• Published 15th Dec 2018
  • 995 Views, 8 Comments

Orc’s Breath - Chemtest

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Familiar Situation

I’m awakened by Ghorbash as Offense opens the train door. Loud bangs sound out from our train, and explosions are heard in the distance. The train rattles with every bang, and the air outside is filled with weapons firing off their spells. Offense is wearing some strange armor, and turns to face us, ”Come on!”

Ghorbash nods to be, and we both go running for the door. We jump out of it, with Offense following behind us. Projectiles fly around us as we hit to ground. I come out in a roll, and see the train disappear into the distance. Ghorbash comes to a roll beside me, and Offense flops on the ground. Picking ourselves up, Ghorbash remarks, “That was fun.”

Offense stands up, and coughs roughly, “Didn’t know the train was going to go in gun’s a blazing. The entire village is probably awake now!”

I smile, and take Wuuthrad out, “All the better. That in the distance, the lights, is that the village?”

Offense nods, “Correct.”

Ghorbash takes out his Nightingale bow, and a daedric arrow, “Let’s not keep them waiting.”

Offense moves after us as we start to walk, “Are you insane!? You think you can just walk into a village of enemies and survive! When they have guns, no less!?”

I nod, “Yep. That’s what we do.”

He just sighs, and relents, “Right, okay, sure. Where do you want me?”

Ghorbash scatches the chin of his helmet with his bow, “What weapon do you have?”

A large object appears on his back, peaking just past his shoulder and face, “A gatling laser. Accurate, fast, laser.”

Ghorbash points to hills surrounding the village, “You are to be on the hills with me, cutting down enemies as they appear. If that isn’t too much for a milk drinker like you.”

He grunts, “As if you could do better. That bow is old technology, ancient. You really think you can outdo me when you carry that around?”

Ghorbash whacks him on the head with the bow, “This bow has slain more than you could ever know. It has killed dragons, daedra, almost killed a god. I have felt the life of all I have shot with this, and they all fell before it. If you think your fancy lights are better than an arrow, your welcome to think so. You will find you are wrong, however, when I kill more than you.”

He looks at me, “What about him? Is he just going to charge in without care about the bullets killing him?”

I laugh, “Care about those pitiful projectiles? You should learn who you are talking to before you start talking.”

He’s about to speak up again, but Ghorbash taps him again, “Hey, milk drinker, now is the time we find a good position.”

The two of them move into the hills as I continue to the village. Snow billows around, but melts as soon as it hits the ground for some reason. I see lights come from towers around the village, trying to find anything in the snow. They scan the ground in front of me as I walk closer.

One gets dangerously close to me, before stopping in it’s tracks. I can see a faint red glow around the enemy in the tower as the bow absorbs his life. Yet another faint red glow appears in two of the other towers as Ghorbash takes them out. The final one is taken out when a bright red flash of light strikes inside of it, and with another bright red explosion the pony turns to dust. Thing about that, it isn’t very quiet or hard to see. Soon, shouting erupts from the village.

I charge forward into the village as the enemy prepares. One unfortunate pony was assigned to close the gates as I arrive to them. The job becomes much harder now that they lack a head.

I enter into the village proper to see a bunch of carts knocked over as makeshift cover. Two groups watch me enter. A group of Minotaurs on the other side of the village, with an elder in front. And a bunch of ponies with so called ‘guns’ pointed over the cover.


The ponies open fire at me, their projectiles bouncing off my Mail and Masque. An arrow comes in from the distance, striking one of them in the shoulder. I decide to give my overwatch a better shot. I breathe in, “Fus Ro Dah!”

The shockwave is sent out from my shout, and send ponies and cover flying. Red beams and arrows start flying into the village as I charge forward.

An enemy is taken down as I twirl Wuuthrad into and past his neck. A tinking sound comes from my side as I’m shot by an enemy. I summon up an ice spike, and fire it at the enemy. It goes right into and through their screaming mouth, and the ice turns to a slick red color.

I turn my attention forward again as a line of ponies start to fire into me. Well, as the saying goes, frost beats fire. I let out my chilling blast, “Fo Krah Diin!”

They all collapse as their internal organs freeze and stop.

I take out a few swords, and toss them to the group of Minotaurs, “Come on!”

The young ones all catch them, and start to move forward. Lead by one very tall one in particular. The elder puts his hand on the leader’s shoulder, but they simply shrug it off.

With the charging Minotaurs on one side and me on the other, the enemy gathers in a circle. The lead officer peaks up, “Fi-“

He’s cut off as an arrow pieces his skull, and he collapses into the soldiers. They, being panicked, decide to run into a nearby building. I smile, and crack my neck. The leader of the Minotaurs walks up to me, “We’ve got them trapped. I’m Orcius. Who are you?”

I nod, “Dovahkin, Orc. Say, do you think you can block all but one entrance?”

He nods, and those around him move to the debris around, and push it all around the building.

I move to the front door, and prepare Wuuthrad. I bring it swinging into the door, and cut into it, “Here’s Dovahkin!”

I peak in, but beyond the door is a lot of crates stacked from the inside. I place down Wuuthrad, and draw Volendrung. With a single swing, the hammer of Malacath bursts through the crates. I then peek my face in, and smile at the terrified ponies within. I shout in, “Yol Toor Shul!”

The wooden building catches on fire instantly, and I turn back as screams sound from inside. I smile at Orcius, “So, what now?”