• Published 7th May 2019
  • 1,069 Views, 9 Comments

Overprotective Sist... Friend - Jhoira

Rainbow Dash moves Flitter into her house. Flitter is less than amused.

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Settling In (May 9th, Thursday afternoon.)

Flitter smiled at Fluttershy and shook her head. "No, I'll be fine setting up my room on my own, thanks Shy."

"I know... But with Cloud Chaser getting hurt and everything...?"

Flitter smiled and gave her quiet friend a hug. "Thank you but no, I'm fine, don't worry."

Fluttershy smiled, "Ok, but if you need anything you can always come to my cottage." Flitter nodded in return, smiling and waving as Fluttershy flew off from Rainbow Dash's house. Flitter turned back into Rainbow Dash's house humming to herself quietly, she was always just a little bit happier after seeing Fluttershy, and her other friends who'd helped her move. She got to complain to all of them about Cloud Chaser, and a little about Rainbow Dash, though never that in Fluttershy's earshot. Fluttershy couldn't tell the difference between criticism of her speedy friend, and a complaint about the general situation taking the form of poking fun at Flitter's overeager new host.

Now that Flitter was thinking about it, where was her host? She shrugged as she walked up the cloud stairs towards her new room, not worrying about that, she was probably off practicing her speed or napping, Cloud Chaser was always going on about the dual nature of Rainbow Dash, obsessed with training, and speed, but also with napping. Either way it was to Flitter's advantage. Rainbow Dash seemed like a good enough pony, and she was sure they'd eventually get along well, but she didn't need to deal with the loud brilliantly maned host on top of everything else. That relief was shattered when she got up to the room.

Flitter wouldn't have been put off by seeing Rainbow Dash in the room under most circumstances. Offering to help, telling Flitter about any particularly malleable cloud walls that could be converted into shelves, asking if she wanted a tour, or even offering her a freaking glass of water! She was not so lucky. Rainbow Dash had set up half of Flitter's things, though in a way that Flitter could not begin to comprehend. Her old keepsake stuffed animals were all set out on the bed, instead of sitting over on a shelf. Her bows were set out on the shelves, not in the closets, and already tied? Her desk was over in the corner and was... Layered in clouds!? Rainbow Dash beamed at Flitter. "Oh good, you're here!" Rainbow Dash trotted proudly over to her new charge. "How do you like it? I set everything up for you!"

Flitter's eye twitched as she was contemplating just how hard it would be to sneak a dead body out of a giant flying house. "Rainbow Dash... Why is it set up like this?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide and she shook her head. "Oh, I'm so sorry I should have let you tell me how to set it up for you." Flitter looked at her puzzled. "But don't worry! I can get it done the right way in a flash! You just need to tell me how to get it to your liking! I'm guessing you don't like change! So sorry, we'll get it fixed don't you worry." Flitter could only stare for a good ten seconds, causing her to look around in mild concern, then saying in a sickly sweet voice. "Flitter, sweetheart, don't freak out, we'll get it fixed."

Flitter's brain finally caught up to the events happening around her, the fact she'd just been called sweetheart gave her the mental slap. "What? I... You... Who would lay a room out like this!?" Rainbow Dash's ears instantly went down, her eyes flashed in annoyance at being talked so, Flitter wouldn't blame her if she hadn't set up the room like Flitter was a foal!

However, when Rainbow Dash responded she was completely calm, surprising Flitter, wasn't this the loud, somewhat angry pony from the most famous six ponies next to Luna and Celestia? "I'm sorry I didn't do it right Flitter, I'll be happy to help you set it up right! I just want to make your time here as good as possible, ok? Or would you prefer it if I let you set it up?"

Flitter nodded at that last line. "Uh... Yeah, I'll get it set up right... Thanks for the... Attempt."

Rainbow Dash didn't stop smiling, Flitter had moved on to purposely poking the other pony but was not getting any real reactions. "Alright, if it's ok with you I'll go visit Fluttershy for a little bit, will you be okay here without me?"

Flitter was just glad to be out of the conversation, Rainbow Dash was acting weird and wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to get out of this situation completely. "Yeah, I'll be just fine Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash nodded and started to trot out of the room, waving at Flitter. "Ok, I'm going now, I'll be back soon Flitter."

Flitter let out a long-suffering sigh as she walked over and closed the door, shaking her head after she did so and looking around the room. What was wrong with that mare? She trotted over to the shelf full of bows and started to untie them, she tied her own bows thank you! Even she admitted the bow had been an affectation to help herself distinguish herself from her almost-twin sister. But she thought it was cute so she kept wearing them. Mildly surprised by Rainbow Dash had taken the time to put a hairpin in the back of each bow to allow it to be attached to her mane. Putting the old stuffed animals up on the shelves, and un-clouded her desk. What the heck was that about? Did Dash think she was going to trip?

Rainbow Dash lingered outside the room for a moment, biting her bottom lip as she was concerned about how Flitter closed the door on her, then she shook her head, she could make it up to Flitter after talking to Fluttershy! Fluttershy would know her special friend's special foibles, and she'd make sure that Cloud Chaser's sister was comfortable, safe, and looked after for the next three to six months! With that thought, she dashed to her door and flew off at top speed for Fluttershy's cottage.