• Published 5th May 2019
  • 796 Views, 31 Comments

My Little Mages: Harmonic Turbulence - Foxhelm

Following Cozy's failed coup, Twilight and the girls decided to check out Magiville's other newest attraction. However, Tirek is not their only old foe with plan for revenge. A My Little Mages retelling of Rollercoaster of Friendship and Mean 6

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First Move

Applejack was walking through town heading to Rarity’s boutique. She hummed to herself until she actually reached the boutique when she heard the wailing of Rarity from inside. Applejack sighed. “Another date must have been a bust.” She commented to herself before heading in.

On the main floor in the living quarters of the building was Sweetie Belle working on her school work as well as, what seemed to be, some musical sheets. The young bard looked to Applejack with a sad frown. Applejack nodded and went to the stairs, ascended them and arrived at Rarity’s room. The door did little to muffle Rarity’s crying. Applejack took a breath and entered the room. “Hey Sugarcube, it’s me. What did that ass do?” Applejack asked as she leaned against the wall.

“First that troglodyte forced a kiss from me!” Rarity said as she raised her head from her pillow. “And when I left to collect myself, citing that I needed to powder my nose.” Rarity said as she sat up and still hugged her pillow. “I came back to see he was making out with the busboy on our table!” Applejack handed Rarity a box of tissues. Rarity accepted it with her left hand and blew her nose.

“So you slapped him with the back of your left hand,” Applejack mused as she sat down. “Ah wish Ah could have seen him fly across the room from that.” she laughed.

Rarity sniffed. “Well, I also levitated all the beverages, including bottles of wines, and said, ‘Waiter, get everyone another round, Drinks are on him!’” Rarity then blushed in modesty. “And I dumped them all on him.” She couldn’t help but laugh slightly.

“Ha, ha,” Applejack laughed, “Ah so wish Ah could have seen that wet dog try to save face after that.”

“I slapped him with the back of my left hand a second time as soon as he got to his feet and kneed him right below the belt.” There was a slight giggle in Rarity’s voice. She then signed looked down slightly forlorn, “What’s wrong with me? Why do I keep setting myself up for dates with men that are just scum?”

Applejack stood up, “Do you really want an answer? And if you do, do you want the long one or the short one?” The paladin asked as she leaned against the wall.

Rarity was about to protest but her counter died in her throat as she opened her mouth. “You might as well give the long answer, Darling.” she accepted.

Applejack cleared her throat. “Well, the thing is your relationship with all men is based on your relationship with your father.” Rarity was about to speak up, but Applejack held out her hand. “Ah know you love him, that’s not the issue. The issue is that you haven’t accepted him for who and what he is and because of that you can’t accept other men for who and what they are and that’s why you always end up picking men that will never give you what you need out of your relationships.” Applejack stopped to let it sink in. As Rarity looked towards the floor unsure of what to say. Applejack noticed this and quickly decided to change the subject. “Say, Ah think Ah need a new dress, something that set Soarin’s marrow on fire for my date this weekend.” Applejack said as she looked at Rarity’s personal dresses, “Maybe something based off of one of these.”

“With your physique? No, no, no, Darling. You can’t be serious, Soarin has fallen for you due to….” Rarity paused as she looked at Applejack. “Well, this,” she said as she gestured to Applejack’s body. “A dress based on one of my personal dresses would restrict you and make you look… well, pump by pressing your muscles too tightly. No, I’m thinking something more Areian, I am going need measurements.” Rarity said as she went to her desk took out a measuring tape, pencil, and paper. Applejack took off her hat and started to take off her boots. “Oh, thank you for letting me do this.” Rarity whispered as she prepared the tape.

“What are friends for?” Applejack asked as she took off her gloves and shrugged her shoulders.

“You know Rainbow would bolt out of here the second I’d go for the measuring tape; Fluttershy wouldn’t have gotten me to think beyond what the ass did; Pinkie would try to make it all too much like a joke; and Twilight, God bless her heart, but she needs to get her nose out of her books more often.” Rarity replied as she started taking measurements.

