• Published 1st May 2018
  • 2,311 Views, 121 Comments

Assassin's Creed: Dawns Rising - Arceaion

My name is Orion direct decedent of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad but I better known as The Immortal Assassin, last of Assassins Brotherhood.

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Chapter 3 - Rise of the Brotherhood of Assassins


I was not in a good mood. After almost a full two hours in the room Flare Ruby and what I had learned made my blood boil. After an hour I grew tired of using the conventional methods and instead used the Apple of Eden. I spent the rest of the time making his death as slow and painful as possible, after having the little brat dumped outside the Mansion of Duchess Ruby I headed back to the sparkle residents to discuss my findings.

"Orion Hawk, a moment please." A voice called. I turned to find Captain Iron Shield approaching.

"Captain Shield, it's good to see you, come I have something urgent to speak to Nightlight and Velvet about and I would like you to be there."

As Captain Shied began to lead me down the halls he slowly cleared his throat. "I uh, I talked to Sir Bloodmoon earler, what you did for him..." The Captain sighed. "Thanks for what you did, Bloodmoon and I knew each other in training. He's a good man and I have no doubt that he will return the favor someday."

I nodded as we approached the door to the siting room and Captain Shield knocked. "Forgive the interruption Lord Nightlight, Lady Velvet. Orion Hawk is here with urgent business."

"You may enter Captain." the voice of Nightlight came from behind the door. Iron Shield opened the door and we entered.

"It's good to see you this evening Orion." Velvet said as Nightlight and Bloodmoon waved.

"So your an Assassin." Bloodmoon stated. "Gotta admit with how you dealt with those bastards I'm honestly not surprised and this Creed that these two spoke of, well I honestly am impressed. Though I didn't expect you to be from another dimension. that one caught me off guard."

Iron and I laughed at that as I took a seat and Iron stood by the door. "Well, I'm glad you are fitting in so well Bloodmoon. Unfortunately I have some bad news and information on your attacker." As I said this the smiles from Nightlight and Velvet disappeared and were replaced with seriousness and Bloodmoon leaned forward. "Her name is Duchess Shining Ruby."

"Shining Ruby," Velvet muttered. "I know her but only by reputation. A raciest and Extremist, She believes that Pegasus are the superior race, refusing to bow even to the Alicorns. She is a cruel and uncaring pony she believes that anything that is not of her blood is a stain upon this planet. If she is involved then I have no doubt that this is vary serious."

I sighed "That about matches up what I've learned. Duchess Shining Ruby, she leads several Terrorist organizations though no proof has ever been found. She is also the leader of one of the largest Criminal Organizations in the world, she is also one extremely paranoid Pegasus. As I just stated she is a Pegasus, she has a red coat with an orange mane and tail and blue eyes. Her cutie mark is that of a quill and a ruby. She has lead several campaigns and attempted to commit mass genocide on the Unicorn, Earth Pony, Griffon and Minotaur races. She is the equivalent to one of the greatest villains from my home world, a man named Hitler and he was responsible for over three million people being killed. I fear that if this Duchess Ruby is permitted to live then the same will happen here." As I finished speaking the others in the room were left shocked. "Nightlight is there anyway you can get your acquaintances here tomorrow? With the recent discovery of this information I would like to move as quickly as possible."

"I can arrange it, most of the Ponies I intend for you to meet are vary interested in meeting you. For them to meet on such short notice will be an inconvenient to them but they would certainly not miss the opportunity." Nightlight replied.

"Uh, before we get this all started, what happened to that kid? He said he was her son and if you left him then he's going to return to that women and then our chance to stop'er will be over before it begins." Bloodmoon asked.

"I think you know what I did." I replied with a sigh.

"Orion, I would hope that you gave him a choice." Velvet said.

