• Published 5th May 2019
  • 796 Views, 31 Comments

My Little Mages: Harmonic Turbulence - Foxhelm

Following Cozy's failed coup, Twilight and the girls decided to check out Magiville's other newest attraction. However, Tirek is not their only old foe with plan for revenge. A My Little Mages retelling of Rollercoaster of Friendship and Mean 6

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Near the Castle of the Two Sisters, the four copies arrived at the cave where the Tree of Harmony grew. “Soon, we will have the very ability that makes our originals so powerful. The one thing our maker cannot control, and with their full lives will come freedom and might!” The copy of Twilight boomed with laughter as she continued towards the tree with the other three copies still in the bubble she conjured.

“Shouldn’t you let us out?” The fake Pinkie asked.

“And risk her flying off to do who knows what?” She said as she pointed to the copy of Rainbow Dash. She then pointed to Fluttershy, “Meanwhile Fluttershy mocks me for letting her go, and all the while having to drag you along the way?” The copy of Twilight asked. Just as the fake Pinkie was about to raise her hand, “That was a rhetorical question!” She then turned back to the tree and started to close the distance to the crystalline tree. She took a breath and sighed in near ecstasy as she placed her hand on its trunk. “Tree of Harmony, we are the bearers of the Elements, give on to us the fruits of your power!” She ordered the tree.

For a solid second, nothing happened as the four waited. Each of the Elements then flashed black for a second and then from the tree came a faint whisper that sounded like it was made from fourteen voices, three of the voices were men and the rest were women all of them of various ages, “Liar.”

The elements each flashed a solid black, “That can’t be good,” the fake Pinkie commented before the tree sent a beam at the four and sent them the entrance of the cave. However, the four had been transformed. The copy of Fluttershy’s canines transformed into fangs, her ethereal wings changed from butterfly wings to leathery bat wings and her broach became a stylized bat. The fake Rainbow’s hair turned snow white with only six strains that were rainbows that went from red at the base to violet at the tips. The fake Pinkie’s hair went flat and her skin dulled a few shades of gray. The copy of Twilight’s irises became solid red with cat-like pupils, some of her hair changed to be another set of streaks that made her hair look balanced and her metallic wings changed to be feathery ones.

The copy of Twilight was the first to regain her bearings, but as she looked the world had a noticeable red shift in the coloration. She growled not dissimilar only seemed able to get up to her knees and beat the ground with her right fist in frustration. The fake Fluttershy was next to recover and preceded to mock the leader, “Looks like your plan to claim the Elements didn’t work and usurp Chrysalis didn’t work. Haha” she laughed.

The copy of Twilight turned around and conjured a small ring of magic and sent it to wrap around the Fluttershy’s copy’s neck and began to choke her, “Do you have a better idea, Flutterbat?” she asked as the recently named Flutterbat squirmed and kicked and struggled as she tried to breathe. However just before Flutterbat passed out, the copy of Twilight ended her spell and allowed Flutterbat to regain her breath.

“I thought her name was Fluttershy,” the copy of Pinkie commented.

The copy of Twilight sighed, “You imbecile, Ashen Pie,” she dubbed the clone of Pinkie. “Do you think anyone will believe that we are the people we were copies of now with our new forms?” she asked rhetorically. “We cannot stick to the old names so we need new names. Thus she’s Flutterbat,” the pseudo-demigod said as she pointed to Flutterbat, she then pointed back to the recently dubbed Ashen Pie, “you’re Ashen Pie” she then pointed to the fake Rainbow Dash and gave her a new name, “she’s Bleached Dash,” she then pointed to herself, “and I am Midnight Sparkle.” she dubbed herself.

“What’s the plan now, Midnight?” the recently dubbed Bleached Dash questioned Midnight as she leaned against the cave wall asked. “We can’t get the elements, we can’t go to Chrysalis empty handed and we’re not long for this world.”

Just as Midnight was about to answer there was a set of lime-green circles appeared around the four copies and they were gone in a flash of lime-green light.

