser rolled her head to the side, giggling gently. "Heya Crash... You're moving in with my sister, that makes you my sister too. I'll send dad a letter, he'll be so very surprised!"

Dash motioned to Flitter with her hoof who nodded in return. "You get some sleep Chaser, we'll see you later."

Flitter got up and leaned in, kissing her sister on the cheek. "I'll visit you again tomorrow Cloudy."

Cloud Chaser waved her hoof lazily, at the empty bed across the aisle from her. "Mmmm, yeah, I'll be at the new hospital, I am getting my own room! Like when we were kids! But no sadness this time!"

Rainbow Raised an eyebrow at Flitter who just gave a single, sharp shake of her head, and Rainbow Dash just shrugged, didn't matter. "So, I called some guys and got you a new room set up in my place already!"

Flitter was visibly surprised. "Uh, you're -really- on board with this Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash stood up a little bit taller. "Absolutely! Cloud Chaser saved my life! I promised to do whatever she asked! And now I'm going to look after you like a mother hen!" Flitter groaned loudly, this was going to be worse than Cloud Chaser. Rainbow Dash smiled a bit too widely at Flitter. "You're friends with Fluttershy right?" Rainbow Dash barely waited for Flitter to nod in answer before throwing a hoof around her shoulders and started walking her out of the infirmary. "That's good because I asked her to come out to help you get your stuff from your house, ok? I can go too if you want."

Flitter was baffled, did Rainbow Dash always act like this? It was... A bit off. "Uh... No, it'll be fine."

Rainbow Dash gave her a slight squeeze with her foreleg before letting her go and waving to Fluttershy, "want me to walk you two out?" Flitter shook her head, still just staring at the other pony who smiled. "Ok then, I need to do some more stuff here but I'll get to my house before you guys do, don't worry, Fluttershy won't leave until I get there if you somehow beat me."

Flitter walked over to the smiling, though also concerned looking Fluttershy, giving Flitter a quick hug. "I'm so sorry Flitter." Flitter nodded to her old friend.

"Thanks Shy, let's go get my stuff, if I'm going to be made to move I'd like to get it done with." She gave a last glance after Rainbow Dash, maybe she was in a bit of shock after the accident? But that has been hours ago, how odd.