• Published 1st May 2018
  • 2,311 Views, 121 Comments

Assassin's Creed: Dawns Rising - Arceaion

My name is Orion direct decedent of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad but I better known as The Immortal Assassin, last of Assassins Brotherhood.

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Chapter 4 - An Assassins Training

Please see authors notes at the end

"This is not what I expected" I said as I stood outside the forge of Coal Damascus.

"Ya, most people say that but he's legit." Iron Shield said with a laugh.

I flipped my hood up. "If this is some joke then it's not amusing." I said as I entered the shop sighed on the left was a wall with every weapon you could think of on it while on the right was a florist shop and garden. "Of course, well everyone needs a hobby I suppose." Hand meet face, face meet hand. Well acquainted? Good because it's going to be one of those days.

Iron walked up to the counter and rang the bell. "Just a minute." a gruff voice yelled from the garden. quickly a dragon with brown scales walked in and smiled. "Iron Shield, been a long time you decided to visit me in person. So, what can I do for you old friend?"

"Who are you calling old florist? Still haven't found a more manly hobby?" Iron replied with a smile.

"One feeds the pocket the other feeds the soul." The dragon replied. "I see you brought some one new, so who's this here?"

"Orion Hawk, I'm looking for a blacksmith." I said as I stretched my hand out.

"Well you came to the right place. My name's Coal Damascus I'm a blacksmith and florist though the latter is more of just a hobby. So what you need?"

"I've been told that you have a hundred percent customer confidentiality policy, unfortunately I have a target that often comes here for repairs on his equipment. I need him found and the Princess will see you properly compensated." I sad calmly as I walked over to the wall of weapons.

"And lose my customers trust! NEVER!" Damascus yelled in anger as he approached me. "Now you listen and you listen good. I don't care if your the princess herself, I will not break my promise to my customers! I guarantee my customers a one hundred percent customer confidentiality policy, one that I plan to keep even if I die keeping it."

"Good. Looks like you were right Iron, we can trust him." I smiled and pulled down my hood. "I'm sorry for that but I had to test and see if you really were as loyal as Iron said."

"So that was a test? Iron what are you roping me into this time?" Damascus asked curiusly.

"Oh nothing, just a little plan to kill the corrupt nobles." Irion said with a smile.


'Well we now have a blacksmith and a quight skilled one.' I thought as we walked down the road.

"Where to next?" Iron asked.

"Next stop on our to do list is a quick stop by the Thives Guild Hedquarters after that we'll be heading back to the house to prepair for tonights ." I said as we walked down the street. "What's your take on our recruts?"

"Lady Velvet and Lord Nightlight are skilled in magic and Lord Nightlight is a shiilled swordsman. I heard that Fancy Pants was once a shilled swordsman as well but age has slowed him down quight a bit. Fleur de Lis, I honestly couldnt say. If even half of the rumors about Celestia's Secret Police are true then she will become a master assassin an but a few hours. Prince Blueblood is isn't a fighter, but he is a master at manipulation so atleast thats something. And the last was Octavia Mellody correct? I nodded. "Well, she's a member of one of the oldest houses of Equestria. There are rumors that her family has some weird magic but they've never been proven."

"Hmm... interesting." I said as we entered a inn. I quickly went and spoke with the manager and found the Guild was doing well. As I left I wasn't paying attention and someone slammed into me.I quickly regained my bearings and looked at the person I'd run into. "Holy shit." I muttered as I looked down at the Doctor from Doctor who and behind him was Derpy.

'Time Turner, this will prove difficult.' From what I remembered there were two versions of Time Turner. There was the version where he is the Doctor and the version where he an eccentric scientist, however both versions had an interesting quirk. He had knowledge that is similar to forth wall breaking, if anyone was to know who I am it would be Time Turner.

"Oh, sorry I wasn't looking where I was go- I know you..." Time Turner trailed off.

"I believe you have me confused with someone else, however I've heard of you, Time Turner. From what I've heard you are a skilled inventor."

"Why yes, I am." Time Turner said surprised.

"Um, excuse me I need to deliver this package." Derpy said as she slipped passed us.

"It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of you both." I said as I walked past them. Once we were out of ear shot I turned to Iron. "Keep an eye on Time Turner. He is a skilled inventor. Long ago a man from my world by the name of Leonardo Da Vinci aided the Brotherhood. Many people considered him a mad man but he was perhaps the greatest inventor to ever live."

And you believe Time Turner to have such potential?" Iron asked.

"Yes." I reply and turn to him. "I also want you to keep an eye on that young delivery mare, she is has great potential and I think if given the chance she could become a skilled assassin."

"I'll send some of our agents to monitor them." Iron said. I nodded and continued toward the manor.

That Evening

I smiled as I stood before my group of trainies, we were in a room in the the lower levals of the manor. The room had once been a armory and ground but had fallen into disrepair do to it nolonger being used.

"Welcome to your first day of ." I said as I approached them. "Now first things first, Lets get this room in order, I want this room to be set to my specifications. Now a few rules. I do not want you to use any magic unless I say so. This is a test of your strength as well as skill in following orders. Once this is done I have a gift for you all." The group nodded and I began to instructed them in how to organize the room. After several hours the room was completed.

Well done. Velvet, Nightlight, Fleur and Bloodmoon, you have exilent physical fitness. Lord Pants, you have exelent physical abilaties for a stallion your age. As for you Prince Blueblood, I will tell you what a friend once said to me, you have a large frame with very few miles on it and quite a few doughnuts."

“I’m not fat!” protested Blueblood, as he made quite a noticeable effort sucking in his gut.

"Listen all of you, I don't care what your physical strength is, once I'm done you will become one of the most fit ponies in this world. I also don't what your stature or leval of athority is, I will not give you any special treatment, do you uderstand?"

"Yes, we understand." Velvet said.

I smiled and turned to one of the chests and opened it. "Now, as I said I have somethings for you all." I quickly pulled out six uniforms and blades. "These will be your training robes and blades. Once you have completed your training you will create your own blades and robe. In the ancient days of the Brotherhood every Assassin crafted their own custom concealed blade following the traditional form and were permitted to customize there robes but it's a right of passage stating you are no longer a apprentice but a fully trained Assassin. Now then, for the first few months we will be training your bodies and honing your reflexes. Once this is done we will work on your particular skills as well as your deception and combat skills."

Author's Note:

So I want to ask you readers something. At the moment I cant decide if I should simply write the training into the story or do a entirely separate story dedicated to there training so I leave it up to you.
Do you want me to put there training in this story or dedicate an entirely separate story to the training of the Assassins.

This is the trainee version of the Assassin robes