In front of the tunnel of love, Twilight spotted Flash Sentry standing, waiting for her. Twilight noted that Flash was the only one person armed with his sword in its scabbard. She swiftly brushed that aside, “Hey,” she said as she waved to get his attention. The two then greeted each other with a hug and a soft kiss. “So why did you come here of all the rides?” She asked as she turned to look into the tunnel.

Flash shrugged, “Pinkie Pie directed me here. Gonna be honest, never figured you’d want to meet at this place.” Flash then looked away from the tunnel of love. “Really I’m surprised you’d want to come to this park at all. You’ve always struck me as a girl who defines a good time as reading a well-written tale from an old book, possibly one checked out from the Chantalot Library.” Twilight blushed at that, her man knew her so well. “You do know that the cause of their…” Flash trailed as he tried to find the best word, “unique scent is their patented text and paper preservation technique.”

Twilight looked at Flash with an inquisitive look as she always pondered how the books in the Chantalot Library had their particular scent, “How do you know?”

Flash gave a weak laugh as he rubbed the back of his head and closed his eyes, “I almost got a book destroyed and because I didn’t want my library card revoked I elected to go through their entire process of maintaining, repairing, restoring books.” He then gave another weak laugh.

“You almost killed a book!” Twilight shouted as if she was berating a misbehaved child and hit Flash’s arm thrice.

Flash rubbed his arm, “Ouch.” he said as he rubbed his arm. “So do you want to?” he asked as he pointed back to the ride. Twilight looked back at the tunnel and then back to Flash with a hesitant look. Flash swiftly put two and two together, “There’s an escape room based off of your library.” he suggested. Twilight’s smile was almost impossibly big. He gave himself a small smile.

Meanwhile, as Twilight and Flash headed to the escape room, the four copies were teleported from the cave that housed the Tree of Harmony, and Fluttershy was teleported, Applejack spent most her time seeing how the parade was coming together. She couldn’t help but smile at how everything seemed to be fitting into place for the parade. However, something still nagged at her. She traveled among the floats and such until she spied Rarity in the final stages of setting up the float that was themed off of the area of Dodge Junction.

Rarity was finishing a costume of one of the cast as a cowboy with small lights as part of his getup. “Finished!” Rarity declared with a sigh of relief. She then went to the small cord that went from the right boot. “Let there be light!” she declared as plugged the cord into another one. There was a faint buzz as the small lights on the costume. Rarity sighed in relief, “Maybe tonight won't be a disaster after all.” However, the universe often proves people how wrong they are as there was a crackle and then circuits shorted out and the bulbs went off of. Fortunately, nothing more happened. Rarity’s eyes twitched before she took a breath, “Will you excuse me for a moment?” she asked as she left them and walked over to a pile of clothes and after taking a breath flopped onto the clothes and screamed into the clothes, while muffled, “Of all the outlandish circumstances in the universe, why are all the wretched things happening to me?!”

Applejack shook her head. “Typical Rarity,” she whispered as she walked up to Rarity as the enchantress was flailing in the pile. “How's—?” she started to ask.

Rarity then jumped to her feet and turned to Applejack, “I am not having a meltdown!” She declared with the frustration plastered on her face.

Applejack took a step back in an attempt to defuse and disarm the situation, “Listen, Ah know you’re under a lot of pressure and there’s not much Ah can do to help, but Rainbow sent a message that Fluttershy went off with Vignette…” she started to ask.

Rarity groaned as she rubbed her head to clearly show her annoyance, “Are you honestly asking me this right now?” she asked cutting the paladin asked.
Applejack waved her hands as if to make a barrier, “Oh, it's not that I don't trust Vignette if that's what you're thinkin'.” the paladin tried to throw off.

Rarity rubbed the bridge of her nose, “Listen, Applejack, we're in a giant fun park with at least fifty thousand people.” she stated as a matter of fact. “'Course you can't find her in like ten minutes.” the enchantress explained. She then gasped as her eyes shoot wide open, “Fifty thousand people!” she declared and then gasped again at the fullness of the what her work was going to see, “All looking at my costumes!”