"No I didn't. After an hour I was tired of using the conventional methods and instead used the Apple of Eden. The Apple allowed me to see into his memories and life, what I found made him almost as bad as his mother. He was probably the most sadistic bastered I've ever had the displeasure to meet, so to prevent him from continuing what he enjoyed I killed the bastard." I replayed as I rose and walked toward the door. "I want you all to know I don't kill the innocent, no Assassin of the brotherhood ever would and to do so make one life forfeit." With that I turned and headed for my room. 'what a mess I've gotten into.' I thought as I collapsed onto the bed.

Duchess Shining Ruby was not a happy mare, then again finding that her son dead on her door step would do that. While she had never loved her son, he was still a pawn. A knock at the door caused her to turn and smile. "Enter." She said as a thestral with a black coat and brown mane, with lime green slit eyes The thestral had a cutie-mark two crossed glaives over a peace symbol. and he bowed as he entered the room.

"Greeting Duchess Ruby how might I be of service?" He asked.

"Silent Bastion, I have a job for you. Someone has killed my son and I want to know who." Shining Ruby said.

"You have my condolences Duchess Ruby, will that be all?" Silent Bastion asked.

"Don't be, he was a simple pawn but the one who killed him must pay, he may have been a pawn but he was my pawn! I wanted to kill him personally!" Shining Ruby ranted as Silent Bastion shivered though weather it was disgust or fear was another matter.

"If that will be all then I will take my leave to do as you have asked." Silent Bastion said as he rose and turned toword the door.

"That's not all Silent Bastion." Shining Ruby said as she turned and faced Silent Bastion. "Who is the most skilled mecinary that you know?"

"Iron Shield, Minotaur mercenary that lives on the edge of the Everfree Forest." Silent Bastion said. "Though I would not recommend him he doesn't work for nobles."

Shining Ruby smiled. "Bring him to me. He will kill this man and bring me his head and if he doesn't then he dies."

Silent Bastion nodded and left the room. "This will be interesting." He muttered as he walked out of the manor and down the street toward his home. As he walked he failed to notice that he was being followed.

The next day

I groaned and stretched as I woke up. 'I really need to start getting some actual sleep' I thought before I remembered what was today. "Oh god, It's orientation day!" I exclaimed. I quickly got up and walked over to the desk grabbing my blades and fastening them to my forearm. I then grabbed my swords, crossbow and sheath them in there proper place while placing the crossbow on my back and stepped out the door and walking toward the dinning hall. After quickly eating I walked to the sitting room and found Captain Shield sitting by the window looking out. "Good morning Iron." I said as I approached.

"Morning Orion, I wanted to speak with you about something." Iron said.

"Oh, What is it?" I asked.

"Those concealed blades, where did you get them?" Iron asked.

"I made them but I'll have to find someone who we can trust to build some more." I replied. "While I do intend for all members to craft there own they will need one to train with and until they are worthy to learn how. In the ancient days of the Brotherhood every Assassin crafted their own custom concealed blade following the traditional form but it's a sort of a right of passage stating you are no longer a apprentice but a fully trained Assassin."

"I know a smith that we could talk to. His name is Coal Damascus, he's been making custom weapons for the Royal Guard for a long time and he's perhaps the best blacksmith in Canterlot." Iron said with a smile.

"While I would prefer a professional, I don't know if that is a good idea." I hesitantly said.

"If your concerned that he'll tell others then don't worry. Damascus has a one hundred percent customer confidentiality policy. He wont even tell the Princess about his customers."

"Alright, tomorrow we'll go see this blacksmith and if I approve of him then we will hire him."

A knock at the door signaled that someone was there. "Enter." I said as Nightlight entered. "Nightlight, you don't have to knock. This is your house after all."

Nightlight just shrugged and smiled. "Well I figured I should give you some respect after today you'll our Mentor."

I gave a week chuckle at that. "It's been a long time since I've been called that. I really hope I'm still up to it."

A guard walked in and bowed. "Sir, the guests have arrived."

Nightlight nodded. "Send them in and inform my wife and Sir Bloodmoon that we will be starting soon."

"we're right here." Nighty Velvet said as she slipped past the guard and planted a kiss on Nightlights cheek before sitting down on the sofa while Bloodmoon walked over to a corner and leaned against the wall.

