• Published 15th Dec 2018
  • 996 Views, 8 Comments

Orc’s Breath - Chemtest

  • ...

Actually Talking

We walk through a village not dissimilar to Riverwood. Every citizen we pass gives a salute to our direction. I scoff, “Some important Necromancer you must be, having an entire village salute you.”

He smiles as he looks around, “Not just this village, but my entire nation. Now that I think about it, we have yet to introduce ourselves.”

Ghorbash speaks up, “Ghorbash the Iron Hand.”

I nod, and speak out my only known name, “Dovahkin, Dragonborn.”

He tsks as he continues his pace, “Strange names. I am Lord Ravens Breath, one of the six Ministers of Equestria.”

I grunt out, “Minister? Don’t sound that impressive.”

He then turns to a building, and opens it up. He moves in, and we follow him to a wooden table within. Sitting at the table is another unicorn, this one white. Raven stops by her, and smiles, “Well, I got the problem all solved out. You don’t mind them sitting with us, right Sweetie?”

She sighs, and speaks in a voice like an elven bard, “I guess they can, as long as they act sensibly. What are these creatures anyway, Raven?”

We both pull out a seat on the other side of the table, “We are Orcs.”

Raven raises an eyebrow, “Really? You’re Orcs?”

The mare lets out a giggle, and begins to speak in a very broken accent, “‘Das’ da’ evil lord right der’! Smash em’ mash em’ praise Gork and Mork as the Orcz Wil Witers chase him, right Raven? Rad ukh kraat ugil izg urdan u khur jashat latob spine sha izub tabz funny asht, agh snu choke lat sha it? Those types of Orcs?”

Raven introduces his face to the table, “Of course you would remember that, why wouldn’t you? Quick word of warning, racist comments aren’t the best way to start off a conversation.”

Ghorbash and I exchange glances, “What in Malacath’s name is a Gork or Mork?”

Raven turns his eye back to us, “You don’t know your own gods? Who is Malacath anyway?”

Ghorbash answers, “Malacath is the Daedric Prince of the spurned and ostracized, and is the maker of the Orcs. We know our Prince’s and Divines, thank you very much.”

Raven looks between us and the mare, “Maybe we should get onto another topic. Oh, introductions!”

The mare smiles, “Well, it seems like you weren’t offended by my pervious comments, wonderful. I am Sweetie Belle, Lady of Generosity, Lady of Music, and Minister of the Minestry of Music. Pleasure to meet you.”

Raven follows after, “As you know, I Lord Ravens Breath. Lord of Magic, Lord of Life, Lord of Death, and Minster of the Minestry of Warfare. To let you know the power system, it goes from the Queen to us six Lords and Ladies.”

Ghorbash nods, “I am Ghorbash the Iron Hand.”

I nod, “The only name I know is my title. Dovahkin, Dragonborn.”

Raven leans forward, “That word there, Dovahkin, what language is that from?”

Sweetie leans in as well, “Yes, it does sound like an elegant tongue.”

I nod slowly, “Dovahzul, the language of the dragons.”

Raven leans back again, “But... I speak dragon, and it sounds nothing like that. Tell me, how did you two get here?”

I sigh, “We were killing the greatest enemy in our world when a portal opened up, and he crawled his way here. Tell me, have you seen a very large dragon anytime soon?”

Raven shakes his head, “Last time I saw a dragon was the Migration a few months ago. Although, I did see one dragon there that was different.”

I lean over the table, “What exactly did this dragon do that was different?”

Raven seems to reach back into the past, “Well, it was obviously injured, I noticed that much. Had to be carried by other dragons, all of which seemed to listen to whatever he said, like an alpha or something. He didn’t have any arms, only one pair of legs and a set of wings. It was a very dark grey, and it’s eyes a furious red. He was bleeding everywhere as well, arrows sticking out of him, and cuts all over his body.”

I look at Ghorbash, “I think we’ve found Alduin.”

Raven slowly nods, “Well, yeah, but that was months ago. Finding him now would be very hard to do for two Orcs.”

I glare into the necromancers eyes, “Are you saying I should let him go?”

Ghorbash waves his hands in front of my eyes, breaking me out of it, “I know you want to kill Alduin, friend, I do too. But Raven speaks true, even with Clairvoyance, it would be hard to find him. And what of our power? We managed to defeat him with the strength of multiple Dragon Rend’s, but he would be stronger than ever without those shouts being cast on him.”

Raven leans forward, “That is exactly why I have a proposition. If you want to hear, than follow me.” He stands up, but gives a small kiss to Sweetie, “Sorry, I swear we’ll get a regular date one of these days.”

She sighs, “It’s fine, Raven, the war comes first. This meeting has actually done good, I have come up with a new song based off them.”

Raven gives one last peck before walking away. Ghorbash stands, “Come, might as well see what he wants to say.”

I stand up after him, and follow Raven into a back room of the tavern.