As Rarity started to panic, Applejack was about question the enchantress’ priorities but she knew better at this point. “Can someone make this pile of clothes bigger!” the paladin requested and a handful of assistants dropped some clothes onto the pile. Applejack nodded in gratitude before she gave Rarity a pat that made the enchantress fall into the clothes and started to scream into it. Applejack sighed and left the area to find her friend.

About an hour or so later, Twilight and Flash exited the escape room. The demigod couldn’t help but skip with a big grin and closed eyes, “That was so much fun,” she stopped and looked at Flash and saw a tired and frustrated expression on his face. Twilight’s smile slightly saddened as she placed her hand on his shoulder, “I know escape rooms and antiquing aren’t your things but thank you.”

Flash finally gave a smile, “You’re welcome, so what do you want to do next?” he asked.

Before Twilight could answer, “Excuse me,” came the voice of Applejack. The two turned to face the paladin. “Sorry for interrupting yahr date, but have either of you seen Fluttershy? Rainbow said she left her to met with Vignette but that was over an hour ago”

“Sorry, AJ, we just got out of the Princess Twilight Library escape room,” Flash said as he pointed to the arcade.

Applejack sighed, “Thanks anyway.” the paladin then turned, “Any idea where Pinkie could be?” she asked. The couple questioned pointed to ‘Pinkie Pie’s Quick Bake Pastries’ and there was a line, not so much to go in but for children to get their pictures taken with their created pastries and Pinkie who also gave a few pointers to on how to improve their work and or get the Pinkie Pie Patent Pastry Praise. “Thanks.” Applejack then left the two.

After the paladin left, “I never got an answer to my question.” Flash said as he took Twilight’s hand.

Twilight looked around, “Maybe one time through the tunnel of love won’t kill me.” Twilight then pulled Flash towards the tunnel of love. Flash’s face could not hide a grin of success.

A few minutes later Rainbow arrived back at the Sonic Rainboom roller coaster. She couldn’t help but jump a little in excitement. She had been building to this and couldn’t help but feel as giddy as a child. The admiration of the children that spotted her and wanted to meet her did help boost her enthusiasm. Just as she was about to get in line she spotted Applejack, “Hey, AJ!” she shouted as she waved to the paladin. Applejack walked over to the elementalist. “I was just about to ride this thing!” she said as she pointed to the ride.

Applejack looked at the ride and couldn’t stop herself from blinking and gulping at the sight. “Ah knew you like tah dive off the deep end, but this?” she asked as she turned back to her friend. Upon seeing the smirk of determination on Rainbow’s face answered Applejack’s question. “So have you seen Fluttershy, after she left you to met Vignette?” she elected to get to the heart of the matter.

“Sorry, I haven’t. Been building up to this ride.” the elementalist answered as she was about to get in the line. Applejack was about to say something, but after a second of thought, she knew it would go nowhere. She gave a soft sigh and turned to leave Rainbow. This was not unnoticed by the elementalist. “Hey, if you do bump into her, remind her she still owes me a ride!” Applejack rolled her eyes and gave another sigh as she left Rainbow in search for Fluttershy. Rainbow then received a message from Vignette. “That’s odd,” she said an after a shrug of her shoulders turned to met with Vignette. Applejack spotted Rainbow leaving the ride and elected to follow her, knowing that if Rainbow was not going on the ride, then something was up.

Half an hour later Rainbow arrived at where she was to met with Vignette. “Rainbow. Thanks for coming.” Vignette said as she reached her hand out and the two shook hands. The two then turned and walked to what seemed to be a secluded spot. Unbeknownst to them, Applejack followed just out of their vision. “Rarity told me you're the coolest, smartest friend who knows what's the opposite of down.” she complimented Rainbow.

Rainbow could help but give a closed-eye smirk as her ego was stroke by Vignette, “True, I know everything that’s up! So what’s this about?” she asked as she allowed some of her ego to deflate.

“I have a bold new vision for the Rainbooms!” Vignette declared as she took a step to be in front of Rainbow. “The Throwbacks! Capital T, #TBT, Throwback Today. Or for short, T.C.T.H.T.B.T.[T.B.T.], pronounced "ta-ca-ta-ca-ba-ta"! “She declared as she pulled up the rendering of the band she had shown Fluttershy. “You are going to represent the touchstones of cool throughout the ages!” she said as she presented it to Rainbow.

