• Member Since 21st May, 2013
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"Late night, come home. Work sucks! I know!"


All Starlight wants to do is stew in her emotions. After all, nopony really understands her.

Of course, her dad won't leave well enough alone.

Preread by: Alex_ and Jack of a Few Trades

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 62 )

I wonder if Starlight has "Trotting" by Linkin Cart, the second single from their debut album Hybrid Pony?

I'm actually seeing no difference between emos and goth. I'very seen 'goths' with the same type of bedroom.

The only difference I have ever read between the two is that emos want to hurt themselves and goths want to hurt the world.

This is going to be an amazing story to read!

This song's muuuuch more appropriate.


even her dad thinks shes crazy

She immediately burrowed her face into her pillow and let out a groan that would challenge the moodiest of teenagers. She was fifteen years old! She wasn’t a filly anymore. She should be allowed to make her own decisions! But no! Her father would never understand that because he didn’t understand anything about her!

My son would take that challenge

“Let’s see here…” She began going through the records one at a time. “Maneday Parade? Nah. Hoofthorn Heights? Not today. Colt-182? Maybe tomorrow.”

YES! I love those bands!

“ Rage Against the Princess !” She pulled out the record and took a moment to analyze the beauty of the album art. It was a chalk outline of Princess Celestia with a noose spray painted around her neck and X’s where the eyes should be.

No built in emoji can describe the awesome.

“Preach to me, boys. Preach to me.”

I face palmed.

After getting her clothes on, she fixed up her mane the way she liked: Brushed to side, bangs hanging in front of her left eye and hair sprayed into place. To top it off, of course, she grabbed her favorite pink bow, the one with a little skull button in the middle, and put it right behind where her hair was parted.

This must be drawn!

Ultra fav!

Good Lord, Famous :rainbowlaugh:


YES! I love those bands!

I pretty much just scrolled through my music library and picked out a few bands that fit the bill. I love emo/punk/screamo/whatever people wanna call it music.

Rage Against the Princess!”


Oh my god I'm feeling so attacked right now...

Shoutout to Dance Gavin Dance, lmao

I can't even lie, I love me some Dance Gavin Dance.

This is brilliant... Well done mister. Well done

Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing it.

Also... is Starlight interested in some of the older rock bands... like Maretallica?

She's alright on Maretallica. Led Stallion, too. But Nine Inch Hooves is her favorite of the pre-90's era.

A sweet and fun little look at Starlight's teen years, nicely inspired by the brief look at her bedroom we had in today's episode.

I wish we knew more about Starlight's life. But both she and Sunburst have single parents? So sad!

I just had the weirdest flashback to my emo phase...

Little did they know that the first draft of "Rage against the princess!" was made by Discord before his tragic narcotic phase of being continuously stoned.


“Rage Against the Princess!” She pulled out the record and took a moment to analyze the beauty of the album art. It was a chalk outline of Princess Celestia with a noose spray painted around her neck and X’s where the eyes should be.

No built in emoji can describe the awesome.

I couldn't agree more. I wish this was a thing...
Famous, you don't happen to have a source for it, do you? Was there an inspiration, or did you just like this *snips fingers* come up with the the best album cover art ever? ^^

I just took inspiration from Rage Against The Machine's "Battle of Los Angeles " album cover.

I just googled it. I think I will listen to that album now.
More than once, probably :pinkiehappy:

What about..............Green Bray(Green Day)? Eh, eh, eh.*cricket noises*

I'm gonna use that, but boooo.

Wanderer D

Aww, you beat me to it! :rainbowlaugh:

8907482 There's always something cool about seeing Foxglove as an avatar.

Sorry, bro. The memories of my emo teen years were activated upon that episode and there was no turning back.

Holy crap, my body is ready!

Thank you so much. She should have been a regular in the show. She and Dale were perfect for each other.

Edgelight Glimmer.

Listening to angry music while writing terrible poetry in fourth period study hall.

My take was "Deathdark Grimmer". Maybe a bit too much, though. :P

I like how this went. I also wrote a story based on those few frames of the episode, but not knowing anything about that sort of music (or fashion in general), I had to gloss over those aspects. Good call as it turned out as there's no way I could have done them justice like this.

I kind of want someone to write "Rage Against the Princess" now.

Hi my name is Starlight Dark’ness Dementia Glimmer Bray and I have long purple hair with teal streaks and highlites that reaches my mid-back and icy puple eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Haymy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Bray but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampony but my teeth are strait and white. My cuite mark is a skull on a pentagrahm and my special talent is beign a goffik vampony. I have a pale purple coat. I’m also a magic unicorn, and I go to a magic scool called Celestia's Shool for Gifted Unicorns in Canterlot where I’m in the sixth year (I’m sixteen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black dress comboed with pink fishnet stokings and blak combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, purple foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside CSGU. It was snowing and rining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I magiked a middle finger at them.

Nice to meet you! *runs for cover*

Rage Against The Princess were the band that did Killing In The Mane Of, right?

8906620 The Beatles were considered a rock band when they came out. Twenty years later you'd use that same label for Guns 'N Roses, even though they sounded a hundred times ballsier. It's a similar thing with Goth and Emo; for starters there's twenty years' difference between the two. The reason goths (and metallers, and rivetheads, and every other subgroup within the alternative subculture) so hates emos, and the thought of being mistaken for emo themselves, was because those other movements were about independence and acceptance of who you are, where emo was far more about crying for attention from others, like the whole thing was a co-dependent act for sympathy.

Going on just the look, though, time has blurred a lot of lines, and created a big number of smaller archetypes.

It’s not like the lyrics are actually going to make me change a society or anything…

Well...technically it didn't, because I wouldn't call the Our Town debacle a success in the end, considering how quickly it ultimately unraveled. :rainbowlaugh:

The thing I got out of that cover art is that Starlight apparently tried her hoof at guitar once, and now I'm wondering if she was ever any good at it.

Starlight's certainly got a lush, diverse, and interesting history, doesn't she?

You know, this little snippet from the episode may explain why Starlight looked like she did when she traveled to the human world

Starlight listening to commie music makes perfect sense.

I love how her dad didn't even bother to make her bed in all the years she's been away. Or replace those tattered curtains.

This image of her room only showed up for about a second, and yet there's so much story potential in it.

"his name is dance. Gavin dance"

Holy crap I lost it at that. I kinda hoped you would throw in one of their weird lyrics in there somewhere.

"Riding a rhino, pico de Gallo. Roosters beak! I won't sleep till I leap that jeep!" Always is my go-to.

Bravo my good sir, bravo. You made me choke on my tea. :rainbowlaugh:

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