• Published 5th May 2019
  • 796 Views, 31 Comments

My Little Mages: Harmonic Turbulence - Foxhelm

Following Cozy's failed coup, Twilight and the girls decided to check out Magiville's other newest attraction. However, Tirek is not their only old foe with plan for revenge. A My Little Mages retelling of Rollercoaster of Friendship and Mean 6

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Welcome to The Parade

“Rarity, Applejack wait!” Twilight called in an ultimately futile attempt to get the two come back and talk. As both the enchantress and paladin made clear that they weren’t going to return, Twilight sighed, “What do we now? We can’t let things end like this between them.”

“Um, Twily, you know I love you…” Flash started.

“Uh-oh, pet name and ‘you know I love you’,’” Pinkie whispered as she seemed to teleport to be at Twilight’s side. “That means he’s about to tell you something he knows you don’t want to hear.” The jester commented. Twilight rolled her eyes as she turned to her boyfriend.

Flash took a breath and then continued what he intended to say, “It might be best to let Applejack and Rarity figure things out for themselves.” He suggested. He then placed his hand on Twilight’s shoulder, “Trying to make them talk to each other is only going to push them farther away from the issue.” Twilight raised her hand and opened her mouth to protest, but in less than a second, she shut her mouth and reluctantly nodded.

Vignette then stepped back into the area. "Sorry ladies, but waiting is for waiters.” the PR expert informed the group. “Besides’ we're better off without her.”

Flash raised his hand, “Excuse me, ‘We?’” He asked as he pointed to Vignette and then himself. “Yeah, the last I checked, I was not part of the Rainbooms and wouldn’t it be a conflict of interest if you were to take the stage with them.”

Vignette smirked, “A few things studmuffin,” she started, “One I wasn’t including you, two, my job is to make sure this parade goes off without a hitch and three it won’t be the Rainbooms playing tonight,” the two girls looked at each other in confusion at Vignette’s proclamation. “but The Throwbacks!” she declared as she threw her arms up in the air as they were joined by the Sock Hop Sweet Rainbow and the Gothic punk Fluttershy. Vignette then turned her attention to Twilight, “You I’m seeing 980 AC’s tomboy with a baseball hat,” Vignette then turned to Pinkie, “And you 960-970 AC’s College Liberal Arts student, maybe flatten your hair,” she then stopped as she saw Pinkie jumping up and down and waving her extended right-hand. Vignette rolled her eyes and gave a silent closed-eyes nod.

Everyone’s attention turned to the jester “First,” she then pointed to Twilight before she started to laugh, not that she found a joke itself funny, but how bad the joke was, “tomgirl, her?” she asked as she continued to laugh at what she believed to be a joke. She then pointed to herself, “and me, a college student?” she then covered her mouth and snickered. Once she finished her laugh. “That was so bad it was funny.” She then sighed and returned her true focus to Vignette. After a solid second of silence, then it dawned on her, “Oh wait. You’re serious?” she asked. Vignette nodded. Pinkie couldn’t help but chuckle, “Let me laugh harder.”

Before she could continue her laugh, Twilight spoke up. “Listen, Vignette, we agreed to play as the Rainbooms. We aren’t playing without Applejack and Rarity. And we aren’t playing with you. Or in those costumes…” Twilight trailed off as she looked at ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Fluttershy’. Something felt… off about the two.

Just as she was about to question them, “Well looks like we’re gonna have to go to plan d,” Vignette sighed as she took out her phone and tapped on it. “I had hoped you’d actually play your part, but if you insist on being difficult…” she trailed off as two magical circles of lime green fire. One appeared around the feet of Twilight, Flash, and Pinkie and another appeared just to their left. The one to their left brought a copy of Pinkie dressed in gray with gray flat hair and a copy of Twilight with feathery wings, red irises with cat-like pupils and another set of her streaks in her hair that made it appear balanced. “I can work around it.” Vignette smiled as just as the magic circle at the three’s feet.

Twilight then saw Vignette’s eyes change to be a very similar set of eyes. “It’s-” Twilight was cut short as the magic circle activated and teleported the three away before she could finish.

With Twilight, et al, gone Vignette turned to Midnight and Ashen, “Okay girls, time to get dress we got a gig.” Vignette said as she sent from her left hand a beam of lime green magic to Midnight and Ashen which transmuted their clothes to what Vignette described. “Fantastic, now let’s get ready for the show,” she sing-sang as she picked up what was to be Rarity’s keytar and gave it to Midnight. Midnight was about to protest, but she felt a small electric charge from the collar and was silenced before she could do anything. Bleached, Flutterbat and Ashen took a small look at their collars and didn’t challenge Vignette as they grabbed their instruments and got on to the float. “Now that’s what I call teamwork!” Vignette declared. She then gave a blissful sigh, “I wish I'd had this thing years ago.”

Just then, Rarity returned after seeming to have had a good cry. However, she still looked down at the ground forlorn about the fallout between her and Applejack. Vignette turned and spotted Rarity. She squealed as she took under her arm. “Rare, you're not gonna believe this!” she said she pointed to the group.

Rarity’s gaze rose to see Vignette’s alterations to her friends. “Wha…” she tried to ask, but her mouth fell open. She knew that her friends would be willing to take a through the back, but this was far from what they would have done, but Twilight was one for more of a classical look, Rainbow a 980 AC’s Metal Rock, Fluttershy a 960 AC’s musical and Pinkie a 990 AC’s techno. But what she was looking at. Applejack was right, these weren’t her friends. “What have you done with my friends?” Rarity asked as she turned to face Vignette, still in horror of what she saw.

“They were dragging things down, so I got a few upgrades.” Vignette stated as if what she did was replace a cracked wagon with one of the recent models. Vignette continued to smile at her work. “Now we can make the parade exactly how I want it!” she declared.

Rarity took a step back, “How you want it?” she asked utterly taken aback at what Vignette said.

She placed her hand on her chest, just above her heart. “You said you hired me for my vision!”

Vignette smiled as she shifted her gaze back to the float, “Well, I needed your vision to bring out my vision.” Vignette pointed out before she turned back to Rarity. “That’s kind of how commissions work.”

Rarity’s mouth then closed as she started to scowl, “Where are my friends?!”Vignette shrugged her shoulders an ‘Mmmm,’ she tried to feign ignorance. Rarity was not convinced at that. “Bring them back right this instant!” Rarity ordered as she felt her blood starting to boil.

Vignette tapped her chin for a second in what was clearly fake thought, “Bring back four people who promised to help but not willing to do what I need for this to work as I see, or send a fifth person who just doesn’t seem to get the picture.” she looked to Rarity and then to her hands, “decisions, decisions,” she then sighed. “I wish there was an app for this.” She then took her phone out and saw a coin toss app. A sinister smirk grew on her face, “Well what do you know there is an app for that.” She then looked to Rarity, “Tell you what, Rares, heads I win, tails you lose.”

Rarity scowled, “You won’t dare!”

Vignette then rolled her eyes in boredom, “Okay decision made. Since you wanna be with them so bad, I'll do you one last favor. You're welcome.” Her eyes flashed. Rarity gasped as she raised her hands to block something.

“Chrysalis!” Twilight finished as the teleportation spell ended. She was the first of herself, Pinkie and Flash, to regain her vision as they arrived in the spot that Rainbow, Fluttershy, the real Vignette and the real photographer were sent. “Damn it! I should have taken AJ’s concern about Fluttershy more seriously. And now we’ve been trapped by Chrysalis and she’s replaced us all with copies.” Twilight then slammed her fist against the floor.

“You too,” Rainbow said as she was first to greet the new arrivals. She then focused on Flash, “Why are you hear Crash?” she asked.

“Long story or short, Crash?” he asked as he looked around. “Because we can’t stay here.”

“He was helping us tune our instruments,” Pinkie said as she seemed to teleport to Rainbow’s right. She then leaned into Rainbow’s ear, “Maybe Twilight let him tune yours,” she whispered and gave Rainbow a playful wink. This left the elementalist with checks beet red.

“Question, how are we gonna get out?” the photographer asked. “Vignette and I have been here for days,” she informed.

Twilight looked around for a second before she went to the floor and started to draw a circle. “Well, while Egghead crunches numbers, anyone got any ideas?” Rainbow asked almost belligerently.

“Well on the bright side, Rarity and Applejack aren’t here.” Pinkie chimed in as she tried to show that there is some hope. However, this was short-lived, “But only if they stop fighting first.” she added.

Flash face palmed himself, “So much for that silver lining,” he said into his hand while he brought it down and away, the apparent bemoaning of Pinkie's word choice.

Back between Vignette and Rarity, “So sorry Rare, guess you're not so "rare" after all.” she then conjured a lime green circle at Rarity’s feet. Only for it to fizzle out before it could activate. Vignette’s mouth dropped in confusion.

Rarity smirked, “Sorry, darling,” she then stepped to the side, and tapped her tiara, “Never underestimate a good accessory!” she said as she took out a small gem. She took a breath as her tiara’s focus gems flashed and then her hand as she shattered the gem and then threw it down at her feet making a large cloud of smoke that allowed her to vanish.

Once it cleared Vignette and the four fakes noticed Rarity’s absence. “I’ll go…” Bleached started.

“No!” Vignette said as she held up her hand. “Wheels are up in fifteen minutes. We don’t need her. Besides what can she do all alone, not even the hick is gonna help her. Now I need to get my costume.” She turned to the office, but before she entered it. “Don’t screw this job up,” she told the four.

As the sun was setting and people were heading to catch the parade, Applejack was heading towards the park’s exit. She stopped near one of the benches, sat down and sighed as she leaned forward with her elbows on her thighs and her jaw in the palms of her hand.

“Yah really know how to make the situation better, don’t cha, Applejack?” She asked her. The sardonicism in her voice was unmistakable. She turned her head to her right in the direction everyone was going to catch the parade.

She sighed, “It’s gonna start soon, and I might have just let loose a hailstorm in a hurricane on it.” She verbalized. “Maybe if Ah said or done somethin' or said somethin' different?” She asked herself. “Maybe none of this woulda happened.” she tried to think it, but she could only sigh knowing that it really didn’t answer anything. She covered her face, “I really screwed things up with Rarity.” She cried.

However, just as the first tears started to fall, “APPLEJACK!” The paladin heard her name being called out to her. She raised her head to see Rarity running towards her.

As the paladin stood up, the enchantress was able to get to within three feet before she started to pant, “Don't go!” She said as she attempted to collect her breath. Applejack remained silent, she knew this was Rarity’s time to speak.

Once Rarity finally collected her breath, “You were right.” She acknowledged. “I know what you meant. Vignette only wanted the results of my labors, she didn’t value me as a person, not like you.” The enchantress reached a hand out to the paladin. “I got carried away with Vignette’s flattery and I let this stupid parade become the only thing that mattered! I forgot what’s really matters – my friends.” She said as she lowered her hand, not sure if Applejack would accept it.

The paladin smiled as she took a step forward and pulled Rarity into a hug, “Oh, Sugarcube, Ah forgive you.” she said softly. Rarity then returned the hug, “Ah tah confess, you were right, I was jealous of how friendly you and Vignette were. I’m sorry. I thought I was bein' honest with you about not likin' Vignette, but in the end, I wasn't bein' honest with myself.” Applejack started and then pulled Rarity as close as she could, “I felt like I was losin' my best friend.” she admitted.

Rarity returned the embrace, “You didn't.” she whispered in turn. The two closed their eyes and smiled for a solid second. Just then Rarity’s eyes shoot wide open as she recalled the other reason why she was seeking Applejack. She gasped, “Our friends!” she said in shock as she ended the hug and pushed Applejack back. "You were right about Vignette! She confessed that she’s teleported our friends and replaced them with some botched doppelgangers! We have to find and save them!”

Applejack’s shot wide open in shock, “What?!” she asked. She then took Rarity’s shoulders. “We've been wastin' all this time chin-waggin' about feelin's?! We need to get crackin' on a rescue plan!”

Applejack stopped as she felt something in her mind, Applejack, Rarity, Twilight's voice was heard in Rarity’s and Applejack’s minds. Can you two hear me?

“Is that…” Rarity started to question.

Yes, it’s me. I know it’s been a while since we used or psychic link, but listen, the Vignette we met is not the real Vignette. She’s Chrysalis! She managed to kidnap and replace the real Vignette and the photographer from the Chantalot Historical Society. She even made copies of Rainbow and Fluttershy.

Rarity cleared her throat, “She also made copies of you, Twilight, and Pinkie.” the enchantress informed.