Rainbow had not yet seen the image, but she nodded at the idea, “So far you got me, V. a retro-approach is something we’ve done before, it would be cool to do it again.” She then opened her eyes and saw the picture. The 990 AC’s gothic Flutterbat get up was striking, but was cool. However, the next thing that caught her eye left her stupefied. “Is that…” she started to question.

Vignette pulled her device back, “That’s right, ‘Rainbow Dash: 950 ACs Sock Hop Sweetheart"! Poodle skirt, adorable hair with a bow…’” she started to trail off.

Rainbow took a step back and waved her hand to dismiss the whole thing, “Woah, Woah, woah, I am nobody's’ sweetheart, sock hop or otherwise.” she finished as she crossed her arms in defiance.

Vignette gave a small pout for a second. However, it passed as a smirk formed, one that Rainbow didn’t notice. She gave a sigh, “Well, if you insist on just, being yourself, I sure I can find a way to work around this hiccup.” she said as she placed Rainbow’s shoulder. Just as Vignette’s hand left Rainbow a circle appeared at Rainbow’s feet and before the elementalist could react she was teleported away.

Applejack gasped as she ducked behind a barrier, “I knew something was up with that Vignette and that she was up to somethin'!” the paladin said as she brought down her clenched right hand into the open palm of her left hand. She then rubbed the back of her head and neck, “Just wasn't expectin' somethin' so magic and evil.” she had to admit. “Ah gotta find Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie and stop Vignette.” As she was about to sneak away, “But where did she send Rainbow?” she asked herself.

Rainbow blinked around as she regained her sight from the teleportation and saw that she was with Fluttershy and what seemed to be another Vignette but was clearly disheveled and what looked like the photographer from the Chantalot Historical Society, along with all the traps that were set up. Rainbow groaned, “Aw, man!”

About fifteen minutes later back in the backstage for the parade, as Rarity was walking among the floats, “Two hours until wheels up, everyone!” she shouted to the staff there. “Tonight’s parade waits for no one!” she continued to order as a couple of the staff came to her with clipboards for her to look on, “Tick-tock! Tick-tock!” she finished as the parade seemed to be completed.

Rarity smiled at her work, just as Vignette walked up behind her, “Big night tonight, Rare.” Vignette said as she got Rarity’s attention, “Perhaps the biggest of all time.”

Rarity laughed, “I’ve had quite a few fashion shows,” however she knew that this was by far the biggest one thing she has ever done. Her laugh died after a second, “But this is definitely the biggest solo commission of my works thus far in my life.” She said had to confess as she dipped her head and sighed in slight exhaustion.

Vignette smiled as she placed her arm around Rarity’s shoulder, “I'm excited for you, Rare.” she said as turned to Rarity’s work, “So don’t be worried about it, you are RARITY!” she said in praise. She then let go of Rarity, “Thus there's no room for self-doubt.” she said as she turned to face Rarity, “You've gotta get rid of it faster than a pleated cargo skort.” the two then shuddered at the idea of such an article of clothing existing. Vignette looked around and then at her device to check the time. “You got about half an hour before you have to practice with the rest of the Rainbooms.” Vignette informed. “So get yourself something to eat and met up with your friends.” She then pretty much pushed Rarity to leave. Almost reluctantly Rarity left.

Half an hour later, still in the staging area for the parade but outside of the where the floats were staged, Pinkie and Twilight were at the float that their band would play on. With them was Flash, who was making sure the instruments were tuned. The three were joined by Rarity as they were getting the last measurements for their costumes. Pinkie couldn’t help but giggle. Rarity, on the other hand, sighed in annoyance as she looked around, “I suppose Applejack has better things to do than be here for the final fittings and sound check!” She moaned as the absence of the paladin was unmistakable.

Twilight walked to Rarity and placed her hand on the enchantress’ shoulder. “Take it easy, Rarity, I think she’s trying to find Rainbow and Fluttershy. So you really shouldn’t be mad at her.” She tried to defend the paladin.

Rarity turned and scowled at the demigod, “Do not tell me who to be annoyed with!” She commanded the princess. Twilight took a step back in shock.