A couple of hours later in Twilight’s office in her school, Applejack and Rarity joined the rest including Starlight and Flash for a staff meeting. “And with today being the last day of finals for the term,” Twilight was saying before she heard a snore. Everyone turned to see Rainbow Dash sleeping in her chair. Twilight groaned, “She can fall asleep anywhere!” Twilight bemoaned as she handed out earplugs and other hearing protection to everyone else as she readied an air horn.

She pressed the horn shocking Rainbow awake, “No ma’am I made sure the showers were clean!” the elementalist shouted as she jumped to her feet and stood at attention. She then looked around and saw everyone shake their head.

Twilight pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned, “Rainbow if you can’t make the time to be a part of this and a Wonderbolt, then perhaps you need to cut one off.” she said as she turned her gaze back to Rainbow.

“It wasn’t the Wonderbolts this time, she wanted to go to Las Magus to catch a certain ride that was shutting down. Ah covered her class because she agreed to chaperone the Gold Shoe Gals for me, so Ah was the one who proctored her final exams thus far.” Applejack informed. “Don’t tell me, Granny and the gals went out of their way to not follow the list Ah had.” Applejack somewhat asked with a raised eyebrow. Rainbow rubbed the back of her head and gave a weak smile. Applejack sighed, “Well, Rarity and Ah got to proctor the exams today.” Applejack said as she and Rarity got up.

“Wait, there’s still the photographer from the Chantalot Historical Society. She’ll arrive to take our photos for the society’s article on our school in about…” Twilight trailed as she looked at the clock, “fifteen minutes and it's too late for us to reschedule!” Twilight then started to panic.

“Don’t blame us, Darling. We told you to reschedule after Cozy Glow’s hostile takeover attempt last week.” Rarity said as she and Applejack left the office, leaving Twilight to fret and moan at the others while they dealt with their own business. Rarity turned to Applejack, “You do know exams don’t start for another hour.” the enchantress whispered a smile on her face like the two managed to pull a fast one a teacher and got out of class.

Applejack smirked, “Ah know, but while you don’t mind getting your photo taken most days, you ain't at your best after a bad date. Although yah could have easily pointed the whole hour thing back there.” Applejack nodded back to Twilight's office.

Rarity gave a slightly forced huff as she brushed her hair back, “A teacher must put her best face on for her students first, besides everyone who subscribes to the Society's articles where my boutiques are and where I am scoping out and most importantly are likely to do business with, already know my face. Besides can't have a paladin be called a liar now can we?” Rarity asked with a wink before the two shared a hearty laugh.

“I’m laattteeee!!!!!!” cried a young woman about their age as she came running in their direction. She was a Magicborn with green eyes and hair that had two shades of brown. On her dress was a pin of a ladybug, “Sorry, where is Headmistress Princess Twilight Sparkle’s office, I am the Chantalot Historical Society-”

Applejack pointed behind her, “Down the hall, take the second left, it’s the door with the school’s insignia with Twi’s Aura Mark in the center.” the paladin inform. “Yah can’t miss it,” she added as she shut her eyes and nodded.

“Oh, god bless you.” the photographer said as she bolted in the direction the paladin pointed out. Applejack and Rarity had a slight laugh in relief that they were not part of photography shot.

Inside Twilight’s office, the photographer arrived. “I am sorry I’m late,” she said as she entered. “Can you forgive me?” she asked with pleading eyes. She looked down in guilt. “I don't expect you to forgive me…” she raised her head toward Twilight, “Forgive me?”

Twilight rolled her eyes, and groaned, “ Don’t worry about that, but thanks for coming. I kind of have to say I’m sorry too. You see we still have a couple of the term’s final exams and Applejack and Rarity are the proctors… so…” Twilight trailed.

“They won’t be here for the shot,” Starlight state bluntly. “So let’s get this show started.” Starlight said.

The photographer nodded and then went up to Twilight and each of her closest friends there. The photographer proceeded to adjust the woman’s hair, removing a loose strand and then taking their photo. “One for the history books!” the photographer exclaimed and started to leave, “I suppose we can site Applejack and Rarity was not available for photos.”