The guard bowed and left. Nightlight took the spot next to his wife as I went and sat in a chair at the front of the room. A moment later ponies began to enter the room and fill the other seats around the room. once everyone had gotten situated Nightlight rose.

"Thank you all for coming and I'm glad you all could make it."

"From what you've told us about this guest of yours as well as the organization that he plans to restore here we would be fools to not." A pony with a white coat and flowing golden mane said as he examined me.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all." I said as I rose and looked to Nightlight who nodded and sat down. "Now I believe you all know each other but I feel that introductions should still be done and I would like to know a little about you. I also wish to know why you seek to join the Brotherhood. I'll start us of if you wish."

"I think it best if you save your introduction for last." Bloodmoon said as he walked to the group. "I'll start. Greetings my names Bloodmoon, I'm a unicorn born into minor nobility. I'm here because he saved my ass last night from being six feet under." He said as he pointed at me. "I wish to join the Brotherhood of Assassins because I feel this is my chance of redemption, a second chance to protect the people from what I lost."

As he finished A mare with a dark gray coat and dark brown almost black main and tail stood up. "My name is Octavia Melody. I'm a cello player and I see the brotherhood as a chance to change the way Equestria is run but that's not the only reason." Octavia turned to me before continuing. "If you wish to know more then I will tell you in private." I nodded and she took a seat.

The next to rise was Blueblood. "I am Prince Blueblood the Duke of Canterlot. As a result I have a large amount of political power here in Canterlot. Despite the way I act in public I'm actually not a snob or one of those moronic nobles. Unfortunately I have to act that way to get any where with those fools and that's the very reason I want to join the Brotherhood of Assassins. I will aid you by keeping you informed in the nobles political affairs and assist in the removal of the more troublesome nobles. If we can remove there influence and allow the people to gain more rights then you will have my aid."

As Blueblood sat down a Stallion in a suit with a monocle rose as did the mare next to him. The mare had a white coat with a pink mane that reached to her waist. "My name is Fancy Pants and this is my wife Fleur de Lis. I am a decedent of one of the Original Five Noble Houses that assisted in the creation of Equestria." Fancy pants said.

"I am a model though I was originally trained as a Special Operations Agent for Celestia's Secret Police. I'm retired now but I've stayed in contact with some of my former pupils." Fleur said with a smile. "The reason why I and my husband wish to join the Brotherhood of Assassins is because we wish to protect the innocent from the corrupt nobility."

As the two sat down I rose and cleared my throat. "Well looks like it's my turn. Greetings my name is Orion Hawk. I am the leader of an organization that for millennia has dedicated itself to protecting the rights and free wills of people, we are known as the Brotherhood of Assassins. Recently the Brotherhood was destroyed and I escaped to your world. I plan to rebuild the Brotherhood and that is why you are here I have asked Lord Nightlight and Lady Velvet to gather those they believed were sympathetic to our cause, able to aid us and also able to keep a secret even from your Princess, Celestia. That is why you have been brought here today. For those of you who wish to join remain but for those of you who wish to walk out then this is your last chance, once you choose this life you may never leave it. It will follow not only you but your decedents, forever, knowing this do you wish to follow this path?"

When no one left I smiles. "Very well there are three tenets of the Brotherhood of Assassins. The first, Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent. The second, Hide in plain sight, be one with the crowd. Let them mask you. And the third, Never compromise the brotherhood, by actions either direct or indirect. We as Assassins live by a creed and as you are now Assassins you to must strive to live by it, listen and remember. Nothing is true, Everything is permitted."

"What does it mean?" Fancy Pants asked intrigued.

"To say that nothing is true, is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say that everything is permitted, is to understand that we are the architects of our actions and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic. I welcome you as Brothers and Sisters to our order, we work in the shadows to protect the light, we are assassins."

Author's Note:

If I'm snappy and rude today don't take it personally, I was up all night to finish this for you guys so I'll be vary sleepy. So a forward apology to you all.