Nervously, Twilight, Flash and Pinkie shared shaken expressions on their faces. Pinkie then hopped over to Rarity, “I know you're stressed, Rarity,” she said as she started to rub Rarity’s shoulders in an attempt to calm the enchantress. This did not have the desired outcome as Rarity glared at Pinkie. Pinkie gave a repentant smile as she went back to her drumset.

Rarity groaned, however just as she was about to get on the float when they all heard, “Stop!” shouted the voice of a very familiar paladin. Everyone stopped and turned to see Applejack. The assistants gasped at the command as they obeyed. Applejack rubbed the back of her head in trepidation. “Sorry, ya’ll. Ah didn’t mean everyone, just my friends.” She gave a tense laugh as she walked to the float with Rarity et al.

Rarity took a breath in vain attempt to calm herself, “Where have you been?” She asked getting to the heart of the matter.

The paladin seemed to have ignored the question, “None of you met with Vignette, right?” She asked. Twilight and Pinkie shock their heads not following their farm friend. They turned to Flash who just shrugged his shoulders in a rather dismissive manner as if to say, ‘She’s your friend.’

Rarity sigh and placed her head in her hands. “We don’t have time for this Applejack.” she groaned. After a second she took a breath and looked up at the paladin. “Whatever it is that’s bothering you, you can explain it after the parade.” She took another breath in an attempt to calm herself, “I’m sure—” she started.

Applejack took Rarity by both arms, “There’s no time Rarity! Vignette is evil!” Unbeknownst to the paladin, Vignette had seen the paladin meet her friends. She tapped her chin in thought for a second. In her thought, a memory popped in.

Hours ago, Midnight, Bleached, Flutterbat and Ashen had teleported to an empty warehouse. “Well so much for independence.” Bleached groaned.

“You honestly thought, I’d make it so easy for you four to betray me?” came the voice of Vignette as she walked up to the four. She dropped her guise and revealed herself to be Chrysalis.

“I see you failed to get the Elements of Harmony. Forutarly I have other uses for you four.” She said as she sent four beams that manifested four collars, one for each of their necks. Chrysalis then returned to her guise as Vignette. “Love the new hairdos.” She winked and turned to leave the clones.

Midnight roared and dove at Vignette, but was forced to her knees by an electric surge from the collar. This caused the other three to laugh before they too were shocked.

As the memory passed, Vignette’s expression changed to a sinister smirk as she pulled out her phone and tapped a few buttons. Almost instantly after Vignette finished tapping the buttons on her device, back at the warehouse, Bleached and Flutterbat were teleported into Vignette’s office. Which left Midnight and Ashen, “So how about a game of twenty questions?” Ashen asked. Midnight rolled her eyes and facepalmed herself. Back in Vignette's office, Bleached and Flutterbat appeared. Vignette smiled and walked out and then couched to get everyone's attention.

Back at the float, everyone turned to face Vignette. Applejack scowled as she continued to argue her case. “She’s done somethin' to Fluttershy. And I saw her teleport Rainbow somewhere!” she levied the accusation.

Vignette shook her head, “Oh, honey, delusional isn't your color.” She dismissed the paladin’s accusation and pointed to Applejack’s hair, “You're clearly an autumn.”

“I was born shortly after the Spring Equinox.” Applejack countered as she gritted her teeth. This caused Rarity to groan as she covered her face in embarrassment. Vignette only rolled her eyes. “I know you teleported Rainbow and Fluttershy somewhere. Now confess!” The paladin shouted as she pointed at Vignette.

Vignette shock her head as she pointed to her office with the window with the blinds and shades open. In her office were Rainbow and Fluttershy, both of whom were trying on their costumes. No one questioned that Fluttershy was trying on a 990’s AC gothic punk and seemed to embrace acting like Flutterbat. However, even Rarity raised one eyebrow as they saw that Rainbow was dressed like a 950’s AC Sock Hop Sweetheart with her hair was dyed white and broken-up by a handful of streaks of her normal hair color but perpendicular. However, they all pretty much accepted it as a one-time thing, besides Rainbow needed to ‘girl-up’ every once in a while.