Just as the photographer was about to open the door, “Waaaait!” Pinkie shouted as she teleported in front of the photographer, “You forgot Starlight and Flash! They need a picture, too!” Pinkie pointed to the other two.

The photographer rolled her eyes and took the two photos. “Now I'll get out of your hair. I know how busy you are.” The photographer then left the school and ended up in the Everfree Forest. She looked around and smiled as she looked at the photos she had and the hairs she collected. “It’s not everything I need…” she trailed off as a green fire seemed to originate from her chest and revealed herself to be Chrysalis. “But it will suffice,” she smiled.

About an hour later, the bell rang, which marked the end of the second to last exam, “Alright yall, pencils down.” Applejack ordered. Every one of the students then placed their pencils down. “So what are you all up to during the term break?” Applejack asked as she and Rarity collected the exams.

Sandbar then spoke up, “Well Professor Apple, you’ve heard about the amusement park on the other side of Magiville?” he asked.

“Yah, The Four Castles,” Applejack answered. “What about it?” the paladin asked.

“It opens this weekend,” Smolder answered, “And it is gonna be awesome!” the drakaina cheered. Everyone else then started to chatter among themselves excited about the amusement park.

“Now, now everyone.” Rarity said getting everyone’s attention. “While it is exciting to go and try new things…” Rarity trailed off as she heard something from one of the pockets of her teacher’s dress. “Hold on,” she said and pulled out a small device. She then cheered, “I GOT A NEW COMMISSION!” she shouted, “You’re are all looking at the newest costume designer for the Four Castle Amusement Park.” She then collected herself. “Sorry about that, but as you know I make my living mostly by commissions,” she informed. “Now then I must go. Applejack can you…”

“Knock their socks off, Sugarcube.” Applejack said as she nodded to the door. Rarity smiled, hugged her friend and left. Once Rarity had left. “Alright everyone, you got one hour before your last exam.” All the students groaned and moaned. “Now, now, everyone.” the paladin said as she sat on the teacher’s desk. “You’re on the home stretch.” Everyone reluctantly accepted that fact, more so looking forward to what they were going to do after the exam.

Deep in the Everfree, Chrysalis had drawn a circle with four trees. On each of them was a photo of either Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie with their respective strain of hair. “I’ve been planning this for quite some time.” she laughed as she snapped each of the trees with each the four’s Aura Marks. “Oh Rainbow, You see with this spell allows me to make a copy of anybody I desire.” She said as she rubbed the tree with Rainbow’s picture. “All I need is an image and a piece of the person,” she informed. She then turned to the circle, “Oh and this.” She then turned to the tree with Fluttershy’s picture, “I am sure you want to know why little Fluttershy. Well, it’s because you four and your friends; Rarity and Applejack control the Elements of Harmony. Mystica’s powerful weapon.” She said as she turned towards the tree that had Pinkie’s picture.

The deposed queen skipped towards the Pinkie photo. “Which means you - will - be - able - to - use - them - too!” She said as she skipped to the tree. She then turned to the tree with Twilight’s photo. “And serve me!” She then turned to the two pictures she had set aside. Chrysalis turned from the tree and looked to the sky, “Together, we will destroy Twilight Sparkle and her meddlesome friends!” She then sent magic into the circle in the ground. She smiled as the circle started to glow. She then looked at the picture of Starlight. She took a couple of breath in rage, mostly to calm down. “Of course I haven't forgotten Starlight Glimmer!” she said as she looked in the direction of her old domain. “She stole my hive,” she said with a scowl. “Turned my subjects against me! So I'll take her friends away while she watches! And then, I'll destroy her!” She then started to laugh, maniacally, as she hovered in the air slightly. She looked in the direction of the Everfree, “With the Elements under my control, I'll build a new swarm, composed of Earthborn, Magicborn, and Skyborn, and I will rule as Queen once again!” she declared. She then sent another beam of magic into the circle.

She then took a breath and transformed in the guise of Vignette. “It will take a bit for they are ready.” She then left the forest and allowed the spell to do its job.

Author's Note:

Areian is based on the epithet Aphrodite Areia, which is one of the oldest forms of the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

Drakaina the female form of the Greek word drakon, from which we get the word dragon.