• Published 15th Dec 2018
  • 997 Views, 8 Comments

Orc’s Breath - Chemtest

  • ...

Familiar Terrain

Ghorbash and I stride into a large wooden platform where a large metal beast sits. A pony wearing a golden helmet walks up to us, and salutes, “I take it you are the VIB’s we heard about?”

I nod, “Your lord sent us here.”

The pony nods, “Welcome aboard the E.M.T Death’s Fingers, sirs. Meet with Sergeant Mass Offense in the second car. He should brief you on the details of your mission.”

I nod, and we two start to move for what is labeled the second car. Ghorbash admires the speed in which the ponies load crates onto the metal, “These ponies seem quite impressive from what I’ve seen. Advanced magical projectiles, metal carriages, and overall organization. If the Legion had this, the Rebellion would have been put down long before we intervened. Wonder how they are still fighting.”

I shake my head as I enter the carriage, “For all we know, they’re tactics are pitiful. They seem to be peaceful creatures as well. Look at their faces, all serious and frowns. Quite a few of them show the outward signs of battle fatigue. The workers in the big smithy all cowardly, fled upon sight of us. It’s clear they are a peaceful people, thus a pitiful people. They do not know the beauty, the rage, the fun, or the courage that war causes. They have soldiers, not warriors. The Legion would be able to destroy this nation within a year. Remember, ‘every hammer needs a motivated Orc behind it to work’.”

Ghorbash nods, “True, but you have to admit that they’re quite impressive for a peaceful race.”

We fully walk in, and a single pony sits there. A stallion with a green coat, and a contrasting red hair and tail. Not anyone particularly intimidating, but still big. He stands up, and salutes us as we step on, “Pleasure to meet you sirs! I am Sergeant Mass Offense!”

I nod, “See, look at that. He salutes us! He doesn’t even know who we are, and he salutes us!”

He returns to his ease position, “I could stop if you wish.”

I sigh, and rub my helmet into my gauntlet, “I’m Dovahkin, that is what you will call me, milk drinker.”

Ghorbash smiles, “I am Ghorbash, and that is what you shall refer to me as, youngling.”

He bristles up, “Youngling? Excuse me, I am thirty!”

Ghorbash barks out a laugh, “Exactly, youngling.”

I follow him up, “Let me guess, you haven’t killed anything yet, have you?”

He looks down, “Well... no, this is my first time in the field.”

I lean down and look him right in the eye, “Then you listen to me, milk drinker. You will do what we say when we say it and not question it.”

He shakes his head, and meets my glare, “Excuse me, I don’t have to listen to you! I am a Sergeant, I probably outrank you!”

I smile, “Really? I am the Dovahkin, no matter who you think you are, I outrank you. Leader of the Thieves Guild, Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, Archmage of the Collage of Winterhold, the Slayer of Stormcloak, the Chosen of Sheogorath, Malacath, Azura, Peryite, Mehrunes Dagon, Molog Bahl, Boethiah, Clavicus Vile, Sanguine, and Nocturnal. You wanna list any gods who might favor you over me? The Cleanser of Blackreach?”

He backs down, “No sir.”

I frown, and lean up, “Malacath, get yourself together. Where is your confidence, your rage and fury? You shouldn’t just back down.” I sigh, “Okay, explain our mission.”

He sighs as well, “We are on a train that will push through enemy positions and will pass right by our destination. When we pass near it, it is are job to jump out and free the village. You know the rest.”

I nod, “Alright, sounds easy enough.”

He scoffs, “You think clearing an entire village of enemies will be easy? With only three?”

I shake my head, “I think it will be easy with only two. With three, it’s simple. We just kill everything in there except for the Minotaurs.”

He leans back, “Whatever.”

I look over to Ghorbash, “Wake me up when we arrive.”

He nods, and I drift off.