Why am I not surprised? Twilight’s mind asked rhetorically. I don’t know what Chrysalis had planned with the copies, or why she’s masquerading as Vignette.

“Power,” Applejack answered in a gasp. “Chrysalis must have swapped places with Vignette to gain power from the affection people feel for her.” the paladin concluded, “That whore must be starving.”

“That might explain why whatever plan she has seems so… haphazard.” Rarity commented as she held her chin as thought back on what she learned in the last run-in with ‘Vignette’.

We can deal with that later. Do you both know, detect magic? The demigod asked.

“Yes.” both answered.

Good. I’m about to cast both a shielding spell and a dispel magic spell. We’re where you will sense an area with a sudden drop in magic in the area surrounding another area of magic. In three, two, one… Applejack and Rarity closed their eyes and waited.

Back where Twilight, et al were teleported to, everyone was inside a rune circle. “And…” Twilight said as focus gem glowed, “Dies ist verboten!” the demigod declared. Everyone covered the face and ducked hoping that the casting of Twilight’s spell wouldn’t trigger the traps. Twilight instantaneously swiftly placed her hand on the rune circle. “Aegis,” she said as she conjured a shielding bubble. Once a solid second past everyone opened their eyes and saw that they were in a warehouse.

“SERIOUSLY!” Rainbow shouted, “We’ve been in a plain warehouse under an illusion spell the whole time?!” Her face went red as her blood started to boil.

Pinkie leaned against one of the walls, “Looks like Chry picked up a few tricks. But don’t you all think all the obvious traps pretty much screamed thas wasn’t real?” she asked innocently as if she figured that everyone already could tell that. Rainbow clenched her fist and then a primal scream that resonated throughout the entire warehouse.

Back where Rarity at Applejack for Twilight to cast her spell. Once they heard ‘one’. “Magicae invenire.” the two said and open their eyes. They scanned until they saw the warehouses where the parade was staged. There they saw one of the warehouses and one looked in their eyes to be black with a pocket of white.
“There!” Rarity declared as she started towards it.

Applejack held back for a second, “Really, not even on a different block.” she complained before she covered his face and groaned. She took a breath and dashed after Rarity as the two ran to the warehouse.

Back inside the warehouse, Twilight dropped her shield spell.

“Well, that was anticlimactic,” Flash commented. He turned back to Twilight, however before Twilight could scowl at that remark “But on the bright side, we can now get out.” Flash then walked over to the door and started to turn it, however, the door was locked. “Okay plan b.” Flash then walked all the way to the farthest side of the mostly empty warehouse. “Everyone stay clear!” He shouted. He took a breath as he took the stance for a start to a race. “Star Burst,” he whispered before he started to run at the door.

Little did he know, Rarity and Applejack arrived outside of the warehouse just as he was getting ready to run. “Alright, they’re in there.” Rarity said.

Applejack took a breath as she grabbed the door’s handle, “Fortitudo bovis.” The paladin said as her hands glowed red delicious red before she pulled the door off. Just as she and the door were clear, Flash ran by only to bump into the wall of the next building and bounced from it and then land on the ground. The two cringed at the sight of the impact. Applejack turned to Rarity, “Sugarcube, I’ll check on him,” Applejack said as she pointed to the down sentry.

“I’ll check on everyone else, darling.” Rarity stepped into the warehouse with a nod of understanding. However, before Rarity could enter, the other captives came out. Twilight in front.

“Flash!” The princess shouted as she flew past Applejack. Flash groaned as he got up and waved Twilight away.

“Thanks for coming to help us.” Pinkie said as skipped and hugged both Applejack and Rarity. “So what do we do now? With Chrysalis disguised as Vignette and the copies she’s made of us.” Pinkie pointed out.

Applejack scratched her chin before an idea suddenly came to her. “I think it’s time that phony diva and her pack of fakers get a show for what they really are,” Applejack smirked, “and Chrysalis has given us the perfect stage to make this her final performance.” Applejack then turned to Rarity, “It will mean that we’re gonna disrupt the parade and a lot of people won’t see all your hard work.”

Rarity gave a small, understanding smile to the paladin, “Someone reminded me that none of that matters without my friends.” she said as she took Applejack’s hand. “So what’s your plan?”

“Do you know the spell 'dispel magic'?” Applejack asked the enchantress. Rarity smirked and batted her eyes as if to say ‘Really, darling.” Applejack smiled. “Huddle up, yall.”

Down the main rode of the park, almost everyone was watching the parade. Among the crowd were the CMC, the Student Six, most of the Pillars, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Spike, Starlight, Sugar Belle, and Trixie.

All cheered as each floats passed. Some of the floats were short staged plays of the events of Mystica's history, from Bullion's forging of the uneasy peace of the three tribes, to the banishment of Nightmare Moon and more recent events such as the restoration of Princess Luna to the coronation of Twilight, even to the defeat of the Storm King.

Some of the floats gave a snapshot of the many cities of Mystica and another handful or two were dedicated to Mystica's allies and their history such as when the famed ork hero Yksler stopped a massive battle by stepping into the field, the day King Grover discovering the Idol of Boreas, the first Changeling/elf queen Mirage's discovery of Caer Sith, to list a few.

At last, the float with 'Vignette' and the Throwbacks came into view. Vignette started her song, causing everyone to swiftly everyone covered their ears due to how off-key ‘Vignette’ was singing, “Be yourself, but better.
Or don't be yourself at all
Follow Vignette
That's V-I-G-N-E-T-T-EEEEEEE!” Before she could continue the song was (thankfully) cut short due to feedback from the microphone. Which lead to pretty much everyone jeering at her. This was compounded by the Throwbacks playing terrible renditions of Rainbooms own music.

Vignette scowled at the reception she had received. “This crowd isn't cheering enough for my taste.” Her eyes flashed as she prepared to cast a spell. The float came to a creaking halt which caused all five of them to lose their balance.

Vignette was the first to get back to her feet. “What the…” She asked with her ire bubbling to the surface.
Vignette then looked down the road to see Rarity about three feet in front of the float and Applejack holding it in the air. “Sorry to rain on your parade,” Rarity said as she pointed to the sky showing that there were some storm clouds on the horizon.

Applejack then lowered the float with a thud, “Nice one.” The paladin replied with a wink.

Rarity smiled in turn before she turned her full focus back to Vignette. “But I'm afraid this evening is canceled, Chrysalis!” The enchantress declared as her face hardened and her focus gem started to glow, “Dies ist verboten!” Rarity’s focus gem caused the float to be washed in sapphire light. Once the light faded, the four Throwbacks were transmuted into four planks and they landed on the float with several light thuds. Vignette was bathed in both Rarity’s sapphire light and a lime-green flame and as the faded, she was revealed to be Chrysalis. Everyone in the crowd gasped at the revelation.

Chrysalis chuckled, “You think you are a match for me, Rarity, Applejack?” She continued to snicker, “Even with my facade dropped, I’ve absorbed the admiration that all these people have for Vignette Valencia. Shining’s undying unconditional love for Mi Amore Cadenza was powerful, but that was one person’s feeling for another. Lo and Behold the power I have from just small amounts from millions of people from all over the world.” Chrysalis began to pool her magic into an orb in the center of her hand.

“Hey, bitch!” This caused Chrysalis’ smirk to vanish as she and everyone heard those words. They all turned to see Vignette, Twilight, et al. “Stealing someone’s identity, fans, and life just to make yourself feel ‘empowered'... and people call me vain.” Vignette then turned to Twilight, her face now paler than a sheet. “Hey Princess Twilight, so as you can tell I’m not much for combat…” she tried to remain confident in her tone, but since Twilight and her friends were the only ones that could see her face her dishearten state was on full display.

Flash smiled as he walked in front of the rest and patted Vignette on the shoulder. “I got this.” he said, “I’ll try to make sure that all your phone’s data is salvageable.” He then whispered so she couldn’t hear him, “But no guarantees.”

Flash continued to walk towards the float while he drew his sword, “Chrysalis, for the crimes of identity theft and attempted usurpation, I hereby place you under arrest.” he finished as he pointed the tip of his blade at the changeling.

Chrysalis looked at Flash and then to Twilight, with an amused smirk on her lips, “Your boy-toy is cute standing up to me," she then turned her focus back down to Flash as she pooled more of her magic into her attack, "but the fool is sorely outclassed!”

“I’m not the one who’s going to be doing the fighting.” Flash smirked as he brought the flat side of his blade to his mouth before he whispered "Star Sabre." He turned his focus to Applejack. He tossed it to Applejack, who Chrysalis just realized had stepped onto the float and now stood a few feet in front of her. "She is," Flash stated as the paladin caught the sword by its handle.

“Oh-no.” Chrysalis stepped back as she put the pieces together. Flash’s boon plus the paladin’s strength and her ability to smite evil meant very bad things for her.

The paladin looked to the glowing blade and then back to Chrysalis, "Ah ain't gonna lie, Ah'm gonna enjoy smiting you." She took the hilt with both hands, "Go to Hell and stay there!" She shouted as she charged towards and swung the blade at the deposed changeling queen while the blade also glowed golden in tandem with the blue.

Chrysalis knew that should that blade touch her, she would be split in two. As quickly as she could she diverted her prepared attack into a shielding spell. As the empowered blade clashed with Chrysalis' shield, the blade failed to cleave through it, but the impact sent the changeling soaring into the air. While Chrysalis flew, "I'LL BE BACK!!!" She screamed. As everyone followed the trajectory it looked as though Chrysalis was going to land, and land hard, somewhere deep in the Everfree.

In the process the stolen phone was dropped by Chrysalis but before it could land on anything and break it was caught by Rarity. "I got it," the enchantress exclaimed. She then looked it over and gave a thumbs up in the direction of the real Vignette, "And not a scratch." Everyone in the crowd cheered and applauded the feat. Rarity gave a giggle and slight blush in feigned modesty, “Oh darlings, it was nothing.” she declared as she returned the device to Vignette.

“LET’S HEAR IT FOR RARITY AND APPLE JUICE!” Vignette shouted and everyone cheered again.

“It’s Appleja…” the paladin started, “Oh screw it.” she finished under her breath as she returned the sword to Flash. All the while the applause and cheers continued. Applejack took a second to look around and smiled. She picked the base and keytar held the keytar to Rarity. “Looks like the parade ain't ruined after all!” she added with a smile.

Rarity accepted the keytar from her friend, “If you're up for it.” she said.

Applejack smiled, “Ah know just the song,” the paladin suggested as she played a few notes on it.

“Always wanted to play that one,” Rarity said as she stepped on, followed by the others and each took their instruments. “Sorry for the delay, everyone. Now for what you’ve been waiting for.” Rarity took a breath and started to sing, “A blemish on the surface
Of a perfect happy pic
Just add a fancy filter
And that's an easy fix
But behind that perfect snapshot
Are the people who you love
Don't forget those happy moments
Are because of.” as Rarity sang, the others started to play the music for the song and float started moving again.

“Our memories together.” Applejack sang the next line of the song as Rarity took a step back from the main microphone while the paladin leaned forward.

Applejack then leaned back so that Rarity could lean into the microphone and sing the next line of the song, “They can last forever.”

Rarity then leaned away from the microphone so that Applejack could sing the left line, “We won't let this break us,”

Both the paladin and the enchantress stopped as the rest of the band sing, “We'll get through whatever
Side by side on this adventure
Our friendship will never, ever end
Side by side, besties forever
We know that it's more than just a trend.” the four other sang as the float continued along the parade.

As Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy finished, Applejack leaned into the main microphone and sang the next line, “'Cause it's you,” she then leaned back so that Rarity could sing the next line.

“And me,” Rarity sang after she leaned in and sang before she leaned back to let all the others join.

“This is how it should be,” all six sang together.

The rest went silent as Applejack took over the song as she leaned into the microphone and sang the next part of the song, “The whole world stands before you
Full of things to see
Pay attention or you'll miss it
Life's best is always free
Don't lose sight of what's important
Give more than you can take
There's so much to strive for
So many friendships you can make,”

Applejack then leaned back for Rarity to sing the next line, “All those likes can't measure,” the enchantress sang before she too leaned back from the microphone for Applejack.

“The fun we have together,” Applejack sang as she leaned into the microphone. She then took a small step to the side for Rarity to join her.

“When we're in the moment.” the two sang as they stood next to each other check to check.

The two were joined by the other four, “Everything is better
Side by side on this adventure
Our friendship will never, ever end
Side by side, besties forever
We know that it's more than just a trend.”

“This is how it should be,” Applejack and Rarity sang, as they finished the song.

Author's Note:

Song used Photo Booth