Well, all but Applejack. The paladin remembered that Fluttershy never liked to dress up like ‘Flutterbat’, especially after last Nightmare Night. As for Rainbow, sure Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie might believe that Rainbow would doll herself up, but Applejack knew that Rainbow would never perform in such a get-up. Unfortunately, the only people who would side with her on either on the issue were the ones currently getting dressed.

“They look good by the way,” Vignette added with a massive smirk. She then turned her focus to Rarity, “Sorry for the last minute tweak, but your work is fantastic.” She praised the enchantress.

Rarity placed her hand on Applejack’s shoulder, “Applejack, the parade starts in about an hour, and—” she started in an attempt to reason with the paladin.

Applejack exhaled thrice through her flaring nostrils as she brushed the enchantress’ hand from her shoulder, “This is bigger than the parade, Rarity!” She shouted.

Rarity frowned and leaned in to challenge the paladin, “Nothing's bigger than this parade, Applejack!” She retorted with mounting ire.

Applejack eyes constricted as her lips curved in her own bubbling fury, “Are you stupid?! You can’t believe that those two are Rainbow and Fluttershy!” She shouted as she pointed to the two she knew to be imposters. “Our real friends are missing!”

Both women growled at that each other and seemed to ready to tear each other apart. Vignette, who happened to be in the center of the two, took a couple of steps back and walked around them. “I'm gonna let you two sort this out amongst yourselves.” She said with a slight hint of fear as she left the scene.

Rarity clenched her fists before she crossed her arms, “Admit it! You don't care about my parade!” She accused the paladin.

Applejack’s mouth went agape at what the enchantress said. “Your parade?!” She repeated in shock of her friend's blatant obtuseness. “ This isn't about you!” She countered before she pointed in the direction the Vignette left in. “She's done somethin' to our friends!” She added.

Rarity rolled her eyes at the claim, “Is this about our friends?” She asked, “or about you and Vignette?”. Rarity countered. This took Applejack aback. “Don’t play stupid, ever since you saw her earlier today you’ve been casting judgment on her. Is it because that only after about a day, she and I get along so well? Some could argue better than you and I ever have.” Rarity then paused as something dawned on her, “You’re jealous of how close we are! Admit it!”
Twilight was about to speak up to be some sort of mediator between the two before things got worse. However, before she said anything, both Pinkie and Flash pulled her back. The two shook their heads, indicating that at this point, all they can do is duck and cover.

Back between the enchantress and the paladin, Applejack had just had enough of her friend's obtuseness. She tried to calm herself with a few breaths through her nostrils, but if it did anything, it only bellowed the fire just under the skin. “You're so blind, you can't even see she's usin' you!” The paladin almost shouted back. “You only like her because she's always blowin' smoke up your chimney!” the paladin continued as she pointed out the one-sidedness of the perceived relationship between Vignette and Rarity. “But that's what she does to everyone!” she pointed out how fickle Vignette is and how meaningless her flattery of Rarity is. “YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL!” she shouted as she tried to convey the point. However just as she heard those words she paused in horror of her words. Everyone else was left in utter shock about what the paladin said. Applejack then looked away from Rarity and started to walk away. “I should...go,” she said in a weak and apologetic voice.

Rarity crossed her arms and scowled at the paladin, “I have to agree,” she said in cold bitterness. However, everyone could tell that she was feigning not being hurt. Before anyone could say anything Applejack walked away. The three other saw Rarity’s shell break as she covered her face and sobbed as she ran in the other direction.

Author's Note:

Bleached Dash's design id off of Jon Fawkes' Lunar Rainbow from his/her Nightmare War artwork series. So go support Jon Fawkes . As for her name, bleached is an antonym of 'rainbow' and hints to her mostly white her.
Ashen Pie- While the fan base likes to use 'Pinkamena' as the name of the 'dark' Pinkie, but if we think about it, as Yakity-Sax, shows that the 'Pinkamena' persona of Pinkie while she's depressed. Ashen, also, is a synonym for gray.
Flutterbat and Midnight Sparkle... pretty straight forward, I think.:applejackunsure: